ViDeO gAmEs

I like video games. I’m not that active. I watch TV a lot. I don’t go outside. I haven’t seen the sun since my mom told me I could have a phone(that last one is not true)

Video games I have on my iPad(mostly all of them)

1.Pixel Gun-I like to save up for new guns to make me feel successful. I also like games with a lot of buttons.

2.Minecraft-I like building although a lot of my building turn out to look like I built blind.

3.Roblox-Customizing my character is nice but outfits are EXPENSIVE and I’m running low on Robux. like yeeting myself off the water slide to go through shortcuts and yeeting other people that make  me annoyed. like trapping people and watching them curl around until they die in agony.

6.Webtoon-I like reading comics and at the moment L.U.F.F interests me very much that I look forward to a new episode every week. like cubic games and this satisfies me very much.(I don’t like Paper.io2 cause it’s not cubic)

8.BitLife-This feels like life and it goes so much more faster.

9.Pixel Art-This helps stress so if you have a lot of stress, I definitely recommend you download this.

10.Geometry Dash-This game helps me focus on nothing but the actual game and the music calms me very much.(My favorite level is Base After Base)

11.ibisPaint X-I like editing my photos to make me feel cool.

12.Cat Condo-This makes me feel rich cause you get money from all the cats you get.

13.Spotify-Listening to my favorite songs while reading, folding clothes, sleeping, eating fruits and some more I forget.

14.Pic Collage-The name describes itself so no need to explain cause then that would be a waste of my brain and time.

15.Micro Battles-Two player game for being bored. I usually play this with my friends on any kind of car trip.


Don’t question the title, I was running out of ideas.

I will absolutely NOT be continuing “Imaginary Friends” cause I’m to !@#$%^& lazy. Please don’t yell at me mother, your dear little brother is forcing me to write about my past few days here at Florida and I just don’t have the time to come up with words to replace my inappropriate words.

Day 1: Well I arrive at the airport in Miami and I’m all by myself, no parents no sisters, luxury. The flight attendants call my a UM, as in ‘unaccompanied minor’, they say it in front of me as if I were as clueless as a baby elephant and as young as Y Vien, to be honest they probably did think I was 5 or 6. After about 4 hours Cau Ngan picks me up and we just stand there thinking of what to do before my sisters arrive. We then agree to go to Starbucks, I was excited because I was very looking forward to getting my favorite drink, a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap. However, in spite of my uncles healthy thoughts, we bout a chocolate croissant(I convinced him),some kind of sandwich and a juice. Afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble, and let me tell you, there is nothing like sitting down, reading a comic book and listening to calming music, and if there is something better than that, you have to sense in music or books. We then picked up my sister, though it was not necessary to INTERRUPT my peaceful reading because we waited about an hour until they finally arrived, we then went to Cau Ngan’s house and went to sleep, the end.


The next days will be posted tomorrow maybe. the is 324 words.(including the words after the sentence I have just written for you all the read)(I’m just trying to put a simple sentence into a long one to get more words and make my family proud of false things)

Sorry Not Sorry

Soooooooooooooooo. I have decided not to do any of the Imaginary Friends thing. I know. Such a shame. So I am going to write down some stuff that I have no idea how to describe, mostly because I have no idea what I’m going to write, but here we go anyway.



CONSPIRACY THEORIES. That’s what I’ve chosen for today. We are going to start off with a Frozen theory that I stole from the internet. We all know the main character of Frozen is Elsa, but her “sister” Anna doesn’t seem to even look like her. Not even they’re eye color is the same, however Elsa’s “parents” look much like Anna, hair,eye color, skin tone. But yet, where does Elsa’s white hair come from? So most of you know Rapunzel, long hair,  purple dress. Now HER mother drank the magical flower potion thingy and I’m guessing that’s what caused her blonde hair instead of brown like her mother. Now let’s move to the evil witch. She had Rapunzel locked up in a tower for many years because of her powers, but what if there were another girl with magical powers, Elsa could’ve been born from the same mother as Rapunzel but only after Rapunzel was kidnapped. I think that Rapunzel’s(or in this case Elsa’s)mother hid Elsa in Arendelle to keep her safe. If Elsa did have the same mother as Anna, wouldn’t Anna have powers similar to Elsa’s? But what’s the connection to Rapunzel’s mother,Rapunzel and Elsa? Well Rapunzel didn’t have natural brown hair,like her mother’s, until AFTER she cut her hair,which was the source to her magic power. I’m thinking that if Elsa were to lose her powers, she would look more like her mother. But the connection between Elsa and Rapunzel is a little easier to understand.Rapunzel can heal,turn back time,stop aging,whatever you wanna call it, Elsa’s power can summon ice from her hands. How are these connected? Well, in Frozen, Elsa creates Olaf during Let It Go, she also creates that giant snow monster that throws Anna and Kristoff off the mountain. If Rapunzel can heal, that basically means that she can bring back life, or create life, Elsa created Olaf, and he’s technically a living thing. But why did Rapunzel show up at Arendelle on Elsa’s coronation day? I’m guessing that Elsa and Rapunzel already know that they are sisters, but how would they tell everyone and how would they believe them, plus, if Anna found out she wasn’t really sisters with Elsa, she would be heartbroken that her ‘sister’ was just a fake to keep her safe from the evil witch. In other words:DO THE RESEARCH ELSA AND RAPUNZEL ARE SISTERS.

