My School is a Prison

My school is actually a prison. The school was unable to raise enough money to support the giant place, so half the school is dedicated to inmates from all around Florida. There’s a iron gate separating students and inmates, but there have been a few break-in’s.


Just kidding, the school doesn’t house inmates, but there wouldn’t be much of a difference even if it were true. There are iron gates surrounding the school. It was pretty clear that most of the students were no stranger to trouble. We arrived at the front office, where a bunch of late kids were signing in. A lady led Mom and me to the 6th Grade office. There we met the counselor. There was a school picture with a bunch of scribbles on it. I asked her about it, and she was like, “These kids vandalized my picture… No big deal!”

I was starting to wonder about the kids at this school. Than some tall 8th Grader lead me around. It was very brief tour. He just walked through the hallways and said, “This is the library. This is the gym. This is the cafeteria.”

The strange thing about the school is that in the middle was an outdoor courtyard with a statue in the middle. The hallways went around the giant courtyard. But the things is, there are no walls or doors separating the inside from the courtyard, so the hallways are always hot. I went to band class. That’s how my ears withered and died. It’s been a month since school started, and they still sounded like a whole forest of dying animals. Next was lunch. Back in elementary school, the cafeteria was always noisy. But the 6th Grade is giant. You could probably fit a football field in the cafeteria. The lunches were free since the school was sponsored by some organization I don’t know about. The first thing I noticed were the kids around me. They all swore constantly, like they were in some rap battle. I guess being in a rap battle also makes your grammar suffer, so everyone was talking in incomplete sentences. After lunch was “gym”. I put quotation marks around “gym” because it was not gym. The substitute didn’t know what she was doing, so she sent us outside to ponder our life decisions. I sat down and noticed something in the grass. I picked it up and found a cigarette. Nice to know. These kids smoke. Then these kids had a fight and the other one started crying. Cool school. After lunch was history. I was pretty late to history. I walked around the hallways for a while after the tardy bell rang. Maybe I would’ve known my way around if the guy had actually given me a real tour. I ended up in the office and asking them where to go. When I entered class, the guy was all sarcastic about everything, but not in the funny way teachers usually are. Apparently everyone was taking a test, so I sat down and he handed me a sheet.


Question 1: What was the “fight” over Florida?

Question 2: What did conquistadors do to Native Americans while in Florida?

Well how was I supposed to know this? In Ohio, the curriculum in Ohio was based on history in Ohio. So I know about Ohio history! Why do they expect me to know all about Florida? I sat there for half an hour until the teacher said, “Read the book, stupid!”

That’s not what he really said but that’s what it sounded like. There was practically no information in the book, so I’m pretty sure I failed. Math was next. It was pretty confusing since they were in the middle of studying ratios, which I haven’t learned about yet. Then we had to pick groups and do some work. I knew this was going to be a bad time since I hadn’t really met anyone yet. Then these two girls asked me to their table. I said yes, and the whole time they snuck each other these smug smiles. For some reason, it made me want to fight them. Science was nothing but confusion, and ELA was the worst. The teacher there looked and acted like she was a college dropout. She said things like “Yeet!” and “Shut up idiots!” I wonder how she ever got a job here.


Today on Monday, I walked into class. I was a little worried since I had taken a test on cells and on ratios, which I hadn’t studied on or learned about. My group in reading class was a bit strange. Let me break it down.

There’s a boy with glasses who is a pretty good artist. There’s a girl who is too cheerful. Lastly,  there’s a kid who I’m still trying to figure out if they’re a boy or girl. I haven’t had the courage to ask yet. The kid with glasses drew a picture of me. When I looked at it, the picture gave me this blank expression, like I had just murdered someone. I guess that IS how I look. At the end of class, the cheerful girl said I have a weird voice. I wondered what she was talking about, since I thought my voice sounded fine. I suppose I was voice cracking lately, but that’s just puberty. Then she said my voice was cute, like I was some barking dog. After I left class, I began wondering. What does my voice sound like? I mean, I think it sounds a bit deep, but on recordings it sounds high. I wondered what other people heard: a deep voice or a high voice. Someone tell me please!


The Seven-Year-Olds Are Onto Me!

I was playing video games one day, minding my own business. Then Khoi joined. At first he said stuff like, “Nam, stop writing stuff about me.” I guess he didn’t like my previous post, which was about the vacation. And then Khoi starts threatening me.

“Nam, you know I can control your blog, right?” He says this several times so I get the point. I wonder how this kid can control a blog if he can’t even control his temper.

After he left, I checked this site, to see what Khoi was saying. These are his exact words: “Nam, Thats not nice to write a blog about me, Plus, some sentences about me like: khoi rounded his boat around peoople and khoi made a stupid boat is actually false so some of it is not true about me.”

Honestly, if he didn’t like what he read, he should’ve just stopped reading. After Khoi reads this post, he’s probably going to do something obnoxious on my blog, like calling me a “stud”.  So if you read somewhere that Nam eats children, you can owe it all to Khoi.

Another Vacation Blog

  1. So I am greedy and want another iTunes card. The price to pay is a blog about the vacation with 5000 words. I don’t know what kind of pleasure you get from reading an eleven-year-old’s blog, but if it gets me money, who cares? I doubt anyone will read this whole thing, since it’s about 4500 words longer than my usual posts. So just be warned, this post is REALLY long. Well, not THAT long, but still long.

