im an idiot (and here’s why I’m wrong about that)

Sometimes I like to go back and read my old blogs. They’re bad. The idea I’m trying to push in the blog is bad and the writing in the blog is bad. In fact the writing in this blog is bad. have you noticed that I start and end sentences with the same five words and phrases every single time? If you haven’t already noticed then now you can’t unsee it, oops. Anyway. What I’m trying to say is everything I think ages like milk. One day: oh what a revolutionary idea I’ll write a blog about it. The next day: this is trash. I go back one year and everything I’ve written is rubbish. I go back six months and everything is still rubbish. I read my most recent blog and even i think it’s boring and hard to read. Sometimes (i started a sentence with “sometimes” again because my vocabulary is small) I feel like there’s multiple mes, and each day I’m a different person, for better or for worse. Two years ago i was plotting stories in my head thinking i would take the world by storm with these legendary plot lines and now I’m thinking about how stupid I was. But back then I genuinely believed I had something special going. Today, as of the second of april, ten pm, i still believe I have an amazing premise for a story that I can’t quite put into words yet, a story that will be analyzed in ela classes across the world. but. Who’s to say that a year or two from now, I won’t look back and think about how stupid I was. And two years from that, I might look back and think about how stupid I was. It makes me wonder if I’m just delusional. Everything I say is wrong. Everything I think is wrong. I think I’m right, but everybody disagrees with me which probably means I’m wrong but just because nobody else thinks so doesn’t mean I’m wrong, after all nobody believed galileo when he said the earth was not the center of the solar system. But to compare my thoughts to galileo is a little pompous of me.

Wanna hear a controversial opinion?????? Something I think that everyone will disagree with???

jk. It’s always “let us know what you’re thinking Nam” and afterwards its “you’re a disgusting piece of crap Nam”. Why should I say anything if I know someone is going to cry and write a blog about it, or if someone is going to tell my why my core beliefs are wrong in the most condescending way possible, or if my older relatives are going to laugh behind my back about it? Do I sound bitter? because I am. The worst part is, tomorrow I may wake up, read this, and cringe. I can’t even be confident in what I’m saying, even when I’m mad. Maybe years of being told I’m wrong has gotten to my head, and I should just persevere through the hate. Or maybe they were right all along. Maybe I’m just misunderstood by the people around me. Or maybe I’m just an angsty teen going through an emo phase. I just don’t know, it and drives me insane.

But sometimes. This happens very rarely.  But sometimes, I hear something that is just so wrong, something so stupid, anyone who possibly believes it should really just be sent to a mental asylum for an examination. Because you must be insane or morally bankrupt or just flat-out unintelligent if you really truly believe that. Notice that I’m not naming any specifics because I know there’ll be a price on my head if I do. Actually, notice how I hardly ever name anyone in my blogs, unless it’s a little kid like Thucquyehn or vien. Because name anyone older than that and I might as well just shoot myself in the head because that’d be a lot less painful than all of my relatives looking down on me with disgust, going on long speeches about how I should respect people more and also why I am wrong.

I’m also guilty of telling people they’re wrong just because they’re younger and their opinion clashes with mine. However (and i really hate to pull the “it’s just a prank bro” card), it’s mostly just in jest. No, I don’t actually think fairy tail is that bad. No, I don’t actually hate BTS. I think they’re just ok. I don’t think you’re a horrible person if you like SAO (although I won’t trust any of your anime recommendations).

I feel like this blog has gone on too long. Or rather, I feel like nobody is reading this anymore. Tq has probably already stopped reading (if she even started reading at all) to go play roblocks, because she has the attention span of… well, a child. TL, I don’t think knows how to read. Um, Khoi and vien probably stopped reading because they got bored. THere’s only two people left I think might be reading and they’re probably chuckling behind their monitors thinking check out this disrespectful little brat. I’m going to lecture/beat him half to death the next time I see him. Which is sad. My audience consists of a bunch of little kids who don’t really care or understand. Aside from them, who’s really listening?

Everybody here writes blogs mainly for a single reason. Their parents are making them. But nobody is forcing me to do anything. So you might wonder why I write blogs. I don’t experience any pleasure writing them. It’s actually really boring. The reason why, I’ve already stated before. My thoughts are presented to me as if I’m narrating to the audience. like a book. If I spill milk all over my pants, I don’t think, crap, I need to change. I think, Why do the gods loathe me so? This is truly the worst day of my life, as if I’m some cartoon character talking out loud to no one for comedic effect. I write blogs because in that way I can communicate to my audience. It’s different than talking to someone because my audience, in a sense, is myself. Because I am the only person who understands myself. By writing a blog, I can openly and freely address the reader as “you”, when the “you” I am referring to, does not exist, anywhere in this universe.

