My most recent favorite anime is The Promised Neverland. You can thank Nam for introducing it to me. I know why I enjoy it so much but I can’t seem to describe it in words. The overall tension and suspense it provides is stunning. It isn’t like those real life crime shows where you know a fight scene is coming up and you gotta prepare for a bit of blood, no. It’s not like that because the characters are constantly putting on an act for the others. So violence is not very common in this show. But the fact that there isn’t much violence and gore, that makes the show so much more spine-tickling. I’m waiting for season 2 to come out, and I’ve already read ahead a bit in the manga, but with the animation, it feels so much more real and shivering. The fact of demon farms is already scary enough, but when the characters come face to face with the antagonist while in front of the other children that don’t know the secret, makes the show so suspenseful and scary.

183 words

Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.