middle school dances…

fellas, i did it. i attended a middle school dance. i’ve always thought they were dumb but at the same time i’ve wanted to go to one just to see if it was anything like how thucdan told me it was, or if it matched up with any of the movies i’ve watched. let me tell you, it was exactly how i thought it would be.

my school was holding a spring fling on friday night, april first for all seventh and eighth graders. tickets could be bought for five bucks beforehand or at the door. i had made up my mind that i wasn’t going to go because i assumed i had tennis that night.  turns out i didn’t, but i still wasn’t sure if i wanted to go or not. on friday all my friends were talking about the dance and i still hadn’t made up my mind. as i walking to my car one of my friends pulls me aside and gives me this entire speech on why i should go. it went something like this;

”thuc! you have to go to the dance.”

“no i don’t?”

“but you do!”

“and why is that?”

“because (insert convincing reason here) and you’ll miss out if you don’t go.”

“i’ll think about it.”

so i thought about on the car ride home. and then i decided i was going to go. it was only for two hours and five bucks so why not? anyways once i got home, i called mother and informed her about the dance. then i threw on a skirt and shirt. doing my hair was slightly a hassle since i can never get one side to look like the other. once i finished, mother came home and drove me to school. on the car ride there i was wondering if i had made a mistake. well, too late now.

i showed up about 15 minutes early for two reasons; one, to buy my ticket since i didn’t buy it a week prior to the dance cause i’m not a loser, and two, because i wanted to hide out in the bathroom and cry a little bit before that dance started. i’m kidding, i didn’t cry. but i did hide out in the bathroom before the dance started. i realized i arrived a little bit too early and that the gym wasn’t even ready by the time i bought my ticket. but after walking around the halls aimlessly for about 10 minutes, my two friends arrived. i’ll call one of them gru and the other one paige. now gru and i had a mutual agreement through text that we would be matching. she in fact, did not match with me. she matched with paige. i’m not mad about it. anymore. anyways a few minutes after saying hi and chatting, palm tree arrived. her name isn’t palm tree but she’s like six foot so it makes sense.

it was 5pm so we went into the gym and hid out in a corner waiting for the rest of our friends. it took awhile for everyone to get here so for the first 30 minutes of the dance, it was just a bunch of kids in huddles and some low music playing. but then a bunch of people started arriving and they turned off the lights so everyone was jus round of yelling at each other. my group that i had arrived with basically split up, palm tree and paige went for food and gru and i went looking for our two other friends. i’ll call these two kimpossible and mila. when the four of us were united we just kinda talked until the dee jay guy put on some spanish song and all the hispanics went crazy cause apparently it was a cool song. anyways gru kimpossible and mila all knew how to dance to that song and i obviously didn’t but mila took my hands and had to show me how to. i don’t think i picked it up too well but it felt like i did and i was having fun just shaking my hands with mila and shimmying back and forth. i’m not gonna lie, i had a lot of fun. it was great to just grab my friends’ hands and make them dance with me even when they looked so miserable. the entire time, i was just laughing and talking with my friends while grabbing their hands and dragging them over to dance with me. i knew that if i thought it was fun, then it would be fun. so i just kept the mindset that this was going to be great. and it was. i had a great time.

towards the last 20 minutes of the dance the dee jay guy told us that he was gonna play the last few songs and a few kids started retaliating. i didn’t really care, i had enough fun and my social battery was starting to run out. i have this friend. we’ll call him domino’s pizza. because that’s his name. another spanish song came up and i didn’t really care cause for the last few spanish songs i just danced with mila. but somehow i got separated from my group and found myself talking to domino’s pizza. he’s a good friend of mine and when i told him i didn’t know how to dance, he grabbed me and we started dancing. it was pretty cool since i don’t really know any dances but domino’s pizza was pretty good at it and pretty much guided me the entire way. the bad thing was that someone had taken a video of us. normally i wouldn’t mind but they showed me the video and i realized how bad of a dancer i was.

i got over it in approximately 7 seconds.

and then i went back to just dragging random friends of mine to dance with me.

basically, throughout the entire night i assumed that it was just gonna be awkward and weird. but i got comfortable with the people around me and i didn’t really care at that point. i would recommend going to school dances. even though thucdan gave me the idea it was gonna be weird she still made me wanna go. and i did. and i don’t regret it. i had so much fun. too bad i didn’t get to go last year cause of covid. still, for my first school dance, it was awesome

word count:1078

happy lunar new years

Hôm qua con, em và chị đi lên nhà thờ cho têt’. Con đi lên đễ mà con coi máy ban, của con nhãy. Lúc mà con tới thì con tìm bạn của con dễ. Con đan đói cho nên con hỏi TD đua con tien nhưng mà TD nói TQ đan cam. Lúc mà con tìm em thì em nói em làm mát^ cái tiên` tôi`. Cho nên bạn của con mua cho con chãi giò. Con coi máy bạn của con nhãy và con la to lám. Bây giờ cỗ con thì là đâu. Bạn của TD cũng tới luôn. Con và bạn con chụp hình rôi con phải đi vê`.

