Mấy ngày nay con không có nhiều chuyện để mà làm. Con cứ đi học rồi về nhà tìm đồ ăn chơi. Con đi bộ vòng vòng trong phòng con mấy lần rồi xong con đọc chút xíu, hai là ngủ. Nhà con thường là yên tĩnh nhưng lúc mà em về thì nhà con là ồn ào nhất ở trong hàng xóm mình. ThucQuyen lúc nào cũng có câu chuyện để mà kể cho con. Sau khi ThucQuyen hết nói chuyện thì ThucQuyen la hét và chơi lên máy với bạn em.
Author: Thục Lam
Thứ hai, ngày 20, tháng 2, năm 2023.
Hôm qua sau khi con và em ăn burger xong thì ba chở mình đi xuống nhà bà nội. Mình đang chờ cho Nhi về và chờ Connor và chị tới luôn để mà mình đi ra ăn crawfish. Trước khi đó thì ba chở con đi ra IKEA để mà mua cái kệ thứ hai cho phòng con tại vì con có nhiều đồ quá mà không có đủ chỗ. Lúc mà con và ba trở lại nhà bà nội thì Connor, chị và Nhi tới nhà rồi. Con chơi với Connor và ThucDan lúc khi mình chờ cho Nhi xong tắm và tóc Nhi khô. Lúc mà Nhi xong thì mình đi hai xe tới chỗ crawfish. Mình ăn nhiều lắm mà ThucQuyen không có ăn một miếng. Con không có biết tại sao, mình gọi thêm crawfish một lần, rồi xong ai cũng no rồi. Nhưng không đủ no để không mua boba. ThucQuyen đang đói cho nên ba mua cho em Jack-In-The-Box. Hơi kỳ nhưng mà ai cũng vui cho nên không có sao. ThucDan và Connor đi về, và qua nhà Vy chơi. Ba chở con, em, và Nhi đi về nhà bà nội. Lúc mình tới thì bạn trai, Zach, của Nhi tới luôn và chào ba và chú Hiền. Ba nhìn vui hơn chú Hiền. Mình nói chuyện chút xíu rồi ba, con, và em đi về.
Hôm qua mẹ bắt con và em đi chợ với mẹ. Mình đi ra HomeGoods trước cho mà ThucQuyen mua hộp cho bàn cửa em. Con không có nhớ nếu mà mình cái gì nửa.Sâu khi đó thì mình đi chợ Lee Lee. Con và em đi bộ vồng chợ rồi xong mình đi về. Ở nhà con đi tắm rồi xong con coi phim với mẹ và em.
why isn’t this working
What is up guys I’m back with another blog to update you on the literal nothingness that’s been going on in my life.
I do not care about anything at this point. I don’t even stress about grades anymore because turns out, if you actually pay attention instead of drawing all over the desks, things tend to make more sense than usual. Also, why do I have an 89% in dance class. That is such bull. I’m literally Maddie Ziegler what else does he want from me. I’m pretty sure it went down because of the written test we had about the body and stuff. But he didn’t give us any material to study with because it was all “common sense”. It wasn’t.
Even though I got my phone taken away and I’ve been getting a lot of sleep in, I take about four naps a day in school and then another when I get home. I can barely keep track of the time anymore. I feel like I’m just always tired. I’ll be moving around during school and my brain will constantly but working but the second I sit down for a few seconds, it all just rushes in and I feel very exhausted. That is, until I am forced to turn my brain back on and act like this isn’t killing me more and more everyday.
Once again, ThucQuyen has manipulated her way into getting the laptop back for “homework” or whatever it is she thinks is a valid reason. And I guess it really is, because it’s working. Also, I think she’s a bully. But not in a “give me your lunch money” kind of way but more in a “everyone is afraid of me because i don’t hesitate to yank the living daylights out of them” way. I’m not gonna say her reasonings for doing so are wrong, because her classmates are downright awful to her. In fact, I secretly encourage it because at this point nobody really cares about what you say. I’m just surprised that even after ThucQuyen’s violent nature, she’s still pretty popular and people like her. Maybe that’s because of me and how the 7th graders that I knew in 8th grade now know her too.
