A few days ago I flew over to Las Vegas and then I drove for several hours in a cramped car to Utah. It’s pretty boring sitting in a car so I looked out the window to see the beautiful scenery. It was pitch black. After I got bored of watching the dark shifting terrain I started thinking about what books I would publish when I became famous and I had recently seen a show about a cat that is actually a ghost and it was pretty cool so I thought I could do something similar. It was going to be about a kid who stomps a cat to death in the streets and in the following week he has to evade being caught by his fellow classmates who heard about a cat that was stomped by someone in their school. Then I realized the premise alone made the MC seem like a complete psychopath and tweaked some thing here and there to make him more understandable but not enough to make him seem like some kind of hero. A morally gray character. And at last we arrived at our destination. I went to bed pretty quickly because everyone else was already asleep. The next day I changed my clothes and we all went hiking. I’m going to skip this part because nothing notable happened except for when this guy told me off for writing on the wall. He told me not to write my name. I was actually writing something else but he doesn’t need to know that. When we got back my dad made me go swimming and I really didn’t want to because I would have to shower again. It was a pretty small pool and there were a lot of people. There seem to be a bunch of people out and about nowadays it it’s pretty odd because the virus hasn’t slowed down much. I think the reason people do this is because they go outside the first time for a little bit and nothing happens. No one catches a virus. So then they go out again and again and nothing happens. Kind of like how criminals will keep committing crimes if they are never caught. Of course they don’t completely disregard the virus. They do things like wearing a mask and washing their hands thats just something to make them feel like they’re completely safe despite the fact that them even being outside is in itself unsafe. Anyway, after we swam for a bit my grandmother made me go take a shower again, which is really unhealthy for your skin by the way. After some quality time playing Pokémon X (best gen) I was forced to go to the park and I’ll say that even I have better things to do than watch a bunch of eight year olds shrieking and running around. Afterwards we went for ice cream and I got chocolate even though I prefer vanilla. The day after that I hopped in a car and had to drive for a whopping six hours to California. I was pretty excited to go back home but no, stuck in the car again. We had some Vietnamese sandwhiches for lunch and I did not like them before this and I still didn’t like them after. After the sandwhiches I thought about Asia. There are weeaboos and Koreaboos but no Chinaboos. I’m pretty sure the reason is because Japan is known for anime, Korea is known for K-Pop, and China is known for sweatshops. Nothing happened in California besides having to visit my dad’s friends so the story end here.
If you flipped a coin what are the chances of it landing on heads or tails? The answer is that there is a fifty fifty chance, but that doesn’t mean that if you flip a coin ten times you’ll get heads five times and tails the rest. But what’s the chance of the coin landing on its side? The answer can’t be that it’s a one in three chance even though there’s only three ways the coin can land. So how are you supposed to calculate the chance of a coin landing on its side? You could flip a coin one hundred times and it would never land on its side, but that doesn’t mean the chances of the coin landing on its side is zero. And if get it to land on its side on the millionth try that doesn’t mean it’s a one in a million chance that it’ll land on its side. Also, can the chance of the coin landing on heads or tails really be fifty fifty of it could land on its side as well?
When I first started reading webtoons I thought it was pretty cool but then I started digging deeper and that’s when I learned that it’s just a site for lonely teenage girls who want to pretend that they are cool. If you sort the Chinese comics by popularity you’ll see that more than half the stories on the rankings are romances, most likely because this website is aimed towards lonely girls. It’s not the sites fault for what the content creators publish but they clearly know what’s going on because all of their advertisements push the romances. So if you just want to read a cool adventure comic good luck because you’ll have to sift through a lot of BL before you find anything worth reading. Even if you do find a genre you’re interested in there’s no guarantee that the story will be good. Unlike Shonen, the weekly chapters that are released are pretty long, but when you have to publish that much content in a week you’re sure to start cutting corners, and the artwork reflects that. Of course, I’m not holding these Chinese comics up to the standards of Shonen because there are multiple professionals working on it and the creators of the webtoons probably have other stuff going on in their lives but my point still stands. However, there are a few really good ones and when I do find those good ones I read the comments to see what everyone else thought of the masterpiece I just read but of course it’s just filled with girls arguing over who the hottest character is. In conclusion, I give weebtoon a five out of ten.