I know that didn’t make sense and when I read this tomorrow I’m going to be confused as well. But that was probably the best attempt at explaining my thoughts and opinions so far. Even if I know someone will say I’m wrong.

so guys, I hope dyou enjoued my blog. Don’t bother responding because you’re opiniong is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

So about two or three weeks ago I got into a sort of tussle with one of my classmates and it wasn’t an actual fight more like some roughhousing and since my Switch was in my pocket during the exchange… yeah you can probably see where I’m going with this. So I headed to the internet to see what my options were. I could do a self-repair but I’m stupid or i could buy a replacement which needless to say was a little pricey. Or I could just pay nintendo to repair it which cost a hundred dollars and I would have to ship it to them except I don’t know h0ow the shipping process works so I thought Yeah I’m screwed. Since then I’ve been moping around and i though I should probably just kill myself but then I thought Wow you’re going to kill yourself over a switch that’s kind of pathetic and I was like Yeah that’d be a pretty sad way to go out. It’s not like the thing is no longer functioning, it just has a very noticeable crack on the screen but it still bothers me.

Anyway I hate school a lot it’s not like I’m being bullied or anything but I hate school. All of my classes are boring save for gym unless we have to do mile runs the entire time in which case gym is boring as well. Last year I had a lot of friends and I would even go as far as to say that I was popular but this year my reputation which I had spent building up since preschool has all come tumbling down and I no longer talk to anyone. We pass each other in the hall and say hellos and if anyone asked we would say that we’re friendly but we’re really not. Also, I hate my method of getting home. School is let out at 2:30 but I get home at 3:15 because I have to take a school bus which transfers to the middle school where I wait half an hour for the middle school to let their kids out and then I have to wait about ten minutes because my bus is always the last to show up and then I have to scramble for a seat or else I’ll be forced to sit with some random kid I don’t know. I also I hate my method of getting to school because I have to wake up at five thirty in the morning so I can eat breakfast and everything so I can walk outside in the dark and wait ten minutes for my bus to show up while it’s freezing and while  constantly watching my back to make sure I’m not about to get murdered or kidnapped or something.

Everybody has some tightly knit friend groups and at this point it’s too late to try to squeeze my way into one and besides that’d take effort also I don’t really like talking to people much anyway. I get lonely when no one else is around and I want people to go away when they’re here which I know doesn’t make sense but that’s how it works. Even if I happen to make a friend or two I doubt we’d still hang out after I graduate from high school and if I make friends in college I doubt we’d stay friends after I graduated college. speaking of college I don’t even think I want to go to college because it seems like a waste of time. My dad wants me to get a master’s degree or something but the way I see it I’ll spend eight years in college and I’ll be twenty six by the time I get out meaning I’ll have spent my early twenties (arguably the most important time of your life) studying in college with no job and no way to make money. Even if I did want to go to college I don’t think we have a way to pay for it so I’d be headed to some crappy place that I don’t want to be in. The alternative is to get a scholarship and to get one of those I’d have to do exceptionally well in school except I have no ambition to do well in school anymore because as I’ve already stated I hate school and think it’s boring. In elementary school and middle school I was able to breeze by off of natural talent and because I was good at it I had some ambition to do well but now maybe I’ve changed and I have to think a little more when I’m jotting down answers and on top of that I really don’t care about learning anything because it’s all a snoozefest. I like writing so you’d think I’d like writing in ELA. I don’t because every single year I have to relearn how to write an argumentative essay over and over and over and over and it’s so tedious. To get some actual advice on writing the things I want to write I’d have to go to college which I don’t want to go to and also going to college just to learn how to write seems like a waste.

Speaking of college I’ve been thinking about what I want to do when I graduate and that answer is: write a book. But I’m bad at writing and even if I weren’t, the most success I could hope for is a few book sales and I’d go back to being unemployed. I don’t have the passion for any other job and I don’t want to wind up doing something I hate, not that I could even land a job since most people are looking for a degree when they’re hiring and I don’t want to go to college. So no matter how you slice it my future won’t be very bright and I’ll probably end up dead or something.

Also I’ve been signed up for a coding camp which nobody asked if I wanted to do it. I don’t. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in coding and to make me do something I don’t want to do is just stupid. The reason I’m being forced to do this is so I can become an engineer or something maybe which is dumb and stupid and dumb because I do not want to become an engineer.

I hate how every Asian person makes their kid become a doctor or an engineer or a lawyer   just because they’re high paying jobs. I have no interest in any of those professions whatsoever. It pisses me off because it’s like everybody has this set path they want me to go down and if I don’t go down that path I’m a failure that didn’t meet my parent’s expectations. It’s toxic and suffocating.