I’m awoken in the night to pack for the flight. (That rhymes!) The previous day had been spent packing our clothes. The drive to the airport felt short. Along with our giant bag, we had three drawstring bags. Mine was filled with stuff such as collectible anime figures. (Just kidding.) I now have about a hundred words, so I should be well on my way. It was still early, so we grabbed some Chick-Fil-A. I did take a video while we were there, but they’re not on this computer. After that, we went on the plane. The flight was uneventful, so there was not much to write about there. After we landed, we had to go on a tediously long two hour ride. And what is my reward for staying in a car this long? An annoying little boy whose name is Khoi. It’s like Khoi is from another planet or something. He keeps a security camera that HE monitors. This kid is like, eight years old. Shouldn’t his parents be doing this? Khoi also likes to make things up. Apparently, I had been horrible to Khoi the last time we had come. The first thing he said to me was, “Today is revenge day,” and I cringed so hard. So what was Khoi’s brilliant revenge? He got all the little kids to put pillows inside a wrapped blanket and called it a “bomb”. And if you think, “Okay, that’s already too cringey,” there’s more. Khoi and the rest of the kids would run into the room I was sitting in and start screaming. He would start throwing the “bomb” in my face, and then run out of the room. And it’s not like I could ask my parents for help. I know what Khoi’s dad would say: “Oh just be nice to Khoi. He doesn’t get to play with the other kids often.” My dad would say: “Just let him play.” After the fourth time this happened, I was fed up. I marched into his room and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Of course, his little friends started screaming and running around like animals. Even my younger brother was in on it. The traitor. I threatened Khoi that if he did this one more time, I would make this the worst ever week for him. I think he got it. I stomped out of the room. The rest of the night was smooth sailing.

The next morning was just as uneventful as the last. This time though, we went to the pool. As usual, Khoi pretended to be an airplane. He had brought his stupid Legos and made a boat. Then he rounded up all the younger kids. And if you’re thinking, “Will this whole post be about a dispute between Khoi and Nam?”, the answer is yes. My uncle (aka Khoi’s dad,) noticed all the older kids were bored, so he threw this Minnie Mouse toy into the water for us the get it. He probably stole it from Khoi’s little sister. On the third throw, I got it, because everyone else quit. I was going to give it back, but then I was like, “Nahhh,”, and put it in my pocket. Then Khoi’s uncle came over and asked me where the toy was. I told him I didn’t know where it was, while trying not to laugh. After a while, Khang kidnapped Khoi’s little sister. I then asked Khoi if he could swim. He said yes, but continued to walk out of the pool and jump to where Khang was instead of swimming there. And dad, if you’re reading this, YES, I can swim. I’m not a hypocrite. After a while, Khoi gave up and started crying in his father’s lap. No joke. His dad said I can’t talk to him. Last trip, that would’ve been fine, but not this time. Khoi wanted to fight, so that’s what he gets. And if you’re thinking, “Wow, Nam is sinking as low as beating up little kids,” then you’re absolutely right. I am sinking that low. Then the girl I didn’t know but was with us anyway found a frog. They had it trapped in a bottle cap by the time I came over. I asked one of the kids where they got the bottle cap. They said it was in the water. Gross. Afterwords, the girl tried to kill it because she “didn’t like animals”. What a wonderful person. When we were all leaving, I handed my uncle the Minnie Mouse. For that, I have been redeemed.

Today we are going to a farm. Lucky me. There was a pool in the back of the house, it was drizzling rain, and the adults were obsessed over this fruit from Vietnam. While the farmer and the adults geeked over it, I left to check what everyone else was doing. Then everyone was talking about a frog in the pool. It was a small frog, just floating in the water. They all wanted to get it out so it wouldn’t die in chlorine, but no one wanted to touch it. So I lied down on the floor to grab it. My shirt got all wet. At first I couldn’t reach it, but then Khang brushed it over with a stick. It picked it up and placed it on the floor. It hopped into the grass. Then we find several dead frogs. But then there’s a big frog that might be alive. Everyone expects me to save it, but there was no way I was touching that giant frog. Just because I save a single frog does not mean I’m some kind of Frog Jesus. Turns out the frog was dead anyway. On the ride home, I get a headache and fell like throwing up. So the lesson is: don’t touch frogs.

I wake up to find out we were going to a rental house on Marco Island. I think. It might’ve been Marcus Island or something. Two multi-hour drives in one trip is enough to make anyone crazy, so I played on my phone most of the time. The rental house was nice, and it had a pool in the back. All of us immediately went in. After a while, a friend named Ryan came over. He borrowed my spare swimming trunks (ugh) and went swimming too. Soon after, we all took a shower and started staring at our iPads. For me, gaming is like a drug. A few hours after being lost in my own world, the parents told us to go to sleep. The bed was full with my dad and younger brother, so Khang and I had to sleep on the couch. I grabbed the bedsheet before Khang could and was about to go to sleep when Khang stoke it. I looked around the house and noticed the basket of towels in the corner. Bad memories from the Arizona trip came flooding into my mind. I could either be cold, or give up all my dignity. I laid down on the couch for a few seconds, and grabbed the towel right away. Now I couldn’t even respect myself. But then, my dad came over and said we could sleep on the bed instead of him. The next hour was spent staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

