School fights

I like to hurt people. Most people don’t get to experience it, but there’s a thrill in seeing someone writhing on the ground because of something you did, whether it be a kick to the groin or a baseball bat to the head. We don’t usually fight with weapons, but when we do, we wear a helmet so no one is seriously injured, or at least not visibly injured. Lots of guys think they have concussions afterwards and are always panicking about it. What we do is we ask them how many fingers we’re holding up and then they’ll answer and then we say that they’re fine. Nobody has gotten a concussion yet, not that I know of.

Anyhow, I was about behind the school after class let out with three other guys, standing a bit off from the parking lot where all the departing students were. Two of them were my friends. The first, Aiden, is smart but ugly. The second, Ted (Teddie if you want to annoy him), is ugly but stupid. As for the third guy, I didn’t know him very well. I didn’t know his name either. All I knew was that he had on those huge, repugnant Harry Potter glasses. He looked like he ate books in his free time and wore a bowtie at home, complete with a pair of suspenders.

The reason we were there in the first place was because the nerd and I had an argument during lunch. I won’t go into details because it was really childish and stupid, but I was calling him a retard and he was calling me a ****ing idiot and it was a whole thing. And as we were screaming our lungs out (I was winning the argument by the way), he tossed out there that maybe we should settle things like men. And I guess he didn’t expect me to agree because a surprised look shot across his face when I did. But you can’t really back out of a fight after you’ve proposed one, you know, because that’s just really embarrassing.

Aiden and Ted wanted to watch. Nick because he’s a loser with nothing better to do, and Ted because he’s braindead and also has nothing better to do. They wanted to record it even, but the school is really cracking down on fighting and even gave us a whole boring assembly on how you’ll get suspended for even just sharing a video of a fight. Which is really dumb in my opinion.

To be honest, I was really surprised that the kid even showed up, even if he looked like he was about to piss himself. Typically I kind of get these shaky jitters before a fight and I think about what sort of injuries I might get and even think that maybe I should just chicken out. But this kid, he looked like his bones just from getting out of bed. So I was feeling pretty confident.

The fight went about as I thought it would. In the high school movies, you always see kids throwing hands like they’re boxers. Let me tell you, not a single kid in this school knows how to box, or even fight at all. Most every fight goes the same: they both try to tackle each other at the same time and end up on a hugging match on the floor. Whoever is heavier (or fatter) gets on top and its done. That kind of thing is why we sometimes used bats, by the way.

The nerd was no real exception. I guess even he could tell that his twig-like body wouldn’t be able to topple me, so instead he threw a punch, or at least what he must have thought a punch looked like. It was more like a motion similar to knocking on a door or bringing down the gavel. It was so pathetic I almost had to laugh. I didn’t know how to throw a punch either, but that didn’t matter because I just slapped him with a clenched fist and he dropped to the ground like a used tissue.

He wasn’t knocked out or anything. In the movies you see these guys get knocked out by a single punch. That sort of thing never happens in real life, because after you hit someone in real life, they don’t get scared or too hurt, so long as you’re not Mike Tyson or something. They get pissed and embarrassed, and they try as soon as possible to get back at you, to protect their pride. And let me tell you, those kids who get embarrassed have this wild look in their eyes, teeth gritted, and you can tell just from a glance that they are going all out with every ounce of strength. At that moment the only thing you can think is “Oh crap,” and try to defend yourself. Then if you get hit real hard, you get pissed and then it’s even.

My remedy for the situation was to keep beating them after they take the first hit to have no time to think. As soon as he hit the ground I started kicking him in the groin over and over as hard as I could, which almost made my groin hurt just thinking about it. I guess you could call that a low blow, or kicking a guy while he’s down, or a dishonorable ball kicking. I disagree, because once these guys go into a frenzy, honor goes out the window for them too, to the point where they’re pulling your hair and poking at your eyes, so I’d rather take the cheap shot first. And if you care about honor and whatnot, you just don’t want to win enough. Since most kids don’t know how to fight, the result either comes from who’s heavier, or who’s more ruthless. I’m not that heavy, so I like to be more ruthless.

Aiden and Ted were laughing their heads off. The kid was crying and whimpering and yelping at first, but then it became quieter until it was just pathetic sounding peeps. It was no fun after that, so I stopped. Then I took my bag from Aiden, who had been holding it for me, and left the parking lot.