Recently I’ve stopped playing video games and now most of my time is spent cruising social media. The reason for this is mainly because it’s not that fun anymore. It’s what I like to call short-term happiness in which there’s a small period of time where I can not think about things I don’t want to worry about. Once I stop I immediately just stop feeling happy. I wouldn’t call it sadness it’s more like melancholic. Each time I stop playing and look at the clock I see hours have passed and I feel like I’m wasting my time since I know tomorrow I’ll have to go to school again.

Okay I got bored of writing and stopped and now a day has passed and now that I’m reading this it doesn’t make that much sense but I’ll keep it because I must have spent an entire ten minutes writing it and I don’t want all that work to go to waste. Anyhow the reason I’m writing this web log is because I wish to discuss what a great band Tally Hall is. If you’ve never heard of them that’s understandable because they’re kind of underground and you all know I’m the kind of guy who is into underground bands. Like I listen to some pretty unknown people like billy eilshi, you ever heard of her? I don’t think so. I’d like to get a start in the music industry but I can’t sing and learning how to play an instrument is boring. Also I think French is a poopy language that’s needlessly complicated. Like if you want to say “the tall man” it would be translated as “la grande homme” except I lied that is wrong because it’s actually “le grand homme” because you have to change the spelling depending on whether or not the word is masculine or feminine, meaning if it was “the tall woman” it’d be “la grande femme” which is dumb and stupid. And it’s not limited to people because nouns like metro station also are masculine or feminine so you don’t know if you should write “la gare de metro” or “le gare de metro” because there isn’t a sign that tells you if it’s masculine or feminine so you just have to guess I think it’s masculine by the way but I don’t know. Also you have to conjugate verbs and I don’t remember how to for each one for example “Je mange l’orange” (I eat the orange). The spelling of mange is different depending on the pronoun so saying “You eat the orange” would be “Tu manges l’orange” and there’s an s at the end of mange for some reason which is dumb and stupid. And then for the pronoun “vous” it’d be “Vous mangez l’orange” and there’s a z at the end of mange for some reason. But guess what, vous means also means “you”, so why are tu and vous separate words? Well because vous is how you address people formally and tu is how you address people you know well. Why this needs to exist I don’t know. And also guess what. “Mange” and “manges”, when said out loud, are pronounced the same anyway so what’s the point.

Anyway as I was saying. As I was reading my blogs I thought that it didn’t make much sense and that’s because it’s easy for me to think what I want to say easily but to actually put the words out on paper is difficult and boring and guess what I’m already getting tired of trying to sound out my thoughts right now. A lot of the times I just sit and stare at the screen for five hours and I’ll only have a page and a half written down and that is not even an exaggeration. What’s bouncing around in my head aren’t actually coherent sentences more like words and phrases. Not really but that’s the thing the comes closest to describing it. I think my thoughts as if I’m narrating to some unseen audience and even right now I’m narrating in my head about how I’m writing this and right now I’m explaining to my nonexistent audience my thoughts. That might sound a little odd but at least I’m not talking to myself because that’s kind of weird. Anyway I’m bored now so I’m going to stop writing.

so guys, I hope dyou enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother responding because you’re opinion is wroung and you’re just a hater. sayonara!


wattpad? more like, stinky pad!!!!

Recently I’ve hit writer’s block which is a problem most people go through, the only problem being that I haven’t evens started yet. Every word I put down feels wrong and I always delete the entire thing before hitting the third chapter. I don’t know if I’m just unable to see the merit in my own writing since I’m constantly worrying if it’s any good or if I’m just really crappy at writing. So I had the brilliant idea of using a pen name and anonymously releasing a few drafts to see what kind of writing audiences respond to. And there was a perfect website to do that. Or so I thought!(Foreshadowing.)

Wattpad is sort of like Webtoon except it’s for writing stories. Unlike Webtoon however it is a place for idiots to gather. I thought Webtoon was just a place for fourteen year old girls to fufill their power fantasies and while that is still partly true I was surprised to see a small community of people enjoy something that doesn’t involve a love triangle. Wattpad is exactly what I thought it was: a place for fourteen year old girls to fufill their power fantasies. It could be that I haven’t searched hard enough but so far everything I’ve seen so far is about a quirky ordinary girl falling for a bad boy or some variation of that.

First off I was thinking that I wanted to read something spooky so I hopped on the horror section of books and I kid you not, the top story is a fanfic about a girl falling in love with Pennywise the clown. Yes, that Pennywise, the one from It. I can’t confirm if this is still the case as the CEO of Wattpad has caught on to my schemes and will no longer allow me to access the site without an account.

