i am starting to rethink why i agreed to do this.

So a couple months ago Nam mentioned an anime called Assassination Classroom. I totally forgot about it until I stumbled upon a manga series called Assassination Classroom, all the other anime Nam recommended to me I loved, so why not read the manga version? It can’t be much different right?



UPDATE: ITS AMAZING. Too bad Barnes and Noble doesn’t have all 21 books. I looked on their website to see how much each book was so that I could buy all of them. Each is ten dollars, meaning $210 for all of them. Shoot. But the set with all of them together is $190. It may not be the best, but I am now saving up. If I do all my chores each week, I get $5, it’s not a lot but I didn’t expect this to take a week.

Did the math, it’ll take me 9 months and 2 weeks, assuming I do all my chores and get $5 each week. Double Shoot. I’m still doing it though, it’s a great series. Nam, call me a weeb all you want but you made your ring tone the theme song for L in Death Note.

I really hope I get it, it’s a long shot but I think 9 months and 2 weeks is A-Okay.

Did a little research and found that it is much cheaper to watch it, but I like books, so my answer is final.

Here We Go Again…

Once again, I have to write a blog post in two different languages to get my iPad. But this is getting easier from me doing it so much. Today I am going to go to ThucDan’s high school for cheer camp. It’s actually really fun, I went there about a year ago and it was pretty fun. Mom is making chè đậu xanh which I love. ThucQuyen is going to cheer camp for her first time. I told her not to bring her glasses but she’s being over-dramatic and saying blah blah blah. Tomorrow I have TNTT, I’m very excited, read Week of Epicness for more information.


Một lần nữa con phải viết blog bằng tiếng việt với tiếng mỹ để được cái iPad. Mà viết như thế này nhiều thì nó dễ hơn. Hôm nay con đi trường học của ThụcĐan cho cheer camp. Nó vui lắm, con tới đó rồi một năm trước. Mẹ đang làm chè đậu xanh con thích lắm. ThụcQuyên đi cheer camp luôn lần đầu. Con nói em đừng có mang kính mà em đang nói nhiều kì cục. Ngày mai con có thiếu nhì, con vui lắm, nếu muốn biết hơn, đọc Week of Epicness.


ThucQuyen is crazy when it comes to writing a blog, or chatting in Roblox.

Example 1:

Correct way: Today I had a bad day, people said I was cool.

ThucQuyen: today……I had a…..bad day. people said…..I wasn’t…….kool.

Apparently kool=actually cool and cool=not cool, in ThucQuyen language.

Example 2:

Correct way: I like lima beans,huh,why does no one like them, also I like poop jokes.

ThucQuyen: I like lima, beans huh why does no one, like them also I like poop, jokes.

In the world of ThucQuyen commas are used when not needed.

Not only that;







In addition, she uses symbols to make faces; ^-^,-.-,*~*

And she does this;*!~Camping Trip~!*

Victoria Has A Secret No More

So my moms yelled at me for writing about myself instead of a family member like I was supposed to. So here’s the actual thing.

Im going to be writing about a certain someone, Y Vien! I think she’s like six now and she has the cutest voice in the entire world. I remember when she was younger, she had fat rolls on her arms no matter how straightened out they were. She is very careless about her outwards appearance. She can play rough, her hair can be all in her face but she just brushes it aside, whereas I would’ve brushed my hair for like 20 minutes. I’ve never seen her complain about anything she wears, I however don’t like the clothes my mom chooses for me, I’ve had the same clothes for about five years and every two years we buy another shirt. None of my clothes are new, they’ve all been worn by ThucDan. Y Vien doesn’t get Hand-Me-Downs, if she wanted, she can’t, she has one brother. Her attitude and personality reflects on what she has seen on YouTube. She’s very sassy too. Like, whenever one of us does something that’s a wtf moment, she goes,”Oh my god! What the heck are you doing?!” She really likes when we do some sort of play, when she gets her own part to do. Like, a couple years ago, we made this cheesy dance that she somehow remembered and the next time we came over, she was like,”Ok, we can go outside and you can ride the bikes, then we can go inside and do our dance!” She has a squeaky squeal/scream. When she is amazed or like,”Are you serious? That’s crazy!” She makes this excited noise that sounds like one of those duck toys. Ten out of ten.

Family Tree

I know mom told me to write about one of our cousins. But this seems close enough.


Human genes are weird. Like my two sisters are pretty tall. Same with mom and dad. Then there’s me. The shortie of the family. Like, I think everyone in our family is either taller than me,or very close to being taller than me. Cousins are the same, some aren’t taller than me but they are very close.  Why am short for my age,  like, I can’t reach the top cabinets without climbing on the counter. That’s embarrassing when you’re in sixth grade. Also I look like a fourth grader. I look nothing like your average sixth grader these days. This isn’t even about family anymore, just me ranting on my height and looks. We are going on a cruise trip to Italy in November. I’m excited for the food but not the amount of days of school I’m gonna miss. I forgot how long we’ll be gone but it’s from 3-7 days maybe and that’s a lot of homework. Bleh I’m tired and I have dark circles under my eyes. Sorry if this is short.