I slid out of bed the next morning. Today was the day we were supposed to go on the boat. I’m not afraid of bost rides, but they do put me on edge. We pack all our stuff up (again), and hop in the car.  The first boat rental didn’t have any boats left, so we went to this smaller rental place. This seemed to make Dad triggered. Then Ryan and Alex came over. We had to get two boats, and we split up. The sun burned the back of neck, and I had more bad memories from when my faced peeled off. I tried to turn my hat backwards and push it down, but it didn’t seem to help. After about half an hour on the boat, we stopped in the middle of nowhere. Why you may ask? So we could swim. In the middle of nowhere. The adults jumped out first. Dad had trouble finding the ladder and setting it up, so we went last. All the kids had to wear life jackets, which was crazy because I could touch the floor. The jacket pushed me up but wasn’t able to sustain my weight. To sum it up, imagine everlasting strain on your head and neck. Now, imagine swimming like that. Ryan tried to swim like this but eventually took off his jacket and just carried it around. Right as we were getting back on the boat, I wondered if there were any shells under me. I picked up the hardest thing I could find. Before I could even get a chance to look at what it was, it bit me or something, and then I dropped it. And now I have a cut on my finger. Later, the boat got caught in the shallow water. When Dad went to check it out, he came back with a cut on his foot. Apparently, a rock or something cut it. There was blood everywhere. I’m fine with blood since I see it all the time, but for some reason, blood on a boat makes me feel dizzy. I can’t really explain the feeling, and you wouldn’t understand anyway. Ryan’s mom patched it up with tissues, which was kind of pathetic. It seemed like the thing that would only be used as the last resort. After another long half hour, we arrived at the beach. There was another boat there, but it was beached, and it was fun watching the people try to push it back in the water. We stepped into the water, but the floor was covered with rocks and shells, so we moved on to the next beach. It was just as rocky as they other one, so they made us swim with sandals on. That was just as dumb as the life jacket idea. How were we supposed to swim like that? It turned out, we didn’t have to. The water was so shallow it never went beyond my waist. There were no waves either. When I go to the beach, I like going far out and hopping over the waves. This beach didn’t have waves. All the kids just wandered around for a while. Eventually, I got bored and started wading to the next beach, which was separated by some trees. Ryan’s older sister followed all the kids who went to the next beach. It was pretty obvious the adults had put her up to the task. Ryan’s older sister made it there first, and found a small ravine filled with water. Inside, there was a school of fish. I tried to catch one of course, but even in the small river I couldn’t. After a while, everyone left to do something else, but I kept trying to catch a fish. Finally, with the help of TL, I caught one. Or we caught one. I don’t know. I ran to the others with the fish held high in my hand like it was some gold medal. They told me to release it into the ocean, so I threw it as far as I could. Now that I think about it, I probably killed it. We caught a few more fish and went home. I thought it would be a direct trip, but someone said they were going to check a place out, “to see if anything was there”. This was crazy, since the map showed there was nothing there. The other boat went speeding ahead of us, and when we finally caught up, we ended up in shallow water again. Which was exactly what the map said. We got out and left. What a waste of our time. The ride was uneventful, although I now have a funny photo of Khang and Alex sleeping on each other’s shoulders. We drove home and FINALLY got to swim. In the pool of course. That night, we all played video games while the adults went to a bar or a casino or something. Then, Alex spotted a bug the size of five fingers. People took pictures and everything, and left. Everyone went to sleep, and I didn’t hear more about it after that.

