
Liên got married two days ago and the whole family attended. Pretty much everyone went. We all got ready and then piled in the cars to take an hour trip to the venue. The venue was VERY fancy. To me at least. The actual ceremony was pretty fast and kinda rushed cause it was about to rain. The beginning of cocktail hour was just us being confused on where to go and when to take pictures. But eventually we took the pictures and then ate a little bit. Food was great but my feet hurt so bad that it didn’t really matter. Then we went into the dinner area with a very nice view. I finally got to sit down and kinda just eat and talk to Nam and Bien. The food was very good and then about an hour before we left ThucDan went onto the dance floor to dance and she dragged Khang with her too. A little while later I went on there too and I got Y Vien to come as well. It was fun and I would 100% so it again except bring an extra pair of shoes.

193 words

Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.