On another note, I have a friend from Pennsylvania who moved to Arizona in September and here’s what Lyn’s told me. She is appalled by the normalization of racism in the southwest part of this country. Lyn told me that at her old school some guy called her ching chong or something and this girl behind her socked him in the face. And the girl didn’t even know her. But here, it’s totally different. Everyone, and I mean everyone, says the N word. Racism against black people is only slightly offensive because “I am literally 6% African”. And racism against Asians is entirely a joke. Nobody cares if anyone was called a ching chong. Some junior in my geometry class the other day did the squinty eye thing at me and the class thought it was hilarious. What is a junior even doing in a geometry class in the first place. I am a relatively academically smart person, but that’s only because I actually care about my future and I have a sense of respect for myself and my family. But in everyone else’s eyes it’s “oh just ask her for the answers, she’s smart, and she’s also asian by the way because that fact alone determines whether or not she has straight A’s, oh and she won’t charge you because she’s scared to ask for money in the first place”. And yeah, I do have straight A’s (if we round up that 89% to a 90%, I promise I’m getting that back up to an A) but everyone else could easily also have as many A’s as I do if they actually cared about getting into college and actually doing something with your life instead of worrying about who slept with who and if they liked them three years ago.
I told mom I wanna be an engineer. Which is half true. I wanna be an engineer because I think it’s the only career path that I would actually excel at and not entirely hate. “Entirely”. Engineering is probably so boring. And there might be people out there who actually like doing math and stuff, but not me. Except I’m good at math, and if I were to just become a nail tech or something then it would seem like a big waste right? Whether or not I like it, I am good at it. Which means I would be a great engineer, who may or may not hate her job. But at the same time, I am indecisive and that thought might switch up in the next two months and I’m gonna wanna run away from home and join the circus.
I’ve heard that when you get older, like past 17, your older siblings treat you more like a friend than a younger sibling. I dunno about everyone else but that sounds very exciting. ThucDan never tells me anything and I always hear about what she’s doing from someone else, so maybe when I get older she’ll see me as more mature and she’ll wanna talk to me.
Mom was telling me that Kally and Vinh are too old for me and I should hang out with more people my age. She acts like I don’t go to a school with 200 other freshmen. Also, I don’t hang out with Kally and Vinh because they’re older than me, I hang out with them because I am just kinda stuck with them. It is far too late for me to go and get close with Ngoc or something. Because after that fateful day in Vinh’s pool where I met Kally, we never stopped. If anything, mom should’ve pulled me away from them earlier on so that I wouldn’t be as close with them as I am now. But like I said, it’s far too late for that. And it’s not like Kally and Vinh don’t want me to hang out with them. We’re far past the unusualness of hanging out with someone 3 years older or younger than you. Sorry mom.
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Hôm qua con phải đi nha sỉ tại vì con phải cần sửa răng của con. Trước khi con đi con và chị đi chợ mua sữa và trứng. Nhưng chợ hết trứng rồi. Rồi lúc chị chở con đi nha sỉ người ta làm nhanh lắm. Lúc mà con về con gặp Connor rồi Connor chở con và chị đi chợ lại Lee Lee. Rồi xong mình đi đón em ra trường. Sau khi đón em thì Connor chở con đi lại nhà Naomi chơi. Ở nhà Naomi mình chờ cho Bryan đi bộ tới nhà Naomi. Lúc mà Bryan tới thì mẹ Naomi chở mình đi Walmart. Con và hai bạn đi bộ vòng chợ chơi rồi xong mình đi ăn ở nhà hàng Texas Roadhouse. Con ăn mac and cheese nhỏ thôi tại vì con không có đới nhiều. Mình xong ăn thì đi về nhà Naomi rồi con chờ cho Connor và ThụcĐan tới chở con đi về.
our first attempts at flying to who knows where failed and then we slept at the airport and i was so miserable and tired and i wanted a flat surface to sleep on. and then we got to ohio and it was christmas and we opened presents and i got $50. it was literally a wrapped $50 bill. i wanted new books.
snowboarding was fun. the first day was mostly just me trying to remember how to do things and watching y vien scream and complain about how she couldn’t do anything right. but by the end of the day i got a good grip on it and i was riding smoothly.
second day cau ngan came with us to try it out and i swear i caught him rethinking his life decisions. it was funny but i also felt kinda bad cause it looked like it was tiring and really hurt.
third day was just me nam bien and y vien and it went way smoother since we just stuck together the entire time. i went on buttermilk once and i wanted to go again but y vien didn’t. we wanted outside for more than half an hour cause cau ngan said he would pick us up at 6 and i assumed he would be earlier so we went out at 5:45 but then cau ngan assumed we would be late so he picked us up at about 6:20.
