
airports are my least favorite place on earth.

when my mom and i were traveling over to vietnam we probably almost died like 6 times. employee benefits are fine until we’re getting rolled over to every flight possible and spending 48 hours at one airport.

anyways we got to vietnam eventually and met up with my dad and TQ. it was kinda late so i just showered and immediately went to sleep cause i was so tired. the next morning we immediately packed everything up to move to a different place to stay. the new place was almost the same as last year’s place but not as nice. i’m not sure we did anything that day, but that night the whole family went out to eat. i saw tiger and ken and ruby again. they are very cute. and then we all went back to the apartment and waited for TD to land, but the jet lag was hitting real hard so i fell asleep at like 8pm. the next day we got breakfast near the building, short distance walking, and then did something else that i forgot. oh, actually we all got haircuts. this was my first time getting my haircut by a stranger and paying them so i was a little scared but, spoiler alert, i really like my haircut and i wanna go track down that lady in her tiny ahh shop in the middle of millions of other squished-together houses/stores and get my hair cut there again. we went back to the apartment building quickly because the rest of the cousins were arriving. that night, ken, tiger, and ruby met all my cousins and it was cool. i like the city a lot. it’s a lot more different than any cities in america and i like looking at everything going on. i made it a habit to try and read any signs i could and attempt to translate them, and whenever i didn’t understand something i’d ask tiger or my aunt and uncle. there were trees and streets and lots of people on motorcycles and in cars and the streets were very busy and there’s a lot of placing selling food and drinks on the side of the road so it was easy to get snacks or stop by a place to eat when we were hungry. the buildings were tall and all squished together and they all had people living in them and there were a lot of stray dogs that were dirty and skinny and probably contracted many diseases and we weren’t allowed to touch them but that’s okay because i didn’t wanna touch them anyways. and then i knew that the second we got home my mom would make me write a pointless blog talking about these things that i barely remember and do not want to write about because nobody important is going to read them and they’re a waste of time anyways because this doesn’t do anything for me and i hate writing and i’m no good at it and i’d rather watch paint dry on a 70ft by 80ft wall.

the next day we would be leaving for the cross-country  roadtrip. as fun and beautiful as it was, i do not ever wish to travel with my mom’s younger brother ever again.

551 words

Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.