My Imaginary Friends

Ok. So. Let me tell you about some of the people in this story(plus their backgrounds)

1.Kayla:She is very bossy and can’t spell or multiply without looking at a times table. When I say she can’t spell this is what I mean. “Today was a grate day I red lot’s of book’s and eated cookie’s at lunch.” Plus she is always asking me for help when I to do my work as well.

2.Tatumn:She once spent $300 worth of clothes on a school night.

3.Bella:She’s always singing. And she’s very stuck up about how good she is at it.

4.Maddison:She is obsessed with Cole Sprouse and wants to marry him even though he’s like FIFTEEN YEARS OLDER THAN US

5.Cindy:She says she is Korean. Most people don’t believe it. I don’t either.




My name is ThucLam and this is my story.

Tatumn came to school wearing new clothes, AGAIN.

“Hi ThucLam!”

“Hi Tate. Nice shirt.”

“Thanks, it was about $30.”

“Th-,Oh! look it’s Maddison!”

Maddison was wearing a Southside Serpents(Riverdale reference, look it up)shirt and, of course, had her phone in her hand and was looking at her Cole Sprouse wallpaper.

“OMG! Have you seen the new Jughead(another Riverdale reference, Cole Sprouse plays Jughead in Riverdale)phone case!”

I don’t have a phone. So I did not need or know about it.

Tatumn suddenly squeals, and when she squeals she sounds like Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web.

“I’m guessing Bella and Kayla have arrived”I say,”About time.”

Bella and Kayla walk home and come to school together. They’re neighbors.

Bella is, like always, practicing a high note even though she has it on point. Pretty sure she she’s just showing off.



I’m tired. My hand is tired. I will continue this tomorrow if I have time. Remember this is FAKE.


Buh bye my family members(and anyone else that isn’t my family considering if whether someone that isn’t family reads this)320 words(including the ones after it)

a CoPyRiGhT oF 1 oF kHoIs PoStS



Khoi’s post is called Grammar Error or something like that. As you read the title, you understand the pain you’re about to go through.


I have a problem. I have DiAbEtEs that means I have to eat SuGaR EVERYDAY. tHE WEIRD THING IS THAT i pooop every time i eat SuGaR. i vomit on the phone? i puke on the door? i poop on the couch(why?)

im done this is stupid. that was a truly WeIrD post. Bye.


This post is 89 words(including the ones after it)


Hello. Wait no I don’t like this font. Hello. Ew. Hello. What? Hello. Ok, pretty decent.




Let’s start over shall we? To do that please scroll for ten minutes.


































































If you’re reading this that means you haven’t clicked out yet. Anyway, here we go.


So this is titled,”Update” most of you guys are expecting an RV trip thingy but that’s after this. An update on here is basically things about me that have changed.                                                                                                                                    1.My favorite animal are narwhals because who doesn’t like a mash-up of a unicorn and a whale?                                  2.My favorite colors are black and yellow. And,no, not because of bees, but because black is a color of emptiness and yellow is positive.                                                                                                                                                                                       3.I used to be a “dog” person but then I realized that cats are much like me. Lazy.                                                                 4.I now struggle with finding out who my “best friend” is. See,I CAN’T have more than one. If you have more than one that just makes it “friends” cause best=one. And this fact is to flex about how I have more friends than Nam.

RV trip coming up.

This is 188 words(including the ones after it).

My 10th Birthday:3

Honestly, my 10th birthday wasn’t all that exciting. 1.It was on a Monday. 2. Not many people knew about it(not that they needed to)3. It was at a school I honestly hated. I mean yay I’m double digits. But is this where I wanted my double digits day to be? I’m really trying not to sound greedy but. Really. There’s not much to say right now. Buh boooooooooooooooooooooooo.





word count 69.


FYI I am now writing in black because Nam doesn’t like my bright colors.


