my first

Last Saturday I had my first.


I had my first volleyball game, of course.

If you remember , I made B Team (BT) and BT was split into 2 teams,(still a part of BT) Red(R) and Blue(B). I got put on the better side, B. I already knew everyone on B and we were pretty good not gonna lie. The way game days(Saturdays) work is that B was gonna play 2 teams from different schools, so two games. And then R would do the same. However, on this day, each BT would be playing 1 school. So Coach arranged it so that R went up against B. R went up against the other school first. And took both sets, so they won. But I can’t give you any details cause I’m not R. Next it was R vs B. They served first and we picked it up. We didn’t have any combos down or specific positions like setter, left wing spiker, etc. A Team was the ones to do that kind of stuff. Coach didn’t care about spiking or making points from our sides. Coach just wanted us to get the ball over the net. About 10 minutes had past and we were leading 10 to 5. Also, I was not in the game at the moment. A Team actually benches people for the entire game but BT has to give each player equal playing time, whether they were good or not. So it was at this moment I was subbed in. I’m #3. I was in front left and we had just scored a point. Which meant the person serving on our side would stay serving. We lost the serve and they served up. It headed straight towards me and I called, picking up the ball. My mistake then was passing it over the net, I wanted to try this new thing I was working on separately with my friend on B. The plan was for me to set up the ball for her spike. Realizing my mistake, I glance over at my friend, motioning a ‘sorry’. She shook her head, telling me that she didn’t care. Luckily, R was able to pick up the ball, but it was passed out. That meant we had to rotate clockwise. And I was rotating to back left, the serving position. My serves have never been strong, in fact my underhand serves go pretty high but they don’t go over the net. My overhand serves however, can go over the net, but not high enough so they either go under the net or hit the net. A part of me was saying to try overhand but that was too risky, if I didn’t hit the ball at the right time, it would either hit my fingers or my forearm. And overhand serves go more powerful if they are hit my the palm. So I ruled out overhand. I had to do underhand. There was no way my timing could be off and I don’t have to throw the ball, so I know exactly where my hand will hit it. So I served underhand. Not gonna lie my legs were shaking. This was my first volleyball game ever and my mom, little sister, grandma, Vinh, and Lanvy were watching. I didn’t dare to make eye contact. But I ended up messing up my footing and screwed the serve. It didn’t really matter, we won anyway. Our next game was against another school. They were bigger and their serves were arm-ripping.

We lost.

582 words

this week my school had volleyball tryouts monday, tuesday and thursday. i couldnt try out on monday since i didnt have all my physical exams done but by tuesday i could. i wouldnt say it was hard but not the easiest either. there were a lot of 8th graders trying out and i knew some of my 7th grade friends were really good. the majority trying out were 6th graders. i guess they were excited since this was the first year they could try out for a sport. i kept hearing them say that they sucked and they’ll get cut. which i think was annoying, if you’re that bad why try out? my friends and i get there earlier that way we can practice without anyone around to annoy us, and i brought my own volleyball. but on thursday about 10 6th graders were waiting by the gym door. i heard one of them say that they might get in trouble for going in early. my friends and i asked them to move out the way of the door and we walked in. a 6th grader tried to stop us saying that we would get in trouble. the thing is, we already did this the first 2 days of try outs so we just ignored them. the 6th graders realized it was okay and came in, dropping off their stuff. keep in mind that we haven’t set up the net yet. the net was usually set up by 8th graders and coach, since they were bigger and taller. these 6th graders, they took out the pole that was 4x bigger than them and attempt to set up the set up the net, the thing was this net was supposed to be set up really high and these 6th graders are just about an inch shorter than me. we told them they couldnt and they got all whiny and put the stuff away, this all happened while coach and the 8th graders still werent here. I grabbed out my volleyball and started a 3 on 3 with my friends. it was pretty fun for about 3 minutes until my friend passed the ball too far and high up, and one of the 6th graders caught it. not only did she catch MY volleyball. she kept it, she passed it to her friends and they were having they’re little passing circle. my friends were really annoyed so my friend, Kayla walked over to them and asked for the ball back. the reason why the 6th graders took my ball was they assumed we took it from the equipment closet for ourselves, but the equipment closet is locked so they couldnt grab one. Kayla then asked for my ball back but the 6th graders claimed that they didnt take it, just caught it and used it, same thing. I walked over and explained that it was my ball that i brought from home and they immediately gave it back. i was pretty annoyed and when we started the 3 on 3 again, the 6th graders asked if they could join, i declined. Kayla told them that the 3 on 3 with us would be able to make us dependable on nobody else other than ourselves. they got all whiny once more and walked to closet, attempting to open it to grab a volleyball of their own. the 8th graders started coming in and i saw one of my 8th grade friends so i talked to them a bit. my friend Amara in 8th grade asked what the 6th graders were doing and i explained everything from when they tried to set up the net. Amara walked over with the keys and opened up the closet, telling the 6th graders that if they wanted to practice beforehand, they would have to bring their own ball like i did. the 8th graders set up the net, with no help from the 6th graders.

