hai im going to tell ya about……..Potato……prison. Anyway so da point of the game is to……..well……..i have no idea. And only Khoi,TL,Y vein and,I…..PLAY. Well i mean others can play but….yea just…us. So while we were in Ohio all of us went down in….da…..BASEMENT. Some how we just made up a thought and made Y vein the potato hater,but at that time we didnt call her dat. She doesnt like being in jail………IN POTATO PRISON. Then……TL callled Y vien to see her…..she wanted to ask one question.”do you like…potatos”. And right at that moment everyone was………….pooping jk why would they. After playing a little we made a jail… Yep it was small but they had to deal with it anyway. We would have…….two potatos haters and two……..cops. We also made a front desk with a gate…..THAT WAS VERY VERY small one. The cops would have…..wait what were they……oh….front desk person,someone dat would speak into the megaphone i bought khoi….. And im done with this. When Khoi once was a potato hater he was really really…..mad? Welp i think im good today……bai bai…….NO DONT LEAVE MEH








IM GONE~~~~~~~~

i bought khoi a megaphone…..

yes i have….money and yes…BIEN IS GONE FOR GOOD….WELP now…..i answered TL question I ……..THUCQUYEN BOUGHT KHOI A MEGAPHONE.YeSSS i maybe just wet my pants……jk. well now……LETS TALK ABOUT A GAME I AM OBSESSED WITH…yes you are right if you said…..ADOPT ME I….GOT A RIDE ABLE DRAGON YESSSS IM VERY HAPPY WITH WHAT I GOT……..I AM AMAZING.No im not saying that you are though.AND I HATE MY NEW SCHOOL BUT LATER AS ALWAYS I WILL LOVE  ITS DIFFERENT DIS TIME IM GOING TO HATE IT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE FROM NOW ON.yEA that is a veryyyy bad sentence 100 NOT LIKE I CARE…..

{How much I want a dog and Bien wants a cat}

Let’s see I GO FIRST yeh. So today I will….yeah you saw the title already so I don’t need too tell you. Anyway I actually want a giraffe but sadly I can’t so I want a dog a hot dog with buns and ketchup. Ahhh dogs dogs DOGS I WANT DOG. Woof WOOF BUY ME IM A DOG. Hey I found a dog GUYS….but here is the problem. I can’t see it…:( Well doggy I’ll name you Magical. YES THAT IS NOW YOUR NAME. And too the reader I shall say something to you. I have a dog named Bruno I have no idea what kind of dog he is but I love him and my partner oh my partner Dr.Poopy Pants….yes I’m not with him right now he likes too live in Florida in…….Khoi’s house..TRAPED IN A CLOSET UGHHH that was where he was born and he was suffering but the I came we became best buddies. ^_^ Bien time. Sup Thuclam if you’re reading this. I like slime… and putty. If you are Thuclam, WHY ARE YOU READING THIS.  I want a cat. Meow… CAT, IM A KITTY CAT.  :P. ThucQuyen time. *_*Okay Bien you wrote nothing now Dr. Poopy Pants my partner.Oh and Mama if your reading this YOU BETTER GET ME A DOG I JUST TOLD THE WORLD MY FELLINGS ABOUT DOGS;(. And Bien I thought you are a cat? Yes I chose the title so it’s my fault ahhhhh. Bien time.^_^ Back to THUCLAM and cat… C  A T    A N D    T  H  U  C  L  A  M     T  I M E.        What if you caught a cat. Oh no. NAM. Phew. I think I wrote a little bit.

THUCLAM IS PLAYING AND WRITING I THINK. ThucQuyen time =^^= Bien your wrong it’s not ThucQuyen time it’s bye BYEEE 303


Minecraft the game…

So ummm all of us have a Minecraft world….now Bien. OH YEAH YEAH, I LOVE MINECRAFT. Play Minecraft. It’s fun. What I like about Minecraft is, Grumm. What is Grumm? IT MAKES YOUR  CHARACTER UPSIDE-DOWN! how to make a village safe, IDEA: Khang. MAKE A WALL WITH DOORS. PUT IRON GOLEMS IN THE VILLAGE. Wow Bien you wrote a lot. Now it’s my time to shine ;). So in that world I have a wonderful pig and yes it’s a pig.I love it with all my life and it’s special name that I ThucQuyen Huynh chose for it is Pink Poop. Yes that is a perfect name huh.And……..I did have a dog yes   did until……..soooooo there was a place Khang DIDNT WANT any of us too go there and then one day we all went but TL when we went in it was ……safe..yeah then there was a witch then….oh yeah forgot to tell you that I brought my dog YEAH my dog’s name is………..POOPER. Okay and also that time was the time I didn’t have Pink Poop yet.Ok let’s continue the witch. Some how Pooper started attacking Khang……….then I said the words I will never forget…:((((((((((( kill pooper. Yeah I know what was I thinking!!!!!! And I never got to see him ever since YES sadness. But Pink Poop was there to support me I haven’t made a grave for him but I will. Now I’m going to go BACK TO BIEN. I like jumping of the roof of Khang, Nam, ThucQuyen, me, ThucLam, Vinh, and someone else that I don’t know how to spell his name. Ok, let’s see if you can read what I like with NO SPACES. Dogs jumpingoffaroofslimeblocksdolfhins. Done ✅. Khang loves to play Minecraft the most. Thucdan is #2. ThucLam is #3. ThucQuyen is #4. I am last. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo. Okayyyy  bye 302 😉


