Hello, my name is ThucDan, Im 11 years old, also, I don’t like to drink milk. It’s true. Everybody else likes it but me!
So yeah, i went camping. It was awesome. There was Vietnamese food and everything, also, we got to play in the playground and there was soda for us to drink! Yes, it was also quiet a drag, for example, we can’t shower! Lucky for me, my friend had dry shampoo I could use so it wasn’t that bad. Another downside was that… JUST KIDDING! THERE WAS NO DOWNSIDE. So yeah, it was really awesome!
Remember a couple posts ago when there was a girl that was unnamed for her own protection? Well you can obviously don’t like her, yet my best friend is her old best friend, now, i don’t know why but she keep hanging out with us and its annoying, because she knows that I don’t like her. YES, I KNOW IM A DRAMA QUEEN.
At school, Im taking a state test called the AzMERIT , it used to be called the AIMS last year but they changed it. So far, though, I think I nailed it. Cause im so smart!(my uncle would not approve)
At my school, we are doing a class vote for the school yearbook, for most friendliest, they all put me!!!! IM GOING TO BE IN THE YEAR BOOK CLASS FAVORITE. Thats all I have to say! GOOD BYE!
HAHAHAHA! No comment except to say you are very funny! 😀
At my school the state test is called SBAC.
has the word back in it 😆