why am i even writing this

Con phải viết cái blog nầy bằng tiếng viêt để má được iPad một tiếng. Khổ quá nữa. Động vật yêu thích mới của con là gấu. Con cũng có cái con gấu gối con được giáng sinh năm ngoái. Có cần thuyết phục nữa không? Con cũng thích sushi nếu bạn không biết, điều mà có thể bạn đã biết. Sushi là kỳ diệu và thơm ngon và đẹp quá. Nếu mà ai không thích sushi thì người đó không có mùi vị. Con không có thích em gái phiền phức của con, người chị lớn tuổi của con tốt hơn nhưng không buồn nhiều. Con cũng thích con khủng long nhưng mà tất cả nó chết.


I have to write this blog in Vietnamese to get my iPad for just an hour. Another pain in the butt. So I have come to reason that bears are now my favorite animal. I even have a giant teddy bear from last Christmas. Do you need anymore convincing? I also like sushi if you didn’t know, which you probably did. Sushi is marvelous and delicious and beautiful. If you don’t like sushi then you have no taste. I really hate my annoying little sister, my older one is better but not much less sadly. I also like dinosaurs, even though they don’t exist anymore.

i am being forced to write

Con dậy sáng hôm nay nhưng mà đi ngủ lại. ThụcQuyên làm phiền hỏi chị bấm cái phone của ba. Xong con đi xuống lầu uống sữa để nói chuyện với bạn tên Aliana, con hỏi tại sao không mời con tới sinh nhât. Lúc con uống sữa xong, hỏi Aliana, mà Aliana không nói gì hết. Mà con nghĩ cũng đúng vì Ali ngủ rất khuya tối qua. Mẹ đang nấu phở trong lúc con chơi phone ba. Sau đó mẹ lấy phone ba lại. Cho nên con tô màu với em, từ cái xe bằng gỗ mẹ mua ở hội chợ bên Ohio mặc dù con đã tô tới lần thứ năm. Con hỏi mẹ đi Barnes N Noble được không, mặc dù điểm học con rất tốt, và mẹ nói phải đánh đàn 20 phút và viết blog bằng tiếng việt, thì mới được đi. Thật là đau khổ.

Sau đây là nguyên văn tiếng anh con viết rồi mẹ giúp con dịch qua tiếng việt.

I woke up this morning and went back to sleep. TQ was being annoying and told me to unlock my dad’s phone with my fingerprint. Went downstairs and drank milk to talk to my friend and ask her why she didn’t invite me to her birthday party.  After drink my milk I texted her, never replied. Makes sense, she stayed up until 2 in the morning. Mom was making pho so while I was waiting I went on dad’s phone for a while. TQ got in trouble because she had a C in S.S, while I had all As. Then we painted these wooden toys we got in Ohio, when I say painted, I mean paint another layer for the fifth time. Then I told my mom I wanted to go to Barnes n Noble, even though my grades were good, I had to play the piano for 20 minutes and write this blog in Vietnamese. What a pain in the bum.

who gave khoi a megaphone? what were you thinking?

Seriously. Who?


Bought a manga at Barnes n Noble, I love it. High Rise Invasion, read it. Except if you don’t like punchy, knifey and a little(a lot)bit of bloody. It’s great, not gonna tell you the idea of it though. Yes I am, so this girl named Honjo Yuri wakes up in a world of skyscrapers. You can’t get to the lower floors, for they are all blocked off. The roofs of the skyscrapers have rope bridges connecting them. There are these masks scattered around the world. If you put it on, you see there is a code on the back of them, they now control your actions. The mask-wearers are to either drive humans to despair and jump off the skyscraper, or kill them then and there. Each of the masks has a different weapon, crowbar mask, sniper mask(he’s my favorite character get to know why after this), baseball mask(throws shot balls at a high rate of speed), claw mask, chef mask, biker mask, axe mask, maid mask, pitchfork mask,bat mask, lots of them.

Sniper mask. He has a cracked mask, he still has to follow the mask’s orders, but he has a free will up to a point. This girl approached him, the mask told him not to shoot her, for she “achieved sufficient logistical proximity to god” according to the pictures she took of her phone, there was a flyer saying:


This domain has been

engineered to incubate a god.

