I am writing on a phone which is very uncomfortable. I would be typing on the laptop but I can’t write if it’s noisy and there are a lot of stupid little children around who won’t ever shut the hell up. Sometimes I wish I could just grab them and bash their head into a wall but that’s assault, probably. Then the adults would probably punish me too by beating me, which is also assault, probably, the difference being that they can get away with it.
I don’t really hang out with any of my relatives. I’m too old for the little kids and too young for the older kids, and I don’t share any interests with any of them. Khang and TD are doing whatever it is that they do, usually something I find pretty boring. The little kids play Roblock all day which is something I find pretty boring.
I’ve also realized that nobody can hold a conversation. The dinner table is completely quiet other than the occasional remark Khoi has about Y Vien.
Bien is boring to talk to because he has no brain and cannot think and add to a conversation, other than small comments about whatever.
Khoi is boring to talk to because he’s a boring person who only has one hobby.
Y Vien is boring to talk to because she talks a lot about nothing and is very annoying.
TQ is boring to talk to because she has no life outside of roblock. That’s the only thing she can talk about because it’s the only thing she knows.
TL is boring to talk to because she is bland. By that I mean her personality is like the default personality for every 13 year old girl or how we old she is.
I don’t talk to Khang or TD but I can’t imagine I’d have much fun with them for two reasons. One, they both have a default personality. And two, I’ve overheard the two talk to each other before and I can say it’s not very entertaining.
Summary: the little kids are iPad children and thus very boring and the older kids are Khang and TD and thus very boring.
Everyone else is having fun though. So I guess that makes me the boring one.
My dad is moaning very loudly in his sleep and it is hard to write. He sounds like a Minecraft zombie. There is a strange tapping noise that hasn’t stopped for hours that is coming from the ceiling which I find very annoying. Typing on a phone is slow.
For these reasons I am going to cut this blog short. Part two coming when I want to complain again.

so guys, I hoped you enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother respond because your opining is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

mabyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy vbkgl9og

This is my frist ever may bn blob! I’ am so excited to share what may or may not happpen! Maby I will have to go to Florida! Or Maby the plane will crash and I will not! Who knows? Life is a mystery. God works in mysterious ways. I do not wish to go to florida but unfortunately I have to because soomeone else said so. Maby an unfortunate circumstance will occur and I will not have to go. But is unlikely. ver. Monkeys is spelled monkeys and not monkies because someone else said so. Maby one day they will change the spelling. But is also unlikely. Maby God will one day flood the earth again. He said he would not but everybody lies. Like the man from spi kids two once said, Do you think God stays in Heaven because he too fears what he has created?????? H e said something like that. I dont really remember though because I haven’t watched that movie since the time I last watched it. Maby I will quit marching band. Too much responsiblity and I odon’t know whta tthe hell is going on and the entire thing just seems unorganized to me like show up here at this time but where at the specificn.  place?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? show up and figure it out i guess. two days of practice and then you perform. But I’ve already signed up for band class for next year. I’ll probably stay for the Disney trip if I even make it that far and then I’ll skedaddle probably to choir or something or something easy. They might not even let me go to the trip because I don’t want to show up for practices and performances over the summer. I’d rather shoot myself than go. Maby i should kill myself. But that’s cringe. My school is dumb. I wish I switched over to that private school when I got the invitation last yeaer. I wanted to stay because of my feinds and classmates but they don’t matter anymore. Maby I’ll skip band this summer. I don’t have my uniform anyway and I don’t know where to get it because nobody told me. Maby if I don’t attend I’ll fail band class. Some idiot threw away th e paper witht he band information on it. Or i lost it. I don’t know. I want to drop out of highwschool but i dont know how because nobody told me. What if everybody died but me and then I could do anything I wanted. But that probably will not happen. Anyway I think I know what my book is going to be about now. I don’t think any of you would like it though because your’e al l stupid. It’s a romance novel about this girl who is a loser and nerd and is shunned by her classmates until one fateful day she meets this hot deliquent named brad who is cold at first but he secretly has a soft side. If you are interested in reading this story I hate you. I hate people that

ctually end of blog I took a potty break and I was sitting on the toilet thinking about things and I decided this blog is boring and sstupid. maby i will make a part two someday. so guys  i hoped you enjouemd by blog. Don’t bother sresponding because you ;re jut a ahter and you’re opinion is wrong. sayonara!

TQ is cancelled!!! bye sister!!!