That’s pretty much it. On a side note, my teacher made me take a quiz on the countries of Africa, and there’s like a hundred of them. And Roblocks shut down my account. That’s about it.

two blogs, one day

Ce week-end, ma famille ira ici pour Thanksgiving. Nous mangerons beaucoup de dinde. Ma famille est grande. Mon cousin s’appelle Khoi. Il aime les avions. Il est ennervant. Ma autre cousine s’appelle Y Vien. Elle pleure trop. Y Vien pleure toujours.

Demain, j’ai besoin de parler de le livre, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Je le deteste.

Quand il neige, j’irai faire du snowboard avec mes amis. Mes cousins font du snowboard parfois, mais ils ne sont pas forts en faire du snowboard. Je ne suis pas fort en Francais. Je deteste les Francais parce que ils aiment le fromage.

Je m’ennuie.

Asian people be like

Asian people are probably the most insecure group of people I’ve ever known. And I’m allowed to make a remark like that because I’m Asian. It’s a well recorded scientific fact that Asian people feel the need to mention they’re Asian every 5.75 seconds. This medical condition is called “having no personality,” a condition that vegetarians also suffer. I’m Asian. Really, I’m sure even a blind person never has to ask for an Asian person’s ethnicity. They’ll make sure you know. It’s a given.

Anyway. It’s always come off as insecure to me, when the Asian kid starts making jokes about being Asian. Yes, I can clearly see that they are in fact Asian. They did not need to tell me. But they’ll tell me anyway. They always say it with a fake smile and laugh too, as if it’s hilarious to them. I used to be pretty insecure about it too. When I was in elementary school. If you’re a teenager in high school still insecure about being Asian then you need to get over it already. You don’t matter that much. That’s what I would say to my Asian classmates, but I avoid most of them, so I don’t.

They make me look really bad. There’s this other Vietnamese girl in my class and if this were a movie she’d be the minority character inserted for the sake of diversity, because she will not stop saying that she’s Asian. When someone is mean to her, make an Asian hate joke. When I happen to be standing near her talking to my Chinese classmate, “Hey, look at all the Asians here!”

And I really hate that. I don’t talk to her or really know her at all. Still, I’m pretty confident of this analysis: she is insecure about her race and is constantly worried about how other people see her due to it. So instead of trying to alter the way people see her she wants to instead come off as if she’s owning the fact that she’s Asian, even if she really is ashamed of it, by intertwining her race with her personality. And be all insecure about your race all you want, I don’t care. But it affects me too, because she’s leaning into the idea that her entire character is that she’s Asian. So by extension, I’m also just “the Asian kid,” as well. I’d like to be known for something more significant.

I could have explained that a lot better, but I’m sure you know what I mean.

And I’ve always gotten the impression that Asian people try too hard to be liked by white people. To the point that I’d label them suckups. They always act like they’re trying to prove something to their white friends. I can’t really point it out, but it’s definitely there. All I’m saying is, you’ll never see another race sucking up as hard as Asians do. I’m Asian.

Actually, in my entire life, I have known only two Asian kids who were not insecure about their race. And they’re both Chinese nationalists, so they don’t count.

I remember we had to write essays about ourselves, and then other people had to peer-review them. One girl, she was Chinese, shared her essay with me. In it, she started writing about how she would always feel different from her classmates, and how she wished her name was American, and how she wished for blonde hair. The whole thing made me a little uncomfortable, and I was thinking maybe this sort of thing she should be keeping to herself, since it sounds a little too personal. I felt as if I were reading her diary. By comparison, most other people wrote about the time they got their first dog or something. Anyhow, it was a usual piece of info I stored in the back of my head, and I still think about it when I’m trying to analyze other Asian people.

But enough about Asian people. I’m bored of that.

I was talking to my classmate in photography class. I’d been thinking a lot about race recently, because we were going over the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and the history teacher was like, “This is where racism started.” Something about that made me think. Because all my life black people have been  portrayed as a minority. It had never occurred to me that it had to have started due to a specific reason. Then I thought about it more and disagreed that racism just suddenly started. Personally, I think humans are inherently racist. Long before the slave trade, Asian people looked down on Europeans, and Europeans, after spontaneously growing brains around the 1200s or so, hated Asians right back, unless they were trading or something. I told my photography classmate about this. He’s a moron and not good for having these sort of discussions, but it’s the only thing he’ll talk about that’s not video games.

