
Nam’s last post was about how seven year olds(*cough* *cough* KhOi)are onto him. Here, I am writing about a seven year old named Khoi. First of all, Nam I get your point. Second,why does he think he’s in charge? Just like in Nam’s post, he can “control” our blogs. Can he really do that? I mean is controlling the wifi in his house not enough? Third,I think that Khoi needs to have self control. I know, I don’t have self control either but I’m working on it. Ever since the cruise trip Khoi has gone wack with cruises. His mom got Minecraft for him, which was incredibly surprising, and he told us all to join him. Khang and Nam didn’t care. Now, neither did I but when I heard they were building a cruise, I had to see it. Now I have to admit I kinda liked it. When Khang and Nam got a plan to blow the cruise up, I was their undercover spy. Now technically only Khang joined and Nam watched, but who cares. I went into the room with Khang and Nam and started to plant the TNT. I made a”storage room” to place the TNT. But then Khoi found it so Bien did the most craziest thing ever. HE LIT THE TNT AND THE THING BLEW UP. Man, Khoi was…what’s the right word? Ah, TRIGGERED. HE SCREAMED AND YELLED AT US. The only thing left of his cruise were a single birch wood block and a beacon. RIP cruise ship that wasn’t a cruise.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 No hate Khoi. No hate. This 270 words. Thank you. AND THE END.

The True Story of Ronald McDonald

Hello. I am Ronald McDonald. But you can call me Ronald. Now, you may be asking,”What’s a creepy clown doing on a young,talented,MATURE girl’s blog?”.Well,you see, this computer was on when I broke walked into this house. I found this girl’s “blog”. I read through it and said,”I HAVE TO WRITE IN THIS, WHAT A MISTAKE FOR A CHILD.” I couldn’t beleive my eyes! What I read was a disgrace. She was definetly a mistake. Now on with my story,


I was just taking a look at KFC’s place(we’re very good friends)when I heard screaming! Now it was coming from the closest MCDONALDS!!!!!!! So I rushed to my place and saw this lady screaming! Now for what reason? Well all I saw was a man holding a gun and pointing it at her. I haven’t the slightest clue why she was screaming! I said to the man,”Why hello kind sir! Would you like to try a Big Mac?”the man just ran away! I know right? How rude! Our Big Macs are quite mouth watering! Then the woman said,”YOU CRAZY CLOWN!””Well I am the mascot for McDonalds for your information.”Then I realized the man was going to kill her!!!!!!!!!Now I realized why she was screaming!!!!!!!!But the weird thing was how people call me a “clown”. I look like a totally normal person! So I stood there thinking why people called me a clown, I didn’t have any make-up! Anyway, I stood there thinking when I realized the man had got away!!! Quick one he was. So then I ran!!!!!!!! Sadly I got lost and couldn’t find any McDonalds around. So then I broke picked the lock on this house and now, here I am. I have found on the news that there are people looking for me. Bad people. Chick-Fil-A employees. I don’t know why they’re after me. All I did at Chick-Fil-A was advertise McDonalds and steal all the straws. Nothing harmful. What? We were running out of straws and I was to lazy to call the supplier.                                                                             *sounds of low voices*                                                                                                                                                      Oh no!                                                                                                                                                                                     *sounds rock throwing*                                                                                                                                                      Better run! Don’t worry I will be here later. Found a way to hack.                                                                          *sounds of Ronald McDonald breaking running out the back door*

The Turtles

You probably know why I’m using the color green. Anyway in my last post I wrote about my pet turtles, Waffles and Bamboo. But today(this is the same day I wrote and finished that blog but whatever)will be all about my turtle. So………..Waffles and Bamboo are both male. I think. We honestly don’t know their gender. So…….yeah. But the worst thing is that today we let them out of the aquarium to run around the house a bit. You could say we almost killed them. Well almost killed Bamboo. So we set them on the table. Waffles just hid in his shell but BAMBOO on the other hand started RUNNING. LIKE FULL ON TURTLE SPEED. LIKE HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE??? So Angel tries to push down his shell(my mom said that can stop it)but HE SLIPS OUT. SO THEN HE’S RIGHT NEXT TO EDGE. I TRY TO CATCH HIM BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HE FALLSSSSSSSSSSS DOWN. Don’t worry he went into his shell and he seems fine right now.(I literally just checked)So then we set them both on the ground and they stay in their shells. Then Waffles just goes FULL ON RUNNING UNDER THE CHAIR. So I have to grab him before he tried to climb up. So then ThucQuyen brought Bamboo under the chair as well and they just stayed in they’re shells. BUT THEN THUCQUYEN AND ANGEL THOUGHT THEY COULD KISS. SO THEY PUT THEIR FACES INTO EACH OTHER I YELLED,”ANIMAL ABUSE RUUUUUUUNNNNNN” No I didnt say that but you get the point. So then we put them back in the aquarium. I just had to take Waffles cause he was on top of Bamboo so I could not allow it. But then when I reached my hand he went right into his shell. So I guess he just knows I’m gonna pick him up. Anyway-I just checked the aquarium and realizedthat Waffles’ cheek was puffed up in the shape of the pellets of their food. is he storing it up like a chipmunk? Does he wanna be a chipmunk when he grows up? I know Bien wants to be a cat when he grows up. Anyway…..Waffles started eating a fake plant so I was like,”Dad. Their eating the fake plants we need to put in real plants. FEED THEM” But we were only allowed to feed them at night and in the morning. Let’s make this 400 words.