Now it might seem like I’m just randomly picking stories to make the entire site sound bad but I’m not. Just go to Wattpad and you’ll see what I mean. After bleaching my eyes I decided I wanted to read a paranormal story because I like those and the top story was about wolves or something. And the main character is a female alpha leader who is bullied by her male peers for being female but is too cool to care and I was bored after the first sentence. Okay, I said before that there aren’t ever bad ideas in writing, so to be fair I read the first chapter. And the first chapter was the author (yes, the author, the author literally breaking the fourth wall to directly address the audience) informing the reader about the world’s rules and how everything works. Because screw naturally integrating exposition into a story. Why do that when you can shove it all in the beginning? Did I mention that I hate stories that start with exposition?

I know that I don’t really have a right to talk since I can’t even write an entire chapter without deleting it all but come on. While I act like I know a lot about it, I don’t actually know what makes writing objectively good or bad. But even I can tell that these are very poorly written.

Also, can I talk about how every story is the same thing? Every single cover has the female lead and the male lead staring each other down and every single story is a romance for some reason, even the stories that are in the romance section. Why? I don’t understand. How many times can a person read the same regurgitated garbage?

I thought about this for a while and came to the conclusion that maybe Wattpad isn’t the best place to showcase my writing. Because I’m sure if I don’t write something like Twilight nobody will bother to read it.

One of the books I saw said it had I think six hundred million reads and I’m almost entirely sure that Wattpad pulled that number out of their behinds because there is no way that many lonely girls exist. Right? Right? Surely nobody is reading this trash.

To get a good grasp of what Wattpad’s audience is like I delved deep into the comment sections of some of these books and as I guessed it was just a bunch of degenerates and nail polish girls. By nail polish girls I mean the people who use the nail polish emoji and unironically say “yass queen” and “you go girl”. For the longest time I assumed these sorts of people didn’t exactly exist and were just a sterotype made up by media to be made fun of but I guess they do. I checked out the comment section of this one book and the very first comment was someone asking if the story contained any smut. This comment gave me the urge to smash my keyboard and leave society to become a hermit living in the mountains.

Alright I’ve been cruising Wattpad for a bit and I came across this section that helps writers improve and hone their skills, as well as gives out tutorials on how to overcome writer’s block and how to effectively write dialogue. I was like, “Wow! This is just what I needed. Maybe you’re not so bad after all, Wattpad.” And I read it for a whileIt was great and all, but pretty barebones. I wanted the real stuff, the advice from actual writers. So I pressed on an article.

“Make an account or I’ll burn your house down,” said the CEO of Wattpad. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I degrade myself to the point of making a Wattpad account.

so guys, I hope dyou enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

worst trope

Often online I see people say something like, “Yeah I bawled my eyes out at the end of the movie it was so sad,” and then when I see the movie the only “sad” thing that happens is a main character dying. That’s not sad. It’s stupid. A lot of stories (especially romances) try to generate false emotions out of quickly killing a character. There is literally no purpose for the character to die other than to be sad and/or shocking.

I don’t mean that character death is never sad. There have been a few deaths that soured my mood a bit. The problem is most of the time I don’t really care about the character or the character dies too quickly for me to become invested in them. There’s this show that I watched and in the first five minutes we get to see the protagonist’s entire family get slaughtered. He’s crying and screaming and I just have a blank expression on my face thinking “Oh.” Maybe he cares about his family dying but since they only spoke about two lines of dialogue before kicking the bucket, I don’t. Was the scene supposed to be emotional? Because I didn’t feel anything. Was it supposed to be shocking? Just because a lot of people died? Not really. As soon as I saw that the protagonist had a happy family I knew they were about to get poofed. Because plot.

There’s this show called Your Lie in April and I won’t talk too much about it but basically it’s a cheesy romance with a love triangle and all that. At the end (surprise surprise) the love interest dies due to an illness. A mysterious illness being hinted at throughout the show that ends up killing the character at the end has got to be the most cliched and lazy way to kill off a character but I won’t talk about that. A lot of people say this show is sad and that they cried at the end. First of all, the show is not sad. One remotely sad thing happens at the end and that is it. That does not make the entire show “sad”. Secondly, why are people crying over this person? I found her extremely irritating. It might have been because I was half-asleep when I watched the ending but I didn’t even feel the slightest bit of grief. Many shows kill off characters to make the story seem more deep and meaningful than it actually is. Ask anyone about this show and the only thing they can remember about it is that she dies in the end.