I told him that I thought people were inherently racist because we hate people who are different, and he said if that were true, how come we are not racist towards animals? So of course I called him a moron and stopped talking about it because he is too stupid to understand.

Another thing that my history teacher said is that we are living in a Euro-centric world. And I agreed with that, even though I had never really thought about it that way. For example, I’ve always accepted that opera is “normal,” and Mongolian throat singing is “weird.” But if you really think about it, there’s no such thing as weird or normal when it comes to people. On Youtube you see videos like, “Check out the strange traditions of this ancient tribe!” Those videos weren’t really to get a better cultural understanding. Rather, they were just something to gawk at, to say, “Wow, I can’t believe they’re so different from us.” If a group of people were left alone without having ever had any interaction over the course of centuries, they’re sure to make up their own customs. And when another group of people finally encounter them, they’re sure to think that they’re “weird.”

So yeah. We live in a world where European culture is standardized. If things had gone differently, it could be just as possible that Mongolian throat singing is normal and those wacky Europeans are around messing with the thing they call “opera.”

But to wrap this up back to my original point. Being Asian is not a personality trait. But I much prefer it to a person who always talks about his new dimmer light switch.

I hate ELA

I think the adults at our school, or really adults in general are out of touch with today’s youth. Last year they said we had to take Career and College Readiness, and anyone who didn’t want to would have to make their parent call the school and request not to take it. I didn’t want to go through all that trouble, and I was at a loss for what classes to choose so I just took it. Now I regret it, because there are a lot of other electives I would have rather taken. My first period is spent filling out worksheets about my goals and what I want to be when I grow up, like I’m back on the first day of kindergarten. It’s a massive waste of time.

My second period also sucks balls. I typically enjoy ELA. This year, however, the teacher is making is do the dumbest stuff. She really expects us to read a three hundred page book in three weeks and annotate the whole thing, as well as have notes prepared for a seminar discussing it. And I don’t struggle with these most of the time, but the book is boring as hell. The teacher is just gushing about how much she loves the book and how interesting it is, and I’m wondering if we’re reading the same thing. The book is called The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by the way, though I doubt you’ll read it, and I can’t blame you. Christ, it’s probably the most awful thing I’ve ever read. And I’m thinking, why are we reading a nonfiction book about cells? That’s the type of thing I might be doing in biology, but in ELA? I can’t even call the story bad because it all actually happened and stuff that actually happened is always boring. When I’m in ELA, I want to read literature, not a case file.

Nobody in the class wants to read it. Even the “my dad will beat me if I get a B+” Asian kids are too sick of it to read it. Everybody is just brushing it off or trying to find some notes online. I’ve never heard of this book being taught in schools, so I can only imagine that the teacher for whatever reason thought this book was the next Bible and forced us to read it too. If it isn’t obvious, I disagree with a lot of what my ELA teacher thinks. Today she started getting all up in my face saying, “You know, I think you should change your word choice so you don’t sound so mean,” in that fake polite voice you use to talk to infants when they did something bad but you don’t want them to burst into tears. And I hardly talk at all in school unless I’m answering a question, so I asked her what she meant. Of course, the next thing she did was head over to her desk and whip out a paper that I had filled out from last Friday, which she still had laying around for some reason.

To make things short, last Friday, we had a book discussion on that dumb case file, and I had to fill out a sheet reviewing a certain person’s performance and contribution to the discussion, since I wasn’t a part of it. One of the questions was: “What would you have said if you were in the discussion?”

And I wrote: “I would have brought up more contentious questions with open answers. I think that’s more interesting than one person saying ‘I liked this part,’ and everyone else going, ‘Yes, me too.’ That makes me bored.”

And it was sort of an absent-minded thing that I mentally noted because the discussion, to be honest, was really boring. It was sort of clear this sort of book doesn’t lend itself well to fifty minutes seminars. I don’t blame them for resorting to making surface level observations like “I liked this.”

But of course, the teacher got all up in her feelings about it, like I’d just slandered her entire family. She shoved it onto my desk and made me read what I had written. “You see what I mean?” she asked me.

