
FYI I am now writing in black because Nam doesn’t like my bright colors.


So my new school is called Corte Sierra. Why? I don’t know how should I know? Anyway, at SSJ I was supposed to get Mrs.Smith room 9 with all my friends(info from the one and only Alianna who still goes there)but nope! I’m at Corte Sierra room 603 with Mr.Malkemus and surrounded by people who I have no idea who they are. On the first day of school I arrive and unpack. I realize that everyone has their backpack on their chair. I didn’t see a place to put the backpacks so I did the same. See, at SSJ all the classes have hooks or lockers to put your backpack. Like in 4th grade we had these lockers inside the classroom and put our backpacks and textbooks there. But I guess the school couldn’t pull off any money for that.(no offense._________.) So I look at the people around me. To my left is Nathan(Nate) diagonally to my left is Samari(she cool)in front of me is Ivan(annoying) to my full right are other tables with other people. Now, we have this paper that gives us questions about the room, like, How many chairs are in the classroom? Can the teacher not count or something? Samari goes to the bathroom and Ivan asks the teacher a question. That leaves me and Nate alone. Nate then starts talking about the “changes” in the school. I do not know of these changes since I am new. Nate then asks how many years I’ve been here. Then,being as awkward as ever, say I’ve been here for 45 minutes including my meet the teacher day. And he’s just like,( ゚Д゚)does he have to be that surprised? So then later the teacher tells us things about himself. Then he chooses random people to say their name and something they like. I said that I like Cup of Noodles. He then tells the people who are new to raise their hands. I raised my hand and so did this other girl. How awkward we were the only new students. At SSJ I did not raise my hand on that question for two years. I miss the feeling༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽. On the first day I meet my first new friend. How lovely. Her name is Kamiyha(Miyha). Now all the years at SSJ I had been one number the time. That was my lucky number. 12. In this class you obviously also get numbers. FREAKINGO11( SORRY NAM). My so called “lucky” number HAS BEEN RUINED. Sorry to those reading this. NoT tHaT aNyOnE rEaDs ThIs.




This is 466 words(including the ones after it) bye to those imaginary people reading this! 🙂

Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.