iTs CoRoNa TiMe

The coronavirus is something that people shouldn’t worry about too much. TD told me it only effects people with low immune systems, such as babies and seniors. My dad sort of overreacts and says he’s so scared of it that he almost doesn’t want to come to California with us. Like, I went to Fry’s the other day and the toiletries aisle was totally cleared out. There was a sign stating that if customers bought anything from that aisle then there would be 1 per customer. I think it’s way to dramatic for people to be buying 5 stacks of toilet paper or 50 hand sanitizer bottles because according to research, the FLU is more dangerous than this over-rated virus. It makes sense if cities get quarantined if the city is big and crowded but people shouldn’t freak out too much. I don’t get the fact that people automatically think that asians have the virus. I’ve gotten way too many questions on whether I have the coronavirus or not. I used to shake it off but I have gotten way too many and it gets annoying.



iM hEaLtHy

186 words


Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.