So I didn’t really do much since the last post but I have gone to Texas. I was expecting to see my friend, but she lived an hour from where we were staying. When we went to my mom’s friends house, it was humongous! It was a full sized mansion! Then, we went out to the back yard which was even better then the house! We were in Texas for 6 days, we spent 3 of those days doing nothing! Just cause everybody told my mom to not rent a car, so we didn’t, and so we had absolutely positively nothing to do. WHAT A BUMMER. 👿 Now let me count how many lines I wrote, BUT FIRST, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE. That felt good. ThucLam and ThucQuyen are rejecting the medicine that is good for them. I just got really sick, I went to the doctor and then he gave me an inhaler and some pills. And now Im all good. Bye Bye, Sorry but that all i have to say