Hotel Interviews

Today, your reporter, Nam, will being interviewing in a hotel. Was he allowed in this hotel? No. Did he pay at the front desk? No. Did he sneak past the front desk by crawling under? No, he ran across the room yelling, “FREE MONEY!” to distract people. Is he stealing all the shrimp from the bar instead of doing his job? Yes. Is he even paid for this job? No.

The first spot is the water fountain. Let’s zoom in to get a closer look!

(Sound of obese child reporter running to water fountain.)

(Sound of child reporter stupidly knocking the person at the water fountain down.)

Nam: So sorry madam!

Target 1: I’m a guy.

Nam: So sorry sir! If you would like to press charges, please call me!

(Sound of child reporter leaning in.)

Nam (Whispering): I don’t have a phone. But I have some big bucks to keep you quiet. 🙂

Target 1: Um, you’re like eight years old.

Nam: I’m a lot older than that. (Whispering) Still want the money?

Target 1: Are your parents here with you?

Nam: I’m sorry, I cannot tell you that.

Target 1: Why?

Nam: Because you’re a stranger.

Target 1: Then why are you talking to me????

(Sound of obese child reporter running away, yelling “CUT TO COMMERCIAL!”, even though we are not a TV show.)

Wow, looks like our first target was not too cooperative. Let’s hope the next dude is a nice guy. Next stop, the CASINO.

Nam: Hello good sir, I’m taking an interview with hotel guests. You sure got a lot of chips there. Are you a good gambler?

Target 2: Er, um, oh yes, I’m very good!

Nam: Seems like your fellow competitors are missing some chips. Any ideas where the went?

Target 2: Oh, well they probably just… um, lost them?

Nam: That seems possible. Hey, who are those guys in that truck holding some money bags?

Target 2: Well, they’re just my, um, very good friends.

Nam: What are their names?

Target 2: Erm, Justin and Rico?

Nam: Can I see the truck?

(Sound of Target 2 arguing with “Justin” and “Rico”.)

Camera Man: Hey, Nam, you sure this is a good idea?

Nam: No. But he seems like a nice guy. Probably rich, too. Why else would he have so many chips and a bunch of moneybags?

Camera Man: Doesn’t he seem a little shifty?

(Sound of Target 2 coming back.)

Target 2: Okay, you can come. But just do what we say, okay kid?

Nam: Are we going to another hotel?

Target 2: No, we’re going to a bank.

Nam: Oh. I can still interview there, can’t I?

Target 2: Yeah, whatever.

(Sound of Camera Man and Nam jumping into totally not suspicious truck.)

Justin: Okay, you can do your survey or whatever, but then get back in the truck. Start the engine, and don’t stop!

Nam: Whatever.

(Sound of shift truck dudes jumping out and entering banks in strange black masks.)

Camera Man: Why are they wearing masks?

Nam: Maybe it’s someone’s birthday??

Rico: Everybody GET DOWN!

(Sound of frightened crowd kneeling down on the ground.)

(Sound of Nam walking to one of the kneeling people.)

Nam: What a strange party this is. Tell me more.

Target 3: (Hissing) Quiet, you’re gonna get me killed!

Nam: Seems like a fun game. How do you play?


(Sound of obese child reporter totally starting the engine.)

(Sound of engine dying and sputtering.)

Nam: What a nice sound. It reminds me of my brothers singing in the shower.

Target 2: Forget the truck, RUN!

(Sound of obese child reporter struggling to keep up with his new rad friends.)

(Sound of police sirens blaring.)

Nam: This sounds like a very big party.

Justin: Yeah yeah, just keep up.

(Sound of three men gasping after getting trapped in an alleyway between a wall and some police guards.)

Nam: So what now? We playing cops and robbers?

Target 2: Okay kid, when the cops take you away, don’t mention our names.

Nam: Okay.

(Sound of obese child reporter and Camera Man getting arrested.)


Good news guys! Our interview was such a hit that there are wanted signs of us going up and down the highway! Let me back up.



Police Officer: Who were your three accomplices?

Nam: I have been sworn to secrecy.

(Sound of obese child reporter leaning in.)