And maybe I’m blind, but I did not see what she meant at all. I asked her who in God’s name I was even offending by writing this.

“That part at the end, ‘That makes me bored.'” You think you could have written that a little nicer?”

And then she said something that really pisses me off. “You’re a smart kid. You get what I’m saying.” As if I’m some sort of troglodyte bully that’s playing dumb to my heinous crimes. This was still in that fake pleasant tone, by the way.

I told her I didn’t think what I wrote was a big deal.

She said, “I was actually going to show this to her, but…” By her, she was referring to the girl whose discussion I was reviewing.

And then the girl, who had been listening the entire time, said, “Actually, he already showed it to me.” And I had, since she had already asked to see what I wrote on Friday.

The teacher gave a look of surprise and went, “Oh, really?” That’s when it occurred to me that the teacher seriously decided not to show the girl my paper because she thought it would hurt the girl’s feelings. It didn’t. When I showed it to her, the girl laughed and thought it was funny.

So the teacher started backtracking and repeated some more dumb crap on how I need to say things nicer. I wanted to argue and defend myself but I said nothing and just nodded. And at that point, I knew she was just talking out of her behind. That’s sad, because when you’re young, you sort of idolize adults. Then you see them do the same dumb crap kids do. It’s really depressing. Adults really are out of touch these days.

Are you smart enough to solve these puzzles

I’m playing a this puzzle game online called Professor Layton and the Curious Village with Bien. Honestly Bien hasn’t helped on a single puzzle but it’s fine. And I have to say I thought this would be a baby easy game based on the title and art style, but I’ve been stumped on nearly all of them, and I had to use all of my hints. Some of the puzzles I think are dumb and the answers were unsatisfying, but some of them I thought were really clever and I was slapping my head after I saw the answer, and it made me feel stupid. So I thought I’d share three of the cool puzzles I saw.

Here’s an easy one. All you have to do is find out the right seating arrangements so that each person is okay with the person they are sitting next to. This one only took me about twenty seconds to solve so I don’t think it’s much trouble.

Image result for professor layton bickering brothersImage result for professor layton bickering brothers

The next one took me a really long time. For about twenty minutes I was fiddling around with a calculator and staring blankly at the screen and trying to resist the temptation of using a hint. I asked Bien for help but of course he knew nothing. After I found the answer, I slapped myself in the face and realized the answer was so obvious and I was so dumb. I think that’s a mark of a good puzzle. Here it is:

See the source imageImage result for professor layton arc and line

This is a really good puzzle that really had me overthinking it, trying to recall everything I learned in geometry class, even though this can just be solved with common sense. I’ll be really impressed if any of the kids can solve this without any help.

Persona Releases in A Few Weeks

I was going to write about a debate competition I had in English class but I got bored halfway through and instead I’ll say that there’s this really dumb kid in my photography class. I asked him if he would rather be rich 1000 years in the past or poor 1000 years in the future and he said the future because there was no money in the past. He tried to argue he was right after I called him a moron. We’re taking world history this year too. But that just goes to show that everybody in my school except me is a braindead idiot. Well, I think everyone is stupid, just that some are better at hiding it than others. I told that to the kid in photography class and he said I was acting like Greg Heffley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid because I was acting like I was better than everyone else. And I told him that he has the intelligence of a mole rat because he could not even analyze a character from a children’s book.

I’m also the president of book club though that isn’t very impressive considering only two other people are in the club, presumably because nobody in the school likes reading because they’re all small-brained. One kid dropped out to join yoga club of all things, and the other said they’d show and never did. A girl from my English class asked me about it and said she’d join but I wouldn’t blame her if she left after one meeting because really since there’s no members we just talk for five minutes and head out. Of the two other guys, one is afraid of talking to girls and the other is kind of dumb. Also they picked some really dumb books to read for book club. Another girl asked me about it and wanted to know if manga counted as a book. I told her no and was about to lecture her on what a real book is but I bit my tongue. Some people need a fist to the face sometimes. It’s true. I asked around and even made an announcement to my entire English class but unfortunately everyone is of sub-human intelligence. There’s this web comic I read and this guy in it says that he sometimes feels like he is the only human in the entire world.