But do you know what’s even more idiotic than killing a character off for no reason? Killing them, and then bringing them back. Because apparently writers want to have their cake and eat it too. I guess some bozo stumbled into the office one day and said, “Hey guys, I kinda want to add some shock value because I’m too stupid to generate it in more natural ways, but I don’t actually want to kill off a character. What do I do?” And then the director’s four year old son accidently enters while trying to find the potty and says, “What if you kill them, but they don’t die?” That’s how I assume these smooth brain’s keep thinking this is a cool and clever idea. It’s not. It greatly diminishes the impact of anyone dying because the audience assumes the writer is too much of a coward to actually kill a central character. While I’ve seen shows where the “protagonist trying to get revenge” trope works, or shows where the “love interest dies at the end” trope works, I’ve yet to see any form of media pull this one off.

so guys, I hope dyou enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

my REAL response

So recently I watched this movie called Donnie Darko and I liked it. It’s one of those cult classic films that nobody really knows about aside from its small devoted fanbase. I probably would have never heard about it if I hadn’t seen a video that briefly mentioned it. (If you want to know it was a video of this guy sharing his opinion on what movies he thinks are overrated. I guess this means I like overrated movies and my edgy contrarian persona has been shattered.) The movie is about this high school guy who has an imaginary rabbit friend named Frank who tells him the world is going to end in twenty-eight days, six hours, forty-two minutes and twelve seconds. Which sounds odd  at first but as I’ve stated before I think these strange wacky plots are really interesting, especially when executed well, and this movie does.

Another thing that I’ve stated before: movies that overexplain things really bother me. Just let me figure things out on my own, I don’t need to be spoon fed exposition. Donnie Darko goes in the opposite direction and doesn’t explain anything. Maybe it goes too far in that regard. When I watched the ending I just sat there thinking, “What just happened.” Out of context scenes awkwardly cut into each other and aren’t ever explained. This is the kind of movie that really needs to be watched more than once because not even a genius can piece all the clues together on the first viewing. Actually, I don’t think a genius could piece it together after even ten viewings because this film is the kind of movie that is really ambiguous, the kind of movie where you can spend hours thinking of theories and possible explanations, the kind of movie that people spend entire blog posts analyzing. I’ve heard that the director’s cut adds more scenes that give more information, but I’ve also heard that the director’s cut butchers the soundtrack and tampers with the dialogue, so I would just stick with the theatrical release if I were you.

This film came out in 2001 (I think) and with a title like Donnie Darko I was expecting some early 2000s emo stuff to come with it, but I was pleasantly surprised because there were only about two scenes that made me recoil. If someone said this movie came out in the 80s or 90s then I would have believed them because it has that sort of retro charm. Probably because it takes place in 1988.

The soundtrack is phenomenal. Rarely do I ever notice the soundtrack for movies other than a single song or two, but this movie really has songs that nail the tone of its world and sound great at the same time. In fact I think the only problem I have with it is that the ending (which is supposed to be really sad and emotional) plays this song that has become sort of a meme now so it’s hard to take seriously. (The song is called Mad World, it’s the one that goes All around me are familiar faces.) That’s not the movie’s fault but it still kind of sucks.

A few nitpicks: some of the scenes don’t seem to transition well into each other, Donnie’s actor seems a bit too old to make a believable high schooler, Donnie commits a bunch of crimes in the movie and is somehow able to get away with them, and lastly, the countdown to the end of the world isn’t utilized very much. It’d be cool to see Donnie slowly get more panicked as time runs out but throughout the entire movie he never seems to concerned with it and there’s no suspense at all. Although I’m not sure if this is a fair criticism since the drama isn’t really about whether or not Donnie will be able to save the world. It’s more about if he will even choose to do so.

So, do I think you should watch this film? My answer: no. I don’t think any of the people reading this would like it very much as it’s only for a specific type of person to enjoy (hence the cult classic status). Khoi, Bien, Y Vien, TQ and TL are probably too young to watch such a dark and gritty films and I don’t think they’d understand it anyway. TD I don’t think likes to think much when she watches things and Khang would probably hate it just because I like it. And none of the adults would care for it much. I’m not sure what sort of movies they’re into but it certainly isn’t this.

In conclusion, this is the best movie I’ve seen in a few years. It’s the sort of movie that sticks with you after you watch it. The sort of movie that, after the credits roll, you just sit there thinking about it for a long time. The meaning of the movie could be talked about for hours and even if you don’t care about messages and themes and stuff like that I still think enjoyment could be squeezed out of it. (Though if you’re not analyzing and theorizing after you watch you most likely weren’t that interested in the first place.)

And since TQ keeps begging for it I’ll state my thoughts on her blog. I think her opinion is WRONG and she is just a HATER.

In all seriousness I think I should start toning down the sarcasm because apparently nobody understands any of my jokes and people just actually think I’m an idiot. It wouldn’t be a joke anymore if I’m the only one laughing. So from here on out this blog will only be about SERIOUS and IMPORTANT topics.

