i had my second volleyball game day today. ive been working on my serves lately and they are in pretty good shape.
we won both games
easy dub bois
Keep your child safe or they'll end up like Nam.
i had my second volleyball game day today. ive been working on my serves lately and they are in pretty good shape.
we won both games
easy dub bois
Hôm nay con phải dậy sớm đễ mà con đi game của con. Con thích ăn chúôi. TQ hơi khùng. Bye.
tq went on a dumb rant about me and then i deleted it and then she brought it back from the dead so i am going to counter that rant.
tq’s whole life is revolved around roblox and it is definitely unhealthy. during lunch, td and i usually talk about the recent events, but tq will go crazy about her online roblox friends or her obsession over this guy she met named Jay. she goes crazy whenever Jay is online and she immediately drops whatever she is doing to try to play with him. her youtube recommended is just roblox videos. and when she saw that pink leaf uploaded a new video, she went berserk and tried to take my mom’s phone to watch it. she thinks pink leaf and going limited are the funniest and coolest youtubers but their just some 16 year old kids hiding in their parents’ basement. and then she’ll spend money on robux. the other day, tq got grandma to buy a $25 apple gift card all to spend on robux. and she spent most of it in that very day. she’ll come up with excuses like, there wasn’t a $10 one! or they only had $25 ones! just stop it. right now. were all sick and tired of you spending money and time and your brain cells on a stupid little screen with people you dont know and people you live to impress. she constantly talks about roblox and her cool-looking avatar and the thing is- i dont care. but she keeps going on and on about it whether i tell her i dont care or not.
i dont actually have a favorite sister. they both annoy me in several different ways. if i were to list all of those ways, this blog would continue on and on. but i do have a favorite cousin, no offense. i think that the relationship of distant family is best when we see each other at least once a year. so that means this year, i have had my share of my distant family. nhi does not count, since i can just drive to her house in about 20 minutes, and i only have to bring my father and a car. but of course, Cau Ngan is coming over during Thanksgiving, which i have no problem with. but like i said, i already had my share of distant family. and if nobody reads this blog, i will remind them that my distant family time has already been spent for 2020. so if you are my distant family, and you are reading this, see you in 2021.
all tq is doing is going on roblox and spending hndreds of dollars on robux and then using it on virtual clothes. and then she’ll constantly wear those same clothes, putting the clothes she bought before to waste. and then she goes show it off in Royale High or Meep City. she does it all just to impress everyone else. shes so lonely in the real words, she goes crazy when people join her virtual party. and then she keeps talking about it for the rest of the day. she makes more and more online friends and im getting sick and tired of it all. i am so close to deleting her account.
i continued this anime i dropped a couple years ago, My Hero Academia. i agree that it is good, but its wayyyyyyy overrated. there are kids at my school that are wearing MHA merch on everything. bracelets, headbands, water bottles, backpacks, binders, lunchbags, masks, pins. they could at least be a original too, ive seen the same MHA backpack on 7 different kids. and the same nundred pins on those backpacks too. you know what stuff im talking about, the stuff you see at Hot Topic. im currently on season 4. but the thing is, this anime is as good as any other anime, so why is it so popular? is it cause of the art style? the voice actors? the character development? its a mystery. if you ask any of the My Heroboos(thats what im calling them), theyll just answer witha simple,”its just really good”. BUT WHY IS IT SO GOOD YOU SPEND HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON IT.
My Hero Academia is taken place in a world where 80% of the world population has ‘quirks’. Quirks are basically superpowers. and there are some people who take classes to become a Pro Hero. by the age of three, your quirk should be developing, it can be anything. a certain boy name Broccoli Cheddar is born without a quirk. and the number one pro hero, Captain America, convinces him that hair is edible, and Broccoli Cheddar now has superpowers. he enrolls in one of the best hero academias, Poo A. there, he facing challenges such as, how long will it take until Living Grenade kills him? or, who can make Ultimate Edgelord talk about his spooky scary backstory? or even, when will Bubblegum Girl say she likes Broccoli Cheddar?