As for chess club, that’s just swimming with members. I think the difference is that you don’t need to be smart to play chess. You can’t really call it a club either. It’s more akin to a social gathering. I don’t know most of the people in there and I don’t talk to them. A club to me is like a secret society and we’d all slit our wrists for each other and make a blood pact.

Honestly my debate argument sucked but I still won because my opponents were stupid and tried treating it more like an essay than a speech. In written form what they said was better but none of them had good public speaking skills and it all felt rather impersonal, whereas mine was more gripping and was less likely to make people fall asleep. One of my sworn enemies was on the other team and after his loss he was licking his wounds and crying with his teammates. I decided not to gloat because I think he is annoying to talk to but for sure he’d be rubbing it in my face if he had won. Of course him winning was not a possibility because despite his good grades he is actually stupid. He thinks or maybe just pretends he is smart because of his report card. I told him grades are not an accurate indicator of intelligence but he’d rather not hear it.

Anyhow. There’s this girl and I think about her a lot and I thought I liked her but really she made me irritated more than anything else. She is probably the fakest person I know. Every time I hear her voice it’s as if it’s going through a grinder and her mask is paper thin and upsets me how easily I can see through it and I wonder if everyone else can see it too but pretend not to or are completely oblivious. And I think about these kinds of people a lot and really I’m not different. What upsets me is when people are fakers but are bad at faking. People who force laughs annoy me the most. I said she’s the fakest person I know but now that I think about it I don’t know her at all. When I was making my list of useful people in a zombie apocalypse I gave her a 1/5 in the leadership category because I thought she was too immature and I would not put my life in her hands. Still, who knows. I think some people in my school need to grow up already. I think that except I read somewhere once, I don’t know if it was a book or what, but a kid asked if they had to grow up right then and there, when did they have time to be a kid? Anyway we had to bring in our baby pictures and guess who was who, and the girl was constantly going like, yeah you guys will know which one is me cause I’m the only Asian girl. And in my head I thought, shut up already.

I don’t know if this happens with other races but Asian people really like to mention that they’re Asian, or at least the kids do. To me it comes off as insecurity trying its hardest to pose as security.

In French we’re going over the passe imparfait: j’etais jeune, mais maintenant j’ai quinze ans.

I would read TQ’s blogs but she doesn’t capitalize the start of her sentences. That’s a pet peeve of mine: people not capitalizing. I don’t think it’s that much trouble to occasionally hold down the shift key. And on an iPad or something, just turn on autocorrect. You know, there’s some real sickos out there who intentionally turn off autocorrect so they can write in all lowercase. It’s supposed to make the writer seem laid-back and carefree. If you’re going out of your way to not capitalize, it proves the opposite. I see it so often now it comes off as really cringe-inducing. When I see a Youtube video title that’s in all lowercase it makes me not want to watch it. I grilled a classmate over his choice to turn off autocorrect so he could text in all lowercase.

Well. I finally convinced my friend to shave his neckbeard. And the result was barely noticeable. Some things really can’t be changed. There’s probably a deep message in there. I’m too tired to find it.

Marvel Bad

A few months ago I wrote about why Marvel movies suck and at the time nobody seemed to agree since they were busy pissing themselves over WandaVision or whatever was coming out at the time. Now, and though I won’t pretend the opinion is widespread, there are more and more people online sharing the exact same sentiment as me, listing the same reasons why. I won’t claim to be a prophet, but I definitely am. Like Galileo Galilei, my thoughts eventually will become fact, because I’m never wrong.

When I watched the new Dr. Strange movie I thought it was mediocre at best, yet everyone else seemed to like it. I haven’t watched the billion others shows and movies so it was all sort of confusing. I don’t think it’s my fault either to be uninformed. Content should stand on its own, regardless if the viewer has seen the related spinoffs. It could be understandable if the content is something more complex, like Harry Potter. Because I doubt anyone is just going to watch one random Harry Potter movie; if you’re going to watch one, you’re likely already planning on watching them all. But Marvel movies are clearly intended to be more casual, fun action movies. I don’t see why I have to understand this convoluted plotline spanning over dozens of films just to understand what in God’s name is going on. Actually, I do see why. Marvel wants money.