My one hundredth ninety ninth blog!!!!!
Kids are little brats because they’re self centered and have this really high pitched voice and are always yelling and screeching. I used to think this a lot and I still do but then I thought why does this matter and why does it bother me so much? Every kid will eventually die and some people will be sad about it and then those people will die and some people will be sad about them. A common question people like to ask is what the meaning of life is and that’s a pretty stupid question because a meaning is something every person interprets differently and you should just find what you think the meaning of life is. Or at least that’s what I think the meaning of life is. And if you think about things in the long run, there really isn’t even a meaning behind life. Every living thing eventually dies and that’s the end of it. You could become a genius inventor and improve the life of everyone but it doesn’t matter because the human race will eventually go extinct anyway. Even if you find some way to preserve humans forever, why would that be the thing you dedicate your life doing? It’s not like humans are especially great or anything; you’re just helping humanity simply because you too are a human. Unless you’re those sentimental types who want to protect all the children or something. If that’s what you want to do then do it. Since there isn’t really a point in crying over the fact your existence means nothing, I think the meaning of life is just doing what you want to do. Everything will disappear eventually so do what you want before that happens. Going back to why I hate kids, it’s because they think that they are special. I remember when thinking about death and I thought that it sucks that I’ll die eventually, but in the corner of my mind I thought that I wouldn’t die. I can’t imagine what death is like, so I just assumed it couldn’t happen to me. If someone says that I’ll drown in water I can experience or imagine that but with death I can’t. Of course it’s easy for me to say all this since I’m not dead and obviously what you do does matter. As long as you believe it does.
I really hate little kids. Something about them rubs me the wrong way. Six year olds cry all the time and can’t handle it if something doesn’t go their way. I’m talking about Bien right now of course. He constantly screams with that irritating voice of his and hits me all the time. The reason he hits me is because he thinks he can get away with it because I haven’t whacked him back yet. Now who do I dislike more than Bien? TQ. She has an irritating voice and plays Roblox. I don’t know what’s wrong with this but I dislike it. It’s probably because it reminds me of what I did when I was younger and when I try to tell her to stop wasting her time on roblox she ignored me. The thing about little kids is that they always assume there’s a good and a bad side, and that they are always in the right. People who are unwilling to change really get on my nerves. It’s even more annoying when they try to pretend that they’re self-aware of their flaws as if that’s some excuse to ignore any criticism. Lastly, the kind of people I hate most of all are people who act in a way just to appeal to the people around them. I’m not saying that they’re complete fakers but just that they try too hard to fit in with a certain group. Wait I lied. The people who I hate the most are people who stick in one group and look down on everyone else. It’s just a bunch of insecure people who think they’re above others just because there are more of them. If they’re separated from each other they talk to each other on the phone constantly because they can’t stand being alone. Everyone wants to be special and feel like they’re in on something which is fine by itself, but then they need to lift them set above everyone else in their never-ending journey for validation from the others. But who am I to judge, I’m just a kid disliking other kids out of spite.