TQ I am very sorry for calling your blog the big stinky and for calling you stupid. Your blog is not worse than Y Viens and I did not mean to offend you with my words. You have a very high intellect for a ten year old. However if you want an even higher intellect you should watch Donnie Darko because it is for intellectuals such as myself. You see what I did there? I put an entire movie review before the apology to make sure that you read it to see why you should watch Donnie Darko even if you won’t like it. Unless you just skimmed through the blog until you got to this point which I hope you didn’t do. If you skimmed through my blog please scroll back up and read why Donnie Darko is the greatest movie since Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.

so guys, I hope dyou enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

response video :(

Today is a very sad day because today I will be formally and publicly apologizing to someone I have harmed very terribly. My actions were disgusting and cannot be excused with mere words, though I will try to alleviate the wounds that I have caused anyway. I know nothing I say will change what I have said in the past and I know I have caused a great deal of stress for the victim. What makes my actions even more deplorable is that the victim is a relative of mine: my cousin. It is terrible and I’d like to make clear that I am making no excuses for what I have done. With that said, I’d like to apologize to my cousin. That cousin is none other than Khoi. Khoi, I am very sorry for throwing a bag of potato chips at your face that one time. I do not know what came over me for it is a very serious crime to be throwing a bag of potato chips at one’s face. It could have caused serious harm and though you may not believe me I am very glad none of your injuries were serious. You may not ever forget the incident neither may you ever forgive, but I hope that one day we might put this behind us and become great friends.

Im 14 and this is dep

I don’t believe in God. There are hundreds of religions out there with a god. Surely there can’t be that many gods hovering around Earth, can there? When I go to church all I see is a bunch of people kneeling down to praise someone who is not there. Maybe some other people see it as a religious ceremony. Cool. Honestly I believe gods were made up to make humans feel special or something, as well as to explain a world they didn’t yet understand. For example, explaining how it rains by making up a story about a god. Or explaining seasons gods. I feel like some nutjob in a hut made up these ludicrous stories and everyone just believed them. Now that humanity has progressed so far and there are scientific reasons to explain the world, I find it confusing that people still worship non-existent beings like we’re still in ancient times starting a fire with two rocks and inventing the wheel. But I can talk all I want and at the end of the day I can’t provide solid evidence that these gods are fake. And really, it’s not any of my business how people decide to devote their Sundays.

What I find really irritating is when I’m forced to go to church. I don’t believe in God. So why am I here? I don’t know. I don’t know if either of my parents are religious. My grandparents are, on both my mother and father’s side. By both sides I’ve been dragged off to church. When I was younger I believed in God. It wasn’t because God had whispered in my ear or that I had witnessed a miracle by God himself. It was because my grandparents told me so. And I assume their parents told them, and their parent’s parents told them, and so on. Or maybe not. Maybe religion is just something they picked up when they arrived in the US. If that’s the case I wonder why they converted.

As I got older I started wondering why I was religious. I realized there wasn’t a real reason outside of being told to be religious. So I decided to not be religious.

If someone truly believed in what they were saying after drawing their own conclusions using their own brain, then whatever. What’s stupid is believing in something just because someone else said so.

so guys, i hoped you enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother responding because youre just a hater and your opinion is worng. sayonara!

So I was reading Thucquyehn’s blog today except I didn’t realize it was hers because when I read everyone’s blogs I open each of them up on an individual tab and then press on a random one to start reading. For a while I thought I was reading Y Vien’s blog. Then about halfway through the post I started thinking “Hey Y Vien doesn’t play Royale high I don’t think” and so I checked the name of the tab I was on and sure enough it was TQ’s so congratulations your writing is indistinguishable from a six year old’s or whatever y Vien’s age is.

This got me thinking: could TQ have a case of low intelligence? I decided to check out my old blogs to compare them except I don’t know how old TQ is I think she’s eight or nine now I don’t remember. I’m pretty sure she’s nine so I’ll go with that. I hope she’s nine. Because is she’s like ten or eleven then it would be really sad to have comparable writing skills to Y Vien. Anyhow I checked my blogs from January 2017 (since I didn’t write anything in 2016) and while my writing was not very good I can confidently say that my writing is at the very least six times better than TQ’s.

To be fair TQ’s blogs are different from Y Vien’s because she actually has blogs that make sense. Not by much though. And her blogs are longer and have more consistent spelling. I went and read Y vien’s blog again and if you removed the emojis, fixed up the spelling, and made it a little longer I would be tricked into thinking this written by TQ. So I guess you could say TQ’s blogs are like Y Vien’s blog: Extended Edition.

Also I know everyone has different tastes and enjoys different things but I find TQ’s choice in blog topics to be a little stinky. She only ever writes about Roblocks and other stuff and by other stuff I mean stinky stuff that Y vien would probably write about.

