Happy 100th Blog Post

The fact that I’ve written 100 blogs is proof of my development. And it’s not that good. At first when I got this blog I was in first grade and I was so excited. But since then I’ve gotten lazy and my posts got pretty short. I guess I’ve improved a little but I’m still lazy. I’m gonna make this post exactly 100 words so that will be cool I guess. I’m not gonna try to get more posts or try to be 1st, being third is fine to. I’m kind of craving boba. Like every day. How unusual. Well bye.

100 words


Nothing new. I want to go outside. But nobody wants me to. Im not tired. Im bored of everything. I’m bored of playing with ThucQuyen. I don’t know what to do. And I don’t know what else to write. I’m so bored. Ugh.


Không có gì mới.  Con muốn đi ra ngoài.  Mà không có ai cho con đi ra ngoài.  Con không có mệt.  Con chán quá.  Con chán chơi với ThụcQuyên. Con không có biết làm cái gì.  Và con không có biết viết cái gì.  Con chán quá. Ugh.

Nothing new

Today is just like yesterday. Nothing new. Just dad is working at home today. And I’m still tired. I don’t what I’m supposed to write if nothing is new. But I’m writing anyway. I still don’t know what to write.


Hôm nay gióng như hôm qua. Đâu có gì mới. Mà ba làm ở nhà hôm nay. Và con vẫn còn mệt.  Con không có viết cái gì nếu mà đâu có gì mới. Mà con vẫn còn viết. Con vẫn còn không viết cái gì.


I am so tired. And I still have to do school work. I have to do it from home. I hate that. And I have to eat a banana. And drink milk. And then I can play games. And I also have to write this blog. It’s so dull at home. Ew.


Con mệt quá. Mà con vẫn còn phải làm bài học. Con phải làm ở nhà. Con không có thích cái đó. Và con phải anh chúôi. Và uống sữa. Và viết một cái blog. Rồi xong mới được chơi. Ở nhà nó buồn quá. Ew.

Pros and Cons

Today, I was to tired to get up. My foot still hurt. But even if I did wake up earlier then we wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere. Everything everywhere is closed. Except like grocery stores. I don’t really like going out that much anyways. But now it’s so boring and gloomy. But now we are having more homemade meals. And I like homemade meals. Yay.


Hôm nay con mệt quá.  Chân của con vẫn còn đau. Mà nếu mà con có dậy sớm thì đâu có đi ra ngoài được đâu. Hết chỗ mở cữa rồi. Mà chợ vẫn mở cữa. Con không có thích đi ra ngoài nhiều đâu. Mà bi giờ buồn quá. Mà bi giờ mình anh ở nhà nhiều. Con thích kí đó. Yay.

I’m wasting your time

The other day I fell. I fell on my foot. It has been hurting for 2 days now. My dad says it’s fine. I had to put ice on my foot. I can barely walk. I think I broke it. TQ doesn’t know anything. But she keeps saying my foot hurts too. Ow.


Hôm kia con té. Con té lên kí chân. Nó đan đao hai ngầy rồi. Ba nói không có sao. Con phải bổ dá lên kí chân. Con không có đi bọ được. Con nghĩ con gẫy kí chân rồi. TQ không có biết kí gì mà cứ nói chân đao luôn. Ow.

iTs CoRoNa TiMe

The coronavirus is something that people shouldn’t worry about too much. TD told me it only effects people with low immune systems, such as babies and seniors. My dad sort of overreacts and says he’s so scared of it that he almost doesn’t want to come to California with us. Like, I went to Fry’s the other day and the toiletries aisle was totally cleared out. There was a sign stating that if customers bought anything from that aisle then there would be 1 per customer. I think it’s way to dramatic for people to be buying 5 stacks of toilet paper or 50 hand sanitizer bottles because according to research, the FLU is more dangerous than this over-rated virus. It makes sense if cities get quarantined if the city is big and crowded but people shouldn’t freak out too much. I don’t get the fact that people automatically think that asians have the virus. I’ve gotten way too many questions on whether I have the coronavirus or not. I used to shake it off but I have gotten way too many and it gets annoying.



iM hEaLtHy

186 words


That One Time TQ Farted While Running

TQ is disgusting. Nobody knows that. But I do. And she is so disgusting. Now you know.

TQ là gớm. Không có ai mà biết. Mà con biết. Và TQ gớm cúa. Rồi mầy biết rời.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

who put the alphabet in alphabetical order?

when i graduate from school, i’m going to force myself to forget everything i learned but math, that way, i have more room to have more memories of my life and not what the difference of a preposition is and a regular word. reading as a subject and grammar or writing is stupid in my opinion. not once have i seen an adult in a real life situation ask,”What do you think the author’s purpose for writing this book is?” or,”Do you know which word in this sentence is an abstract noun?” Sure this information might help you out, IF YOU GOT A JOB AS AN ENGLISH TEACHER. But like I’ve been saying, ENGLISH AND READING SHOULD NOT BE  SUBJECT. OR WRITING. You won’t be writing a normal text message and put in mLa FoRmAt. It’s not that it’s hard it’s just that I’ve been given a butt-load of homework asking me to identify the prepositional phrase that is getting modified. I guessed on that test but the teacher said we can retake it cause it’s a dumb concept. I wish they would just tell us the stuff we actually need and let us be free. i hate school.

poopy head

there’s a lot of things that I expect if you want to be my friend. Like for example, WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PICK ME UP AND HANG OUT WITH ME YOU DONT JUST GHOST ME AND NOT SHOW UP. it is partially my fault because I didn’t give you my number but at the same time, your mom said that you guys were totally free and that we could go to the movies or do an escape room. I even gave you my address which you copied down like five times so I’m very confused. I’ve been waiting for you for the past hour and a half and no sign of anything. Looking back I do remember giving you my moms number and you putting it into your phone. or maybe you just decided that I suck and I don’t deserve your time even though I said I’d wake up early at 8:00 to hang out with you. Either one of those. it’s not even that hard to find my house, you park at the mailboxes, you find the house with the correct address on it. now my mom yelled at me for not giving you her number and I’m sitting here on my couch writing this post. there is a slight possibility that you just wake up late since you always get to school late and that you decided to sleep in and forgot about me so you are currently rushing to put on your clothes and find my address and wait for your mom to get ready since she woke up the second you stepped into her room to ask her if she could drive you to my place like she said she would. Or maybe there’s a whole lot of traffic even though I’m pretty sure our houses aren’t too far from each other. Or maybe you haven’t even woke up yet, after all, it is a Monday with no school so I don’t blame you even though I saw you make an alarm at 7:30 for Monday. But no biggie, as long as you get here that’ll be fine, even though you were supposed to come at 8:00 and it’s now 9:30 I will wait until 10:00 just in case one those possibilities are true. I I hope they are because if not I’d have to change and have a boring day. Plus, this day was supposed to cheer you up from that idiot.

poopy head