  1. Everyone was packing the next morning. We once again hopped in the car to drive back to my uncle’s house. Once we were there, I sat down on the bed and wondered what to do. Then Khoi came running in with his little kindergarten friends. They were armed with pillows. I stood up, and Khoi yelled, “We’re not afraid of you!”, as he proceeded to be afraid of me. Then ran back into their room. This repeated itself multiple times before they stopped. Khoi is so annoying. The last day of our trip was wasted by going to the “clubhouse”. There was nothing to do there. Dad worked out, and Khoi’s Kindergarteners were playing in this tiny room with toys. I played a poker game with TL. I think. I didn’t even know what we were doing. After that, we had a Connect 4 tournament. We got some snacks from the vending machine and left. We spent the rest of the night on our iPads. The flight home was boring. I settled back in and went to sleep. The next day, all the Thucs (except for one) came, along with that random girl that was at Khoi’s house. I don’t even know how she’s related to us. All she did was cry everyday. We didn’t do much on the night they came. We all just hung around, staring at our iPads. For the rest of the week, we sat on out butts. I wish something had happened, but nothing did. Then TD came to our house. She had come from LEGO Land or Disney World or something. She gave TQ a lollipop or something. It was kind of like a lollipop, except it was in the form of a stick, not a circle. I don’t know why I remember or even care about this small detail, but I did. The next day, TQ opened up, licked the lollipop, and put it in the fridge. I mean, seriously, who does that? I guess I remember because it really bugged me. Another thing that bugged me was TL’s constant watching of some anime called Fairytail. Don’t even know if I spelled that right. All I have to say about that show is… watch your profanity! And then there’s Angel. That’s the name of that girl I didn’t know. She’s like, five years old, but TD says she watches German, Korean, and English shows, even though she only speaks Vietnamese. She speaks a little English, but for the first few days she was there, I only heard her say, “What?!” and “Stop!”. One time I was throwing something away. I didn’t even look at Angel, and then she yells, “Whaaaaat?!”. It’s very annoying. Mom made us go to Columbus for a baptism. The ride was two hours long, and when we finally got there, I met my aunt. My first thought was that she was REALLY short. She was shorter than me, and I’m 4’11. We walked into their apartment, which had an upstairs. I remember that I used to think they lived in a hotel. We saw the baby whose name was Roman. He had all short hair except for the back, which gave him a natural pony tail.  Most of the adults left to go eat sushi. That left me with my grandparents and Bien. I didn’t want to be bothered, so I spent most of the night playing on the iPad upstairs. The TV was on the whole time, even when I went back downstairs four hours later. It had some guy driving around Vietnam and eating the food. My aunt inflated a mattress and we went to sleep. The next day we drove to the church and watched the baptism. It was a lot shorter than the last one we went to, which was nice. Then we went to some Dim Sum place, although it wasn’t as good as the one in Ohio. But it was good nonetheless. We drove back to the apartment to gather our things. Then we piled back into the car and drove back home. It wasn’t until that night when we realized we forgot our toothbrushes. We had to use our spare, and we went to sleep. The next day, Mom made all the Thucs and all her kids (me) go to the zoo. Some Chinese Lantern Festival. I wonder why American people are all like,”Aye, Chinese culture is very unique. You better learn all about it.” I’m pretty sure everyone knows about Chinese culture now anyway. It’s not like Chinese people geek out about a hot dog, or have America Town. The zoo had a bunch of Chinese lanterns set up, to the point where more people were looking at pieces of paper, rather than the animals. There were huge lanterns, which meant more photo stops on the way. We walked past some more creepy lanterns, like the ones with literal white faces and red cheeks, which were just staring at you. Some of them moved too, which would not improve how many nightmares I get each month. We walked past dragons and swans. Eventually we landed in some show. It was weird; a lady was throwing stuff with her feet. And then some dancers with pole on their hands? I don’t even know, it was just weird, but I guess Chinese people wonder about our lifestyle. We went home, and it was so late that we had to go to sleep right away. I figured this was going to be the same thing every summer, and that’s when Dad signed us up for sports camp. I thought it would be an actual camp, but I guess not. It was just another indoor camp. We were all nervous on the first day of camp. Dad has signed up TQ and TL for the art program, while Bien and I were sent to the basketball program. All the kids there were mostly boys, no surprise. A lot of them were fighting each other on the floor. Not real fighting, but kind of like tease fighting. You wouldn’t understand. I look at my surroundings, and finally realize where I am. WE WERE IN A CHURCH! This wasn’t sports camp, it’s CATHOLIC sports camp! Cue the dramatic music! All of a sudden, the big TV in the middle of the screen started saying something like, “STAND UP!” There was a rush of kids getting up, and I was caught in it. Then this guy stepped on stage and started singing some song about Jesus. What was worse was that kids started dancing. Some kids started dabbing or flossing or smacking each other in the face. And I was just standing there rethinking my life. After the song, these two people started talking. One of them had a fence post around their neck for some reason, and then pretended to cry. Adults are so weird sometimes. After they left the stage, they made us watch “EweTube”, which starred some sheep talking about the bible. I don’t think anyone else got the joke about ewes and sheep. Most of them called it “EweyTube” anyway. Afterwards, some guy came up and made us do memory verses from the bible. At this point, I was wondering when the “sports” in sports camp would come. Then we watched another fake show about sports or something. Don Donnen or Chip something. Then we went to devotion to learn all about Jesus and God and other things. The guy made this paper demonstration of god and sin and people or something. And FINALLY we went outside. There were these two blonde kids saying stuff about sauce and “crossing people up”. We had to do lame old layups for the first half. The coaches made us to split into three lines for 3 on 2 offense. Then this kid chugged the whole Gatorade jug. The coaches split us up into teams. This one guy on our team said our name should be “Jesus Lovers”. For some reason, everyone else seemed to like that name. Well, we lost the game. We did some more basketball drills until we went back in. Dad picked us up and we left. I remember TD got a job and she was gone. We played video games until we had to go to sleep. The next day we drove back to the camp. The inflated green balloon guy started waving around mockingly. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m talking about the inflated balloon guys in front of car dealerships.I take a step back inside the church. And sure enough, the guy started singing again. Something about being alive. If any internet dwellers heard this song, it would become a meme in twenty seconds. Then those two people came up again. This time the one with the fence around their neck was wearing some baseball gear. Then she starting throw beach balls and baseballs into the crowd, which I’m pretty sure you can get sued for. Everyone else seem to enjoy it though. Then the sheep came back on. It made me cringe so hard. The sheep was playing Pokémon or something. Disciplémon, I think. Some game about collecting disciples. Then there was something about a goose and Fish-Fillet sandwiches from McDonalds. Then the sports story about baseball and more memory verses. We had to go the devotion again. The guy started talking about Jesus and how to get back in a relationship with him and Adam and Eve and a bunch of other stuff. We went out to play basketball. All the kids were still being annoying and immature. This one girl would just sit the whole basketball game. I know I’m the jerk for criticizing everything and anyone I see, but somethings cannot be left unsaid. Well, they can, but I just enjoy saying them. We had a basketball game, which we lost. The Jesus Lovers had fallen again. As we walked back inside, the green balloon guy smacked me in the face. I’m pretty sure I can sue them for that, too. Dad picked us up, and we went home. When we go back to camp the next day, the green guy has been taken away. I guess they don’t want any lawsuits. I walk back inside the church… I mean SPORTS CAMP. (cough cough.) Then THE SAME GUY sang the SAME SONG with the same CORNY DANCE MOVES. The more I think about it, the more pity I feel for this dude, having to sing the same stupid song over and over. And then the sheep again. This time, the video was filled with McDonalds jokes, fish-fillet sandwiches, and Jesus. And then those two people again. Now it was something about eating tacos or something. And then a video of someone eating a taco? At this point, you might wonder exactly what we’ve evolved into. Psychopaths? Probably. Then more sports videos and memory verses. We went to devotion again, but this time, they split the group up. They told the 5th graders to go to one room, and the 6th and 7th graders to the other. I didn’t know if I was still a 5th grader or not, so I went with 6th and 7th. It was awkward, because all  the kids there were taller than me, and pretty much already had mustaches. The new devotion room small. There were two boxes on a table. The teacher did some demonstration with the boxes. Something about sin which I forgot. And then something about bricks. I don’t even know. After several more minutes of staring at boxes, we went outside. We did some more drills until we had another game. This time, the coaches were too lazy to remember the teams, so we had new teams. My new team decided to be called “The Nine Disciples”, which isn’t much better than “Jesus Lovers”. We lost our game AGAIN. If you’re counting, that’s THREE games in a row we lost. We walk back inside. I play on my phone because I have nothing else to do. As usual, Dad took his time picking us up. The car ride was the same as before. The fourth time I went to the camp, I felt like I’d seen everything. I’d seen taco-eating weirdos, Catholic sheep, and a green balloon guy. I was STILL unprepared for what I saw in camp though. There was still that singing guy who I have been told sings on the radio. I highly doubt that. And then the Catholic sheep again. Even he seemed to be tired and miserable today. Then those two people came on stage again. This time, one of them was wearing a magician’s outfit. She told us she was an illusionist. She tried to make things disappear by throwing them at the audience. I wonder if they’re counting how many lawsuits they’ll get, because I’m going to sue them for a million dollars. I might even be able to make a living off of suing the camp. We had to do more memory verses, which really bothered me. We went to devotion for the fourth time. There were two chairs with string tied to them. The teacher did a demonstration with the string. Something about moving with Jesus or God. Then she gave us Play Dough. We went outside to the basketball court. I noticed the green balloon guy was moved to the corner of the parking lot. They probably didn’t want anymore fatal child attacks. Smart choice. There was a slight breeze, but it still felt hot for some reason. He had to do more drills and relay races. We had another game, WHICH WE LOST AGAIN. I make a silent promise to win the next game. We enter the sports camp the next day. I wonder if Dad knew he was signing up for a Catholic sports camp. And if he did, why didn’t he tell us? The guy sang his little song again, and then came the sheep video, and then came those two people. This time there was a box with a bunch of “clones” coming out. None of them looked like the original person, which was quite disturbing. And then we had to do more memory verses. When we went to devotion, I saw a pickle laying on a slab of wood. There were two wires sticking out of the ends, and I was afraid I knew what was going to happen next. She made us sit down. There was talk of Jesus and God or something. I wasn’t paying much attention. I was just staring at the pickle. And then she shoved a plug that was connected to the pickle into the outlet behind her. For the first second nothing happened, but then the pickle started glowing , and smoke started coming out of the ends like… you know what I mean. The lady stood right over the pickle, the smoke slowly flowing up into her face. The immature kids, which was most of the group, started screaming and yelling and running around the room. The woman just continues talking, as if she didn’t know the smoke had spread through half the room by now. Right as I thought I was going to suffocate in the smoke, the woman regained her senses, as if the smoke hadn’t been there seconds before, she quickly unplugged the pickle, and smoke stopped coming out. At first I thought we were safe, but then the pickle started smelling bad, like the pickle had a disease, died, and rotted in an alley with a pack of rats. Once again, the kids started rolling around on the floor, covering their noses. There was a small group of kids huddled around the air vent, trying breathe in fresh air. The kids by the window opened it all the way up and stuck their heads out. I don’t know if you’ve smelled electrocuted pickles before, but if you haven’t, then consider yourself lucky. The teacher tried to calm everyone down, but the smell was unbearable. I have to admit, I was starting to go a little crazy myself. All the kids were desperate to get fresh air, and soon there was a rush of kids trying to get to the vent or window. The kids who had kept their minds straight huddled in a corner, covering their noses with their shirts. Several minutes passed until the horrible stench flew out the window. We took a clean breath, and everyone continued like nothing had happened. I inspected the crispy pickle. It was black on the ends, and was now an unsightly shade of yellow. We had our last basketball game outside, I score a three and a layup. By then, I’m benched, and I hope the rest of my team can win this. And they don’t. We had lost EVERY SINGLE GAME. I was pretty triggered. The next day, Vinh came over for his birthday. There was a whole lot of cake, and everyone had a good time. Sunday was the last day my cousins were here. We went to a restaurant, and we departed in the front of the parking lot. And that’s it. Over 5000 words. It took me two weeks, and I’m finally done. So, goodbye.