But what’s different about TQ’s writing and Y Vien’s writing is that I like Y Vien’s blogs better because TQ has the personality of a bratty eight year old kid and I hate bratty eight year old kids. Y Vien has the writing of a dumb little kid and I hate dumb little kids. However reading TQ’s blogs is like listening to your little sibling pester you in the car while Y Vien’s blogs are like entering a fourth dimension. I’ve never been on an acid trip but I would imagine reading Y vien’s blogs give off the same experience.

Like for example here is some text from Y vien’s blog: “I know I said my next place  I’m going to is China but  that is to far  away from my house so I am going to my cousins house 🏠.” And when I read that I leaned back in my rocking chair exhaled a puff of smoke from my cigar and said “Dang that’s the deepest thing I’ve heard in years.” Cause like now I wanna know: why is China so far away? Why can’t it be closer so I can go to it instead of my cousin’s house?

And that lead me to the conclusion that we should like move China closer to me so I can go to it. You’re only going to get this kind of genius by reading the fever dream that is Y Vien’s blogs.

In comparison TQ’s blogs are the big stinky. Her blog says, “I have one suspect who hacked me. Vanessa, yes I told her my password the last time I was hacked.” She also says, “My Roblox account has gotten hacked for the 4th or 3rd time.” And when I read this I leaned back in my rocking chair exhaled a puff of smoke from my cigar and said “Dang this is the dumbest thing I have ever read.” Cause like now I wanna know: You got hacked four times and you’re still giving your password out to people? Can you not think or something? You probably deserve to be robbed if you’re really going to do something like that. And that’s when I knew that TQ certainly had a case of low intelligence.

anyway, i hope dyou enjoyed my blog guys. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

casual and competitive

A lot of the time when people come over I hand them the controller to play a game with me and then I proceed to watch them flounder around for five minutes before calling the game boring and quitting saying that they don’t like video games. You could argue that the game should be more accessible to people who don’t play a lot of games and you could also argue that the player is at fault for being so bad.

Gamers are the most suppressed minority because true gamers such as myself are extreme and are serious about the games they play, which means those filthy normies can’t understand the complexity of staring at a screen for five hours. Casual people are typically people who don’t play many video games if at all, and as a result are very bad and aren’t able to experience a good number of games. Party games that don’t take any skill are more common among casuals and difficult skill-based games are usually what real gamers play.

Which begs the question: should a game cater to casuals? In my opinion, the answer is yes. I think it’s entirely possible to make a game both accessible to newcomers and challenging enough for veterans. First off, casuals are casuals because they don’t want to dedicate time to playing video games all day, which means they won’t be good at them, which means they won’t like them, which means they won’t want to dedicate time to playing video games all day. Gamers spend all day staring at a monitor and as a result are very good at video games. The skill gap between the two is enormous. Even someone who isn’t extreme but still plays games as a hobby will absolutely demolish someone playing for the first time, or the seventh time, or even the hundredth time.

Video games are very hard to get into especially if you haven’t started playing them since a very young age. The thing is, after playing a game for the first time, you’re not going to see any results. Even after playing for three months you might not see any results, at least nothing significant. And that’s what turns people away. The lack of results. It feels like your efforts aren’t getting you anywhere.

The problem for most people (at least from what I’ve seen) is that people are uncomfortable with the controller. On the NES, there was a d-pad, two buttons, start, select, and that’s it. Just by looking at it once you can understand what it’s all about. Look at a modern controller with a left stick, right stick, d-pad, four buttons on the front, two triggers, two bumpers, L3, R3, start, and select. It’s a lot more to take in and constantly I tell people to press a certain button and they have to look down and find where it is, even after having used that button multiple times.

Now, the controllers aren’t just getting more buttons for no reason. As technology advances the games get bigger and have bigger ideas, which means more buttons that will have to be used in order to play all these big ideas. So you’re kind of stuck: use less buttons to cater to casuals, or use more buttons to cater to gamers who want a bigger experience. Honestly there should be an in between. Inevitably some games are going to have to use all the buttons but a lot of the games I play just have a lot of buttons that aren’t being used for anything.

I think Nintendo is the company most casuals go for when they want to play a game, because be honest, no casual would ever buy an Xbox or Playstation, probably because it comes off as too hardcore. Nintendo seems a lot more newcomer friendly in that regard.

The Wii is a console that came out a while ago, 2006 or 2007 I think, and that was the casual machine, which is why it sold so well. It was the only console competing at the time that was trying to cash in on the casuals while the Xbox and Playstation were fighting for the gamers. As a result a lot of gamers turned up their elitist heads and decided they were too cool for the Wii. But the casuals loved it because of how simple it was.

First: the controller. Point it at the screen and press A or B. Simple as that. For other games: turn it on its side, use the d-pad and the buttons labeled 1 and 2. I think they were trying to make the controller similar to a TV remote since that’s what casuals would be most familiar with, and it worked.

