As you can see, there is a weird face at the title of this called “._.” because I don’t know how to explain, how it happened. Let’s just get to the point. I + Food x bedroom divided by crumbs = The arm of ants, period. Anyway, did you know I am really good at math? My royal tutor is teaching me well! Today she brought me a new tiara! Her name is Kristina Milly! (she is really my best friend, cece, but that is her Facebook and Skype name 🙄 ) OK. let move on to a new song! Called problem
“head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders! I should be wiser and realize that I’ve got! One less problem without cha i got one less problem without cha”
The song problem!
I know this is a little late but I wanted to quote a mom quote “Being a mom is the best job, because the payment is true love✿✿♥♥✹✹ “
hmm, I can only fully understand the last sentence about being a mom 🙂
We’ll that’s because you aren’t a mom!!!!!!
Ok let me rephrase that
First of all you aren’t a mom!!!!
And secoud, it means that the payment isn’t money but love! True love!