Nam: But I have some big bu-

Police Officer: I am not interested.

Nam: I can raise the offer to-

Police Officer: Take him away.

(Sound of Camera Man skeptically being ushered in the room, while obese child reporter is taken away.)


(Sound of door slamming.)

Police Officer: Okay, what do you know?

Camera Man: Well, we were interviewing some people in a hotel and-

Police Officer: Which hotel?

Camera Man: Totally Legit Hotel.

Police Officer: Continue.

Camera Man: So then we were confronted by these dudes in a white truck, and they had us go to this party in a bank-

Police Officer: So, you met men in a white truck?

Camera Man: Yep.

Police Officer: Their names?

Camera Man: One was like Justin, and the other was Rico. I don’t know the last one’s name.

Police Officer: And they took you to a party, in a bank?

Camera Man: Yeah.

Police Officer: Take him away.

(Sound of Camera Man being taken away by guards.)

Camera Man: Wait! I have more! Don’t do thi-

(Sound of door closing.)

Nam: ‘Sup.

Camera Man: Hey.

(Sound of officers closing door and trapping them in.)

Nam: (Sigh) I never thought it would end like this.

Camera Man: Yeah.

Nam: I though it would end with me cutting off a snake’s head and saving you just when you were crying, because you thought I died.

Camera Man: Okay…..

(Sound of object being thrown in window.)

Nam: (Reading note) “Thanks for not telling. Here’s a gift.”

(Sound of lock pick falling out of the paper.)

Nam: We’re saved!


Child Psychologist: So you think he is a little demented?

Camera Man: Yep.

Nam: No way! On the way here, I learned how to count money! Only a mature adult could do that!

Child Psychologist: I agree.

Nam: What? I faced men in trucks, and I was being questioned by the police half an hour ago! I can handle anything!

Child Psychologist: (To Camera Man) Was he being questioned by the police?

Camera Man: Ummm, no.

Child Psychologist: Well, I cannot handle him, so here are several professional doctors that he can see, so I’ll-

(Sound of obese child reporter running out the door.)


Okay, Reporter Nam has returned to the hotel. What notes has he got for us?

Nam: Okay you will not believe what just happened…


The Past, Present, and Future

I guess I haven’t gotten around to writing my blog. As my ELA teacher would say, I procrastinate. This is the same person who did not tell us how to write until 3rd quarter.

When I went to the doctor’s office last Wednesday, the checked my height. The good news is that I grew four inches from last year. I’m 4’11 now, so I guess that makes me tall. The doctor said that I’m taller than 6 out of 10 kids my age, but if she met the kids at my school, she’d lose her job.

The doctor said I had to get three shots. Teachers are always talking about how much we’ve evolved, and how thankful we should be to have this technology, but I bet people in 20 years will also be saying that. I mean, it’s quite barbaric to shove a needle in my arm and call it “medicine”. It’s kind of like bloodletting from back then. The theory was that when you were sick, you had to let out the “bad blood” out. People would go to barbers and let out their blood. I think. Not sure how accurate this is. You know those red blue and white spirals on barber shops? I think the red stands for the blood, the white for the bandages, and the blue the tears.

I think the people in the past had the best food. They cooked some chicken and got some corn. They were set. Nowadays, people eat fried potatoes and “chicken” nuggets. I guess the present isn’t so bad, though. People are always saying, “You don’t wanna know how hot dogs are made!”, but I watched a video and it doesn’t seem too bad. The future food will probably suck. There might be apple juice in burger form and burgers in juice form. This round clearly goes to the past.



Why You Should Book A Flight To Ohio

Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there! (Editor’s Note: Yes, he did.) My name is Nam, and I’m selling flights to Ohio! Why would anyone want to go to Ohio? Well, there’s lots of good reasons. First, Ohio is near a lake. What’s so good about a lake? Well, nothing. But it’s a lake! Most people don’t see that everyday! (Editor’s Note: Actually, they do.) If you buy a ticket now, you’ll get a premium plane!

Perks of a premium plane.

-Seats are made from authentic dumpsters.

-A free goat with every drink purchased.

-Movies include: Life of A Shoe, Why Do Zebras Fart?, Life of A Shoe 2: The Smelly Foot, and Five Hours of Family Fun.