Please be so kind as to retrieve

the “God Code” from its location

in this realm.

Basically you gotta find the god code, look at it to process and you have”achieved sufficient logistical proximity to god” then the world will have no more point in existing. Only just finished volumes 3-4 so don’t come at me with questions.





Nam, I do have good taste in anime.

For instance, Death Note, 10/10.

My Hero Academia, 9/10.

One Punch Man, 9.5/10

Dragon Ball Z, -9999999999999999999999999999999999/10

Angel Beats, 10/10 the ending made my heart sink

You see, my taste in anime is beyond your knowledge. You may be wondering,”The “terrible” animes you watch aren’t on the list?” Actually, they are. I haven’t ended the list, bimbo.

FairyTail, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10(I would go further, but this is the least I can go for Nam before he slaps me)

Soul Eater, 10/10(waiting for the next season)

Seven Deadly Sins, 9.99/10

Hunter x Hunter, 10/10 also waiting for next season

Ouran High School Host Club(I beg you not to watch it), a solid 9.99/10


Choosing which anime I should write about……………………………………..My Hero Academia. Not finished with it yet, but pretty good. Except when I watch it after One Punch Man, I can’t take anything seriously after that. My only confusion is the quirks, like, the people who don’t even look like people, Tokoyami, that one pink girl whose name I can’t remember, the guy who has the power to talk to animals, since quirks develop at the age of 3, did they look like normal human beings before the age of 3 and just wake up and find out they were a pink alien with horns or a toucan with a shadow monster inside of themselves? wAcK. Tokoyami though, my man, he’s the best, my lil’ birb toucan, thingy, mabobber. Then, what is Bagukou’s superhero name? Lord Explosion Death or something?  Not to be annoying, but there are lots of things I am missing. Or maybe I missed an episode and or missed information. Anime is an amazing thing. And any time I go to the bookstore or library, I head for the mangas.



thank you and buh bye. 301


insert title

So. School. Nothing new just the school. Yeah. That’s about it. Except music class/band. The teachers are funny. But I can’t do piano so, I’m trying drums, if not, flute. I’ve never played either. Am I scared? I don’t know. I however, am scared of new teachers trying to pronounce my name and failing miserably. I mean, how do you mix up TuckLam and TangLang. That’s what one of the staff call me. Sixth grade isn’t like seventh and eighth, no lockers, same class all day, and only 2 specials. Then again, I don’t know what seventh and eighth grade is like. But all I know is that I am two years away from High School Musical moments. I don’t actually think high school is like High School Musical cause the High Schoolers act like middle schoolers. Actually, they don’t act like they’ve ever been to school. I mean, my school doesn’t allow us to jump on the cafeteria table and dance and sing, but if that’s what other schools allow, my school is weird, I guess? You notice Khoi has passed the amount of posts than me. I’m not mad, actually I think he just spends too much time writing. No one reads this but our parents. So what’s the point in “writing for our readers”. I sit near the wall but one column of desks away from it, fourth row of desks from the front. Not bad seating, considering we got to choose our seats on Meet The Teacher Day. But the kids in my class are LOUDDDDDDD. We never get any work done but getting yelled at. There is this treasure chests and you can get things from it with these red tickets you get if you behave. The teacher put a bunch of scrunchies in there and it was pretty nice, except the fact that basically all the girls jumped, screamed and yelled SCRUNCHIESSS? DID YOU SAY SCRUNCHIES? OMG GUYS SHE HAS SCRUNCHIES. Yes, she does, you’ve made that very clear. But all the girls went to see what kinds of scrunchies and they were like,”I call the blue one!” “I call the pink one.” On the bright side, most of the girls behave to get tickets. It’s kind of unsettling how she just started giving them out for 3 days and some girls have like 20. And these girls got pictures of Finn Wolfhard with hearts around him on their binders. One girl had Squidward. One girl had an unsettling amount of HydroFlask stickers. Another girl just printed out pictures and taped them on. No hate. No hate at all.

The Evolution of Minecraft

(Some information may be wrong but don’t yell at me yell at the website I’m using to gain this information)

So I didn’t even know Minecraft existed since I was like 5 but the evolution of Minecraft is still interesting in my opinion.