Summer of 2018

This summer was a horrifying/ok summer. It was more of okay. So first we went to Florida. So we had an okay time. (I’m talking about Khoi and ThucQuyen. Not me or Angel.) Khoi kept making me feel like I was gonna blow up. So then about maybe a week later we went to the cruise dock. There I saw my mom and dad. So we went into the cruise. One word I said when I went inside. AMAZING. It was big and had FREE ICE CREAM. Now I thought we had the best cruise ever. But then I later found out that we were in a pretty small cruise. I was like,”Why are we called the Empress of the Seas? More like Peasant of the Seas.” So the place was really cool. Free food whenever. The weird thing was how obsessed Khoi was with the lifeboats. So after 2 days on the cruise. We stopped at the Bahamas. Now I didn’t know why we were here. I had already been at the Bahamas. But the others hadn’t so yeah. We went to eat at this place called “Something Brothers”. So then we went to see the famous hotel Atlanta. I think thats what its called I dont know. Man going inside brought me memories. Like the slides and WiFi. Then we went back on the boat. So then Ryan said(My mom’s son was with us just cause.),”What someone got left behind?” I was like,”Welp. TOO BAD FER THEM” So then like a day after we went to the cruise’s pool. We went in the pool and it was perfectly fine. But then i realized something. The water didn’t have chlorine. It was fricken SALT WATER. LIKE WHO DOES THAT? SOME CRAZY PERSON SAYING,”SAVE THE WATER AND PUT IN SALT WATER INSTEAD.” Now looking back at it I wonder if the cruise got any bad reviews.


So then we went to the kiddie pool instead. To be honest it was A LOT more fun then the SALT WATER pool. We got to Cuba a day later (I think Im pretty sure all these things are out of order) , now let me tell you something. IF YOU HAVE FOOD YOU DONT NEED THEN GIVE TO THE PEOPLE OF CUBA. Man there were people everywhere and it was HOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  LIKE I WANTED TO GO BACK SO BAD. But then a miracle happened. We found these three PINK cars. There were three people willing to drive us all in each one. We split up and it was pretty cool. On the way to the place we were going Ryan said,”THEY SEE ME ROLING” And I said,”THEY HATIN” Yeah I know looking back at it, it was pretty embarrassing. Wait-my color thingymajob just like messed up. NEW COLOR. This will work for now. So when we got into the resturant it had air conditioning so that was good. We then went back to the PINK cars and went back to the cruise. That night was the worst night EVER. The intercom went on several times that night saying,”IS ELIZABETH AGULAR ON THE SHIP. PLEASE REPORT TO A CRWEMEMBER.” that night was THE WORST. The next morning-MY COLOR CHANGED AGAIN. THIS COMPUTER NEEDS SOME WORK. Anyway, the next morning ThucDan was like,”WHO IS ELIZABETH AGULAR SHE RUINED MY SLEEP.” Anyway that day I ate 7 ice cream cones, and counting. I also burned 116 calories in the gym so that worked out. Then we got back to Florida and Nam’s family showed up. (I’m saying Nam’s a lot cause the other two have longer names) We stayed there for one day. 


So we went to this place called Marcol Island or something like that. We got this one floor beach house. We went swimming cause there was a pool and yeah. Then Ryan’s family showed up. Followed by Angela and her sister, Amanda. We then, went on these two boats around the border of the island. We went crazy fast. Then we stopped to eat. Hotdogs. Nam and I(I used grammer Nam)went to this pond with about 6 or 7 fish in it. Well there was 6 or 7 fish in it. Nam had the idea to beach the fish, grab them, and throw them into the ocean. We Nam caught 4 fish and let them go into the ocean. I feel bad for the first one that was released. Cause Nam thought it would be a “GREAT” idea to do his “fastball” but instead its a “fastfish” he threw into the air and it plopped-MY COLOR CHANGED AGAIN THIS SUCKS I HATE PINK- into the ocean. I was like,”Welp. HE DEAD.” We then switched boats and had fun. The boat that I went on was the one that went CRAZY fast. However the parents thought I would be scared and put me in the back.