Ohio’s attractions include Cedar Park! That’s it. Ohio is a cold place, so buy my novelty clothes, designed to keep you warm. Why should you buy this overpriced clothes instead of normal clothes? That’s a good question. I’m not going to answer it. If you don’t like Ohio, you can always swim to Canada, because I do not sell tickets to anywhere besides Ohio. Buy Nam Enterprise swimming gear! It looks cool, and most of all, are actually khakis! That’s the Nam difference. (Editor’s Note: No refunds.) Swimming goggles are easy to see through! Nam’s Clear Scam Swimming Goggles: It’s clearly a scam! For more information, email me your credit card info and I might text you back.

May 1, 2018

Does anyone even read this anymore? I have no comments, so I can’t tell. I think Dad reads it, but it’s pretty sad if the only person who reads your posts are your parents.

I also think my title needs work. I don’t think anyone needs to know the date of which I wrote this.

Also, note to TL. Can you stop typing in bright colors? It really hurts my EYES.

Today, I ate breakfast. I got in a car. I got to a school. Today, I put on my beach hat since it was beach day, and they give out free tickets to whoever wears a beach outfit.

I had taped on a little sign on my hat. It said,” RAD BEACH DUDE.” Now, I realize, this was not a good idea.

I walk to my locker, and Nicole and Andrew are talking to each other. This was a typical sight. I’m pretty sure they like each other. Everyone knows that, and they pester Andrew and Nicole for it. Andrew’s face is the color of a sunburned pickle. (Editor’s Note: Nam is assuming that a sunburned pickle is red. He does not sunburn pickles in his front yard. He is not a lunatic. Sometimes.)

In ELA, the teacher rounds up the gifted kids and sends them to the gifted teacher. Actually, they didn’t really send us anywhere. They gifted place is our back table. Our school is too cheap to get a gifted room. Logan, a kid in my class, steals my super rad sunglasses. I thought Logan was a cool guy, so I think he should be arrested for this treason.

The gifted teacher takes my sunglasses AS IF IT’S MY FAULT. She doesn’t give it back until she leaves. Good riddance.

Yesterday, the teacher made us write post-it notes and put them on at least one person’s locker. She said it had to be a person who had a locker next to ours. The person right of my locker is a new girl named Olivia, but I don’t know her well, so I ruled her out. The person on my left is Nick. I don’t know Nick well, but I think he likes rock n’ roll, judging by the pictures in his locker. So I wrote this:

If you believe it, you can be it.

Just like that guy you have taped in your locker.


We go to science class next. I look at my plant terrariums, and the grass is still growing rapidly. I think my beans died, though. Or maybe they died because they were competing with my grass for water. My beans are suckers if they were beaten by the grass. Then our teacher makes us write some notes about our assigned country. Our country was America. My team had me research clothing and home styles. Sounds easy right?

Nope. The internet is useless. Sure, if you want to figure out two plus one, they will give you a good answer. But if you want something specific? You are going to have to go through tons of research. After three hours, I still only had about a solid page. It was about the history, development, and origins of clothing. Here is an excerpt from my writing. Not sure if it’s exactly what I wrote.

As years passed, people started to question social standards and conformity. Women started refusing makeup and walked barefoot. Men wore long hair and had buttons bearing the peace sign. These people were called “hippies”.

I wonder if that’s insulting. Well, the science teacher liked it, so I don’t care.

During activity, this jerk named Jack steals my hat. I beat him up (Editor’s Note: Nam is too weak to actually beat someone up.) and took back the hat. The paper saying “RAD BEACH DUDE” fell off, so I threw it away.

After lunch, I go to math class. There, the teacher hands out talent show sheets. I wondered if I had and good talents. I would ask Khang, but he’d just say no.

During art class, I drew a cake. Then I sat and did nothing for half an hour because I didn’t know we were supposed to be customizing our cakes.

In gym, we have to play that Spud game again, but outside. I walk upstairs after gym. It should be criminal to make a child walk upstairs after gym. I walk to the sidewalk and wait for my car. But then the monitor is like, “Back up.”

So I back up.

