today (continued)

When I was done it was time to nap ( for the babies )  , so we had TQ in her room to take a nap, and me, my mom and TL were in a different room . My mom read a few Vietnamese books and we TL went to sleep . So my mom got out of the bed and went on the computer and told me that I can have a gummy worm , I did ,when we were sitting we saw Robin ( our neighbor ) and my friend . She talks vary loud and don’t want TQ to wake up so I rushed out side and shhhhed her . She asked if I can come over a go to the park . I said I  can  so I did . When we got there some teenagers were there and we didn’t feel safe because they were saying bad words like _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ so we went back with our wheels ( we were riding  our bike and scooter ). Then Robin asked me if I can  come over and I say “I’ll   go ask ” . My mom said I can but I need to take a shower first I told and she said she would have to take my friend  home so she did . Then my family went to get new furniture . We bought one but it was for shipping and that was my day bye ! 8)


Today in the morning i woke up then i thought that it was Saturday . The day that we go to skating lessons . So i went to my room and changed then i put some clothes in the hamper . Then sat in my moms lap she asked ” Why did you put other clothes on ” . I said it’s Saturday . Then she said  “what are you talking about it’s Friday” , of course i go and change again . Then i go and eat breakfast bagel and cream cheese , when i get the cream cheese it’s nearly empty and i say ” mom the cream cheese is almost gone and she says “why didn’t you tell me when we went shopping ?” . So i had to live with it . Next i went on the computer and played games my mom came in and said that she had work to do on to computer  and that i could go watch TV with my sisters and i did . Then i got bored because she was watching baby shows . So then  i go in the computer room , my mom asked me why i didn’t watch TV , i said that it was because she was watching baby shows . After a while she went to cook and i got the computer yay ! Then of course i go eat . well anyway bye i will tell you about the afternoon later 😀

bad grade

Guess what ? My grade was great, NOT it was 50 something % it was math. And boy do i hate math, in 2nd grade i loved math but now yuck i hate as much as a … a story… writing it.  Anddddd it was division and times and my brain gets mixed up with + and – . I know i know times is repeated + and division is repeated -. Wow i wrote alot not that i like to write heh heh um  😀 .My mom said to write a lot and not she just said that i am writing something bad about her am i? Green smile it you guys think i am writing something bad about her . NOW bye

wing club

it is a show of fairys there are 6 character bloom fairy of fire flora fairy of nature tecna  fairy of tecnolegy iasha fairy of waves musa fairy of muisic stela fairy of the shinyimg sun so ya

😕 i love that show