There were about 30-40 girls trying out and only 2 different teams you can make. But coach made it so that nobody would get cut.

A team(Competitive)-they play more games plus they go to state champ. and mostly make up of 8th graders and some 7th graders and only 13 girls allowed

B team(Intramural)-they play less games and mostly make up of 7th graders and some 6th graders. since there were so many girls they split up B team in 2 teams, Blue and Red. 24 girls on B team

Practice team-they dont play games, they just help A and B team practice and make up of mostly 6th graders and a few 7th graders. Everyone else gets on practice team if they didnt make A or B.

I did not expect to make A team but I still hoped for it. I did not at all expect for me to get practice. I didnt. I got B team, which side? I dont know but as long as i didnt make practice team.

i dont like the girls in the grade below us.

no no

830 words

:) pt 2

Mẹ gọi con dậy ăn trứng và bánh mì. Hôm nay mình sẽ đi leo núi. Con mặc đồ rồi con đi ra xe. Mình sẽ đi leo núi ở Zion Park.

Chỗ này hơi xa cho nên con đi ngủ lại ở trong xe. Con dậy và thấy mình đang đi vô chỗ có nhiều núi lắm. Mẹ đưa con fone của mẹ để con quay video. Mình đậu xe rồi đi ra ngoài. Mình chụp hình rồi thấy mình không có leo chỗ này được. Rồi mình đi vô xe lại nữa. Ba tìm chỗ đậu lại nữa và mình đi ra xuống xe. Bà ngoại thấy chỗ đi xuống dễ mà đi bộ được. Ai cũng đi xuống đó rồi mình bắt đầu đi bộ. Con chưa có mệt cho nên con không có cần nước. Mình đi vô một cái hầm tối lắm và mát lắm. Giỏ của em và mẹ có trái táo cho nên con ăn một trái. Minh đi bộ 2-3 tiếng rồi con, em, chị và Nhi mệt quá mình đi vô xe đi về. Bây giờ con vẫn còn quay video. Lúc mà mình về con,em,chị và Nhi đi bơi. Hồ bơi hơi có nhiều người mà bơi vẫn còn vui. Nhi và chị muốn đi về cho nên mình đi ra. Con và em đi tắm. Mấy bà già làm nui để mà ăn. Lúc mà ăn xong thì mình coi phim ở trên TV. Duy Nam và Bác Trường sẽ tới trễ lắm cho nên mình phải đi ngủ. Con đang ngủ mà Bác Trường và Duy Nam tới rồi. Sáng hôm sau con dậy, chào Bác Trường rồi ăn trứng. Mình sẽ đi lại chỗ mình đi hôm qua. Bác Trường cũng mang camera mà bay lên được. Nhi, chị, và Duy Nam đi vô xe Bác Trường. Mình đậu xe ở chỗ mà không có núi, và Bác Trường bay cái camera lên.

Lúc mà mình xong mình lái xe ra chỗ mà có núi rồi đi leo núi. Mình đi chưa có hết mà ai cũng mệt cho nên mình quay lại đi về. Lúc mà mình về con đi bơi lại, Duy Nam, con, em thì bơi mà chị và Nhi ngồi xuống coi fone. Đi bơi vui, mà Duy Nam muốn đi về cho nên mình lại đi về. Chú John và ba làm cua và thịt bò. Con ăn hơi nhiều cua quá cho nên con đi tắm luôn.

Lúc mà ai cũng ăn xong mẹ chở mấy đứa đi park chơi. Con và em thích park đó lắm. Con và em mệt rồi cho nên mình đi mua kem. Bây giờ đang buổi tối và Duy Nam sẽ đi về sáng sớm ngày mai cho nên mình đi về. Con đánh răng rồi đi ngủ.

Ngày mai con sẽ đi về.