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things i like
for some reason nobody is this house really cares about anything but grades and studies. so here’s a list of a few things i really enjoy.
i like books. i like authors like adam silvera, jennifer niven, and rebecca serle. i started a book wishlist in my notes app a few months ago, and i add to it daily. at school, after i’m done with my work i do one of two things; read, or sleep. it’s pretty sweet.
i really like fruit. not just strawberries, although they are my favorite. i’ll eat any fruit at any time wherever you want. i really like mangoes, dragonfruit, pomegranate, grapes, and practically every other fruit.
i love pinterest. i can use it for hours upon hours making boards that i know i probably won’t use but its so fun. it’s my favorite form of social media.
i really like christmas. there’s a lot to like about christmas. i don’t care much for presents but the christmas environment is very enjoyable, especially living in arizona.
i like people.
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canadian food
Last saturday. Dad and i flew up to ohio for the canada trip, my sisters and mother would be following us later, since tq had school(what a loser). The flight was rather peaceful and we didn’t have any major problems. When we got there, we were the last ones to arrive(other than my sisters and mom). we were only staying two nights so those days went by fast. khang and i went to tjmax and got face masks(which we never ended up doing together). we also got boba at this very interesting boba place, it was good i liked it a lot.
The day we left, we went to go get dim sum at the usual place. i still have no idea what it’s called but we go there every time. that night, i got all my stuff packed and everything and then we got into the giant van. khang and i sat next to each other and it was already dark outside so i fell asleep pretty quickly. something that i was not aware of, was that we were stopping in buffalo new york. so we pulled up to this house and i check the weather on my phone and boom. why didn’t anyone tell me we were stopping in new york. anyways it was cool the house was mediocre but to be honest i’m fine with anything. angel and i had to share a single bed with y vien. which is awful. y vien needs a king sized bed for herself. she kicks and turns and ends up upside down sometimes. i took one for the team and slept in between the two of them.
The next morning we packed our stuff to actually head to montreal, for realsies. the car ride was nice and peaceful and the view was pretty. i fell asleep immediately. i fall asleep quickly a lot on this trip, i’m just a very tired person i guess. our first stop in montreal was chinatown, for food. khang and i went to this ramen place and it was so good except the portions were huge. i ordered a small and barely finished it. khang ordered a medium. i fear what the large looked like. regardless, it was great, i just had no room for anymore snacks. plus, i was so full i didn’t wanna do anything else. our rented home for montreal was ginormous, with like six rooms so we were all very spaced out.
The next day my mom and sisters came and we walked around town for a while, then at night we went back to chinatown. and thucdan, khang, yvien, and i went to this neat dumpling place where they had xiao long bao, which was phenomenal. it was so good, and y vien dropped one.
The next day we went to toronto, and the car ride made up most of the day, and we went to pizza place where we knew the owners so we ate pretty good, well, i didn’t eat cause i didn’t have much of an appetite but i’m sure it was good. the house we stayed at was very nice, spacious, and i slept on a chair.
The next day we ate a this very nice pasta place, which had the best fettuccini alfredo i have ever tasted. and then my family left!
The plane rides were very easy to get on, but when we got home i was so burnt out from traveling and planes, i fell asleep immediately.
My overall rating of canada, very good, i would come again, just maybe not with 15 people. i’ve never understood why we insist on traveling in a ginormous pack.
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mom wants me to write about the homily given at church today so i will.
my first thought was “how does this relate to me at all”. i don’t really remember what Father was talking about because i wasn’t really paying attention but i do remember him saying that “we live for god and ourselves”. somewhere near the end. me personally, i dont go to church that often as i did anymore, and therefore i’m not really connected anymore either. so to me, i live for myself.
Hôm kia con đi đám cưới chị tí với lại nhà con. Nhà Kally và Anh Vinh cũng đi cho nên là vui lắm. Có nhiều đồ ăn ngon. Con, Kally, và Vinh chụp hình đẹp. Ai cũng đẹp lắm và có nhiều người. ThucQuyen cứu ngồi chơi phone thôi tại vì ThucQuyen là buồn quá không có ai chơi. Sao khi đám cưới nhà Kally và Vinh đi qua nhà con rồi nói chuyện chơi tới trễ lắm thì bạn đi về. Con là mệt lắm rồi tóc con rối lắm tại vì con làm tóc nhiều. Rồi con đi ngũ.