Supernatural powers sound cool but if everyone had one it’d be utter chaos. If I had to choose my power then I’d most likely want to have a power that allows me to fly. And make other things fly. I’d have so much fun. But like I said, everybody having powers would lead to war. And destruction. There could be a system that could “control” the public. But the power to control gravity is coooooool. Also the power to control gravity is based on a character in an anime that has that power. I love her and I now want her power. Imagine the possibilities. I could just float around normally. And I could get to places so much faster. The idea of floating sounds so unusual but if it I had that power I would do it all the time and my friends and family would say it’s normal to see me floating around while eating chips or watching movies. Like I could have so much fun and do reckless things. And if I make other people or things float then I could have a lot of fun, or chaos. Yeah.
I’ve been looking at a lot of pictures of Tokyo on Google and my desire to live there is over the top. But of course I would have no way of communicating so my objective is to learn Japanese but I don’t know how? And anime, the animation makes things look so much better. I want ramen, and sushi. I also want superpowers and talking pets. I love the Tokyo aesthetic but I’m an 11 year old who dreams of the impossible. Besides my thoughts might change in the next few years. Nice aesthetic. Tokyo.
Yesterday it rained pretty hard and after when I looked outdid the window it was like there was a yellow tint. It actually looked super cool but I still can’t figure out why it happened. I tried to take a picture but it came out as the normal “tint”. I kind of would’ve liked if the tint was normal cause it looked kinda like the 80’s. Which I think was pretty cool. That is also a nice aesthetic. Retro.
I also like big sweaters and braids in my hair. But no “shy girl act” more of an extrovert who’s ready to go around the world with their best friend. I love doing things with my friends that you would see online. And there’s not much stopping us from getting a nice vibe from watching the sunset from the balcony from our hotel or walking around a big city with drinks in our hands. And blush but there’s not too much, you know? I have one of those mini backpacks and scrunchies. Cute aesthetic. Soft.
ThucDan wants to get a skateboard. I’ve seen all these videos of skaters and it looks like so much fun. And you can decorate the boards. And the little tricks look fun to do even though people say it’s hard to learn the tricks. I also like the fact that some people are able to skate in ripped jeans and look good. And they wear striped long-sleeved shirt. Fun aesthetic. Skater.
And there’s really good music I like to listen to but I’m not sure I want to tell people I listen to it cause people tend to judge people on what kind of music they listen to or what clothes they wear. That’s why I haven’t chosen an aesthetic. Plus I’m only eleven. Anyways I’ve never tried to make music but I’ve done digital art before and I gotta say, I’m not very good but I still like doing it cause it’s fun. Fun aesthetic. Artsy.
Then there are people who party like there’s no tomorrow. They have fun cause once you’re an adult then you have work if you want to have a “good life” if you even can if you’re always working. I love having fun, everyone does, and we have to do it while we can cause my parents would sure be way more happy if they didn’t have to work for everything. Super fun “aesthetic”. Yolo.
When we went to the airport it was late night so all the stores were closed. There was this one store near our gate so TQ and I just looked around. I brought $20 to buy snacks but since it was late night I had already brushed my teeth and should be asleep by now. Our gate was boarding so TD, TQ and I said bye to mom and we got on the plane. Here were TVs but TD said we had to sleep. TQ and I played games on the TV until after like 10 of the plane taking off, TD told us to turn it off and go to sleep. I woke up and we had already landed. We got off and went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. I wanted to know where the nearest snack stop was. We found this small store at the airport and I got gummies, TQ got a soda and TD got jalapeño chips. Of course, nobody wanted to pay so I volunteered to pay, I don’t know why. I got $5 back. I could’ve bought stuff for myself with all that money but my sisters insisted on using mine even though we all know who has the most, TD. I got the money from mom since I got all As all year. TQ got the same amount and only got all As one quarter. She spent it on Robux. And she went over $20, TD had to loan her $5. She wasted all that money and more on a game. We played on our iPads until our gate was ready. Anyways our gate boarded and the plane was pretty small, considering it was a 30 min flight. TQ fell asleep but I was wide awake so I played on my iPad for a bit until the battery was too close to dying. We arrived and Bac Truong picked us up. We arrived at the house and we got to where we are now. Bye bye.
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Hôm qua con về tới nhà Bác Trường. TQ chơi với Duy Biên ở ngoài. TD và Duy Khang coi TV. TD lái xe Ba Ngoại và Duy Khang đi Giant Eagle. Con chơi game với Duy Biên và TQ. Hồi tối Duy Biên, Duy Nam, TQ và con chơi lên cái TV. Rồi mình đi ngũ.
