Hi my name is ThucLam and I just turned 8 and that was around my time of winter break.
My winter break, now how should I start this out? Ah, now I remember. It all started about a week ago, when me my mom and sister went to Nevada to pick up my uncle and my cousins. We first flew to Nevada then went to a hotel then drove back to Arizona(home sweet home). I was actually looking forward to that time becausemy baby cousin Y Vien is chubby cute and funny so….yeah. But when we rented a car and started the road trip at the Hoover Dam every one was asleep(except for me and the person who was driving)Khoi,Y Vien and ThucQuyen was laying on me. And here is the order they were in; Y Vien’s head was on my right shoulder, ThucQuyen was laying on my lap and Khoi’s head was on my left shoulder. At first I really didn’t mind but when my whole body started to ache it really bothered me but I didn’t want to wake them all up cause then Y Vien would probably cry and Khoi would go screaming but ThucQuen maybe
wouldn’t do much harm. We came to my house at about 6:40 and everything went off on a pretty rough start. Kids were screaming all over(some were crying),kids wouldn’t share including Khang and Nam. And that pretty much started the adults to tell them”TIME TO OPEN THE PRESENTS!!!!!”. Which basically started a riot of kids screaming and yelling louder that before. What I got for Christmas are a musical jewelry box, a wall clock and a notebook for some of my cool designs. But my last present was the best, it was a spiralgraphic thingymagig. I don’t know how but I love it by the way it looks. We decided we were going on a road trip but since it was pretty late everyone was tired, so we decided the trip would tomorrow. The adults started packing right away so that they wouldn’t waste time packing the next day. The next day we got in this big van with 12 seats for the road trip. But sadly 12 seats wasn’t enough so we had to go in separate cars. And of COURSE I rode in the van although Y Vien was in a separate car. I found out that we were going to California first,and oh no my colors are purple now ah never mind that so wait what is happening first my words are purple now they are more bolder and fancier!? AHHH never mind that to. As I was saying, the trip was about 2 or 3 hours I don’t know I didn’t count. We stoped at Dunkin Donuts for donuts cause we didn’t have breakfast and everyone was staving plus me. We rented an OK house but it wasn’t that comfortable. After a moment of 24 hours of uncomfortable we finally went onto Las Vegas,Nevada. One of my cousins Nam thought Las Vegas was in California I told him it was in Nevada but he said that I was pronouncing Nevada wrong Nevada is pronounced (NE-VADE-A) and I was pronouncing it (NE-VEA-DA) after him explaining all that to me I finally understood him. After that chaos we got this really nice hotel room that connected to another room. I found this wierd remote and pressed some buttons while pointing it to the drapes. Magically it opened! After thinking it was magic I found out the remote was for opening and closing the drapes it seemed really cool then I started to play with it. Nam,Khoi,Y Vien and ThucQuyen played to we made this little show while recording on Nam’s IPad I mostly did the opening and closing the drapes while Khoi was the audience, Nam was the host,ThucQuyen and Y Vien were the people in the “curtains” we call them. All the parents went to the casino except for my grandma and uncle but soon we had to go to bed. Khang and Nam slept on the couch while Bien, ThucDan and grandma slept on one bed and ThucQuyen and I on the other bed. Khang got a pillow and a cover for a blanket but Nam got worse he got a used towel for a blanket and a pillow. In the morning everyone was everywhere here and there shouting and yelling I couldn’t hear myself think! We jammed into the van. On the way we saw Trump Tower and Nam started yelling”BOMB TRUMP TOWER BOMB TRUMP TOWER!”. You could probably hear him from miles and miles away……WAIT no that’s to much so how about……….200 feet away…YES MUCH BETTER! We arrived at what seemed to be Arizona but instead what part I didn’t mention is that it was the Grand Canyon it was FREEZING!!!!!!! I did NOT know there was snow in Arizona so I was pretty much unprepared. There was also this lighthouse thing and ThucDan and I went to the top but I wondered around so I pretty much lost ThucDan. Then I yelled”THUCDANNNNNN!!” she said back to me from what seemed to be the bottom floor”IM DOWN HERE!!” and I yelled back “WHERE!!” then she said “DOWN HERE!!” and I said back”WHERE THOUGH!!”. And this pretty much went on until I was out of breath and went downstairs and didn’t find her so I told my mom she said she saw her here somewhere then I spotted her!!!! I ran then saw she was playing with stamps. After the Grand Canyon we went to Sedona and went hiking Nam’s dad suggested we go down alone while he waited for the others which is what we did Khang and ThucDan went in one group while Nam and I were ahead we finally found the creek were going to and saw Nam’s dad wave to us from above so we ran up to the family although they didn’t see the creek we went back to the van and drove to this far away place to eat. There was this statue and a penny was on it’s hand Nam said if you touch it the statue will come to life and haunt you or something like that. I took the penny. Nothing happened but then it kind of seemed like the eyes were moving towards me and the penny so I put the penny back. After we ate we got ice cream ThucDan shared with me while ThucQuyen got her own. then we went back to my house,ate some more,went to sleep,woke up,brushed our teeth and all that. And tHEN HERE I am writing my blog post I’m also only doing this because Nam’s dad said”Whoever writes the best blog with 500 or more words they get a 50$ ITunes gift card we were all in I don’t know about Nam,Khang and ThucDan but all I know is I’m going to win anyways that’s all there is to my story. BYE!!!!
funny TL. I was surprise you paid attention to some of the trip details. I also didn’t know you guys were that serious about the penny on the Buddha statue 🙂
nice writings ThucLam. Very details but you skipped alot of places & activities. Very funny blog too 🙂
Will grade it when all 4 blogs are online.
Nice writing! Very long and detailed! It’s so hard to pick a winner now!
Then choose me? It would be nice to a $50 ITunes gift card…..
Well then not my fault cause you were standing RIGHT THERE! I thought you saw the right things that happened.
Congrats on the two way tie.
Sadly we don’t each get 50 dollars. Spilt 25/25
Yahda yadha yadha.
OH DARN IT ALL! Would you be generous enough to give me all your money?(it won’t equal $50 for me…..)
Isn’t it funny that my dad is referred to as “Nam’s Dad”?
Mmmmmmm I didn’t know what else to put and I was to lazy to put in Vietnamese.