So then we went back to KHOI’S house and then later went to Ohio. Oh wait let me rewind to the part where we left the boat. IM GONNA DO THIS IN CAPS BECAUSE THIS MAKES ME MAD. SO WE GOT AN UBER TO DRIVE US AFTER THE CRUISE SHIP. HOWEVER I LEFT MY FREAKING BACKPACK BEHIND WITH MY SUNGLASSES, EARBUDS, BOOK, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY MY IPAD. I CRIED SO FREAKING MUCH I THOUGHT I WOULD BE GROUNDED FOR LIFE. But on the way to Marcol Island we stopped by the Uber thingymajob place where you found lost things. So we got my iPad back. Now back to where we were. At Ohio it was WAY more comfty(not including a certain someone)than Florida. KHOI just made me wanna explode. Ohio was better and the fun thing was Sports Camp. Let’s change the color for this how about….THIS YASSSS. Ok so Sports Camp was a place you learn about God and do activities. Now, it was like school but you stay in ONE subject. Nam and Bien went to basketball since Nam’s dad signed us up. ThucQuyen and I (using grammer once again, YOU SEE THAT NAM?) got art. so the first day I stayed quiet until these two girls TALKED TO ME. Like who does that?  They’re names were Elise and….ummm….KYA THAT WAS IT. Now for the first two days were good with two friends. But the third day Kya got burnt and stuff so. Elise and I (using grammer) sat at this other table with these two other girls. Names? Julianna(Julie) and Lily. We had the BEST third day ever. But then the next day Kya came back and I was okay with that. But when Kya came back Elise would just sit alone with her. I went with Julie and Lily cause dey kool. Now at the beginning of each day we would sing, talk, dance, and watch these videos. Now I would sing dance and watch the videos. There was that one song that I loved for some reason. It went like,”I AM A-L-I-V-E YOUR LOVE HAS SET ME FREE I AM A-L-I-V-E YOUR LOVE HAS SET ME FREE!” and there would be dance moves for it and everything. Now there was a video on “EweTube’ cause it was a video about a Sheep’s Vlog and at the beginning it would go,”THIS IS A SHOW CALLED SHEEP’S VLOG, THIS IS THE THEME TO SHEEP’S VLOG. NOW! INTRODUCING! SHEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!”And Lily and I (USING GRAMMER) would just repeat it everyday. On the way to our classroom there are 4 beanbags and we would be able to jump on them. On the last day we got to that part and this lady said no jumpinh after Lily and I jumped. But Julie just went like,”NOPE”(she didnt actually say that) and she just JUMPED. And she said,”That was scary I jumped when she said not to. I thought I would get in trouble.”and Lily and I (USING GRAMMER) started laughing real hard. Now on the fourth day there was this new kid. Now he was looked normal and stuff. But when we started working we(this was when Kya wasnt here and got burnt) could hear him yelling,”LEAVE ME ALONE YOU’RE MAKING ME DEPRESSED”now this just killed us. The teacher, who had a sense of humor, went up to the other people at his table and said,”Now lets not talk about each other’s depression.’ AND BY NOW WE WERE ALREADY DEAD. But THEN they’re table was talking about something and he said,”….WELL YOU DONT WANT YOU OPENING A DOOR AND A BUNCH OF POPCORN BALLS SPILLING ON YOU.” We laughed our heads off. I said,” Im going to go up to him and tell him he’s funny.” Julie and Elise were like YEAH! But Lily just kept working(good job Lily)But then I was too chicken to do it so then Lily was like,”ELISE YOU DO IT” So then Elise said,”Ok.” So she went up…and she said something and he looked over at us while Elise was walking back and his face was just…(ㆆ㉨ㆆ)and we by then had rose into Heaven. So then, like all good things, Sports Camp had to end. Now Nam was on a team. And his captain or whatever was like,”OUR TEAM NAME IS THE JESUS LOVERS” Now this was too funny. But Bien had a different story. On the second day I said,”Bien did you play basketball good?” He said,”No cause I didnt know what team I was on!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽” Now everyone was laughing really hard. Then I said,”Bien did you eat the rice crispies they gave us?” He said,”No. Cause someone stole it!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽  Then they gave us play-doh one day. “Bien where’s your play-doh?” “SOMEONE STOLE IT༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ ” me: ゚Д゚ at this point we were sure he just lost it. So then a couple days later we had to leave. At home I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY AQUARIUM. We were supposed to get the turtles that day but there was a STUPID STORM IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER IN ARIZONA. The next day we got two turtles!!!!! Names? Mine(We had to tell Angel it was her’s):WAFFLE’ZZZZ         TQ’s:bamboo. Dont ask about the names. The next day mom made me write a blog post about the summer. She was like,”NAM WROTE 5000 WORDZ YOU CAN DO THE SAME.” Now I already knew Nam was better than me but I did it anyway. I wrote this:

This summer was a horrifying/ok summer. It was more of okay. So first we went to Florida. So we had an okay time. (I’m talking about Khoi and ThucQuyen. Not me or Angel.) Khoi kept making me feel like I was gonna blow up. So then about maybe a week later we went to the cruise dock. There I saw my mom and dad. So we went into the cruise. One word I said when I went inside. AMAZING. It was big and had FREE ICE CREAM. Now I thought we had the best cruise ever. But then I later found out that we were in a pretty small cruise. I was like,”Why are we called the Empress of the Seas? More like Peasant of the Seas.” So the place was really cool. Free food whenever. The weird thing was how obsessed Khoi was with the lifeboats. So after 2 days on the cruise. We stopped at the Bahamas. Now I didn’t know why we were here. I had already been at the Bahamas. But the others hadn’t so yeah. We went to eat at this place called “Something Brothers”. So then we went to see the famous hotel Atlanta. I think thats what its called I dont know. Man going inside brought me memories. Like the slides and WiFi. Then we went back on the boat. So then Ryan said(My mom’s son was with us just cause.),”What someone got left behind?” I was like,”Welp. TOO BAD FER THEM” So then like a day after we went to the cruise’s pool. We went in the pool and it was perfectly fine. But then i realized something. The water didn’t have chlorine. It was fricken SALT WATER. LIKE WHO DOES THAT? SOME CRAZY PERSON SAYING,”SAVE THE WATER AND PUT IN SALT WATER INSTEAD.” Now looking back at it I wonder if the cruise got any bad reviews.


So then we went to the kiddie pool instead. To be honest it was A LOT more fun then the SALT WATER pool. We got to Cuba a day later (I think Im pretty sure all these things are out of order) , now let me tell you something. IF YOU HAVE FOOD YOU DONT NEED THEN GIVE TO THE PEOPLE OF CUBA. Man there were people everywhere and it was HOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  LIKE I WANTED TO GO BACK SO BAD. But then a miracle happened. We found these three PINK cars. There were three people willing to drive us all in each one. We split up and it was pretty cool. On the way to the place we were going Ryan said,”THEY SEE ME ROLING” And I said,”THEY HATIN” Yeah I know looking back at it, it was pretty embarrassing. Wait-my color thingymajob just like messed up. NEW COLOR. This will work for now. So when we got into the resturant it had air conditioning so that was good. We then went back to the PINK cars and went back to the cruise. That night was the worst night EVER. The intercom went on several times that night saying,”IS ELIZABETH AGULAR ON THE SHIP. PLEASE REPORT TO A CRWEMEMBER.” that night was THE WORST. The next morning-MY COLOR CHANGED AGAIN. THIS COMPUTER NEEDS SOME WORK. Anyway, the next morning ThucDan was like,”WHO IS ELIZABETH AGULAR SHE RUINED MY SLEEP.” Anyway that day I ate 7 ice cream cones, and counting. I also burned 116 calories in the gym so that worked out. Then we got back to Florida and Nam’s family showed up. (I’m saying Nam’s a lot cause the other two have longer names) We stayed there for one day. 


So we went to this place called Marcol Island or something like that. We got this one floor beach house. We went swimming cause there was a pool and yeah. Then Ryan’s family showed up. Followed by Angela and her sister, Amanda. We then, went on these two boats around the border of the island. We went crazy fast. Then we stopped to eat. Hotdogs. Nam and I(I used grammer Nam)went to this pond with about 6 or 7 fish in it. Well there was 6 or 7 fish in it. Nam had the idea to beach the fish, grab them, and throw them into the ocean. We Nam caught 4 fish and let them go into the ocean. I feel bad for the first one that was released. Cause Nam thought it would be a “GREAT” idea to do his “fastball” but instead its a “fastfish” he threw into the air and it plopped-MY COLOR CHANGED AGAIN THIS SUCKS I HATE PINK- into the ocean. I was like,”Welp. HE DEAD.” We then switched boats and had fun. The boat that I went on was the one that went CRAZY fast. However the parents thought I would be scared and put me in the back.


