Why I dont read khoi’s blogs (i only read if I think he has something other to write about than like building and other stuff

I do have grammar mistakes but if I ACTUALLY did then why do I have an A in grammar. Plus it’s only because I type too fast. If you think 700-400 is too short for you then i will cry. I am sorry for being “negative” to everyone and I am sorry that being “negative” was the reason I am alive. I am usually the mean one in all my friend groups. But they honestly don’t care cause I am funny🤡🤡. I am very mean to everyone and I don’t understand how they don’t care.

Also Khoi, imagine getting in trouble at school. When I talk during class she doesn’t care she just takes points off of the person I’m talking TO. Which makes me feel bad for them, but the person I talk to everyday during class is probably my friend Roman that sits next to me. Roman talks a LOT and he is a bad kid. Not really, he has good grades on math and some others but he gets yelled at a lot and recces taken away. And each time it happens, he keeps doing it and he doesn’t care. He acts like the punishment was worth it, and I support it. And there is romans friend ramiro that sits 3 seats behind me. He got suspended for 2 days. He is just like roman but i think a bit worse. They make a lot of jokes during class. They are also the worst in our class. Roman does things like throw things around the class room to ramiro, stands up when the teacher isnt looking and and then dances or says something. Anyways overall they are very nice to me and funny.

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