Hôm kia con đi qua Florida với lại em. Con đã ở lại nhà Cậu Ngân một tuàn^ rôi` mình lái xe qua Tampa gập Duy Biên, Bác Dung, Duy Nam, Duy Khang, mẹ, và Bác Trường.

Lúc mà con tới thì Khôi và Y Viên vẫn còn phải đi học cho nên con và TQ ở nhà chơi. Lúc mà hai em vê` thì con chơi với lại Ý Viên. Một lân` con, TQ, và Ý Viên đạp xe đi bơi. Có một lân` con coi phim với lại Ý Viên ở trên cái máy.

Lúc mà Bà Ngoại tới thì Cậu Ngân, con, TQ, Y Viên và Bà Ngoại Khôi đi lái xe tơi khát xạn. Tới khát xạn thì con, Biên, Ý Viên và TQ thì đi chượt ở cái biễn.

this one is gonna be all over the place

I just thought that it was hilarious that in Y Vien’s latest blog, she censored the word ‘gay’. Y Vien, I hate to break it to you, but gay is not a bad word and you won’t get in trouble for it. Also, I haven’t seen someone use XD unironically since I first played roblox. It also seems that Y Vien has discovered that one squiggly line thing, ~ BAHAHAH WAIT I JUST READ THIS ONE PART “But I’m not really g@y am I?! No way. I dont like ppl getting gender confused XD.” KHOI MADE HER QUESTION HER SEXUALITY AHAH. okay. I have no idea what that last line meant, but it’s wrong, I don’t think she knows what gay means. Or anything about the LGBTQIA+ community. AHAHAH THERES ANOTHER BLOG ABOUT Y VIEN’S BROKEN HEART. Okay, I’m done slandering Y Vien.

On Thursday I was thinking about what would happen if we missed our flight. It’s Saturday, and we just missed our flight. I think I manifested that. I don’t really know how manifesting works but it did. I think. If I miss my flight again tonight, it’s not my fault.

I recently just finished that new KDrama on Netflix that’s super popular nowadays. Squid Game. The only reason why I’m talking about this is cause whenever I talk about a show or movie, Y Vien ends up watching it and then she tries to talk with me about it and then eventually I realize she didn’t understand a single thing that occurred in the show/movie. But I can talk about Squid Game cause if Y Vien were too watch it, she wouldn’t make it past the 1st episode, one cause it’s pretty long, two because it’s got a lot of blood and too much “violence” (but Y Vien would spell it “valence”) for her little brain too handle. I won’t give you too many details, but it’s basically a game where contestants go against each other to win a bunch of money. It’s suspenseful and absolutely heart breaking and soul crushing and emotionally disabling. I 100% recommend it, 9 episodes, each episode is about an hour long. Just don’t get too attached to the characters and watch out for episodes 6 and 8. I cried so bad watching this show. I’m excited to see if Nam decides to watch it since it has been getting a lot of recognition especially online and I’m hoping he does some kind of review. It’s also out of character for him to watch a KDrama so it’ll be a change if I can get his feedback on it, cause personally, I loved it, it was beautiful. And I cried so much.

446 words

I think Ohio is where all the cousins met up for like a week. And then the flu came around and I was out for like 2 days. That week, there was a lot of action on the internet with meet-ups and vlogs, and streams. We went to eat Dim Sum once, it was good. Khang and TD took me to that one drive-in place. Vinh came over a few times. I think my dad came over like twice and my mom once. The second time my dad came he came to bring Angel and I home but we were stuck at the airport for like half the day even though we woke up at like 4am or something. It’s bee so long this torytelling isn’t the best my memory is fuzzy. Oh, then Nam, Bien and I biked to Dairy Queen cause we had to and Nam had to take a photo of us there for proof. MCC was that day too, Red won, making that Dream’s 3rd win. Uh, yeah. That was my summer.

We arrive at Virginia and TQ and TD are already there. Because they flew there. The logical choice instead of putting me in  cramped car for like an eternity. The entire family is gathered at the house. There’s a lot of people. And chicken nuggets. The second night(I think) we lit up like $1000 worth of fireworks. It was deafening. While everyone left the third day, TD and I stayed at Kim’s place. I think we went to this one mall where I bought two shirts. And then Korean Barbecue sometime later. Then we went on this super cool picnic thing, sushi and fruit and cupcakes. And I got these cool plushies. And then we went to the airport to go to Ohio.

Forever ago, I went to Florida with Angel and it was the worst experience I have had in my life.  I didn’t want to go i the first place but nobody cares about what I have to say.  I don’t even remember what we did. We had HotPot and went swimming. Oh and Nam and Bien came over. I played a lot of Minecraft with Ben. Nam and I watched Spirited Away and Harry Potter. We played Duck Game. Bee Duo met up. We ate at Pei Wei one time. And Panera Bread. And I got paid for doing chores. And then my mom told me I couldn’t go to Vidcon, so that money was pointless. And then we went on a road trip to Virginia. Because its not like I can just fly for free or whatever.