2009-Minecraft is born. It was originally called Cave Game but it changed to Minecraft(good choice). There wasn’t much, just trees, your daily average ores, trees, flowers and Multiplayer was being tested. In the middle of the year they added health and creepers. Gotta love them creepers.

2010-Minecraft welcomes crafting tables and chests to the game. Armor is also added in along with farming with hoes and wheat seeds. In the middle of the year rails and minecarts, redstone and compasses were added. During October the Halloween update included the Nether(and all the mobs inside the Nether)and they added pumpkins with pumpkin seeds that you are able to farm.

2011-The noteblock, cake(yum)and beds were added. Wolves(and taming them)were added. Then achievements like the “Stone Age”was added in Beta 1.5. Maps were added so you wouldn’t get lost when mining or exploring. Regular pistons and sticky pistons were added in Beta 1.6. The Adventure update pt.1 had Endermen and Hunger. The Adventure Update pt.2 had the End where you could fight the Ender Dragon.

2012- Spawn eggs have been added. In version 1.2 jungles and iron golems are added for more protection. Version 1.3 has temples and the ability to trade with villagers. 1.4, the “Pretty Scary Update” introduces the Wither, anvils and Command blocks.

2013-More redstone components and Quartz was added. The Horse Update pretty much explains itself. The Update that Changed the World, new biomes and World Generator.

2014-Ocean monuments, the Elder Guardian, the Guardian and slime blocks were added.


2016-End cities, Shulkers and elytra wings were added to the Combat Update. Polar bears and magma blocks were in the Frostburn Update. And the Exploration Update included Woodland Mansions and Shulkers boxes which were basically chests that you could carry around,

2017-World of Color had five different types of Parrots and more colorful blocks.

2018-The Aquatic Update had Phantoms, tropical fish, cod, salmon, Dolphins, turtles, sea pickles, coral, coral blocks and the Drowned.

2019-Village and Pillage update had crossbows, Raids, pillagers, vindicators, different types of villagers and villages and evoker banners.

I’ve run out of things to write about so I’ve come up with another 700 words to write(not)

You know those questions you have to answer to prove you’re not a robot? The ones they have me do are iMpOsSiBlE. I ask my friends about it. “it’S eASy” are all of humanity robots? Am I the only human? Everybody says they aren’t a robot if you ask them. But that’s exactly what a robot would say. WHO IS YOUR CREATOR AND WHAT MOTIVE DO THEY HAVE MAKING ALL THESE ROBOTS. WHY REPLACE MY PARENTS WITH A SIMPLE MACHINE. I AM APALLED.

As you grow older you forgot lots of simple things. Like what does “the” mean? Well it means denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge. It can also be used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase.

I am concerned about Nam’s health because whatever he is watching it always has some sort of screeching screaming. I just wanna know what he’s watching.

I’ve got 555 words now but I am supposed to write 1000 so I’m sorta in desperate need of help. Bien and TQ are playing ROBLOX and Bien is playing a game with very intense music while TQ is also playing Adopt Me and now after I write this I will be forced to join her and look at how much money she has. I will be prepared to be flexed on.

I don’t really have anything else to write and I’ve gotta write at least 1000 words so I’m just gonna spat out,some nonsense. TD was just showing all us some old photos and videos from like 5 years ago. I hoped she wouldn’t go on my mom’s YouTube channel but she did. That channel basically has everything EMBARRASING about me since it was only me from about five years ago. There’s this one video that I hate cause I’m so chubby and annoying. Nam saw the video a few weeks ago and has been reminding me ever since. I really wish my mom would take it down but there are some extremely funny and cute clips of TQ before she got ruined and became what she is right now.