So then we went back to KHOI’S house and then later went to Ohio. Oh wait let me rewind to the part where we left the boat. IM GONNA DO THIS IN CAPS BECAUSE THIS MAKES ME MAD. SO WE GOT AN UBER TO DRIVE US AFTER THE CRUISE SHIP. HOWEVER I LEFT MY FREAKING BACKPACK BEHIND WITH MY SUNGLASSES, EARBUDS, BOOK, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY MY IPAD. I CRIED SO FREAKING MUCH I THOUGHT I WOULD BE GROUNDED FOR LIFE. But on the way to Marcol Island we stopped by the Uber thingymajob place where you found lost things. So we got my iPad back. Now back to where we were. At Ohio it was WAY more comfty(not including a certain someone)than Florida. KHOI just made me wanna explode. Ohio was better and the fun thing was Sports Camp. Let’s change the color for this how about….THIS YASSSS. Ok so Sports Camp was a place you learn about God and do activities. Now, it was like school but you stay in ONE subject. Nam and Bien went to basketball since Nam’s dad signed us up. ThucQuyen and I (using grammer once again, YOU SEE THAT NAM?) got art. so the first day I stayed quiet until these two girls TALKED TO ME. Like who does that?  They’re names were Elise and….ummm….KYA THAT WAS IT. Now for the first two days were good with two friends. But the third day Kya got burnt and stuff so. Elise and I (using grammer) sat at this other table with these two other girls. Names? Julianna(Julie) and Lily. We had the BEST third day ever. But then the next day Kya came back and I was okay with that. But when Kya came back Elise would just sit alone with her. I went with Julie and Lily cause dey kool. Now at the beginning of each day we would sing, talk, dance, and watch these videos. Now I would sing dance and watch the videos. There was that one song that I loved for some reason. It went like,”I AM A-L-I-V-E YOUR LOVE HAS SET ME FREE I AM A-L-I-V-E YOUR LOVE HAS SET ME FREE!” and there would be dance moves for it and everything. Now there was a video on “EweTube’ cause it was a video about a Sheep’s Vlog and at the beginning it would go,”THIS IS A SHOW CALLED SHEEP’S VLOG, THIS IS THE THEME TO SHEEP’S VLOG. NOW! INTRODUCING! SHEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!”And Lily and I (USING GRAMMER) would just repeat it everyday. On the way to our classroom there are 4 beanbags and we would be able to jump on them. On the last day we got to that part and this lady said no jumpinh after Lily and I jumped. But Julie just went like,”NOPE”(she didnt actually say that) and she just JUMPED. And she said,”That was scary I jumped when she said not to. I thought I would get in trouble.”and Lily and I (USING GRAMMER) started laughing real hard. Now on the fourth day there was this new kid. Now he was looked normal and stuff. But when we started working we(this was when Kya wasnt here and got burnt) could hear him yelling,”LEAVE ME ALONE YOU’RE MAKING ME DEPRESSED”now this just killed us. The teacher, who had a sense of humor, went up to the other people at his table and said,”Now lets not talk about each other’s depression.’ AND BY NOW WE WERE ALREADY DEAD. But THEN they’re table was talking about something and he said,”….WELL YOU DONT WANT YOU OPENING A DOOR AND A BUNCH OF POPCORN BALLS SPILLING ON YOU.” We laughed our heads off. I said,” Im going to go up to him and tell him he’s funny.” Julie and Elise were like YEAH! But Lily just kept working(good job Lily)But then I was too chicken to do it so then Lily was like,”ELISE YOU DO IT” So then Elise said,”Ok.” So she went up…and she said something and he looked over at us while Elise was walking back and his face was just…(ㆆ㉨ㆆ)and we by then had rose into Heaven. So then, like all good things, Sports Camp had to end. Now Nam was on a team. And his captain or whatever was like,”OUR TEAM NAME IS THE JESUS LOVERS” Now this was too funny. But Bien had a different story. On the second day I said,”Bien did you play basketball good?” He said,”No cause I didnt know what team I was on!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽” Now everyone was laughing really hard. Then I said,”Bien did you eat the rice crispies they gave us?” He said,”No. Cause someone stole it!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽  Then they gave us play-doh one day. “Bien where’s your play-doh?” “SOMEONE STOLE IT༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ ” me: ゚Д゚ at this point we were sure he just lost it. So then a couple days later we had to leave. At home I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY AQUARIUM. We were supposed to get the turtles that day but there was a STUPID STORM IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER IN ARIZONA. The next day we got two turtles!!!!! Names? Mine(We had to tell Angel it was her’s):WAFFLE’ZZZZ         TQ’s:bamboo. Dont ask about the names.

This is not cheating. This is……art.

This post is 3409(including the words after) ok guys byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!



My Thoughts on the “Blog WAR” About 2 Years Ago

So….it’s been a while since I’ve wrote on this blog but I noticed that I don’t have much posts so yeah. That also reminds about the “Blog War”, the two teams,Me and Nam. I thought that I could get more posts than Nam. Boy, was I wrong. Nam now has 77 posts and in first. On the other hand I have 46. How did I think I could beat him?(Nam if you are reading this do NOT comment on how I was dumb to try and beat you) I was childish and still am but a bit more mature. Now I think that my childish side back then went a little too far. I started posting short posts and lost some of my friends fans.(note that I didn’t have actual fans other than my relatives)

This is 136 words.



Today we will be interviewing the one only ThucLam Huynh!! Here are the questions.


“Miss Huynh, what do you want to do for a living?”

“Well, I want to be a vet and care for animals.”

“And do you want a pet?”

“Why of course!”

“Would you like a dog a cat or something else?”

“I would love a turtle. They are such fascinating creatures.”

“Miss Huynh, if you had a choice of being a movie star and a famous fashion designer which would you choose?”

“A fashion designer of course!”

“Would you ever accuse animals for their wrongs?”

” If this is really what you want then I don’t want this interview!”




*interviewer(Nam) gets taken away while screaming

*meanwhile Miss Huynh gets reminded she is on live

“Oh yes, to all you fans out there ‘ If you don’t like me then bye bye and say your last few words. 😉

*person watching live says Miss Huynh is mean and gets shot 2 seconds later

“Well then that leaves me with 8,672 fans out of 10,000.”



