this stinking neighborhood

I have to admit, this neighborhood is nice but I realized that once all the houses sell, the grass will die and the dirt will crumble.

I do not mind. This is sorta the norm for considering the fact that I lived in this kind of landscape for 7 years. I just worry that my mom will start to complain about it.

The new house is nice, its bigger, but not big. And there is definitely way more room to move from one place to another. And I am pretty satisfied with my room so far. I’m currently working on getting a color printer so that I can make a photo collage of pictures of me and friends, few family ones, mcyt, and anime. Super excited about that. I’ve seen a lot of Pinterest boards like it and I already have some of the photos that I wanna print. But possibly the best thing about this neighborhood is the neighbor herself.

The Bradfords. A family of 5 kids, Caden, Clara, Chloe, Ceagan, and Caleb. (That order is from oldest to youngest) Almost everyday (if not, every other day,) TQ and I have been hanging out with them. Clara is in my grade and watches anime to so we get along. Chloe is even closer to my age than Clara is but she hangs out with TQ. We do a lot of the same stuff over there but definitely more fun than staying over at our house.

We go on the trampoline, try Clara’s mom’s new meals, talk. In fact, we went over last night and they were having family friends over, which made it even more fun.

Unlike the last neighbors we interact with them way more.

I’m gonna get used to this life.

Happy Easter

295 words

why nam is so painfully right all the time

If you somehow get into a debate with Nam about anything, give up. I have tried so many times to get my point through to Nam and now I have realized that sometimes, Nam can just be telling the painful truth that I don’t want to hear, but know.

Take this, for example

Nam and I have been having this ongoing debate on this anime called FairyTail. This was my first anime and I remember watching and thinking, wow this might be the most amazing creation of all time. And over time that opinion changed but when I once mentioned FairyTail to Nam, he’s been spitting facts about the show. Bad facts. And at first, I thought that he was just making stuff up just to spite me. But i thought about it more and now I just realize that Nam is never wrong, but that doesn’t mean he has to always say what’s right. I’m not talking about standing up for something. I’m talking about pointing out the cons of a show. The more he talks about the cons, the more I begin to dislike the show. I used to really like Haikyuu, but when ThucDan was watching it and Nam was reviewing it, it just totally ruined it. I now have a new favorite anime, and I really like it so I will now be telling what anime it is because then nam will start being painfully correct about the cons that I didn’t even realize.

249 words

more background on why my friends dropped me.

It started on Monday. My friends were ignoring but I didn’t take the hint, I guess. So the next day I decided to leave them alone. They gave me a note saying something like this;

hey thuc i dont think we should be friends anymore. we dont know what the future holds so until then dont come near me. its annoying how clingy you are. how will you survive without me ,[insert name] and [insert name]?

But yeah, something like that. Looking back at it. i didn’t exactly like being friends with them. I was constantly trying to make them happy so that they wouldn’t drop me. Again. They already dropped me last year, (well only one of them)but I guess becoming friends with that same one person ruined it all. Honestly, I don’t care anymore. I kind of do. Ok, I do care. A lot. But I hang out with new people who aren’t toxic like them. They always had something to say about my shoes, voice, laugh, hair, height, food, face, etc. But school friends don’t exactly matter to me. I’m not saying that the school friends I have now don’t matter, I’m saying that I’m fine without any school friends. Cause I have a bunch of out of school friends. Friends from church, friends from old schools, friends from my mom’s friends’ children. They’re the ones that I know probably won’t drop me. Because I’ve known them for half of my life and if they were to drop me, they couldn’t. They’re all stuck with me.

260 words

why my sister sucks (both of them)

ThucDan sucks. That’s all there is to say. But boy, do I have an entire essay on why ThucQuyen sucks.

Mostly, she sucks cause she’s annoying. I have to share a bed with her and she’s always on my side of the bed. What a menace to society.

Second, the only thing that she finds interesting enough to talk about is how her day went on Royale High in Roblox and or some guy named Sebastian in her grade.

Third, I think that we need to destroy the laptop. Yes, destroy. I would love to take a hammer and smash it to smithereens. Yes, I writing on that very laptop, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is, is the fact that ThucQuyen sucks. Because all she does is make up excuses for looking at a screen all day and talking to her online friends. In fact, she is watching me write this blog and giving me constructive criticism that isn’t so constructive.

Fourth, ThucQuyen is absolutely obsessed with Roblox and Discord. It was a mistake to secretly allow her get Discord even though she has asked my mother multiple times and she said no.