My main gripe with the Multiverse movie is that it’s too afraid to do anything new. When I first saw the trailers I thought the concept was pretty neat. But that movie goes absolutely nowhere with it. The only places Dr. Strange visits are places near identical to our world, with slight differences. They have a whole team of writers and the most interesting world they could come up with is one where you walk on the red light and Captain America is actually Captain Colonizer. When you have the advantage of being able to do literally anything you want in your fictional world, why would you make it so similar to ours? That’s like a space movie except the only planets they visit are planets just like Earth. It’s lame.

It might be unfair to criticize the movie on what it should have been instead of what it is. That’s fair enough. So what actually happens in the movie? Well, there’s this girl who can open up portals to other dimensions and she meets Dr. Strange. For some reason Wanda really wants to see her children so she wants to kidnap the girl and she needs a book or something from the Asian guy that I’ve seen in the other Marvel movies. I thought it was confusing but I’m probably in the minority.

First off, the characters are bland. I really couldn’t tell you the personalities of either Dr. Strange or the little kid because they don’t have one. Dr. Strange exists to fill the role of the main character with powers and the little kid exists as the McGuffin that the villain must take from the hero. There’s not much more to them.

For a Marvel movie there’s a surprising lack of jokes. The ones that are present aren’t very funny or creative.

The action sequences are pretty lame. A gripe I have with stories in all media is when the abilities of one of the fighters isn’t well clarified. Basically, what they can and can’t do in a fight. The Flash can run fast. That’s his thing. If he suddenly shot lasers out of his eyes to win a fight it feels unearned, like the writers couldn’t find out a way to creatively make him win with the moveset he has. Wanda, the main antagonist, suffers from this issue. In her fight against the Illuminati (no, this movie did not come out in 2012) she melts the first two guys into a Lovecraftian disfiguration. This ability never really comes up again. If she can melt people, why doesn’t she melt the next two guys? The answer is that the writers wanted to show how threatening her powers were but were too lazy to figure out how to develop those powers to make sense in an actual fight. Maybe this has always been in ability in the other shows and movies. Even if that’s the case, I still think it’s really lazy.

The ending fight between Dr. Strange and Wanda is awful. I legitimately could not remember a single detail of the fight and had to look it up for this blog, despite the fact that I can remember something like Anakin and Obi-Wan’s duel all these years later. What happens is Dr. Strange traps Wanda in a ghost cage but then he’s like “she’s too powerful for my ghost cage!” and she gets out of the cage and shoots a fireball at Dr. Strange and he dies. So apparently, we can add fireballs to her move list. When I think of a fight I think of a more physical altercation where they’re actually like, hurting each other. Not just an instakill with a single move. Harry Potter fights are the same way but you’re not watching those movies for the action, you know? Then the kid opens up a portal and Wanda is like “I have seen the error of my ways,” like she’s some corny Disney villain. Way to end the movie. And at the very end Dr. Strange grows an eyeball on his forehead, hinting at an inevitable sequel. Can’t wait to consume the next crap stain Disney farts out of their behinds.

In conclusion, I don’t think it’s offensively bad, but to call it a good movie would be an insult to the people who expend time and effort on actual quality storytelling. Marvel just wants to the do bare minimum and cover it with glitter and flashy effects. Though it won’t happen, I hope Marvel and Disney go bankrupt. They’re corporate scumbags who view movies as a means to make money and not an art form. Vote with your wallets people. It won’t kill you to not catch up on Thor’s latest wacky adventure rated PG. Don’t accept mediocrity as a standard.

A Blog You’ll Actually Read

For the Kids: One time this Vietnamese girl who keeps hitting on me told me happy Lunar New Year. I already knew about it from my Chinese friend (I told him to shut the hell up) so I was vaguely aware of the event. Except I stared at her blankly for a good ten seconds thinking “Do Vietnamese people celebrate this too?” And eventually she awkwardly turned away before I said anything and I felt pretty dumb.

For the Adults: Oh boy I sure love my family they’re so great I’m foaming at the mouth just talking about them. By the way, I’m planning on being a doctor.