My Backstory Part 2

So I know nobody has commented on the last post and I said I would make a part 2, but I have nothing to do right now so here is part 2 continued.


As we walked in the dining room there were four separate tables. One had fairies, one had gnomes, and one had elves. The last one was empty. For the royal family I guess. Then, as I expected, we sat at the table with no one in it. Queen Lexy sat down as I did and said,”Now I know this is a bit hard for you but listen to me. Do you remember how you lost your mother?” I answered,”Yes, of course, she had gone to a hospital as a nurse and she caught a disease. After a few weeks the doctors came to my house to bring the bad news. I didn’t even say goodbye.” Queen Lexy replied,”Well it was hard for me too. I was a distant aunt of you. I had no idea what happened to your mother until the funeral. Then just as the prophecy had said one of the elders came to me and brought me here. Where I have been Queen Lexy.” I said,” Now please answer my following questions,’Who or what are the elders?’ How is Isabelle related to me?’ Why is it so serious that I come with you?’ and Why am I here?’ I was so confused I couldn’t breathe. Just as Queen Lexy was about to open her mouth, the door opened. The one standing there was…………………To be continued




There will be a part 3 if you comment. 

My Backstory (My Unreal Character Vivian)

Hello, you may know me as regular Vivian Randell. But in  the night I sneak out, go to a waterfall and say words of ancient wisdom. Then when I enter my clothes form into a dress and become, Princess Vivian. Here’s my backstory: I was in a meadow of dandelions when suddenly a pony ran straight towards me! I covered my eyes with my hands know that I this would be the end of me. But instead, an inch away, the pony stopped. I pet it,got on it’s back and rode to a waterfall. The pony, by itself, went behind the waterfall and suddenly the huge rock in front moved! Behind was a beautiful dandelion meadow that had a castle with vines and leaves just in the distance. I got off and the pony nodded to the castle. I knew what to do. I went down to the meadow and greeted the ponies gracefully. Hold up. Now you may ask how and why I greeted the ponies. But while the pony brought me there the pony stopped and neighed. I somehow understood it. It said,”When we get there, find a horse and bow.” It gestured and fancy bow.”If one of the horses bow back then you may get on it and ride to where you wish. It will follow every command and be loyal to as you will to it. You may name it anything and rename it anytime.” Wow. But back to the meadow. I bowed to so many beautiful horses but none of them bowed back. Some of them said,”Why would Hooves bring a human girl here?” I guessed Hooves was the pony who brought me here. But then, from the few left I hadn’t bowed to, a beautiful horse with a pink mane and white strands in it came up to me. It bowed. I bowed. I gracefully got on it’s back and rode towards the castle. We went through some kind of enchanted forest. I saw fairies, gnomes, elves and little mushroom villages. When we got to the castle we stopped at the gate. Majesty I thought. I’ll name her Majesty. I patted her on the back and whispered,”Meet me back at the meadow. And tell Hooves where I’ve gone.” Without a word Majesty went off back into the woods. I knocked on the door and it opened, walking along was a small little gnome.”Name?”,it said. I replied,”Vivian Randell”. It looked through a paper and said,”Oh, I am so sorry your highness. I didn’t know! Come this way the queen would like to see you.” Before I could say anything the gnome added,”You see the queen knew you were coming. She sent out Hooves for you. She told him to tell the elders, but he is one of those ponies who just don’t understand.” he shook his head. I had so many questions in my mind, like, Why did he call me “your highness”?,who was the queen that “knew” I was coming? and Who are the elders? The gnome opened a even bigger door and left me be. Inside was a ballroom. There was a chandelier and candles. In the middle sat a young lady and a woman in a throne, there was an extra throne empty. I squinted and saw writing on the thrones. The first,”Princess Ivy” the second,”Queen Lexy” and the third,”……………Princess Vivian”



I came to the queen and bowed the same way I bowed to the horses. I said,”You must be Queen Lexy. And you” I turned to the princess,”must be Princess Ivy.” The queen nodded and Princess Ivy said,”You must be Vivian! Please, I insist you sit in your throne. Once you do, you will change out of those rags and become Princess Vivian. And please, call me Ivy, the gnomes and fairies call my “Princess” but they don’t have to. If they don’t have to, you don’t have to!” I was offended from the “rags” thing but in here? I don’t mind. The queen said,”Vivian, we have a lot to talk about come and sit with us in the dining room.” and on I went not knowing what was ahead and what secrets would be revealed. But in a castle in front of a nice and calm queen. I can do it. But Princess Ivy—Sorry Ivy is so enthusiastic! I would love to be a princess hang out with her. Maybe one day I’ll be crowned queen. But I will always remember Queen Lexy. Then we walked into the dining room. Then……………. To be continued 





Hello! So if you guys liked this please comment what you liked and I will make the part 2.


