I’m going to homecoming by myself. What I’m hoping will happen is that there will be some poor girl there also by her lonesome, and that is when I will strike. Or I am hoping that there will be a group of sympathetic senior girls that will take me in out of pity. Or maybe I will just hang out with the teachers.
I think I would feel comfortable dancing if there were a lot of people. If it’s just a handful, I’d feel pretty embarrassed. The strategy I’m employing is to try to ignore everyone and dance so confidently that the girls will notice. I also prepared a dance playlist on my phone in case the music sucks, which it probably will. I guess that would look pretty dumb, because I’d be dancing to a different beat than the song actually playing. But who cares.
I’m mainly going because I already bought a ticket, and also to stick it to my snake rat bastard “friend.” And I will make fun of him for being a basement-dwelling Osu playing weeaboo that never goes outside for any social events due to his poor self-esteem. And maybe I will even get a picture of myself with a girl and send him it and call him a turbovirgin. At first I thought I would make him feel bad for making me go alone, but I realized he’s not emotionally mature enough to feel that he was even in the wrong at all. In fact, I was telling my friends in the group chat that I would have to go alone after what he did, and he texted “glhf.” He must think he is very funny, and he must really think he did nothing wrong at all. The next time I see him, I will sock him the face, and he’ll be prying teeth out the back of his throat.
Even if I do not have any fun, I will take a lot of pictures of myself smiling and dancing and make him feel jealous. That is my intention with going today.
Anyhow. I went bowling with my friend and the rat bastard yesterday. I mainly went so I could continue cussing out that little turd, but my friend was there and I didn’t want to sour the mood. So I just told him off a bit, without the swearing or yelling. And this little worm kept on making excuses. He finally did apologize, but his apology started with, “Like, I’m sorry, but…” And that’s when I knew he had no intention of making a sincere apology, and that he was so stupid that he was doing the craziest mental gymnastics ever to justify himself.
It came to a point where even my friend, who was always impartial to the many spats I had with the incel Osu nerd, called him out for his lack of accountability, to which he continued saying dumb crap he probably didn’t even believe himself, and playing dumb whenever his previous statements were brought up.
So I spent the rest of the day sulking, and I kept conversation with the rat bastard to a minimum. Mostly, I just talked to my friend, who is far more agreeable and reasonable.
Here is another cringe thing that happened. As we were walking around town, my friend started talking about his girlfriend back in middle school who had cheated on him. And he mentioned that prior to them getting together, she had already done the deed with a sixteen-year-old back when she was twelve. I was initially very shocked and disgusted. Then I understood that usually when something like that happens, it’s a sign of childhood trauma. Maybe a creepy family member, or maybe some older teenagers did sometime messed up to her. So you really have to feel bad for the girl.
But what does the little snake take away from this sad story? He says “wow,” and calls the girl a “used rag.”
Maybe he was just making a terrible joke. If that is the case, it annoys me, but whatever.
But here is what is more likely. This kid is a braindead incel. He is ignorant and does not understand that twelve year olds are not doing these things because they have no morals or standards, but because they are being exploited by people older than them.
Honestly, that makes me really mad. I didn’t say anything much then, it was just my friend muttering “What the hell?” and me going “Hey, you can’t talk about women like that.” It didn’t really sink in how messed up his statement was until I got home and started reflecting over the day’s events. I guess when someone says something so awful, you can’t really believe they would say that, and so it doesn’t really register.
I’m planning to get on his case about this on Monday. I would text him but I know this pussy would be too afraid to reply, or say something like, “I was just joking.”
Anyhow. I hope homecoming will be fun.