Bien has 50 words I have another 50

Okay this time Bien goes first or not he is playing piano…..So I am going to tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE BTS oh YEAH. Now there are seven members Jungkook,V,suga,Jimin,J hope,RM and Jin.The first three are my favorites.There are lots of more k pop bands but I like BTS I still like the others but this is my top favorite.Now it’s time for a good bye to TQ hope you guys like BTS OH YEAH. Yo there. UMMMM WHAT DID THUCQUYEN WRITE… TQ is watching me… I’m going to make a stick man in this text.    🙂






oh man… his head, body and legs are falling apart. Just look at his face. Why is he so happy because of that. Well Bien that was cool and I’m here because that part I said I would tell you how much I LOVE BTS well I wasn’t byeee.



Staying in Ohio

Today Bien and I are going to talk about what we did in Ohio.  First TQ goes first which is me. So every day we play on our IPads and when we have a break we go in the basement and play there I will continue when after Bien. Hello there. I don’t know what to say so… yeah. Good job Bien…..GOOD job……yeah. So on to me. TL,Bien,and I all play in the basement when it’s break time. We play lots of made up games…….ok not lots we play one…yeah I’m not going to tell you what game we play on to Bien. I love games… Nam loves watching stuff. Okay we have wrote 110 words which is not as good as Nam’s and TL so yeah byeeee. And we did bad.

BTS and Bien

As you can see my title is with BTS and Bien. Bien is right next to me and he dislikes BTS.Bien what are your thoughts on BTS. -999999999999999999% likeness of BTS. Okay Bien that was your thought…….okay……I see okay give me..a minute. WHY DO THEY LOOK THE SAME?!?!?!Ummm Bien they look different too me though and you will have to deal with it and listen to them. BTS? BTS! No, stop it please… WHY. Ummm Bien….have YOU ever LISTENED  to them uhhh?? YES, BECUASE OF YOU! OBJECTION! Yeah you like it ….right. No I don’t… you, YOU, YOU! YOU!!!!! Stop it me… OW! *gets hit by ThucQuyen and Khang* *Khang falls to the ground*  R.I.P Khang. Don’t ask what happened but Nam is cool right BUT NOT AS COOL AS BTS OH YEAHH. NOPE! Khanh is comin! RUN!!! AHHH!!! Oh no… AHHHHHHHH!!!Okay sill man don’t ask what just happened  OW my lip is bleeding now great.  Owie. Khang invasion. AHHHHHH! I almost got eaten alive! Byeee need to Gooo AHHHHH

The movie

One day Bien and I went to the movies.We also went with Peter and his mom.And we watched TOY STORY 4 it was cool.We won’t spoil the movie but I ThucQuyen Huynh and Bien Nguyen will only tell you what we did when we watched it.(we might say something thats part of it though but you got to deal with it)Anyway I TQ sat next to Bien and a stranger.TL sat next to Peter and I don’t know who also she sat with.Peter sat next to Bien and TL.And in a part of the movie there was a toy that was part of…………..umm……I forgot.But Peter some how knew  what show he was from and said that he was from….that show.He was saying that like five times.It was one of the times that were not cool.Okay ThucQuyen Huynh is out.Okay BIEN IM DONE.Okay so Bien is busy so…. I have done all of this by myself.Okay and end with a GO BTS

How Cool Nam Is

Nam is cool and awesome (and he told us to do this)anyway He really cool he is really cool. He is really cool. He is really cool. He is really cool. He is really cool. He is so cool. He is awesome. And he has said that like one hundred times already back to Bien. Whats up. He is still cool. He is cool. TQ and Bien laughs. He is still still still still still cool. SAY HE IS COOL. He is cool. He he he he is is is is cool cool cool cool. Yeah.As always im back and is always to say hallo and back to Bien. Why is TQ watching me? TQ means Thucquyen. I think you already know that. By the way, He is cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool. I say, “He is cool” tooooooo much. He is cool. Whats up Dad. Whats up Khoi. Whats up whoever is reading this. Word Count is 163. Nam is cool.      He is cool The end.             Just kidding.Back to me again to say hallo and Nam is cool like meeee. … Hello my name is Bien I know you aready know that. TQ laughed. Word count 200.Anddd go BTS


My Best Friends (only SSJ)

Alex:Alex loves to play soccer and he knows lots of people.So our teacher has a place for if we are done with our work we put it on an empty table right next to my teacher’s desk and Alex knows that she knows who was the first one to be done by the bottom one and if Alex is not it then he puts his paper at the bottom.Cindy:I don’t really don’t know lots of things about her so………I talk to her everyday and she likes this dude and he was cool but she couldn’t even say hi so I did ….yeah.I have other friends but I’m to LAZY