Hi I now have to write a blog for da week so yea. Anyway the camp I went too was a catholic camp soo ya. I go to church every Sunday and the is a thing or school I LOVE SINCE YESTERDAY(oh it’s called…..umm short is TNTT). So it’s like school the is a uniform but not dat bad anyway, yesterday I WAS CHOSEN TOOBE A LINE LEADER(eh there is a better way in Vietnamese but. Ya so you think being a line leader is boring but not at there, we have too say things in Vietnamese but it’s fun you get too hold a flag with your team name on it. Oh and part of your uniform is a scarf and TL and TD scarf isn’t the same color, there is something different ummm forgot what it was called so I guess…..groups GROUPS no it’s not called dat but too me today. When you’re a line leader you get two stripes oh and the is this thing when you get one stripe if you are a……yea I have no idea what too say but I know what they do, they are always at the end too make sure everyone is doing the things I say out my mouth…I think.