She spreads out her arms and starts moving forward. “Back up,” she says.

I back up some more and trip over a girl. I guess that’s why girls hate me. Oh well.






My Neighbors

Today, your announcer, Mr. Nam, will be showcasing some neighbors. (Editor’s Note: No neighbors are for sale.)The first and only, Luca. Luca was referenced in my earlier posts. He is a jerk. He is a friend. Which is he? Only you can decide! (Unless he runs away.) One time, Luca kicked a ball and broke my fence! What a good friend he is! Another time, he threw a baseball at my face. Only a true friend could do such a thing! At last, he kicked my soccer ball into the woods and refused to get it! Luca is such a good friend! To return the favor, I tackled him and beat him up! (Editor’s Note: That last sentence is a work of fiction. No neighbors were harmed in the making of this event. What really happened may be too disturbing for younger readers.) Luca’s parents no longer want him to play with me.

Up next is Haiden. His dog poops on my yard. Haiden has such a nice dog! If you buy a Haiden, it comes with the dog! (Editor’s Note: Dog poop may be unsanitary. Treat with caution.) One time while playing football, I tried to tackle Haiden. He kept running, and I was dragged across the mud. Only a true friend would do that!

The last neighbor is one whose name I do not know. They also own a dog! And yes, this dog comes with the neighbor. (Editor’s Note: The shipping cost must be payed for this dog.) One time, the dog tried to eat Bien! We had so much fun!

To buy any of these neighbors, contact Nam. The phone number is- wait, no, Nam DOES NOT HAVE A PHONE BECAUSE HIS MOM WANTS TO BUY HIM AN OLD PHONE HE CANNOT USE. THANKS A LOT, MOM!



If I Were A Wizard…

  1. Steal a wand from the Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios.
  2. Turn Khang into a pig.
  3. Tape TL’s mouth shut forever.
  4. Punish all my classmates.
  5. Tame a dragon.
  6. Turn my stuff into gold.
  7. Run for president in 2020.
  8. Hold all other candidates hostage.
  9. Become president.
  10. Become a dictator.
  11. Make National Bacon Day.
  12. Make Khang the Pig be the main feast on the first ever National Bacon Day.
  13. Turn TL into an elf.
  14. Make everyone pay ten dollars to throw rotten tomatoes at TL.
  15. Make TL eat the rotten tomatoes.

April 29, 2018

I just looked at my recent post, and the title said May. Oops. It’s actually April. My bad.

Last Friday night I went to Ryan’s house. Dad wanted to go there to watch the game. It didn’t matter much anyway, since we lost. I heard we didn’t get a lead once the whole time.

Okay, Khang calls me a bandwagon, but I don’t watch many Cavs games. I mean, unless it’s like the Finals or something, I’m not going to watch. The regular season is boring because I already know the Cavs are going to the playoffs. Not that I have anyone to explain this to. Khang hates me and TL could not tell the difference between a basketball and a beach ball. Khoi says he is “learning to play basketball”, but I bet he still can’t walk across the street while dribbling a ball.

While everyone was watching the game, Bien and I were playing video games. I won’t type much about that. Unless you want a full description of me playing video games.

It was the humble knight, Nam, entering the dungeons.

He had a treacherous journey in front of him.

Nam pulled out his gun.

Out popped these weirdos that kind of look like a mix between goblins and cannibals.

They were no match for Nam, as he shot them.

A silvery mist appeared every time an enemy met an unfortunate fate.

The goblins would make horrible screeching sounds every time they died, resembling TL yelling after looking in a mirror for the first time.

Nam collected his prize of gold coins and left the chamber.

See how boring that would be?

Soon, WONDERFUL ETHAN (sarcasm) showed up and started playing ROBLOX with Bien.

I was once again in my crippling loneliness.

A few hours later, the Cavs failed and we went home.