Hôm thứ bẩy con đi qua nhà Nicole cho xinh nhật của con. Con tưởng có mình Nicole thôi nhưng mà có tới bốn đứa vì Nicole đã sáp xếp trước để nhàn cho con sự ngạc nhiên. Xâu khi mình đi ra ngoài chơi volleyball. Lúc mà mình đi vô thì chị của Nicole làm một bánh kem cho con mầu xanh dương và mầu xanh lá cây. Xâu khi đó thì mình đi coi phim và ănh pizza. Lúc mà hết mấy đứa đi về thì con và Nicole nói chuyện tới khi mẹ của Nicole phải chở con đi về.

bird day

Yesterday was my birthday. I was planning on getting to school early that morning but TQ forgot her folder or something we had to turn back and ended getting to school just on time. School wasn’t all that special, we had a few tests, my friends gave me gifts, yeah. TQ had student council meetings after school on Fridays so I picked up late, but then TQ called saying that the meeting let out early. So we waited for her to come out so that we could go home, but then she called again asking if she could stay to watch a drive-in movie with the teachers since her friend’s mom is the school nurse. So we just wasted 30 minutes and went home. Home was uneventful, I played Minecraft with some friends and then I had to go to tennis and pick up TQ. On the way I dropped off a very-late-birthday-gift for Kally from Nhi. Tennis was the same as usual. Once I got home I showered and waited for my Twitch streamer to go live since I mod for her. I went on a vc with a few other mods and we were just chilling while we were modding. I stayed up until the very last second of my birthday.

213 words

Tối nay Anh Duy Khang và Anh Duy Biên sẽ tới lúc chín giờ, mẹ và em sẽ đi đón. Ngày mai Duy Khang con và Nhi sẽ qua nhà Vinh chơi. Rồi tới thứ năm bà ngoại và Duy Nam mới tới. Mẹ nói chưa biết nấu gì cho ngày lễ Tạ Ơn vì mẹ chỉ được nghỉ một ngày, ngày thứ năm thôi, còn chị ThụcĐan thi cũng đi làm nên không phụ mẹ được.


Hôm thứ ba mấy dì tới. Con và em vẫn còn phải đi học nhưng mà mình được nghỉ thứ tư và thứ sáu. Thứ tư con, mẹ, em, và mấy dì đi leo núi, mệt lắm. Sau đó thì mình đi chợ rồi gặp chị ở chỗ làm của chị. Sâu đó ghé chợ cho mẹ mua đồ nấu ăn ngày mai. Mình phải ghé nhà Lanvy cho Lanvy về. Tới nhà là cũng tám giờ tối rồi, nhưng vẫn phải lau chùi và dọn dẹp vì hôm đó là ngày thứ năm. Làm xong ai cũng mệt nên ngủ một giấc tới sáng luôn.

Hôm nay con mua quà cho xinh nhật của chị ThucĐan và xinh nhật con. Con mua chị ThucĐan một cái case cho cái Airpods của chị tại vì mẹ có Airpods luôn cho nên mẹ và chị bị lôn được. Hôm kia con mua một cái chuột cho xinh nhât của ThucQuyên. Rôi con phải mua quà cho xinh nhật của mẹ luôn mà con không biết mua mẹ cái gì tại vì cái nao mà mẹ muốn mua thì là cho nhà thôi. Cho nên con sẽ chờ chúc xíu đễ mà mua quà cuả mẹ tại vì xinh nhật của mẹ chễ hơn xinh nhật của con và ThucĐan.

Hôm qua con đi nhà bạn con cho xinh nhật. Con mua kẹo và bông cho bạn con. Xinh nhật bạn con vui lám. Có nhiều ngưới lám. Lúc mà con đi vê con đi ngũ.


I don’t hate school. I mean, it’s not the most exciting thing in the world, but it’s not nothing. And, I’m not saying I don’t hate it cause i GeT tO lEaRn NeW tHiNgS or something that Y Vien would say. I think the reason why I don’t hate school is cause I don’t like being at home. I mean, I do like being at home, but only when I know that I can’t stay home forever. School isn’t hard, but I still end up getting stressed from it.

90 words

the future

If I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really have a goal in the future. A lot of people already know what colleges they wanna go to and what they wanna work as. But when I get asked that question, I just answer, I haven’t thought it out that far yet. Cause I really haven’t. In like 3-4 grade I wanted to be a florist, and then in 6th grade I wanted to be a photographer.  I would enjoy doing both professions its just that, they don’t make a lot of money. I think that the furthest I have thought out my career path is in high school, I wanna get a job at Barnes N Noble. My favorite place in the entire world second to my desk.