TD was also telling us about how she thought that in the basement of Grandma’s old house, the bathroom, you could communicate through the toilets from upstairs, so when the Virginia people came over, Doan went to the bathroom and TD was like,”This is my chance.” She sent a message through the toilet saying, tell TD if you got this message and she flushed the toilet. Doan never said anything to here so I’m guessing the toilet communication thing was all a lie. And to think, that I was gonna creep someone out when they went to the toilet. Well there’s plenty of EMBARRASING things of all of us. Like there’s a voice recording of Bien saying,”Hey! What’s this!” And we all think it’s funny but Bien doesn’t like us laughing at him for some reason so we try to avoid listening to it while he’s around. And there’s this video on some website at the pool in Florida when Khang couldn’t swim so when he jumped in the pool, he jumped on the huge platform on the stairs. And in that video my mom is holding, what seems to be a newborn baby, Khoi? She puts her glasses on Khoi and we all immediately crack up. We didn’t actually know who is was I was probably like 3 then so I had to be Khoi.

Well I’ve got a lot of photos right now that will make me feel weird when I grow up but right now, I look bomb in those pictures.




Im finally done.

1007 words



Minecraft? I-

Well of course we started a survival world on Minecraft the second the 3 of us got here.


Khang started the world and we immediately started going to the village(Khang put a seed in the world)but Khang said that the new update was big on villages and villagers. Like if you destroyed crops or something, the bell in the middle of the village would ring, villagers would gather around and gossip about you. I think Nam did something and Khang said that would happen. I’ve observed the village and haven’t seen anything. When we first got here we were just messed around and killed each other over and over. Then Khang ordered me to build the house. I built the house and made large separate chests for all of us, TD wasn’t in Ohio yet so we didn’t really do anything for her sake(sorry). We all got serious eventually and little by little sometimes the others help me. But most of the time I was building. I was ordered by Khang to build 4 levels for rooms. On the second floor would be me and TQ’s room and Khang’s room. The third floor had Nam’s, Bien’s and TD’s room. The forth floor had Ryan and Vinh’s room although they didn’t need it cause they barely play Minecraft with us. Then Khang cheated and spawned a cat for me to tame. It was a calico cat so I named it Scrabble cause all the colors were scrabbled. Later TQ found a pig that she named Pink Poop, she put it in our room so it took up a lot of space. Khang told Bien to make a farm and in process, there was a lightning storm. We all knew you could get struck by lightning but Bien just went,”I’m gonna go outside and build the farm.” He died. Then Lhang wanted an animal farm and I need wool from sheep so I got 2 sheep and breeded. However Khang wanted cows, chickens, sheep and pigs, so I had to round up those at least 2 of those animals so that we could breed. In me and TQ’s room, we shared a chest and it was pretty unorganized so I made a bunch of chests which had signs on them like, Ores/Valuables or Animal Droppings/Monster Droppings/Mining Loot. After I organized everything it was pretty smooth, with all our personal stuff we just had separate Chet’s to put our precious belongings that we wanted to keep to OURSELVES BECAUSE WE ARE GREEDY PIGS. Then I secretly used Pink Poop to breed with this pig that I found cause I couldn’t find any other ones. Pink was taking up an incredible amount of space in the room so we moved him to the pig pen. Then we(somehow?)got chickens and whenever I passed I’d get a buttload of eggs and just throw them in the pen to speed up the process. In some point of this whole post, everybody went out to the woodland mansion to loot it except me cause I still needed to build the house, for it wasn’t done. When TQ was taking stuff to leave she brought her dog Pooper(She was gonna name it Cooper but she realized it Rymed with Pooper)however when she got back………POOPER HAD DIED. Go to TQ and Bien’s blog for more details.

Basically, Scarbble was very important to me so I made sure that I never brought him near anything dangerous. However whenever I have him stand up he goes to the closest chest and sits on it. Whoever owns that chest can no longer open it unless the owner makes it stand. Yeah, I went to go get flowers from a flower field nearby and Scrabble never walked out of the house. I couldn’t find him so I made signs of a missing cat but as I was putting them up TQ told me he was sitting on my personal chest. What were you looking at? My glass bottle of water I named Holy Water? :O No you didn’t.

Anyway the new update also had compost bins where if you were holding anything that was nature related it would made it into bonemeal and I had SO MANY FLOWERS so that’s how I got so much bonemeal. And I used to make the outside of our house more natural and fresh looking. Khang wants me to make a chimney with a campfire and cobblestone so just add that to the list of chores from Khang and now I won’t be bored while everyone is on the server and doing useful stuff. Well how long have I played Minecraft? I don’t know. I played it before I had my iPad cause in Ohio we had the XBox and you could play Minecraft on that. Oh the amount of wool we made our houses with was uncountable.