Hôm kia nhà con đi chơi với lại Nhi, Chú John, Duy Nam và Bác Trường đi Zion, Utah.

Thứ sáu con không có đi học cho nên mình sẽ bắt đầu chuẩn bị đồ một ngày trước. Thứ sáu một giờ mấy rồi ba con chở Nhi tới nhà con. Mấy phút nữa rồi Chú John tới. Mình bỏ hết đồ vô xe, con muốn mang mì gói cho con mà mẹ nói nếu mà con mang thì con sẽ không ăn món khác. Con, Nhi và em ngồi đàng sau, chị,Bà Ngoại và mẹ ngồi giữa rồi ba và Chú John ngồi đàng trước. Chú John và ba sẽ thay phiên nhau lái xe. Con và em coi phim ở fone ba mà mẹ lấy lại. Nhi coi phim Hàn Quốc và em ngủ rồi. Con chưa có ngủ được cho nên con nghe mấy người lớn nói chuyện. Con nghe Chú John và ba nói về ông Trump. Con không nghe cái gì vui cho nên con đi ngủ luôn. Con dậy và mình đi vô cây xăng. Ai cũng cần đi tiểu mà con ở lại xe tại vì con không thích đi ra ngoài. Con đi ngủ lại rồi con quên hết mình làm cái gì ở trong xe rồi.

Con dậy và thấy mình tới rồi. Con đi ra xe rồi con mang đồ vô nhà mình. Lúc mà mình xong ai cũng đói lắm cho nên mấy bà già làm bánh cuốn ngon lắm. Bây giờ trễ rồi cho nên con phải đi ngủ.

Thứ bẩy mẹ gọi em dậy sớm lắm mà con mệt quá con đi ngủ lại. Hôm nay mình sẽ đi leo núi.

Còn nữa ngày mai.

villy billy

im trying out for the school volleyball ball team. theres 2 teams you can get put on. the b team or the a team, the b team does home games and the a team gets to go do away games. of course everyone wants to get on the a team since they play more games and its fun to go to a different place with your friends. tryouts are next monday through wednesday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. im writing that here just in case i forget. 6th graders usually get put on the b team and 8th graders usually get put on the a team, only cause its the first and last years of middle school. the problem is im in 7th grade, so its based on my actual skill, ive been thinking about practicing but i dont know if tq would want to help me and td would just bully me for trying to hard. 6th and 8th graders have it easy, they get in cause its either their first or last time, 7th graders are pretty stressed when it comes to sports try-outs and last night i was rethinking it, but i got my physical done today so no turning back. unless i wanna put 3 hours to waste.

210 words

Ali’s mom has a tesla

Hôm kia lúc mà con mới về nhà AZ, con đi nhà bạn con, Ali. Con phải dậy sớm cho ba chở con đi nhà Ali. Con thay đồ rồi đi vô xe. Con gọi Ali nói chuyện chút xíu rồi con tới chung cư Ali. Ali chạy xuống lầu ra cửa thấy con ở trong xe. Con đi ra, chào ba rồi ôm Ali. Ba đi rồi xong mình đi lên lầu 8. Con chào mẹ ba Ali, mẹ ba Ali biết con  là ai rồi tại vì con tới nhà cũng mấy lần rồi. Nhà Ali hơi nhỏ mà nhà Ali có 3 người thôi. Chung cư Ali cao lắm. Ali chỉ con vô phòng Ali. Phòng Ali có phòng tắm riêng luôn! Giường Ali bự và có TV. Con và Ali quay phim và coi TV 1 tiếng. Ali chỉ con quần áo Ali mua hôm qua. Rồi Ali muốn làm bánh cho nên mình đi vô bếp làm. Mình làm gần xong rồi mà con thấy Ali không có trứng. Ali gọi bà ngoại Ali hỏi nếu mà bà được chở mình đi mua trứng. Rồi là mình làm salad để ăn. Lúc mà xong bà ngoại Ali tới rồi. Mình đi ăn kem trước. Con ăn kem cà phê. Rồi đi chợ mua trứng và nước trà. Mình đi về rồi làm bánh. Lúc mà bánh xong mình ăn bánh và coi phim. Và mình quay phim luôn. Ali nói con Ali muốn mua quần áo nữa rồi chỉ con hình Ali thấy. Ali hỏi mẹ nếu mà mẹ chở mình đi chợ mua quần áo cho Ali. Mẹ Ali chở mình đi và bạn của mẹ Ali mà ở chung cư luôn. Mình tới chợ rồi nhìn đồ. Con thấy nhiều quần áo con thích mà con biết mẹ không có thích. Mà con cũng không mang tiền đâu. Ali thấy bông tai Ali thích và thấy áo. Ali không có tiền cho hai đồ cho nên Ali hỏi mẹ. Mẹ Ali không thích cái áo cho nên Ali mua bông tai. Lúc mình về Ali thử bông tai và con thích. Ba nhắn tin ba tới rồi. Con chào mẹ ba Ali rồi mình đi xuống lầu. Con chào Ali rồi đi vô xe.