When it comes to writing, I’d say I know my stuff; I’ve watched two whole Youtube videos on the topic. Remakes are a good way to make money without having to spend too much on the script and can lure in fans of the original. Of course, remakes can also improve upon the original, most of the time improving the effects that were not possible at the time. But who cares about that, right? We just need to make some money this year so I guess we’ll just remake The Lion King or something. Disney remakes are lazy ways to exploit people’s nostalgia for money. I haven’t seen all the Disney remakes so I’m not going to judge the movies themselves but rather the idea of remaking the movies. The Lion King is a great movie. The remake looks terrible. From a technological standpoint, the visuals and effects are very impressive. But did it improve the overall experience? The original had expressive characters that could allow you tell exactly what the character is feeling just by looking at them. When Simba’s dad died, you could feel that. On the other hand, everyone in the remake has no expression at all. Sure, they look like real lions now, but they constantly look like they’re bored. When Simba’s dad dies in the remake, you hear the pain in his voice but then you look at the screen and it looks like Simba is watching paint dry. So, what was gained by making The Lion King live action? Did it improve the viewing experience? No. The remake was not made to improve the experience. Ok, maybe it was remade so that a new generation of kids could enjoy the film. That might be the reason, but why didn’t they just re-release the original instead of going through all that effort to make an entirely new film? Not like kids are gonna care which one they see. It’s because they need to draw in the audience of people who watched the original as a child. The Lion King is not a terrible film by any means, but just the fact that is exists is kind of annoying. And you know what? Disney can get away with this, because people are paying to see it. They’re making money off of reusing the same material. Now, the only thing Disney releases is remakes. There are no more original movies like Up or Ratatouille. Is it really going to be just remakes for the next ten years?
sam pinkle and the extra long tinkle
The cabin we were staying at was smaller than the one at the Smokey Mountains trip but still pretty large. There was a ping pong table downstairs and some darts. Vinh, TL, Bien and I were planning on staying in the room with the bunk bed but they kicked us out to a different room which I was then kicked out of but then they let me back in for some reason. The day after we arrived was hiking day. In the Tennessee trip, we had also gone hiking and I was expecting much of the same. The adults seem to love going outside into the woods even though they never seem to fully prepare which is why we got lost in my own backyard once and this time we ended up walking around several hours on a trail that was too long for amateur hikers such as us. After I woke up from the two hour long car trip we got out and started hiking. I’d like to describe everything in more detail but there’s only so much you can say about hiking in the woods. I never saw anything really exciting. The main attraction of course was the trail we were walking on which seemed to have been designed by someone on crack. Instead of having the trail move up the mountain they instead decided to have the trail slowly go up the mountain along its side and then have a staircase at the very end. Because of this monkey design, a lot of water which probably came from the top of the mountain made the trail muddy and we had to hop around on rocks to get past it. At this point we had been walking uphill for about twenty minutes and that’s when my grandmother and brother decided to stop. The rest of us moved onward. I wanted to go back to the cabin but of course we just had to go to the top to take some subpar pictures of the view. It took us about half an hour to make it to the top and there was nothing special at the top. We didn’t want to walk back down the trail so we started poking around to find a different route back down. Vinh found a path and told me to come with him and I did even though I was so tired I was thinking about jumping off the edge of the cliff. There’s no easy way to express how tired I was through words so I’ll just tell you that I’m unfit, do not play any sports, and all of a sudden I’m forced to walk five miles up the top of a mountain. The path we went down was rocky and not suitable for children but we went down anyway and that’s when the adults told us to come back but then we told them that there were people coming up from there so it was probably a way down and they made us walk back down again. It only made me rewalk about ten feet but I was dying and it felt like it was mile run day again. Even so, we somehow managed to get too far from the adults and ended up lost. I had a headache and felt like throwing up but I kept going and we eventually wound up back on the trail we started on. Everyone stayed behind for some reason and I walked down the trail alone. Five minutes later Ryan passed me and five minutes after that Vinh caught up to me. This whole time I had been thinking everyone was as exhausted as I was but it seemed as though I was just fat because both Ryan and Vinh were still able to run and TL was walking faster than me. Maybe it was because I was wearing a backpack but every time the trail decrease in altitude by just an inch it felt like hell because it made me walk faster than I actually wanted to which wasted energy so I had to put energy in my toes to stop from going too fast. Ten minutes later we made it to the bottom and still had to wait for everyone to catch up. The end.