So my new school is called Corte Sierra. Why? I don’t know how should I know? Anyway, at SSJ I was supposed to get Mrs.Smith room 9 with all my friends(info from the one and only Alianna who still goes there)but nope! I’m at Corte Sierra room 603 with Mr.Malkemus and surrounded by people who I have no idea who they are. On the first day of school I arrive and unpack. I realize that everyone has their backpack on their chair. I didn’t see a place to put the backpacks so I did the same. See, at SSJ all the classes have hooks or lockers to put your backpack. Like in 4th grade we had these lockers inside the classroom and put our backpacks and textbooks there. But I guess the school couldn’t pull off any money for that.(no offense._________.) So I look at the people around me. To my left is Nathan(Nate) diagonally to my left is Samari(she cool)in front of me is Ivan(annoying) to my full right are other tables with other people. Now, we have this paper that gives us questions about the room, like, How many chairs are in the classroom? Can the teacher not count or something? Samari goes to the bathroom and Ivan asks the teacher a question. That leaves me and Nate alone. Nate then starts talking about the “changes” in the school. I do not know of these changes since I am new. Nate then asks how many years I’ve been here. Then,being as awkward as ever, say I’ve been here for 45 minutes including my meet the teacher day. And he’s just like,( ゚Д゚)does he have to be that surprised? So then later the teacher tells us things about himself. Then he chooses random people to say their name and something they like. I said that I like Cup of Noodles. He then tells the people who are new to raise their hands. I raised my hand and so did this other girl. How awkward we were the only new students. At SSJ I did not raise my hand on that question for two years. I miss the feeling༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽. On the first day I meet my first new friend. How lovely. Her name is Kamiyha(Miyha). Now all the years at SSJ I had been one number the time. That was my lucky number. 12. In this class you obviously also get numbers. FREAKINGO11( SORRY NAM). My so called “lucky” number HAS BEEN RUINED. Sorry to those reading this. NoT tHaT aNyOnE rEaDs ThIs.




This is 466 words(including the ones after it) bye to those imaginary people reading this! 🙂


Nam’s last post was about how seven year olds(*cough* *cough* KhOi)are onto him. Here, I am writing about a seven year old named Khoi. First of all, Nam I get your point. Second,why does he think he’s in charge? Just like in Nam’s post, he can “control” our blogs. Can he really do that? I mean is controlling the wifi in his house not enough? Third,I think that Khoi needs to have self control. I know, I don’t have self control either but I’m working on it. Ever since the cruise trip Khoi has gone wack with cruises. His mom got Minecraft for him, which was incredibly surprising, and he told us all to join him. Khang and Nam didn’t care. Now, neither did I but when I heard they were building a cruise, I had to see it. Now I have to admit I kinda liked it. When Khang and Nam got a plan to blow the cruise up, I was their undercover spy. Now technically only Khang joined and Nam watched, but who cares. I went into the room with Khang and Nam and started to plant the TNT. I made a”storage room” to place the TNT. But then Khoi found it so Bien did the most craziest thing ever. HE LIT THE TNT AND THE THING BLEW UP. Man, Khoi was…what’s the right word? Ah, TRIGGERED. HE SCREAMED AND YELLED AT US. The only thing left of his cruise were a single birch wood block and a beacon. RIP cruise ship that wasn’t a cruise.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 No hate Khoi. No hate. This 270 words. Thank you. AND THE END.

The True Story of Ronald McDonald

Hello. I am Ronald McDonald. But you can call me Ronald. Now, you may be asking,”What’s a creepy clown doing on a young,talented,MATURE girl’s blog?”.Well,you see, this computer was on when I broke walked into this house. I found this girl’s “blog”. I read through it and said,”I HAVE TO WRITE IN THIS, WHAT A MISTAKE FOR A CHILD.” I couldn’t beleive my eyes! What I read was a disgrace. She was definetly a mistake. Now on with my story,


I was just taking a look at KFC’s place(we’re very good friends)when I heard screaming! Now it was coming from the closest MCDONALDS!!!!!!! So I rushed to my place and saw this lady screaming! Now for what reason? Well all I saw was a man holding a gun and pointing it at her. I haven’t the slightest clue why she was screaming! I said to the man,”Why hello kind sir! Would you like to try a Big Mac?”the man just ran away! I know right? How rude! Our Big Macs are quite mouth watering! Then the woman said,”YOU CRAZY CLOWN!””Well I am the mascot for McDonalds for your information.”Then I realized the man was going to kill her!!!!!!!!!Now I realized why she was screaming!!!!!!!!But the weird thing was how people call me a “clown”. I look like a totally normal person! So I stood there thinking why people called me a clown, I didn’t have any make-up! Anyway, I stood there thinking when I realized the man had got away!!! Quick one he was. So then I ran!!!!!!!! Sadly I got lost and couldn’t find any McDonalds around. So then I broke picked the lock on this house and now, here I am. I have found on the news that there are people looking for me. Bad people. Chick-Fil-A employees. I don’t know why they’re after me. All I did at Chick-Fil-A was advertise McDonalds and steal all the straws. Nothing harmful. What? We were running out of straws and I was to lazy to call the supplier.                                                                             *sounds of low voices*                                                                                                                                                      Oh no!                                                                                                                                                                                     *sounds rock throwing*                                                                                                                                                      Better run! Don’t worry I will be here later. Found a way to hack.                                                                          *sounds of Ronald McDonald breaking running out the back door*