its all a mystery
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two days ago i watched the anime movie, A Whisker Away. i agree with TD and Nam that it may be a furry movie, but it is a very good furry movie.
heres the basics of the movie;
a girl named Sasaki Miyo(Muge)believes that the world is pointless. on the day of the festival, she meets this shady looking fat guy. he offers her a cat mask. of course, Muge buys it. when she puts it on, she turns into this small white cat. she wanders around as a cat for a while and her crush, Hinode Kento(?), finds her. He picks her up and they go around the festival, he names th cat(Muge), Taro. After his old dog that passed away. At school,(when Muge is back to a human)Muge is always giving hints at Hinode that she likes him. BIG hints. everyone already knows her little crush, Muge is a very loud and energetic girl. shes also pretty wierd. but Hinode is always ignoring her antics. the only way Hinode loves her, is when she’s Taro. Muge realizes this and starts to spend more time as a cat with Hinode. but the more she uses the mask, the more her human senses fade away.
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mom gives me extra homework to do after school. but lately with volleyball and school homework, i haven’t even touched the folder. so now mom is making me do it on weekends. but that also proves to be difficult since mom is always making plans for us to go outside. so now i have to do it during fall break. when i was choosing my specials for my 7th grade schedule, mom put me in HS Algebra I. and ever since i got a B in that class, mom is printing out HS Algebra II sheets for me to do. i was so happy to find that i had a B in Algebra. at the start of the year, i was at a D in that class. my teacher was really excited as well, we talked about my tests and homework. my algebra class is mostly 8th graders and i got 90% on all of my tests. the 8th graders did way worse than me. of course if i told my mom that, she wouldn’t care. so here i am now with 2 sheets of Algebra II work that doesn’t make any sense to me. what in the world is a trigonometric ratio and polynomial? i want to ask dad but he’s working and he’ll yell at me for being stupid. if i ask TD she’ll complain about how mom shouldn’t be giving me extra work. the sheets say it’s Algebra I but TD tells me she didn’t learn this stuff until last year. last year, TD was in Algebra II. not only that, mom is comparing all my grades this year to last year’s grades. i got all A’s all year, last year. but this first quarter this year, was 2 A’s 4 B’s and a C. and mom is blaming it all on volleyball. sure, volleyball has taken up a lot of my extra time, but i do best when doing last minute projects. and i enjoy volleyball with all my heart. i always keep in mind that i can be put on probation from volleyball if my grades drop, even more the reason why i AM trying my hardest. i got a C in english. i am actually very strong in english and grammar and all my assignments were turned in and my essays as well. it was probably from the online work. during those weeks of online school, i missed quite a bit of work, cause i don’t know how to use technology. anyways, whenever i talk about my dream jobs to my mom,(photographer)she HAS to remind me that they don’t make a lot of money unless they’re really skilled. then she goes on about how she dreamed about being a lawyer or an engineer. and then she goes on about how i should be a lawyer or and engineer. then she somehow convinces me to agree that i should be a lawyer or an engineer.
can someone just tell my mom that i probably can’t be the smartest and i won’t be successful?
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i used to go school with this girl named dalena.
we were in fifth grade and everyone was going to the school nearby for middle school. but my mom didn’t want me to go to that school. so the friends i made there, i lost contact with.
nowadays dalena is living the dream. she walks to school along with 80% of the people in that area. that means she can go out with her friends to the park without her parents needing to plan anything. she lives near all of her friends and they walk around, do stupid things and live excitingly. i dont live near anyone. to hang out with my friends i have to plan ahead a week before. i dont know anyone in my neighborhood, and i live in the ghetto. once i move, lets hope that i make friends and i can live my life loosely as dalena.
Tuần này trường của con có cho thi để vô đội bóng chuyền ba ngày. Ngày đầu tiên con không vô thi được vì cô nói giấy tờ chưa nhận được. Mà con nộp rôi thứ ba.