company fails to make functional hardware
I haven’t been playing on my Switch much anymore and that is because the green controller and sometimes the red one drift. Drifting is when a direction is inputted even when you don’t touch the control stick. I can just set the Switch on the table to stretch for a bit and my character will start moving left and fall off a cliff. My blue controller wasn’t drifting, but I couldn’t use it because it was broken. However, I was fiddling around with it today and it started working again. It wasn’t even drifting. I was starting to think that is was too good to be true, and that’s because it was. The stick is fine, but all the other buttons on it (ZR, L, etc.) aren’t working. So now I’m still lacking a functional controller. Thanks Nintendo.
the troof
What is the meaning of life? You probably have an answer. But did you come to that answer on your own, or did someone else tell you? And whatever you think the meaning of life is, is it true? How can you know what is the ultimate truth, the absolutely correct answer. Maybe the truth is that there are multiple answers. However, can you be sure that this is the truth? And of course, you’re reading this blog and taking these questions very seriously, even though I’m spouting random questions for a high word count. It’d be nice if there was a deity that simply came out and said the absolute truth, but no such thing exists. So of course, people have to come to their own conclusions, but people have different ideals and truths. So which one is truly right? I don’t know. Over time, some people’s ideals become so popular that many people develop an almost unhealthy obsession with it, praying and worshiping as if there were some holy deity saying, “If your ideals do not match mine, go die.” I don’t know what a right ideal would be, but what about a wrong one? Can there be an objectively wrong opinion? In my opinion, yes. Am I right about that? Maybe. Why does there need to be a true ideal anyway? Why do people need some laws to live by? I think that it doesn’t matter anyway, because humanity is pretty insignificant. We all think we are some dominant species, but that’s just on our planet. What about all the other lifeforms in other galaxies? Humans are relatively weak, and the majority of us aren’t that smart either. Humans are bound to be wiped out one day, but I don’t really care because I’m not going to be in that unlucky generation. Probably. So I think that there’s no reason to look for a truth that doesn’t exist, and to just take and live life as it is. But of course, this is just my version of the truth.
very serious anime review
The Tower of God is the anime of this season. It’s the one everyone was hyped up for, and the one everyone wants to watch. So how does it hold up? Did it disappoint or exceed my expectations?
The opening moments of the show are bizarre cuts of characters, dialogue, and a bit of exposition. Unlike most other shows, it does not spoon feed you information in the first ten minutes of the show. While there’s nothing wrong with the show straight up telling you what’s going on and what kind of place the story is in, it’s nice to see something that makes you figure out things for yourself. After the opening credits you are met with the main character, Simp Lord. Simp Lord is simping after this girl who wishes to climb the Tower of God. Simp Lord follows her and ends up in the tower. The show has a very unique visual style, since it was based off of a web novel, and it shows. The art can look a little strange at points, but the visual flair adds a lot of personality and charm the the experience. Also, this scene is absolutely gorgeous. Instead of something more normal, the way Simp Lord enters the tower is completely baffling. The floor turns out to be a giant door that slowly opens up and swallows him whole.
When Simp Lord wakes up, he is in a dark hallway with a strange creature watching him. The creature is the one administering Simp Lord’s first test. He tells him that he must pass the test to go to the next floor. When I first started watching, I was hoping to see something that hadn’t been done a million times, and this show does not disappoint. Simp Lord must enter a room with an enormous steel eel and destroy the ball that it is protecting. This is way better than some generic trial like, “Defeat this dude to progress.”
I won’t spoil the rest of the episode, but I highly recommend you check it out. Of course, the show isn’t perfect. The second episode starts adding some comedy which I think completely clashes with the solemn and grim tone set by the first episode. Comedy in a serious show isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I feel like they should’ve waited for a better time to use it. Dark or dry comedy would’ve fit the show way better than funny anime faces. However, this is just a small nitpick, and this show keeps continuing to impress me, so I’ll let it slide. I give this show a 9/10.