i am not mentally stable for whats coming up

last summer i started this anime called The Promised Neverland. I stopped watching it after the 3rd episode and over time I’ve forgotten most of it. I had the great idea of starting over today and I have only watched the 1st episode, currently watching the following episodes as I type. The beginning of the first episode is beautiful. It had a wholesome start, with a big orphanage that was a big happy family. Even with this feeling, you could tell that there was something out of place. Maybe it was the fact that orphanage had a low fence gate circling it around to form a circle with the orphanage at the middle. Or maybe that the fact that beyond the gate was a giant wall 2 meters thick. OR MAYBE it was the fact that beyond the wall is a CLIFF. But also the fact that Mom was almost acting like there was a sniper on her 24/7. Of course I’ve already watched the first episodes so I knew what was out of place. Still, this was terrifying for me. I know nobody watches anime here but Nam. And Nam is the one that recommended this anime to me. The only one here who might watch The Promised Neverland is TD. So if you want to watch it TD, look no further.

I’m not gonna put the entire thing out here, cause I’m lazy. But long story short, Ray, Emma, and Norman are the eldest out of the 38 children in the orphanage. Every once in a while a child gets shipped out to their foster family. Conny gets shipped out this time. She forgets her stuffed animal, Noman and Emma go to return it to her only to find that she is dead in the back of the truck, right past the gate. Later they find out that the orphanage is actually a farm for monsters to eat. The more developed the brain, the more valuable the merchandise, aka the child. I heard that some pretty messed up stuff happens later on so I am totally prepared. NOT. Looks like something happened on my other window where I am watching the anime- I am now terrified for my health and for these fictional characters. Sounds dumb but anime can really get to your head


epic anime review

my all time favorite anime at the moment is Haikyuu. The overall plot and character development is very good indeed. At the beginning the characters are trash. But the improve over time and it shows. Haikyuu is a volleyball anime that is told from the perspective of Shoyo Hinata. In middle school he sees a powerhouse school, Karasuno, on TV and the player, nicknamed The Tiny Giant, inspires him to play volleyball. His middle school team is very scrawny but Hinata has amazing jump power. He goes against an elite middle school, Kitagawa First. There he meets his mortal enemy, Tobio Kageyama.

Kageyama is the setter of Kita and was given the nickname, The King of the Court, and not for the reason you think. Kageyama is obsessed with the perfect spike/set. He wants a fast quick attack, so his sets are super fast and firm. However none of his teammates are fast enough to catch up with Kageyama’s sets. Hinata’s team only consists of 6 players, normally a team would have 12, 6 on the court, 6 on the bench(*ahem* bench warmers) But as long as you have 6 players you qualify.

Hinata’s team consists of people who were forced on the team by him, his friend that plays soccer agreed to join as well has a friend from basketball. There are 3 first years on his team but, like I said, pretty short and scrawny. Spoiler Alert! Hinata’s team loses. Surprise surprise. Thus ending Hinata’s first and last official game in middle school.

Time skip to high school, Hinata obviously chose Karasuno High, however since Hinata saw the Tiny Giant on TV, Karasuno isn’t considered a powerhouse school anymore. As Hinata walks through the gym door, SURPRISE, he sees a tall boy practicing his serves, powerful ones too. His name? Tobio Kageyama.

Im not saying anything else since you watching it would be better.

311 words

lets get a golf cart guys

Hôm qua con đi nhà bạn con. TD cũng đi luôn. Lúc con tới bạn con đan rữa trén. Rồi xong mình đi vô phòng trơi. Rồi mình đi ra trơi game lên TV. Td và chị bạn con làm cookies. Chúc xiếu nữa bạn khác tới. Mấy chị đi mua nươc cho mình. Lúc mây chị về mình đi lái cái golf cart.