807 words

Week 4 in Ohio? I lost track

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run then walk. If you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward.”-Martin Luther King Jr.


Yesterda Grandma took TQ and I to the lake with her friend and their grandchildren.

We’ve already been here so I really don’t know why Grandma took us but she did. We got there at about 10:25 and we walked up to the building where you get your tickets and there was no one there. Then we waited for about 20 minutes and then people started going up to the building and getting tickets, gladly we were in line on accident and got our tickets second. There were these 2 camps or kids on the boats. The first camp had orange shirts and the kids look like they were in 5th, 6th and maybe 7th grade. The other camp had beige shirts and the kids looked like they were in 4th grade although most of them looked like they were in 1st grade. The second we stepped on the boat Grandma led us to the very top and we stayed there until the boat started moving. We went down to eat but they hadn’t opened up yet so we just bought to bags of popcorn and walked back to the top. We were only gone for like 5 minutes but we were pretty far from the dock. Once the first floor opened up we bought 3 hot dogs and a water bottle. We finished that pretty quickly since we hadn’t eaten anything since we woke up except cereal. Then we just kept going back and forth buying chips, soda and candy to keep ourselves entertained. We got the drawbridge but it didn’t open for some reason and the dude over the intercom told us there was some problem. We turned around and headed for the border but turned around almost immediately. I didn’t see it, but the bridge was up and open. While going under, me and TQ went downstairs and just drank soda. Then Grandma told us to come to the second floor and sit with her. It was hot so we sat near the fan and just joked around for most of the time. Then once the boat turned around and was near the bridge, which was closed, the boat just stopped. We just sat there for about 50 minutes until a really long train passed by and we waited more. Grandma then told me to ask someone what was happening. I didn’t really want to but I asked this girl and she said that we were waiting for another train(the train was passing by as we talked) to pass by but we haven’t made any contact with them. Then after that second train passed the bridge finally opened and everyone was cheering and clapping. After we went to the dock we got off and headed home. However Nam’s dad took us to Ryan’s house about 2 hours later. Ryan just played the XBox whiles E watched, Khang played Minecraft and Nam watched anime. Me, TQ and Bien didn’t bring our iPads so we just watched in silence and gave comments every 10 seconds to entertain us. I got bored so I took a bar of chocolate and went outside on the trampoline. I just sat there eating chocolate and thinking of what to do. After finishing the chocolate Nam’s dad gave ,e a firefly and I threw it up cause apparently they fly if you do. I then kept catching fireflies and throwing them. Then I thought of  a plan that kinda grossed me out. I would catch the fireflies with my right hand and put them in my left hand. Then once I had about 20 I would throw them and they would light up. I did this and it was pretty cool and fun, but the thing is, once I threw them up some didn’t go up they just stayed on my hand and climbed up my arm. Some went to my fingertips and flew but I was grossed out by how many I caught so I just shook my hand really really hard. When I went inside nothing really changed, I watched Ryan play, Khang played Minecraft and Nam watched anime. I was bored of watching Ryan so I just watched anime with Nam. Ryan lost connection so he took Bruno(TQ’s stuffed dog)and ran around the house while TQ and Bien chased him around. Then I think Bruno got thrown around and TQ couldn’t find him so TQ forced Ryan to help find him since he was also the reason why Bruno was missing. Then we all got pretty bored so we looked for the parents and they were in the hot tub. Then they got out and we left. We got home around 12:30 and I straight up brushed my teeth, changed, brushed my hair and went to sleep.