Fifth, she talks to her online friends to much. I understand they may be fun, but she should have some kind of age boundaries because apparently she’s been talking to some 14 year old boy and a 12 year old girl. Or maybe that’s not even their real ages. Maybe its some 2387518275 year old guy who is using a voice changer.  I get that sometimes it’s fun to have online friends but one day ThucQuyen is gonna get kidnapped and I’ll just say, L. I also worry for the 12 year old she’s friends with because she gave out her real address (?? i think) to Thucquyen and the 14 year old boy who might be a 2387518275 year old guy. but, y’know. it’s ok because everyone in the world is the most innocent and rule-abiding they can be.

Sixth, ThucQuyen will do anything for a minute of screen time. Running around the block, beating me up, writing a blog. And sometimes, she’ll do her homework online and then after that she’ll pretend she’s still doing it and switch to another tab to go on Discord or something.

Seventh, she sucks.

Now, before you attack me for being mean, I am simply stating facts. Or maybe I’m joking.

Or, maybe I’m just being the teen I am and being all negative like Cau Ngan says. Living up to your expectations.

420 words lol.

i got dropped again lol

so this was the second time my friend group decided to drop me. but that isnt the matter here, even though its the title. what matters here is my new house. one story and pretty spacey. my new room is abbot the same size but is definitely better than my old room, probably because i have it more organized and i have a vision for the final product. the only thing we need now is a robot.

Hôm qua con phải đi tới trường của ThụcĐan cho ngày chúc mừng năm cuối ở trung học. Lúc mà con về đi học con phải tắm rồi thay đồ đẹp. Con mặc áo đầm mầu xanh. Con đi xuống lầu ăn cơm với thịt kho và đầu hũ. Lúc mà con xong thì mẹ đi thay đồ và con chải đầu. Con đi xuống lầu và đi ra xe chờ mẹ ra. Mình mua bong rồi cho nên mình không có phải đi ra chợ. Lúc mình tới thì mấy chị đang chơi bóng rỗ và đang nhãy. Con và mẹ coi game và quay phim chị. Rồi xong  game thì mẹ và con phải đi bộ với lại chị xuống cho cái bong. Lúc mà con và mẹ về con mệt lắm mà em muốn coi phim cho nên mình coi.

i am turning thirteen this year

turning thirteen is a pretty big deal. most adults assume that you become a teen since you add the word to the end of your age but you really only officially become a teen at around 15 according to my older sister who is, in fact, a teen. i dont really care about the thirteen age except for the fact that when people ask for my age i get to tell them some longer words than twelve. i just hope that cau ngan doesnt give me one of those big coming of age lectures on how i should act. there should be a point where you realize what im saying is a joke, or serious.

you suck

was that a joke? or not? you decide

125 words



So for the past couple months I been watching a certain couple of Minecraft streamers. They have become very entertaining and fun. Some people don’t get why it’s fun to watch people roleplay in Minecraft but I have become very attached and have shedded tears so they can go away. But since my mom doesn’t want me writing a blog about games I decided to transition into the topic of money.

Money is a big thing. Depending on how much you have and how you acquire it. But if everyone has money, it would lose its value. So it is illegal to print money. Except if the government is doing it. Because they are the only people with actual power in the US and the rest of us are people who follow their rules and live under the fear of them fully taking over.

145 words

my second family

Hôm qua con đi về với lại Niki. Con mang đồ thay vô cho nên con đi thay. Con và Niki chơi ở ngoài với lại trái ban. Rồi mẹ Niki nói mình đi vô ăn cơm cà gà chiên. Lúc mà con xong mình đi rà ngoài lại rồi đi bộ. Niki mệt cho nên mình đi cề coi phim. Mình chưa coi phim xong mà mẹ và em tới đón con.

Hôm qua con đi nhà Cô Uyên với lại chị. Em không có đi được tại vì em bị phạt. Ở đó con và Vinh nói chuyện chút  xíu rồi mình đi xuống lầu làm bánh. Chị của Vinh, Vy,cũng đang ở nhà và TD coi phim với Vy. Con với Vinh chờ bánh và coi phim với mấy chị. Lúc mà bánh sông thì con lấy ra rồi lấy kem để mà ăn với. TD và Vy đi ra chơi Target và mua đồ ăn cho mấy em. Em của Vinh, Lanvy, đi lên lầu chơi rồi con và Vinh coi phim lại. Minh coi phim xong rồi mà mấy chị chưa về cho nên mình đi lên lầu chơi gêm. Minh chơi lâu lắm rồi mấy chị về với lại đồ ăn. Xong ăn thì mình đi chơi lại rồi mẹ tới đón con và TD. TQ thuối.