That One Field Trip Pt 2

If you have not read the previous post, please do. It is so bad it’s good. -Nam

After I enter the school, the teacher takes us down to the media center to return the school computers we got at the beginning of the year.

“Are there any kids with broken Chromebooks?”, the teacher asks.

Several kids raise their hands, and are sent to the back of the line. Many of those kids look really sad. Perhaps it is because they’ll get charged. Or maybe they ate a bad burrito.

I really want the computer returning to finish so we can go on the field trip. “Hey Andrew,” I say. “How’d you break your Chromebook?”

Andrew does not respond, probably because he is still upset about the broken computer.

After the computer returning, we get on the bust. The teacher had said the lunches we brought would be stored in coolers, but the were tossed into a laundry basket. A laundry basket is nothing like a cooler. My McDonalds bag sat pitifully inside.

“Okay,” said the teacher. “Form a line.”

The rush of kids hurrying toward the door is unsettling. Miraculously, I am first in line. And what a bummer that turned out to be. I had to hold the door open for everybody else. We are split into four groups. My group was Andrew, Brady, Dane, Nicole, Kasim, Chloe, Brianna, me, and anybody else I forgot to mention.

We get on the bus, and I sit next to Brady. Andrew sits next to Dane in the seats behind us.

“The bus for ski club was way better than this bus,” I tell Brady.

“Yeah,” is his response.