816 words today

Week 3 in Ohio

“Whatever you are, be  a good one.” -Abraham Lincoln

So yesterday we went to Ryan’s house for Stacey’s grad party. And I’m gonna be honest I thought that I could just follow Nam or Khang around and just stay around them, but they were just as awkward as I was. We stood at this this table with pictures of Stacey throughout her high school years, Nam found out that under the table, there was an air vent. So Nam found already found his area and Khang was nowhere to be found. TQ and Bien went straight to their iPads and connected to the wifi. Khang came back from where ever he went and we just stood there. Khang was to awkward so we went to the buffet together but I immediately turned back the second I heard HOW many people there were. Then this lady came up to us, for some reason everyone knos either my little sister of older sister. Then after they say hi to my little sister, they look at me and think who the heck is this girl who looks just like ThucQuyen? Then they finally know who I am.(By the way, how does everyone know about Khang and TD going to Japan?)The lady then shows me the buffet and I go for the sushi. I sit down and eat it, it’s pretty good so I grab thirds, yes, thirds. Then Bien and TQ play with these kids on the stairs. I join them and sit down to watch. I look over the edge and I see her. Angela. I haven’t seen this girl since we ent to Flori

Weda and went on the two boats. I scream and she looks at me, she hesitates for a second cause she doesn’ recognize me, then her eyes widen and she zooms up the stairs and hugs me. Davalyn is tailing behind her, no surprise there since they’re best friends and basically see each other 24/7. Me and Angela go outside and Davalyn dashes out to play basketball. Me and Angela don’t know how to play basketball so we sit on a couch in the garage. We catch up on some things we missed and go sit in the grass near the basketball game. There was this older girl around Khang’s age(I think her name was Selena?),she and Angels talk while I casually drink my Fruit Ounch CapriSun. Selena then starts braiding Angela’s hair and then Angela tells Selena that she doesn’t know how to do a fishtail braid and Selena asks if she can show Angela with my hair. I say yes of course but tell her that my hair is EXTREMELY thin, she says that it’s fine but when she tries, she gives up cause my hair is too thin. There goes making new friends that are older than me. We then go over to the deck and Davalyn has an idea. We take an empty beer bottle and wash it out, then we fill it up with Sprite. After we put the Sprite in the beer bottle we went around drinking it. Well only Davalyn drank it cause she’s germophobic. We tricked most people until we got exposed by the lady who showed me to the buffet. We then figured we needed a drink with a pretty close color. So we got the Pacific Cool CapriSun and Fruit Punch CapriSun to make it look like the real thing. I guess this worked cause everyone was just watching us drink it. Davalyn gets her share and passes it onto Angela and I. After drinking, we go on the trampoline and talk for a little when we get off we go inside and upstairs into this one room with a bare mattress. A couple minutes in Khang starts taking f-boy pictures and we all start cracking up. So then we all get involved do everything we can to get a perfect f-boy picture then we just start going crazy and take really good photos although we were going crazy. We were pretty sure we got the best photos. But they phones we took the pictures on were going to get full on storage so we stopped. I would tell you the rest but I would have to fit it in another post so yeah.



717 words

expect a new post every week

Albert Einstein once said,”If you judge a fish from it’s inability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life, thinking it is stupid.”

I have no idea why I wrote that I just wanted to make it official I’m going to be doing that at the beginning of all my posts, kind of like how I tell you how many words the post is including the words after it, although I have forgotten about it for a while.

So I’ve been playing games on my iPad very much this past week and I’m concerned about my health. No I’m just kidding I think I’m perfectly healthy.

Right now I think I struggle to find out my ‘favorites’. Like with colors, I like forest green, candy apple red, cornflower blue, rose pink, ballet slipper pink, olive green, lime green and canary yellow. Actually I just looked online different shades of colors but these colors stand out most to me. But if someone asked me to narrow down to one color I would be speechless. “Favorite” is one. I have A THOUSAND. Like with animals, I thought that I was sure with narwhals, but then I saw a liking in DINOSAURS and PIGS. Like I don’t have a stop to favorites but favorite is one. Next “Favorite” topic, food. I like Alfredo, specifically the Seafood Alfredo from Olive Garden. But then I also like sushi. Like A LOT. BUT THEY BOTH SATISFY MY CRAVINGS. OOH AND SEAWEED. You see what I mean? I need help. This cannot be normal. If anybody has the same conditions with favorites, it has to be contagious right? OOP better where a mask from now on. Actually a mask won’t even do it. I need a full space suit. Anyway I really need a check up so, mom, dad, the doctor please?




this post is 321 words(including the ones after it)

goodbye my friends

until next time