On Saturday, Mom signed us up for some board games at the library. I like the library, but I go there to get books. Not to play board games. Mom dropped us off at some room with a couple strangers. I took a juice box. The juice spilled onto my lap. Some teens looked at me like I was some creep. Khang did not want to do anything. Eventually, we played Connect 4, and I beat him every time. As if the boring atmosphere was enough to cope with, the monitor there started playing Irish music. This was too much. I wanted to leave, but if I did, I would have nowhere to go. Khang wanted to play RISK. After Khang read the rules, he said it was too complicated, and we were about to play SORRY! when Mom came back. Then she left us alone for Dad to pick us up. She gave me her library card so I could check out some books. Well, when Dad came and I went to check out some books, I couldn’t since Mom didn’t give me the PIN.

That night, I was cruising through the app store when I saw this Harry Potter game. Me, being the nerd I was, got it. I must’ve spent hours on that game. Maybe one day I’ll be a wizard. I’m eleven, so hopefully I’ll get a letter this summer.

If I do, you better watch out. You’d probably be on fire if I ever met you.




May 27, 2018

Today was the start of another unfortunate day.

I got to school and there was nothing of interest. We took our math tests in ELA. I don’t know why.

Nicole was being loud again, Andrew was drawing on his paper, and I was there looking depressed. Everyone else seemed happy, but I couldn’t find a reason to be happy today. It was Friday, and that was the only upside to my day.

We took our tests, and I’m pretty sure I did rather well.

Then we had to read that disgusting book again. No, I don not hate it just because the protagonist is a female. It’s because there were too many obvious plot twists. I can already predict that the main character will learn a bunch of life lessons, and start over her life.

After that, I went to recess- I mean “activity time”. If you have not read my most recent post, you should, so you know what I’m talking about. There, I find Kevin and Dane. Dane is a weirdo, but I still hang out with him. Dane looks like a carrot that was left in the sun for too long. In other words, he looks like a raisin.

We played basketball in the upper gym. For some reason, we are only allowed to play HORSE and Knockout up there. Rules are dumb.

I line up for lunch. Lunch sucked because they were not serving anything good, so I had to get PB and J. It also sucked because we had silent lunch. The previous day, the teacher- oops, I mean “lunch monitor” (a name the choir teacher gives himself when he monitors lunch) made us have silent lunch today because we were leaving a trail of trash. I had looked around, and I saw no garbage. He made us stay in the cafeteria and “clean up”. Well, there was nothing to clean up, so we just stood around for a few seconds, and walked out the door. He gave us a mean stare as we left. One day, he is going to jail if he doesn’t take a chill pill.

I went to homeroom, and had to bear through that bad book. I left for science class, and we checked on our terrariums. A week ago, we got soda bottles and poured soil in them. We planted seeds, and we watched them grow. I think my bean died; the water is not leaving the soil. After I payed my respects to the dead bean, we reviewed this year’s topics, which were boring. Then, the class switched seats with people. Nothing happened after that. Wait, the teacher gave us a brain teaser. She made us repeat what she did. She tapped each finger on her left hand and said “Johnny” every time she did. When she got to the gap between her index finger and thumb, she slid her finger on the gap and said, “Whoops!” and repeated it backwards.

In math class, we didn’t do much. I was about to fall asleep when she pulled out a sheet. There were four rows of three on it. In each square, there was a paw. She explained if you did something bad, she would cross off a paw. One paw crossed off equals half an hour in the “work room”. If you had the row of three paws left by Friday, you went to the “Fun and Enrichment Room”. The “Work Room” was just a code for torture room. I did not want to go to the “Work Room”. But that was the trick. I had to be good. I was trapped; I could be good and rewarded, or bad and punished.

I was still thinking about it in band class. I pulled out my trumpet, which I’m getting better at. There was a substitute teacher, and he told us to practice and do whatever we want while he read what I think was a cat article. Kyle, a fellow trumpet player,  and Vadim, a saxophone player sat next to me. We played some music until Kyle started sounding really lousy. Vadim told him it was probably the spit forming in his trumpet. So Kyle opened the spit valve, and blew hard into the trumpet. I watched in horror as a clear liquid oozed onto the floor. I tell Kyle you’re supposed to do it over a sink.

“Oh,” Kyle says.

“Clean it up,” I tell him.