This Sucks

Sometimes I think a lot and then I think it would be cool if I went and wrote about what I was thinking in a blog. By the time I’m sitting down I’ve already lost interest and I’m wondering why I should even bother writing. I apologize if this sounds pretty whiny but I know nobody actually reads about this and cares. Which is fine since I mostly use this blog to complain anyway. TQ does the same thing but the difference between me and hair is that she’s still being breastfed while I’m in high school. So you could say I’m just immature. That sucks in my opinion. Everyone thinks there’s something wrong with me, like I’m some sort of crackhead that’s an embarrassment to the family. On my Mom’s side of the family they already ignore me aside from one of my aunts. Even though I never liked them that much that still stings, for a grown adult to decide that even if I am still a child, I’m just awful enough to be cut out of the family photo.

To the younger kids if they actually read this far, I probably sound like a nutjob edgelord ranting on about how the whole world is against me since nobody is explicitly expressing their dislike. But it’s usually more subtle than that. I remember during the Europe trip my uncle would keep saying that I wasn’t as troublesome as he thought I was going to be. And to be honest this sort of pissed me off. If that sounds disrespectful, fine, but it’s the truth. People are always saying that your family members act this way because they “love” you. That’s a load of crap. That’s just a way to cover their butts when they lose their temper. Not many want to admit it, but there’s no such thing as unconditional love, unless you’re still a baby that can’t talk. It annoys me when people say they do things out of love or concern. It’s like something an abuser would say. Because let’s be honest. In that moment when of screaming, the only feeling was absolute, genuine hatred. There was no love to be had.

I see the other kids at school laughing with their friends or telling happy stories about them and their families. I’ll admit it, I’m pretty jealous. I wish I was born into an average family with a group of friends and the most pressing thing on my mind was the upcoming test or a school dance. Or sometimes I wish I was in a different world entirely, like those crappy animes. I might hesitate at first, but if I could leave everyone behind to start a better life in another world, I would. Of course, those things don’t happen, and you’re stuck with what you got.

And I’ll say that I hate that my parents aren’t together. My dad will probably say I’m a little pussy for still being hung up on this, but that’s how I feel. Everyone’s all like “99% percent of marriages end in divorce so don’t feel so down!” But all the other kids in the family have two parents and everyone I know at school has two parents and I’m stuck like trailer trash hanging around without a mom. When the teacher asked us who had divorced parents I wouldn’t raise my hand, because I find it humiliating. That’s pretty immature I admit. I still couldn’t bear it. My classmates don’t know anything about me so if I shared that one piece of information, I’d only be that kid without two parents.

I don’t talk about this much. My dad says he doesn’t care what I write on here but he’ll yell at me about it later anyway. My aunt and uncle I rarely see and even if I saw them more often I don’t think we’re close enough to discuss it. Khang and TD I wouldn’t even think about. I heard them talking about me behind my back once and it wasn’t exactly the nicest thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve tried talking to the kids (pathetic, I know) but they don’t get anything. And if I started acting all mopey around them they’d definitely avoid me for bring the mood down. And we’re in vastly different situations, so they won’t get it even when they’re older. I remember Khoi started laughing about how my parents worked at a nail salon. At that moment I wanted to slam his head into the table until his skull cracked and he was bleeding. Pretty sad, yeah, how this teenager is getting all hot and bothered by the dumb comments of a fetus. But that bothers me even more. That I just have to grin and bear it and if I don’t I’m stupid. Like how writing this blog is just my stupid complaints that don’t matter. In middle school some kids were joshing me about it too. My life is just a real comedy to some people, and I’m such a clown for not liking it. So the adults can silently judge and the kids can laugh because it’s just too funny to bear. They don’t have to deal with it so who cares.

Since there’s no one in my family I can talk to, I figured I could just vent to my friends. The issue is that I don’t have any friends. I hang out with people and we have a laugh together but they’re not people I would ever vent to. I’d just seem weird for getting all emotional all of a sudden. I view friends as people you chill with if you’re bored, similar to how you might view watching a movie. They’re not people you share your life journey with. In the movies the protagonist always has their friend they can talk to and rely on. Those don’t exist in real life.

This has turned into an incoherent tangent so I’ll stop. I don’t think I’ll post for a while because I’m seeing less and less reason to do so. So maybe once every few months or I just might stop entirely. It wouldn’t matter either way.