And off we went. The forest we were heading to was only a few minutes away, so it didn’t take long. As soon as the bus doors opened, all the kids spilled out. It was as if someone had popped the cork off a champagne bottle and its contents came spilling out. Actually, that sounds a little wrong.

We began walking down the sidewalk. On my right, Nicole is walking with her new best friend, Kasim.

Nicole says, “Kasim is my best friend,” which I find crazy since they met three minutes ago.

So I say, “That’s crazy. You met three minutes ago.”

Nicole laughs that weird laugh of hers, and walks off. Kasim is a pretty cool dude, but he has somehow sunk as low as to hanging out with Nicole. Everyone knows Nicole is a bit out there.

While Andrew, Brady, Dane and I joke around, the teachers talk about setting good examples and all that. I don’t listen at all.

We enter the main building, and I admit, it looks pretty cool. There’s a model of the cit in the middle of the room, and a giant TV screen on the wall. We go inside the conference room, and that’s where I see this guy that looks like he’s in his thirties.

After we all settle down, the guy speaks up. “My name is Matt,” he starts off. Then he says some other boring things I don’t remember. He then introduces the other naturalists. After that, we get kicked off to our “stations”. Our first station is with Matt, so I guess this should be fun. I was wrong.

That One Field Trip Pt 1

My field trip was amazing. There were giant spiders, the police came, I got arrested for trespassing, we saw a ship blow up, and we got free cookies.

Just kidding. All of that would’ve been a MUCH better field trip. Instead, we were sent to slog through the muddy floor while getting dirty.

It all started Tuesday night. Mom bought me McDonalds for tomorrow since she didn’t want to make me anything for the field trip. I went to bed. Then I noticed a bug crawling across the wall. I turn on the lights and I see this huge spider. I tell Bien to keep an eye on it while I get the flyswatter.

I really don’t like spiders. How they shoot webs out their butts, and how they have eight eyes. They’re just eerie to look at.

I grab the flyswatter and come closer. The spider had not moved much. I swing and miss. The spider falls through the crevice between my bed and the wall. Taking a peek under the bed, I see nothing.

Now I was nervous. I throw the blanket on the floor so the spider cannot contaminate it. I tackle Bien so he can get out of they way.

“Augh!”, he yells as he goes down. He quickly gets up and looks under the bed. “He’s gone,”, Bien says.

And people in fourth grade called ME Captain Obvious.

I grab a flashlight and look under the bed again.

“Maybe he’s hiding,” says Bien, who once again makes a useless comment.

Then Bien spots him. “It’s on it’s back!”

Indeed it was. And I knew the mature way to handle this situation.

I smack the spider into the wall with the flyswatter. Knowing bugs, it (probably) wasn’t dead yet. I grind it into the wall. The legs go flying off every which way. I’m sorry if this is too brutal for you, just deal with it. The spider lay motionless on the ground. Just to be sure, I smack it again. That was taken care of, and nothing overdone. Probably.

Bien disposed of the spider, and we went back to sleep.

The next morning, I was pumped for the field trip. I was so pumped, I forgot to put on my deodorant. Little did I know, there was not much to be excited about.

It ate the usual breakfast, which was bootleg Cocoa Pebbles. I’m not kidding. The one I eat is called Cocoa Rice. If I knew how to show pictures, I would take a photo of the Cocoa Rice and show you.

I packed boots and my chicken nuggets. Khang and I hop onto the car. As soon as we reach school, I realize I forgot I had left my hat and sunscreen.

Well,  I thought. Too late now.

And I enter the school, unsure of what would happen next.



And now I realize this post is too long so I’ll split this up into about four more parts.

Chooken Teenders

Would you like some Chooken Teenders? They are Kentucky fried. (Editor’s Note: Made in Idaho. You know, the potato place.) How do you know our Chooken Teenders are special? Because they are actually made from cows! (Editor’s Note: This is not true. You don’t want to know what they’re really made of.) You see, when a cow is cooked into a Chooken Teender, our special sauce brings it back to life, forming a preteen Chooken Teender. Our employees will then nurse the Chooken Teenders EVER SO CAREFULLY for two years.

But Joey? He really sucks at his job. Always slacking off. Wait, don’t print that.

The Chooken Teenders will then have secret spice sprinkled down on it. The spice will actually cause the preteen Chooken Teender grow into a Cheeken Teender! You see, when the methane gas (farts) touch the spice, the preteen Cheeken Teenders will explode, forming a Cheeken Teender. (Editor’s Note: Nam Company is not responsible for any persons gaining false knowledge of science.)

Chooken Teenders are delicous, but there are more uses! You can shave our beard without shaving cream! Don’t have a beard? That’s okay, shave your hair! Don’t have any hair? Shave your neighbor’s hair!

Chooken Teenders are also a great device. Simply ask, “Cheeken Teender, how’s the weather today?” or, “Cheeken Teender, show me nearby resteraunts,” or, “Cheeken Teender, why is my poop green?” Cheeken Teender has all the answers!

And if you’re still not convinced, then we have a third option! Cheeken Teender can break dance! Cheeken Teender has all the moves, such as farting, the “Why Can’t I Get a Job” dance, and the poopy dance.

Finally, a Cheeken Teender can be used for self defense! That’s right! See a robber breaking in? Pull out your Cheeken Tender! You see, the founders of Cheeken Teenders wanted it to also be able to defend a person. So, they inserted a razor inside the meat! It’s genius!  (Editor’s Note: Nam Company is not responsible for any persons swallowing undesired object.)

So do you want a lame Chicken Tender, or an awesome Cheeken Teender? The choice is yours! (Editor’s Note: Nam Company has dismissed all claims of customers being bribed to buy Cheeken Teenders.)

