things i like

for some reason nobody is this house really cares about anything but grades and studies. so here’s a list of a few things i really enjoy.

i like books. i like authors like adam silvera, jennifer niven, and rebecca serle. i started a book wishlist in my notes app a few months ago, and i add to it daily. at school, after i’m done with my work i do one of two things; read, or sleep. it’s pretty sweet.

i really like fruit. not just strawberries, although they are my favorite. i’ll eat any fruit at any time wherever you want. i really like mangoes, dragonfruit, pomegranate, grapes, and practically every other fruit.

i love pinterest. i can use it for hours upon hours making boards that i know i probably won’t use but its so fun. it’s my favorite form of social media.

i really like christmas. there’s a lot to like about christmas. i don’t care much for presents but the christmas environment is very enjoyable, especially living in arizona.

i like people.

176 words

Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.