6th grade is insane

this year, its obviously less different than last year. its middle school. and its harder to learn. and harder to focus. but i feel more freedom. i have been lacking good grades, but no matter, they’ll go back up ykyk. yesterday 3 people got suspended. it was recess, and da boys were playing football, then they blew the whistle and everyone was taking their sweet time to leave the courtyard. 3 of my friends decided to tackle one guy, julian(ew name). kristjan grabbed him and swung him around, desean took his elbow and hit his head onto the floor. theyre all friends of course though, so kristjan tried helping him back up. but once he got back up, he fell straight back onto the floor and fainted. yeah then the special medical people with flashing lights came and took him. desean, kristjan and aaron got suspended for just a day. i dont know what happened with aaron but he had something to do with it for some reason. but yeah, it was a pretty big deal.

well today……..

i was walking with 3 people from my other building to the middle school building. mio and bradley. bradley the asian. mio was talking about something i didnt know, but bradley knew what he was talking about somehow. so mio said: atleast one asian understand me(not racially motivated). bradley started laughing and i got mad, as a joke of course. and stop walking side by side with them. and got behind bradley and pulled the hoodie of his sweater. i kinda did it too hard to the point where he fell back. and i freaked out and tried helping him back up. but then his friends rushed over to see if he was okay. and i was screaming sorry like 100x. but he didnt say anything as he got back up and was checking if his neck was okay. which it wasnt. we didnt have the next class together. so i went to spanish so scared. and then there it was. the phone. ringing. my friend elyssa picked it up. it was the principal. elyssa said the words: thucquyeeeeen ur goin to the office. and i was shaking by then. when i got to the office, bradley was there. in tears and with an icepack on his neck. so she didnt scream at me. she was just saying the principal stuff they say. but my principal is actually really nice so she didnt say anything rude to me. and then she told me, bradley had told her that i said sorry. so im assuming that bradley wasnt 100% mad at me. we’re asian besties of course. but then she sent me out to talk to bradley. so i waited outside her office, and so many of my friends were so questioned by how i was there. so i told them. im supposed to be the good awesome cool person at school, this was the first time i had ever been called to the principal’s office in the past 4 years at this school. when i saw bradley walk back out, the principal called me back in, and that was when she announced, im getting a 1 day suspension. wow! ok yeah thats it. but hey, this is kinda crazy. #bonkers

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