Big change

So far everythings still pretty ick. But I just found out that I got to be in a gifted class. There a re two reasons I got to go in 1: my paper work  that showed proof I qualify to go, 2: this person moved away so I can take their spot.  So that is that.  I’m starting Tuesday.  Everything is heading towards this!

Yesterday we went to a party, a swimming birthday party. I ate there and there was even a pinata. Speaking of birthday party I am getting a real birthday party my self! I even get a theme and everything. ThucLam gets the same thing too though, she chose a princess theme and I get a Hawaiin theme. Its going to be at the club house. TL is going to hand out little gift bags.  Its going to be fun… I think.  We are try organizing the party so that the party can actually be fun a for everyone.  And that is that,  we cant guarantee that this will go as planed.  There is going to be a bingo game and a prize!  And we might watch a movie.  We might go swimming if the weather is good.  I need some more ideas for what to do, please comment if you have one!

Author: Thục Lam

i LoVe My LiFe.

6 thoughts on “Big change”

  1. pretty colors TD!
    Congrats on your gifted class selection. You can do it! Remember last time you were at my house and you think I pushed you a little too hard sometimes? Well, it’s actually easy compared to what you are going through with your new class, isn’t it? Do you ever wish you were pushed just a little harder when you were younger? That way, you get a head start :mrgreen:

  2. party theme? bingo game and prize? little gift bags? if you guys can actually pull off this birthday party like what you described, it will be the best birthday party in our family that I have known! 🙂

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