Hôm qua con mẹ chỡ con và em đi ra Barnes n Noble. Em mua nước rỗi đi với lại mẹ đi chợ. Con ở lại Barnes n Noble đọc và mua xát. Con ở đó 2 tieng^’ mà mẹ tới đón con. Lúc mà con tới nhà, con đi ra chơi với bạn con.

School, Friends, Anime and Twitch

4 weeks ago I started 8th grade. Not that exciting other than the fact that high school is a year away. This year for my electives I chose Spanish 2 and Coding 1. Spanish is going good, it’s one of my strongest subjects. Coding sucks, the teacher doesn’t know how to do any of it and just shows us tutorial videos which don’t exactly help.

This year, I’m preparing myself for the annual Drop Thuc day. It usually comes at a random time, in 7th grade it was in February and in 6th, it was the day after my birthday. Last year I made the mistake by thinking my friends would be life-long and that I didn’t have to worry about getting dropped a second time. In fact, last year, for one of my friends, I wrote her a Christmas letter and at the end I wrote ,”Anyways, you don’t have to get me anything, as long as you don’t drop me.” You see in 6th grade, it was this whole friend group that dropped me and she happened to be in it. Honestly it was kinda stupid of me to become friends with a girl that had already dropped me. But then a few days before Valentine’s Day this other friend, separate from my friend group, and I got into this huge fight about whether or not I should drop my friend group because apparently everyone knew that they didn’t like me and that they were sick of me. I lost that friend, due to that fight. And then on Valentine’s Day, I gave my friend(we decided we were gonna be each other’s Valentine) and then she re-gifted my gift to this other girl in my group. For context, there were four of us, me, Rubi, Yamilet, and Mia. Mia was part of the friend group in 6th grade and Yamilet was the girl who re-gifted my gift to Mia. I never really liked Rubi, cause she kinda talked crap about everyone including me, but I tried my best to get along with her. I’m pretty sure it was a Tuesday, but before lunch Yamilet gave me a purple sticky note. Long story short, they dropped me. And now I’m over it. Still, I’m going to prepare in case this friend group I’m in this year drops me that way it doesn’t phase as much as it did the last 2 years.

Recently, Netflix released the next 2 seasons of HunterxHunter so I’m slowly finishing that since I don’t wanna go on CrunchyRoll. And they Released EdensZero. EdensZero is made by the same people who made Fairytail, you can tell that easily by looking at the preview, there’s a talking blue cat. I’m pretty sure in every anime they make a talking blue cat is in there somewhere. I’m not gonna bother watching it only because of Fairytail. The only reason I defend Fairytail is because it was my first anime I had ever watched, even if it was pretty long and trash.

Because of school, I have been pretty occupied and haven’t really been able to make it to any streams. So, if any lore happens of the DreamSMP I gotta watch a VOD or a BlueberryTV video.

So uh, yeah. 539 words.


Hôm kia Angel qua ở lại nhà con. Mẹ kí cho Angel con, và TQ đi hộc bơi. Nhi và Duy Khang tới luôn cho nên nhà con có nhiều người ở lại.  Kally và Vinh cũng tới mấy lần chới với lại con, Nhi, và Khang. Hôm thứ hai con, TD, TQ, Angel, Nhi, và Khang đi qua nhà Kally. Vinh cũng tới luôn. Con, Nhi, Kally, Khang, và Vinh đi lái cái golf cảt đi vồng vồng. Mình lái tới cái Burger King nhưng mà không có ai mang tiền đễ mà mua đồ ăn, cho nên mình hởi cho ba li nước. Mình tính đi ra xa hơn nhưng mà bất đầu mưa cho nên mình phải lái nhan về. Lúc mình về mình ăn chip chút xíu rồi TD nói mình phải đi về.


I don’t know how many people know this but I really like volleyball. During 6th grade I just started to really like it and played during recess a lot. But it wasnt until this school year that I actually tried out for the team and made it. After volleyball season, mom said that she would try to find an after school volleyball club for me. Mom wanted TQ to do a sport to so she put her on a tennis lesson waitlist and put me on a volleyball waitlist. What I didnt know was that mom had also put me on the tennis waitlist. I hate tennis.

Its been a few weeks since then and just yesterday, while my mom was at work, TD called Grandma and told her that tonight, I would be heading to the recreation center for tennis. I tried to tell her that it was a mistake and TQ was supposed to go, but TD hung up on me. So I called mom. And to my dismay, TD was right. Now, I hate tennis. Let me rephrase that. I dont like the dynamics of tennis. I like team games, where everyone is out on the court together.

But alas, yesterday night I went to the recreation center for a tennis session. I was very unexcited, as TD drove me and TQ sat in the backseat writing numbers or something. I have no tennis experience whatsoever. The closest I can get is soccer. So when mom put me in a section with people who had been playing for years, I was pummeled. But I wont say I was the worst, at the old house I used to play badminton so I had somewhat an idea of what to do.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought. If I were more interested I would be willing to get better.

But I’m not.

315 words