Hôm nay mẹ sẽ chở mấy con đi phi trường. Mình sẽ đi Charlotte rồi mới đi tới Ohio. Con phải viết blog tiếng Việt và đánh đàn nếu mà con muốn mang IPad của con. TD sẽ ở đó mấy tuần rồi TD sẽ về nhà. Duy Biên đang ở đó mấy tuần rồi. Cho nên lúc mà con tới Biên sẽ ở đó rồi. Nhà con sẽ đi ăn ở Capital Grill. Con vẫn còn không biết Capital Grill có cái gì. Lúc mà mình xong ăn mình sẽ đi phi trường. Rồi con sẽ đi Ohio!
Ello Old Chap
Hôm nay bạn của TD tới và đi Target với TD. Hôm qua mẹ chỉ con nhà mới mẹ muốn mua. Nhà có năm phòng và ba phòng tắm. Cho nên nếu mà mình có mua nhà đó thì con được phòng riêng. TQ cũng được phòng riêng. Bà Ngoại được phòng tắm riêng. Mẹ muốn mua lúc mà con đang ở lớp chín. Mà con muốn mua nhà đó bây giờ.
bird day
So on Saturday we went to Vyvy’s house for her birthday. But of course, TD bought presents last minute. Vyvy had a list of what she wanted and TD and Tamil would be splitting it up. We went to Target and instantly found a pink bandana. We found some nail polish, and these flavored marshmallows. There were these body lotions that were pink (Vyvy’s favoriter color was pink so everything was themed around pink) but they were too expensive. We found a carton that was pink so we put all the stuff inside. While we were in line for check-out TD saw that one really nice brand of gum, I think it’s called Gourmet Gum, so we tossed it in the bin. Then TD remembered that Vyvy also wanted chapstick so TQ and I dashed back into an aisle and debated whether to get the pink chapstick with a blue package or a purple one with a pink package. The second choice would’ve fit the aesthetic more but we decided that if the real thing was pink it was enough. We walked back home and TD arranged the presents in the carton for the care package look. The carton had come with two so TQ and I took the second one for ourselves. TD put the present in a matching bag and put some pink tissue paper in. As if on cue, Vyvy’s mom arrived to pick us up. We stopped by Chick-Fil-A and a boba place called Chill’d. We got to the house and just hung around for about an hour. Then we went to the neighborhood with a really nice park. We took some pictures and left. When we got back I melted some chocolate and Vyvy’s mom cut up some strawberries. Everyone had Korean Barbecue but I had crawfish. The chocolate was finally done melting and instead of putting the chocolate and waiting for it to harden, we just dipped it as it was. It was still as good as it would’ve been if we had let it harden with the chocolate. We had cake and Vyvy led some words of “inspiration” and then out of nowhere Cô Uyên pulled out her phone and read one of TD’s blog she had written in Viet. Mom had sent the link to Cô Uyên so now she could be reading this right now. TD’s blog was pretty funny since it was in Viet and she was using the only amount of words she could. We had cake and Kally, Vinh and I decided to go upstairs. Vinh was showering so I listened to Kally rant about people she hated and I just gave her some advice that helped her, I think, that’s what she said. But it was really fun that night. And Vinh ordered something for Vyvy and(don’t tell her) he’s getting a white bucket hat for her. I want a black bucket hat. Like Nhi’s. I swear I have my own opinions. But yeah that’s it.
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goody goody
Con phải làm bài học một tuần nữa rồi xong con sẽ đi Ohio. Mẹ muốn con và TQ và TD đi Ohio lúc mà mùa hè tới. Duy Biên tới Ohio rồi. Ngày mai là sinh nhật bạn của TD. TQ, TD và con sẽ đi với nhà Cô Uyên cho sinh nhật của bạn TD. Mình sẽ đi chơi rồi đi về nhà Cô Uyên lúc tối. Lúc đó mẹ với ba sẽ đi tới nhà Cô Uyên luôn. Mẹ nói con phải viết một cái blog tiếng việt nếu mà con muốn đi. Bây giờ con có một trăm chữ. Con muốn đi Ohio mà TD không có muốn đi nhiều. Và con xong rồi😊
I don’t think that this whole quarantine thing is that serious. The quarantine part sucks but the corona virus isn’t the worst. I think we should just go back to the way it was. Like cancer isn’t kinda like corona. But nobody is overreacting about cancer. Because corona is so much more dangerous even though both corona and cancer have no cure and only one of them is get all the attention. Think about how sad cancer must feel, devastated. Corona gets all the attention because it’s the younger child, as expected. But cancer has more deaths. Brighten up.
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Hàng xóm của con hơi nhỏ. Nó có một hồ bơi. Và nó bên cạnh Target. Bà Ngoại đi Target nhiều lắm. Con với TQ thích đi bơi nhiều lắm. Con chơi ở ngoài với TQ nhiều. Có một cái playground ở hàng xóm của con. Mà nó hơi xa nhà con cho nên con không có đi tới đó nhiều. Và con không có muốn đi. Con xong rồi, bye bye.