My Traveling Summer

My summer started off at Ohio.


So we went on a hike before Khang and Nam came. I had to walk while ThucDan got to ride the bike. Lucky me… I didn’t know we were gonna go like a MILE away from the house. So of course I was unprepared. When we came back Khang and Nam were already there(I think). Then Nam started yelling about how in his room the ship thingy was knocked down. He was blaming me. Don’t think I’m guilty, cause I’m not Nam. So anyway, the next day my mom was leaving. In my mind I was like “YOU’RE LEAVING US HERE. GREAT.” But of course that didn’t bother her even if I said it out loud.



So here is a summary of my summer. Ohio,Florida,Bahamas,Florida,North Carolina and then finally back home in Arizona.Now, here is a story about my summer. Here is the normal schedule of the day: eat,homework,play,eat,play,eat,drink milk,video games,sleep,wake,eat,homework……. and so on. Sometimes Vinh came over and once Ryan slept over Alex came over a couple times. But other than those times it was pretty much boring old routines.


But boring no more! Well kind of. Not really. Well let’s just get on with it. So on the way I played on my iPad for only a little and then we were there. Man was Y Vien and Khoi happy excited mad confused well you know what I mean. So when we went to sleep man was it crazy. Khoi Y Vien ThucQuyen and Bien (Khang pulled him out. Or was it Nam? Eh we’ll never know. Wait was it both?)so me and ThucDan slept on the floor. Good thing:Khoi had a lava lamp and turned it on. Bad thing: they were SO LOUD AND ANNOYING(before you comment that I am annoying think twice Nam)they kept on giggling like little girls(before you comment that I am little girl also think twice Nam)and they were looking down at me like they were stalkers and every time I looked at them they would be like “SSSSHHHHEEEEE SSSSSSAAAAWWWW UUUUSSSS!”(basically only Khoi actually)they would also go back under the blanket like five seconds after I saw them. But eventually I stopped looking at them and I went to sleep. So first thing in the morning: breath. Some people say”First thing in the morning is shower.” UH NO ITS NOT ITS BREATH LADY OR MAN OR WHATEVER SPECIES YOU ARE! If you really think about it it is. So anyway, when we went on the plane it was small and we had to walk out to it. Now I was expecting a big airplane but if you think about it then you would say,”Well not everyone can plan a trip to the Bahamas. But I can, so MAN AM I A LUCKY DUCKY OR TUSY GOOT OR WHATEVER YOU ADULTS SAY WHEN SOMEONE’S LUCKY LIKE ME.” No I actually didn’t say that but I will plan a trip to Ohio or Florida or wherever you live and YELL IT IN YOUR FACE or is your ear? Yep it’s your ear. 