And now, a word from our sponsor.

Have you ever wondered what to do with your life? Do you ever wonder what is the point of life? We don’t know! And now a message from the president himself.

trainstrainstrainstrains YOU BEEN SELECTED TO EAT A BURGER whyamiwritingthis?ihavenothingtodowithmylifesomebodysavemefromthiscripplingdepression. 😀 🙂 🙁 >:) yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Neighborhood Basketball

(Note: I’m adding notes so people who do not understand the language of sports can understand.)I was outside today, and I decided that my neighbors and I should host an annual summer basketball league. Luca, Drew, and Khang agreed, so here are the rules:

About 15-30 game regular season. (TL will not understand how sports work. Things like playoff trees will confuse her.) After the regular season is over, we MIGHT hold a free throw contest, All-Star game, three point contest etc. I haven’t discussed this part yet.(Note: Only 4 people in the league.) After that, the person with the worst record (# of wins and losses) is eliminated. The person with the best record will take a rest. The people in 2nd and 3rd will go against each other in a 5 game series. (First to 3 wins the series.) The winner will face the 1st place player in a 7  game series. (First to 4 wins.) Winner of that will be the champion, earning bragging rights until the next season.

Since summer vacation was not upon us, we decided to have a pre-season game instead. (Small season before regular season. Does not count for anything except practice.) So I had a game against Luca. We were playing to fifteen. I score on Luca. Luca misses. I miss. Luca misses. He grabs his own rebound (when you get the ball after a shot) and misses again. I miss. Luca turnovers the ball. (Turnover= an error causing the other team to get the ball.) I swish a three. And then Luca forfeits. The final score is 5-0. So I guess in the regular season, I won’t be getting much competition from Luca. The only person I’m worried about is Khang. It’s not that he is an all-star, but he constantly reaches for the ball. I know being aggressive in sports, but he takes it way too far. He knocked me into the grass when I had the ball, and shoved Drew’s elbows into the cement. Khang thinks he is very good, but he constantly misses layups, even though he’s like a whole foot taller than the rest of us.

Can We Hit A Million Fans????

Just kidding. Sorry for the misleading title. My editor came up with that one. He called it “cool”. (Editor’s Note: Nam Is feeding you lies right now.) I have like, one or two readers and zero fans. My own mother does not read this blog. When your mom gives up on you, you’ve pretty much lost all hope. But I can try, can’t I.


Is it sad that I have to advertise my blogs IN MY BLOGS? THIS SUCKS! THIS ABSOLUTELY SUCKS! WHY DO I EVEN WRITE! DOES ANYONE EVEN READ- (Editor’s Note: We apologize for any inconvenience, because Nam needs anger management classes.)

Okay, Nam here, officially starting over. Hi there, single valued reader? Do you have nothing to read? Never fear, read my recent blogs, now under new management, because I’m just not stable enough anymore! I am now in charge of advertisements!

OTHER ITEMS FROM NAM BOB CO. (Editor’s Note: Bob is new official founder of Nam Co., which was then renamed Bob Co.)

The Bob Cookie: It can never be eaten! Trick your friends! The Bob Cookie: food that cannot even be eaten, so why would you buy it? A sweet TRICK!

Bob Brand Water: It is water! Only 12.99 a bottle! But with special strength enhancement nutrients! Note: Does not actually enhance abilities, just more expensive. It is totally real!

Bob Brand Fertilizer: This special cow manure will provide many nutrients for your plants! Bob Brand Fertilizer: It’s Total Garbage!

I could not make this up if I wanted to…


Nature Is Beautiful

You walk along the grass. The newly laid water on the grass tickles your feet. You are not wearing shoes. Why? Because nature is beautiful.

Trash bags litter the road in front of you. You are DISGUSTED. “There are not enough trash bags!”, you think. You take off your shirt and toss it down. You throw litter on the ground. “That is enough,” you think, smiling. “Now I can clean it up to seem like a good person!” Nature is beautiful.

There is a lost traveler looking at his phone. “This is a sacred place! Turn off your phone!”, you tell him. He looks at you and tells you he is just lost, and is using a GPS to get home. In response, you smack the phone out of his hands. It breaks. You run off. Little do you know, the man would be lost for the next two weeks until the forest rangers found him. Nature is beautiful.

You watch the beautiful scenery as you enter the thicker part of the woods. There is poop on the floor. You also spot a worm. You remember in science class that worms decompose waste. “This worm is slacking off!”, you think to yourself. The pick up the poop and dump it all onto the helpless worm so he can get to work. The worm suffocates. Nature is beautiful.

As you venture further into the woods, you find a squirrel. The squirrel is collecting nuts for the winter. “No!”, you tell the squirrel. You explain that nuts are probably living things too. You chuck the nut off a cliff so the squirrel cannot eat it. You think the nut is safe, but it bursts open and dies when it lands. You also killed the squirrel, because three months later, it dies of starvation during the winter. Nature is beautiful.




Hotel Interviews

Today, your reporter, Nam, will being interviewing in a hotel. Was he allowed in this hotel? No. Did he pay at the front desk? No. Did he sneak past the front desk by crawling under? No, he ran across the room yelling, “FREE MONEY!” to distract people. Is he stealing all the shrimp from the bar instead of doing his job? Yes. Is he even paid for this job? No.

The first spot is the water fountain. Let’s zoom in to get a closer look!

(Sound of obese child reporter running to water fountain.)

(Sound of child reporter stupidly knocking the person at the water fountain down.)

Nam: So sorry madam!

Target 1: I’m a guy.