Con không nghĩ nó sẽ khó nhưng nó sẽ không có dễ luôn. Trong đó có nhiều con gái lớp 8 đi thi. Và con biết có con gái lớp 7 rất giỏi, nhưng hầu hết là lớp 6. Con nghĩ là mấy đứa đó thì rất thích thi vì năm ngoái không được thi rồi. Con cứ nghe mấy đứa đó nói là nó chơi dở quá, chắc là sẽ bị loại. Con thấy hơi khó chịu vì nếu mình thấy dở thì đừng thi. Con và bạn con tới rất sớm nên có thể tập trong lúc không có ai làm phiền và con có mang một trái banh của con theo. Qua ngày thứ năm, khoảng 10 đứa lớp 6 đang chờ ở phòng thể dục. Một đứa nói chắc tụi nó sẽ bị la vì đi sớm. Con và bạn nói tụi nó đi ra chỗ khác. Một đứa trong lớp 6 nói tụi con sẽ bị phạt. Nhưng tụi con đã tới sớm đuọc hai ngày trước rồi cho nên con cứ mặc kệ. Tụi lớp 6 nghĩ là không sao cho nên tụi nó đi vô luôn rồi bỏ đồ xuống. Phải nhớ là chưa có giang cái lưới lên. Mà thường thì những đứa lớp 8 sẽ làm việc đó. Nhưng mà tụi lớp 6 thì gỡ hai cái cây đi. Tụi con nói không được làm vậy và tụi nó khó chiệu nhưng cũng mang cất đi tất cã nhửng chuyện này xảy ra trước khi co giáo tới. Con cầm trái banh của con và bát đầu tập với bạn. 3 phút đầu tiên rất vui cho đến khi bạn con thẩy trái banh lên xa và cao quá, môt đứa lớp 6 chụp được. Nó không trả lại mà còn thẩy qua cho bạn nó và cứ thế chơi với nhau. Kayla, bạn con bắt đầu khó chịu nên đi tới tụi nó để lấy trái banh lại. Lí do mà tụi nó lấy banh của can là vì nó nghĩ trái banh con lấy ở tủ của trường. Và tụi nó bào chữa là tụi nó không lấy mà chỉ bắt được thôi. Con đi tới và giải thích đó là trái banh của con mang từ nhà tới, ngay lập tức nó chã lại. Con rất là bực mình, tiếp tục tập, thì tụi nó xin chơi chung nhưng con không cho. Kayla nói với tụi nó là chơi ba với ba đễ mình chủ động không cần ai nửa. Tụi no khó chiệu lải nhải, đi tới tủ tính mở ra đễ lấy trái banh. Ngay lúc đó tụi lớp 8 đi vô, con thấy một đứa và đi lại nói chuyện. Amara, bạn con lớp 8 hỏi con là tụi lớp 6 làm gì vậy, con giải thích từ đầu lúc tụi nó gắn cái lưới lên. Amara tới đi lại với chìa khoá và mở tủ, nói với tụi nó là nếu muốn tập sớm thì phải tự mang trái banh riêng. Rồi mấy chị lớp 8 gắn cái lưới lên mà không cần tụi lớp 6 giúp.
Có khoảng 30-40 đứa được kiểm tra và chỉ có 26 đứa được chọn. Nhưng cô cứ làm như sẽ không ai bị loại.
A, là đội sẽ đi thi nhiều hơn và sẽ có thễ được chọn đi thi tiểu bang. Và hầu hết là mấy đứa lớp 8 và lớp 7.
B, là đội yếu hơn. Chơi ít hơn và thường là chĩ có lớp 7 và lớp 6. Nhưng vì nhiều đứa quá nên đội B lại chia ra thành hai đội. Xanh dương và đỏ. Tổng cộng là 24 đứa trong đội B.
Còn một đội nữa là chỉ giúp đội A và B trong lúc tập. Nếu ai không được vô đội A hoặc B thì sẽ vô đội này.
Con không nghĩ con sẽ được vô đội A nhưng vẫn hy vọng. Con cũng không nghĩ là sẽ vô đội “tập”, và đúng như vậy.
Con vô đội B, nhưng không biết màu nào, nhưng không sao, cuối cùng thì con cũng đã được chọn
Con không thích mấy đứa lớp dưới.