So when we got there I noticed, IT WAS SO HOT. I hate hotness even though I live in a desert, Arizona. But Arizona isn’t a literal desert with hotness like the Bahamas. I mean sure some people say that the Bahamas is paradise(no one actually says that but stick with me here people) but really, is paradise HOT LIKE A LITERAL DESERT. No one would call it paradise(read the one in parentheses before this one)if it were a literal DESERT LIKE I SUGGESTED IN MY MIND BUT NOOOOO NO ONE LISTENED TO ME BECAUSE I REALIZED THAT I SAID IT IN MY MIND. Ok so let’s just say that when we got to the hotel it was HUMONGOUS AND I COULDN’T REMEMBER WHICH WAY WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO. But enough yelling and let’s focus on THE HEATNESS. Did I already express my feelings about the heat? Yep I think I did so now let me tell you about the beach. So when we went to the beach the waves weren’t that big and the sand was itchy but at least that made the HEATNESS wore it down. I put water all over myself and then put on sand. The sand stuck to me so then I was like,”WE SHALL DEFEAT WATER SHALL WE OR SHALL WE NOT.”. I got my answer because the waves came crashing down on me.(the real thing was my grandma yelled at me)So when we went back I like got lost so all I did was look around and follow the adults since I didn’t know where to go. How do they memorize it so much? I thought children were the highlight *sad face. So I don’t remember when this was but I think it was that day but anyway, We saw this theatre and Nam’s mom suggested we should watch Moana. I said yes. But in my mind I was like, “I’VE ALREADY SEEN MOANA LADY.”. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I just noticed if she reads this it’ll be rude. Well then if you are reading this thank you and sorry not sorry(sorry). So when we went to sleep I blah blah blahed. So when we woke up we went to this like dock kind of thing and went on a boat. I thought we were just strolling around the island(now that I think about it wouldn’t strolling around the island be tiring?)but actually we went to A WHOLE DIFFERENT ISLAND. When we were near, the driver said people could jump off and swim to shore. But no one I knew went. So when he said that he also said there were life vests and snorkel mask things to snorkel. We could snorkel over the coral but not stand on it. I stayed in the shallow part for a while when Nam’s dad said,”Wanna go snorkeling?” I was like heck yeah! So I got a life vest and a snorkel mask and went. While we were getting ready ThucDan came over with Khang and said,”We went over to the coral without a life vest and almost drowned. Khang grabbed onto me and pulled us both in. Then he disobeyed the driver’s orders and stood on the coral.” I was like obviously, he couldn’t have done any worse than pulling my sister into the water and standing on the coral when the driver clearly said not to. I saw a blue tang and this cool yellow fish and a school of minnows. So after we went back to shore and played an egg toss game. After, we played a game where there were two teams and on each team people took turns to be blindfolded. The person had to run to the water spin around three times and run back. I was last and had a pretty hard time. When the game was over I put on the mask and swam around in the shallow end. I tried grabbing minnows in schools but they were like the fish version of the Flash. In my mind I was like “DID YOU GET HIT BY LIGHTNING LIKE BARRY ALLEN OR WHAT(Barry Allen is Not the Flash)” Then bigger fish were just swimming at my feet and I was like “Stand still just stand still and hopefully the aren’t eels.” No I was actually kinding there weren’t any eels or stuff like that but if there were it wouldn’t be pretty. Then we left and got to see Michael Jordan’s house. So when we went to sleep we got to play on our iPads and stuff but people in the hotel kept joining my game which made me frustrated since I was trying to build. The next day was our last day(I think)and we went to the public pool for the Lazy River and the slides. But we kind of got lost and so we stopped at this ice cream place. There was a sign that said,”Whatever goes up must come down. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE PIGEONS.” We got the message. So after getting lost again a couple times we found the Lazy River. ThucQuyen, ThucDan and I went together. The others split up. So we went around like five times. Then when Nam’s dad was at the beginning, we went off. Nam was still on there but we went anyway. We couldn’t leave Nam so we stayed at the kiddie pool until he came. He said,”I GOT LOST:)” So when we went to the pool Khang and ThucDan went to the bathroom. When they came back they wanted for me and Nam to come and see something. Well mostly Khang wanted Nam to come and not me, but ThucDan said I could come. So they showed us a slide that went into a tube that took us under water. I went with ThucDan. When we got to the top of the line, there was a sign that said everyone had to be a certain height to go on the slide. I was tall enough and I was happy although Khang was not. When we went down it was dark and scary. When we entered the tube, there was water that poured down. On top of the tube there a shark. Just laying there. I was like,”Please don’t break the glass. Please don’t break the glass.” Then I noticed that the shark was just trying to enjoy his summer like us. When we left, ThucDan said there was a slide that was lit. It turned out to be a small short slide. But the pool that the slide went into was like 5 feet so ThucDan had to hold me. We went back to the regular pool and I tried to chase Nam but without goggles, it was hopeless. I asked,”Hey where’s Bien and ThucQuyen?” They turned out to be back in the hotel. Then we went to eat and the food was seafood which was cool. Well folks guess that’s the end of my Bahamas trip let’s go back to Florida.



So when we came back to Florida, we immediately went to the pool. I didn’t bring my goggles but luckily, Khoi had some. At the pool Y Vien and I went to the 4 feet part. Y Vien had a floatie and it was a toucan. When I went underwater she would duck her head in and open her eyes. It kind of looked she had bubbles in her eyes. So we went back and ate, played some video games and went to sleep. When I woke up we had a cool exercise. Khoi had this lamp that was connected to his mom’s phone. Khoi went on YouTube and played a song. We all danced to it. Surprisingly I saw my mom and dad downstairs just right there. Nam’s dad suggested we go to this beach. As we were setting down our things, Ryan and his friend’s families came over.  When we were in the water, the waves kept crashing down like someone, not specifically Percy Jackson, but someone was controlling it trying to make us die. Then we went to the sand a bit and made mountains of sand. There a part of the water where the sand acted like slime. Angela( a friend I met a Ryan’s birthday party)and I grabbed some of it and played with it. After we were done, we went to the place where you can wash off the sand and the salt off.  Then we ate lunch. So when we were leaving I asked Angela if she was coming to the house with us. She was and she did. We ate pizza while the older ones ate at Hot Pot or something. Angela and I swapped iPads and played on each other. Then we watched some YouTube. When I woke up we had to go home. Guess that was the end.



The trip was short since we went to Charlotte. After Charlotte, we went to home, Arizona. When we got home, man was I glad. I was so glad I kissed the floor. No I didn’t actually kiss the floor. But a little later I found this photo on my mom’s phone, zoomed in on the star and screenshotted it. But I can’t show you the picture since something is wrong and I can’t put the picture on.But anyway, School was like a nightmare full of pencils,books,folders,papers and the worst thing yet: HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!





So that is all I have for you guys and thank you for reading my blog. Anyway, what I wanted to say is please comment what my theme should be. I can’t decide because the good ones make my letters hard to see, and some of them just don’t feel right. For now, I’ll stick with the hummingbird. This post is now 2145 words( including the words after the number). Thank you.