Kyle refused, and continued playing the trumpet. I give him two tickets. If you don’t know what tickets are, the are small pieces of paper you get when you’re good. You use them for the quarterly raffle. Well, it was a waste of tickets to give him. All he did was drop the tickets into the puddle of spit. Kyle can be gross. I bug him to clean up his spit. So he takes the second ticket and drops it in the puddle too. Then he gets down and starts RUBBING MY TICKETS INTO THE SPIT.

“To soak it in,” he says.

He then starts stepping on it with his shoe. The bell rings, and I rush out of there.

Ninth period was free time, so I played games on my Chromebook the whole time. After that, I go to pick up my trumpet from band class. The door is locked, so I have to wait a while.

Dad picks Khang and I up a few minutes later. Then we drive off to pick up Bien. I throw and catch the eraser brain (referenced in my recent post) as I walk down the sidewalk. I throw it up, but I can’t catch it. It hits a fence and goes into someone’s property. Khang picked up Bien, and we head home. I read TL’s recent post. I’m going to comment on it after this. Then I start typing this blog. That was my day.




April 26, 2018

I’m back. It has been a while, and I read some of my posts again. They were really stupid. I should feel ashamed, but I don’t. Maybe that’s part of going through puberty. You don’t regret anything you do anymore.

Speaking of puberty and growing up, I’m eleven now. Funny how time goes by quickly.

Today, Khang slept through my wake up call, and caused me to be nearly late. When I got to my locker, a red-headed girl was there and said, “You’re LATE.” What a jerk.

I got to class and the teacher handed out eraser brains. I mock a kid named Andrew. He is very egotistical, and easy to make fun of. He would be very pale if his face was not so red. Today I decide to sing and mock him.

Andrew is all alone.

Got no friends to call his own.

So skinny that he got no bones.”

I fell a little bad about that now.

I spend the rest of my time throwing throwing my brain and catching it.

Then Nicole, the insecure girl, starts talking very loud and obnoxiously. Nicole used to wear cat ears to school because she is very insecure. She always draws anime and tapes it on her locker. One time I saw her get busted by some teachers. The made her open up her locker, and took some pictures because they were “offensive”.

We took our math test, and I’m pretty sure I did well. If I try to tell you what questions were asked, the State of Ohio will probably bust in and arrest me.

I should not of wrote that. I sound like a criminal.

In school, I’m pretty popular.

“But Nam,” you are saying. “You don’t have any friends. How are you popular?”

Well, it does not matter how many friends you have, but if people like you. Everybody is cool with me. Except girls. They hate me. You can never understand the stuff girls do. So I ask Nicole why.

She says that I am “shortish” and “weird”.

You cannot understand what a girl says, either.

Then my teacher made me read this incredibly dull book. I won’t name the name of the book, because that would be offensive.

Then we went to recess. Wait no, the teachers will arrest me if I say that. They call it “activity time.”

I run-wait no, I will be arrested for saying that too. I walked down the hall to the gym. My school cannot afford bad publicity.

In the gym, I meet Kevin, a fellow Asian. Kevin always wears the shirts and pants that the school sells, even though he hates school. Kevin says he thinks he looks like and average dude. I say he looks like a Muppet.

We go to the upper gym to play basketball. Not much to say about that.

Then we go to lunch. Now there is a popular table. I sit at the popular table. I sit on one side. The popular people sit on the other. Why don’t I sit with them? Because they are unbelievably stupid and annoying. Today, their topic was, “My crap is worth more than our life!” See what I mean?

I buy a basic lunch: bacon cheese burger, chocolate milk, and what I hope is processed fruit. If it is not, I will not be happy. I would hire a lawyer and sue the school.

After lunch, I go back to homeroom. We have to read that horrid book again. Halfway through, I feel something on my neck. The last time this happened, I flicked it off and the bee stung me. Me, not learning anything, flicked it off my neck. It landed on my desk, and I learned it was an ant. I wonder how many other ants were on me. I flick the ant off the table, and continued reading.

The period ended, and I went to science class. Our teacher made us get out our bones that we dissected from our owl pellets yesterday. We arranged them into skeletons, and left.

I think my math teacher is a feminist. She is always talking about girls taking less time to use the bathroom, boys getting fatter as the years pass, and boys always wanting to show off. We go to South Dakota’s practice site and do some math.

