im in middle schoooool. i learned a few things, well i was well aware before school started. 7th graders are stupid, they think just because they moved up one grade theyre different people now and can go around saying “step aside 6th graders! you guys are so short what the heck!?” and one personal thing that only happens in my homeroom. 7th graders walk into my homeroom and take my teacher’s food, sit on her chair, and basically rob her. but she’s the nicest and most fun teacher in the entire building. so im very lucky, but im not really. because theres an average of 20 7th graders walking into my homeroom every day. disturbing my peace and making everything worse. like theres 2 kids in my homeroom thinking theyre cool and walk up to them being like “whats up!!!!!”. my teacher cusses, and then automatically everyone loves her. next
aaron F. theres like 2 other aarons. but aaron F. the first time i saw him i thought, wait a second ive seen you somewhere. and i have, isnt he supposed to be in 7th grade? so yea he repeated, and thats what i know him as. a really really really annoying kid. now just because he repeated means hes annoying. my reason why is kinda weird but ok. he vapes or smokes whatever. its not fake either lolllll. i saw videos and everyone saw him before on calls. hes ugly, stupid, and so dumb. his spelling is awful. hes not gonna survive. anyways thats it for now ig.