Rabbit Stew

This guy at my lunch table asked one of the other guys if he had a lucky charm. The other guy thought he was talking about the cereal, but the first guy meant like a rabbit foot or something. And the only reason you’d ask such an astronomically stupid question is if you are stupid yourself. I asked him why he was talking about lucky charms and he said that he was considering getting one. Which was astronomically stupid. His idea was to carry around a lucky charm for “good luck”. I don’t have to explain that lucky charms don’t work, so it was really dumb that he wanted one. So I told him that and he was like “I just like the aspect of it.” Which is also really dumb. I mean that’s just code for “I think it looks cool,” and he probably doesn’t know what the word “aspect” means. I’m guessing he wanted to wear like a four-leaf clover around his neck and he hoped people would ask him about it. Back in my edgy middle school days I wanted to carry around a notebook and draw stuff in it during my free time. I deluded myself into thinking that I just wanted to sketch things that I saw around me but in reality I just thought I would look cool brooding in the back of the classroom drawing scribbling something. So I told the guy not to embarrass himself like that but it seemed like he had deluded himself into believing that he actually wanted a lucky charm for the “luck.” We got into an argument about it and eventually I gave up.

I’ve always thought that it’s sort of annoying when people pretend to be more interesting than they actually are, whether it be by faking personality quirks or carrying around the mutilated corpse of a rabbit. A common method is by saying that you have depression. I use to say that when I was in middle school. I was actually just being moody. That doesn’t sound very cool though. The thing is being a moody teen is something everyone is at one point and just makes you seem kind of pathetic. So given the choice between being the emo “it’s not a phase mom” teen or being the special depressed guy most people would pick the latter.

Side note: How do you fail a suicide? I mean if you shoot yourself in the face and somehow survive then that makes sense. But how do you fail to hang yourself? Did you buy the world’s thinnest rope or something? Are you using wet spaghetti noodles? I guess that sounds sort of insensitive. I am genuinely interested though in how you could fail in murdering the easiest person to kill.

Basically what I’m saying is that in annoys me when people won’t actually try to become interesting and will instead artificially create details about themselves that aren’t true.

By the way. Politics. I hate liberals. If you’re a liberal you’re punching the air right now and if you’re a conservative you’re hootin’ and tootin’. On Youtube I see stuff like “How Liberals Are Turning Our Kids GAY Through the TAP WATER” and “How Conservatives EAT Homosexuals and GET AWAY With It.” I think people who aren’t actively doing anything to support their cause need to shut up about their political opinions. Because if you go on and on about your beliefs yet don’t lift a finger to do anything then you’re just a posing bum.

Also vote for Trump in 2024. Not that I’m going to be attending any of his rallies. Also Obama was the worst president ever because he’s democat (I’m not racist btw I just don’t like democats.)

I’m pretty sure my family is racist. My dad said he supported BLM but I remember him getting on Khang’s case cause his friends were black. Also I think he hates gays because he doesn’t want us to be gay. I’m not. I think Khoi might be because he kept trying to kiss me. Also TQ is.

I’ve been thinking about Japan and Korea and China and then rotting besides them is Vietnam, which is desperately trying to pretend to be a Western country. That’s a lie. I don’t know anything about Vietnam but judging from how dogcrap the music from there is I can only imagine someone there heard Snoop Dog sing and wanted to emulate it. That’s also a lie. I’ve never heard a Snoop Dog song. There’s been talk about how Vietnam is the fastest growing country. That could be true. Perhaps one day it will even stand among the big three Asian countries. Maybe they already would be if they weren’t commies. (Source: North Korea vs. South Korea.) I’m of the belief that the government of a country reflects the will of the people. It’s not the government and its people. It’s the people and its government. So if a country wants to be commies then they will. Just know you reap what you sow. Whether Vietnam becomes a decent country is up to speculation. No matter what happens, I know their music will always be awful.

American music sucks. I can only name one band. These days it’s just singers who make samey music and don’t play any instruments. Call me a weeb if you want but I like Japanese music because you can hear different instruments and a more natural sounding voice. (Aside from the ones who pretend to have those child-like high-pitched voices. I want to rip their heads off.) Kpop also sucks. There’s no reason to have nine singers if none of them play an instrument. That just means you have to split the lyrics in nine different ways for no real reason, providing nothing of worth to the song. Kpop sounds really corporate for this reason, and it’s why I don’t like Marvel or Disney or anime or young adult novels. And I have to mention that rap sounds really bad if it’s not in English or Korean. I don’t listen to much rap but Japanese and especially Vietnamese rap sounds like crap.