Next is art class. There I find Kevin and Luca. Luca is my neighbor. He thinks he look exactly like a kid name George. This is a lie. I would show you a picture of them if I could. George has blond hair; Luca has brown hair. George is taller than Luca.

For some unknown reason, the art teacher wants us to spend two weeks on drawing a cake. Women are weird.

Then comes gym class. We had to play a game called Spud. Search it up if you don’t know what that is. I’m not explaining. It involves throwing balls, yelling numbers, and running around like idiots. I wonder how this game was made.

We go home after gym, and now I’m here. I’m going to try to write daily now, but no promises.




My Life Highlights in One Blog

I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while, but I never had the time. So here it is, my whole school life.


Kindergarten 2012-2013: Back then, there was this kid that went a little crazy sometimes. Once, he threw his shoe at me. It didn’t hurt, but I decided to pretend to stumble backwards. I never saw the kid again. There was also a kid named Morgan. Every Tuesday, I would see him leave the classroom with some adult. I used to think he was gifted, but I later learned he was just going to speech. Last, there was a kid named Johnny. One time when we had story time, John went to the bathroom. As the teacher starts telling the story, we hear someone from the bathroom sing the ABCs. Eventually, the teacher started knocking on the door and told him to be quiet. The teacher then continued reading, but then we start hearing someone from the bathroom going, “H I J K L M N O P…”.


First Grade 2013-2014: On the first day of school, the teacher begins talking to us. Then a kid asks why her foot is bleeding. She looks down and sees it on her foot. She explains that it is jelly. Then everyone starts laughing like it’s the most funny thing since Peanuts. I felt like I was on a comedy show. I later heard a rumor that the teacher ate the jelly at snack time. When I asked her about it, she said all those outrageous claims are untrue.



Second Grade 2014-2015: Nothing interesting whatsoever.



Third Grade 2015-2016: I had cut out a piece of paper with a stick figure drawn on it. I called him Jeff. Soon, we had a Jeff clan. We also had Jeff haters. Someone tried to rip him up. When it was my birthday, nobody said anything to me. About a week later, someone else had their birthday and everyone sang to him. I then asked the teacher why no one sang to me, and she said it was I didn’t bring food for the class. The teacher once showed us a video called Kitty High Five, and at one point, the video yelled, “High Five the wall!” Everyone smacked the wall as hard as they could. A teacher later came in and said it sounded like the walls were falling down. Every time we had state tests on our school iPads, the teacher would make us split up our desks so we couldn’t cheat. Whenever we did this, an annoying kid would yell “Avengers disassemble!” When it was time to connect again, the same kid would yell “Avengers assemble!”



Fourth Grade 2016-2017: We had this pizza-taco war thing. For more details, see A Tale of Two Groups, a blog I wrote about a year ago. On the first day of school, I was tired, so I leaned backwards onto a table. Unfortunately, I fell onto a drawer instead. One time I asked a question, and for the rest of the year, people called me Captain Obvious.



Fifth Grade 2017-2018: For Christmas, the teachers told us that we could decorate our lockers on Tuesday. Her exact words were, “You don’t have to, but I’ll be pretty sad if you don’t.” So I forgot about until Tuesday morning. I panicked, and grabbed anything Christmas related in the house. When we started decorating, I had a snowman on my locker. His face was scary. It wasn’t supposed to be, but it was just creepy. So I stuck a mask over him. Since then, strange things have happened. First, the locker next to me had all it’s decorations fall down. So he stuck it back on. When we came back, it fell off again. Next, people have been randomly disappearing at lunch or recess. They come back later and act like everything is normal. Once when I came to school, half the lights were dead. The snowman was also on the floor. So I stuff him in my locker so he can’t escape. I put his arms up, but when I return, his arms are down. When I bury him under my books, he is somehow on top when I come back. His mask keeps peeling off too, no matter how much tape I use. I look at my locker. The tape I used on him is still on. How could the snowman fall off, but not the tape? In science class, three fully charged Chromebooks suddenly died. My chair keeps disappearing, so I must get a new one. All these things happen in 217 and 215, the closest rooms to my locker. It never happens in 219, a classroom far from my locker.