Nam: So sorry sir! If you would like to press charges, please call me!

(Sound of child reporter leaning in.)

Nam (Whispering): I don’t have a phone. But I have some big bucks to keep you quiet. 🙂

Target 1: Um, you’re like eight years old.

Nam: I’m a lot older than that. (Whispering) Still want the money?

Target 1: Are your parents here with you?

Nam: I’m sorry, I cannot tell you that.

Target 1: Why?

Nam: Because you’re a stranger.

Target 1: Then why are you talking to me????

(Sound of obese child reporter running away, yelling “CUT TO COMMERCIAL!”, even though we are not a TV show.)

Wow, looks like our first target was not too cooperative. Let’s hope the next dude is a nice guy. Next stop, the CASINO.

Nam: Hello good sir, I’m taking an interview with hotel guests. You sure got a lot of chips there. Are you a good gambler?

Target 2: Er, um, oh yes, I’m very good!

Nam: Seems like your fellow competitors are missing some chips. Any ideas where the went?

Target 2: Oh, well they probably just… um, lost them?

Nam: That seems possible. Hey, who are those guys in that truck holding some money bags?

Target 2: Well, they’re just my, um, very good friends.

Nam: What are their names?

Target 2: Erm, Justin and Rico?

Nam: Can I see the truck?

(Sound of Target 2 arguing with “Justin” and “Rico”.)

Camera Man: Hey, Nam, you sure this is a good idea?

Nam: No. But he seems like a nice guy. Probably rich, too. Why else would he have so many chips and a bunch of moneybags?

Camera Man: Doesn’t he seem a little shifty?

(Sound of Target 2 coming back.)

Target 2: Okay, you can come. But just do what we say, okay kid?

Nam: Are we going to another hotel?

Target 2: No, we’re going to a bank.

Nam: Oh. I can still interview there, can’t I?

Target 2: Yeah, whatever.

(Sound of Camera Man and Nam jumping into totally not suspicious truck.)

Justin: Okay, you can do your survey or whatever, but then get back in the truck. Start the engine, and don’t stop!

Nam: Whatever.

(Sound of shift truck dudes jumping out and entering banks in strange black masks.)

Camera Man: Why are they wearing masks?

Nam: Maybe it’s someone’s birthday??

Rico: Everybody GET DOWN!

(Sound of frightened crowd kneeling down on the ground.)

(Sound of Nam walking to one of the kneeling people.)

Nam: What a strange party this is. Tell me more.

Target 3: (Hissing) Quiet, you’re gonna get me killed!

Nam: Seems like a fun game. How do you play?


(Sound of obese child reporter totally starting the engine.)

(Sound of engine dying and sputtering.)

Nam: What a nice sound. It reminds me of my brothers singing in the shower.

Target 2: Forget the truck, RUN!

(Sound of obese child reporter struggling to keep up with his new rad friends.)

(Sound of police sirens blaring.)

Nam: This sounds like a very big party.

Justin: Yeah yeah, just keep up.

(Sound of three men gasping after getting trapped in an alleyway between a wall and some police guards.)

Nam: So what now? We playing cops and robbers?

Target 2: Okay kid, when the cops take you away, don’t mention our names.

Nam: Okay.

(Sound of obese child reporter and Camera Man getting arrested.)


Good news guys! Our interview was such a hit that there are wanted signs of us going up and down the highway! Let me back up.



Police Officer: Who were your three accomplices?

Nam: I have been sworn to secrecy.

(Sound of obese child reporter leaning in.)

Nam: But I have some big bu-

Police Officer: I am not interested.

Nam: I can raise the offer to-

Police Officer: Take him away.

(Sound of Camera Man skeptically being ushered in the room, while obese child reporter is taken away.)


(Sound of door slamming.)

Police Officer: Okay, what do you know?

Camera Man: Well, we were interviewing some people in a hotel and-

Police Officer: Which hotel?

Camera Man: Totally Legit Hotel.

Police Officer: Continue.

Camera Man: So then we were confronted by these dudes in a white truck, and they had us go to this party in a bank-

Police Officer: So, you met men in a white truck?

Camera Man: Yep.

Police Officer: Their names?

Camera Man: One was like Justin, and the other was Rico. I don’t know the last one’s name.

Police Officer: And they took you to a party, in a bank?

Camera Man: Yeah.

Police Officer: Take him away.

(Sound of Camera Man being taken away by guards.)

Camera Man: Wait! I have more! Don’t do thi-

(Sound of door closing.)

Nam: ‘Sup.

Camera Man: Hey.

(Sound of officers closing door and trapping them in.)

Nam: (Sigh) I never thought it would end like this.

Camera Man: Yeah.

Nam: I though it would end with me cutting off a snake’s head and saving you just when you were crying, because you thought I died.

Camera Man: Okay…..

(Sound of object being thrown in window.)

Nam: (Reading note) “Thanks for not telling. Here’s a gift.”

(Sound of lock pick falling out of the paper.)

Nam: We’re saved!


Child Psychologist: So you think he is a little demented?

Camera Man: Yep.

Nam: No way! On the way here, I learned how to count money! Only a mature adult could do that!

Child Psychologist: I agree.

Nam: What? I faced men in trucks, and I was being questioned by the police half an hour ago! I can handle anything!

Child Psychologist: (To Camera Man) Was he being questioned by the police?

Camera Man: Ummm, no.

Child Psychologist: Well, I cannot handle him, so here are several professional doctors that he can see, so I’ll-

(Sound of obese child reporter running out the door.)


Okay, Reporter Nam has returned to the hotel. What notes has he got for us?

Nam: Okay you will not believe what just happened…