Second, the library. There are hardly any hardcore games on Wii because no gamers owned a Wii, the Wii didn’t have enough buttons for a hardcore game, and the Wii’s hardware was weak compared to the Playstatin and Xbox. Thus, the Wii’s library is flooded with casual party games. Simple, low skill games for casuals to enjoy. And apparently it worked because the Wii sold better than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, the other two competing consoles at the time.

For Nintendo’s next console I assume they were trying to cater to both casuals and gamers with the Wii U. It had more buttons but also the same friendly Wii vibe. It also sold terribly and was a huge failure. There’s a lot of guesses as to why it did so bad. My guess is that casuals just got tired of casual games which makes sense considering how simple they are.

Anyhow Nintendo’s next move was releasing the Switch which did really well and catered to casuals and gamers alike so I guess it can be done. The controller might be too scary for some but then you turn it on its side and play with only one joycon and suddenly it’s not so bad.

so guys, i hoped you enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

when should a story get good

What irritates me to no end is when people say something really braindead like “Oh yeah I know the game has a slow start but it gets good forty hours in I swear!” Yeah okay smooth brain you think I’m going to waste forty hours of my life just to enjoy an alright game? No.

When I watch anime I usually decide if I’ll keep watching past the first episode within twenty minutes. Sometimes I watch for only five minutes before dropping it. And that’s because the show isn’t interesting at all. It didn’t present anything new, it didn’t have any interesting characters or settings, nothing at all.

Of course you could argue that dropping a show within the first five minutes is a little too early to decide whether or not its worth my time. And you’re right about that.

But think of it this way. Most people don’t read an entire book and then decide whether or not they liked it. Most people read the first few chapters and if they don’t like it they’ll stop reading. Which is why it’s so important for the first chapter to hook the reader. Even this first sentence should ideally catch the reader’s attention although this is pretty difficult to do.

Now back to video games. There seems to be a big problem with video games where the first hour or so is filled to the brim with cutscenes and tutorials. To the point to where you’re wondering when you get to play this video game. It could be that the developers aren’t in such a hurry to hook the player since nobody is going to drop a game within the first five minutes especially if it’s one of the first-party games that cost sixty dollars, the same way nobody is going to exit the movie theater after five minutes since they’ve already paid for their ticket. I guess the mentality is I’ve already paid for it so I’ll experience it even if I don’t like it.

Confession: I don’t know anything about writing, probably due to the fact that the only form of writing schools care about are essays. However I do have a few thoughts on how to start a story. A unique setting or cast of characters always helps, immediately starting off with a cool action scene is pretty common, and the best way, in my opinion, is starting at a bizarre place. Either by having the setting and events not making sense which leads the viewer into wanting to know what is going on or by starting not at where a story typically starts but at the climax near the end. It’s a pretty common cliche that I’m sure everyone has seen a million times: there’s some sort of crazy event going on and then everything freezes and the main character says something cliche like “Yep. That’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here.” And then the cliche happens where time goes back to the beginning of all the events and the entire movie is explaining how things got to that scene in the beginning.

It’s been done to death and is pretty stupid at this point but there must have been some reason for it becoming so overused. That must be proof that it’s an effective way to start a story.

There’s absolutely nothing interesting about listening to two characters exposition dump in order to explain everything that’s going on. A lot of shows must think that people like hearing other people talk about other people or places. Maybe everyone else does but I don’t. It’d be more understandable if the setting was a really out there concept that would be really hard to comprehend without someone telling you how it works but a lot of anime and video games just reuse an already done setting which makes me wonder why they bother to explain it at all.

The main character is just having a monologue for the first five minutes droning on about some chimp brain garbage like “I was reincarnated in this fantasy world with magic and monsters and you can level up by killing monsters and blahdogshdlgsjhld” and I’m just staring at the screen thinking Shut up already or I’ll rip your spine out. You could probably search up “fantasy kingdom”, find a random image, and it’d illustrate the show perfectly.

The last thing I want to talk about is how unoriginal everything is. Obviously all stories borrow some elements from each other but a good chunk of them just feel like the same thing but with a different coat of paint. I’m sure there’s a point where generic action films and boring romance movies will get old but Hollywood doesn’t seem to think so. My favorite pieces of work are when something new and different is tried and even though the idea sounds stupid on paper it somehow miraculously works and it works so well especially because it’s something I’ve never seen before. This doesn’t mean that different is good; there’s a lot of shows with something new but just don’t work because the idea is stupid. It takes a true genius to take that stupid idea and make it good. I don’t think there are any bad premises for a story, only that some ideas are harder to execute that others.

so guys, i hoped you enjoyed my blog, don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!