That’s a random topic mom gave me. I feel like this is pointing towards me and my attitude. But ThucQuyen’s is so much worse, the only thing she does is the stuff she likes to do, she’s lazy and bossy. She’s always saying I’m in a “bad mood” but she’s the one that causes it. The minute anyone, ANYONE, has some sort of technology she shoots herself to get it. In the morning, she wakes up before me, and when I wake up, I see her playing ROBLOX Adopt Me on my dad’s phone. In the car, we’re supposed to share but she says, one more minute! And when it’s finally my turn, she says we have to watch YouTube. Like, we never watch YouTube during her turn, I watch her aimlessness walk around in ROBLOX Adopt Me and trade for stupid pets. She’s literally playing and talking to her friend at this very moment. It irritates me and if I point it out, she’ll ask why I’m in a bad mood and start crying like I’m the most awful person in the world. She has to get her way or else she will when and whine and whine until someone gets irritated and gives it up. I know mom, told me not to point the topic to anyone but she told us to write about our family. I have no idea why I have the same blood as that kid. Yeah, she’s family and sometimes a cute baby, but if you want my respect, you need to earn it. She’s always like,”Why are you in a bad mood?! I didn’t do anything!” But she doesn’t even look at me while she’s saying this stuff, her eyes are glued to the screen. She’s supposed to be writing her blog right now but she’s worrying about getting a ride-able legendary pet in ROBLOX Adopt Me. I hate her attitude if I could swap siblings, I wouldn’t. But I would swap personalities with the nicest person in the world and her.

Week of Epicness

So at TNTT on Sundays, you have a scarf that represents your soul, and the color represents the grade/group you are in. Green is 2-4 graders, Blue is 5-7 graders and Yellow is 8-11 graders. I’m in Blue, also known as Thieu Nhi. Green is Au Nhi, Yellow is Ngia Si, and Brown , the oldest, is Hiep Si. We split up into teams in each group. If you have two stripes in your scarf, you are a leader, if you have one stripe, you are like an assistant or back-up. The leader is called Doi Troung or DT, the back-up is Doi Pho, or DP. There is an event on Saturday you have to attend to decide whether you have what it takes for a stripe or two. It’s called Binh Minh. Binh Minh was 2 days ago and we did what we do every year, show leadership, do puzzles. They split you into teams with a couple people from each group. I think I did pretty good. At Chao Co, you get awards, or Tua. There are five different colors and each stands for a different thing. There is one special Tua that has all the colors and everyone wants it. I never got it but I have so many Tua I don’t need it, I still want it though. After Binh Minh, the next day they announce your team and whether you got a stripe or not. I GOT 2 MEANING I. AM THE LEADER OF A TEAM. YEAHHHHHH BABY

School is getting epic

So yesterday was the last day of school before fall break right? I was supposed to go to band practice after school last thursday to practice for the pep rally but I forgot. Which meant I had no idea what the notes were. I got at the gym late and practiced the notes last minute. There was no time to learn the last bit but there were was plenty percussion players that no one would notice. I played and did well, missed that last bit though. We went back to the classroom and hung out while eating junk food. We took a couple Polaroid pictures and I got to keep two of them. I totally forgot I was running for Class Representative of 6th Grade, but I didn’t make a speech or poster so I probably wasn’t gonna get it. Turns out I did get it, they announced my name wrong, but that’s ok. I didn’t do anything but that was because we needed two representatives each grade and there was only two people running for representative for 6th grade. I didn’t do anything, but I won! We went downtown to get new passports and blah blah blah.

well…this is becoming normal

So my mom took my little sister and I to Walmart to get new glasses and I found ones that I really liked. After buying them we bought these little gel clings for our windows. We picked up TD and dad and headed to Cici’s pizza. I haven’t been here in a couple years so it was unfamiliar to say the least. After eating a lot we got in the car. My mom said after we dropped my dad at home, they would drop me off and Barnes N Noble. Turns out, “dropping off” actually means,”We are gonna stay here for another hour, and THEN go to Barnes N Noble. Once again, writing this in two languages for at least an hour on my iPad, very fun, very fun. But I plan to catch up on a lot of books at Barnes N Noble so that will be very fun too. Well, now to translate this to Vietnamese.


Hôm nay mẹ chở con với em đi mua kính mới ở Walmart, con tìm một cái con thích nhiều lắm. Lúc xong mình mua gel clings cho cửa sổ. Mình đón TD và ba rồi xong đi Cici’s Pizza. Con chưa tới chỗ đó mấy năm cho nên con không có nhớ nhiều. Lúc ăn xong mình đi ra xe. Mẹ nói lúc thả ba xuống thì sẽ thả con xuống ở Barnes N Noble. Lúc mà mẹ nói thả ba xuống, mẹ đang nói,”Mình ở nhà một tiếng nữa, rồi XONG mới chuẩn bị đi.” Một lần nữa phải viết blog hai tiếng rồi được chơi iPad một tiếng, vui lắm, vui lắm. Mà đọc sách ở Barnes N Noble cũng vui luôn.


i am becoming desperate

Hôm nây con với em đi thiếu nhi gióng như mấy lờn khác. Thiếu nhi thì là vui lám, vui hơn trường học tại vì bạn ở thiếu nhì thì là vui hơn. Xin lỗi mây bạn ở trương. Lúp nào thì mình lam gióng như hôi lờn khác, trơi, học, đi lễ. Vui lam” thật là vui. Nhóm bạn cũa con có 7 người, con, Jadelyn, Lynna, Vi(Vivian), Ben, Mark, Andy(Anderson). Con với mấy bạn rất gờn nhau, con biết mấy bạn từ năm lớp 2. Nó có thể khỗ đễ mà dậy sớm sang, mà tất cả đều đáng. Con vui, bạn vui, ai cũng vui.