I recently was banned from my friend’s discord server because of my age. It’s underaged, and if you’re caught then you can get banned from discord. So they told me to “come back” after 2 years, I tried hiding my age for a really long time, then Hime exposed me. I didn’t know I would get banned but anyways, it HAD TO BE HIME. My own friend, so sad. But it’s been 2 weeks for so I got over it. It made me even sadder when Richard(an 11 year old) was still in the server. I tried to expose him but nobody believed me cause his voice sounds like he’s 18. All they did was mute him, I don’t know if he’s banned by now or unmuted, and Jaxen was in the server. He was probably banned. Anyways, now that i’m over it. Lets go into someone else.
I have officially lost Jay. A long long online friend I’ve known for a year by now. Jay gave me her password and I did too. We were on each others accounts, I decided to play da hood, I got her in jail (it was a hacker). Jay got mad, I went to Jay and then she told me to go away. I got mad(lol) and killed her, btw I forgot to mention we were on out accounts at that point. I killed Jay out of anger and then she got even more mad cause I killed her again while having 2 guns. So, we blocked each other. Now I made 2 new da hood friends.
Honestly, I do not care that much about Jay and the others. They’re so much older than me.