TQ has not directly affected me in any way however she is the scum of the earth because someone else said so. So in order to jump on the cancel train and gets some views I will make my own hate video which I will be releasing soon with double the editing quality as Khoi’s. First off, TQ is big stinky butthead and looks like the bottom of a toilet because she fell asleep during the truman Show. Also, she likes roblocks. Also also, she is a social parasite that leeches onto other people for validation and self-satisfaction. Also also also, she likes bad anime. For these reasons, I propose to God that he banish her to the depths of hell probably. God if you are reading this thank you for reading my blogs and also send her six feet under because she is cancelled and I will be telling all of my twitter friends about this. OOh and before I forget don’t forget to like and subscribe and hit that bell for notifications! If you are a loved one have been viciously harmed by TQ directly or indirectly do not hesitate to reach out for our safety hotline in my new organization, UAATQ which stands for United Alliance Against TQ. TQ is a menace and must be stopped before she grows any larger. While she may grow slowly vertically, there is no guarantee that she will not expand horizontally. Please limit the amount of food she consumes before this happens. Obesity is an epidemic in the US and it must end today.

so guys, i hoped you ne nouhnedn my blog. Don’t botehre responding because your ao[inoin  is wrong and youre just a ahter! sayonara!

popopopopopopydkjcdoijoidc hbhn jjhn

I have to go to florida but I don’t want to because it’s boring and too hot there and there’s nothing to do there and it’s too hot there and It’d be one thing if it was only like a thirty minute drive there but I have to go through the hassle of going through the airport and sitting on a plane for two hours which seems like too much just so I can lie around in Florida while everyone drags me around to do something boring probably how boring so awfully boring Im already bored writing this blog Im going to probably shoot myself before I have to go The only people there are adults who are boring and two little children who are boring because they’re bad at e verything and so I can’t play any kind of games or sports with them also they’re kinda boring also also Florida is so boring I think I’m fallin gasleep oh no so boring I’m dying of boredom already just thinking about it I have to hang out with only little tiny children for who knows how long how boring how terribly boring and boringly terrible aaaaaaa my head hurts kdfsjdlk kjkji im really tired of being dragged everywhere like to the supermarket the olny people ho should be in a supermarket are chasier. fatc. ill probably have to go to the pool which will make me I’ll. ill be so sick and bored and tired at the pool also i dontl ike swimming is boring so boring and i get all wet how boring yeah so thats hit so guys i ho[ed you enjoued my blog dont bothers responding becasue your opionion asps wrong and youre just a ahter; sayonara!

ariozna tripo

A few days ago I went to Arizona where the beautiful scenery was filled with desert wasteland and the occasional cactus and rocks and I even caught a glip of grass. The plane ride was uncomfortable because I had to sit next to this random person on the Southwest flight. When I arrived there I saw Dr. Seuss and Bien running around the house with empty water guns probably. Then I sat at some person’s house for about five or six hours. That was fun. Then Bien and I played baseball but I threw it too hard and broke Bien’s nose. Luckily we found a replacement which in practically identical to the old one. The next day we went on a boat over shark infested waters. Our boat was too heavy and therefore too slow so we threw two people off in order to escape the sharks chasing us.  I got a good glip of the water while I was there. We played smash but everyone is bad except for me and they all burst into tears when they lost especially Bien. After that day we wanted to watch the Truman Show but TQ forgot to take her meds and got really upset for no reason and took the remote hostage as she fled the crime scene. “Don’t come any closer or I’ll shoot,” she had said as she held a gun to the remote’s head while the rest of us watched in horror. Bien rushed in but TQ gun bashed him. In a fit of rage, Khoi rushed forward to take down the gunman but unfortunately was shot straight in the head. TQ had been neutralized, but at what cost? As we carried the fallen soldier back inside the remote was able to be secured and we brought the hostage back to safety.

after that we watched the Truman Show. so guys, i hope dyou enjoued my blog. don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and youre just a hater. sayonara!

my trumpet valves keep getting stuck

My band teacher likes his job too much. He’s like the energetic enthusiastic old man archetype who upon first meeting him, makes you think he’s a pretty chill guy. But after spending a few months in band class you will begin to notice something is very very wrong with him. Not in a way that makes you think he’s a psychopath and is planning to murder all his students. No, more like he’s just mentally unstable and he’s always at his melting point, and when someone screws up, he’ll just snap. No yelling or screaming. He’ll just go ballistic like the cat in the hat and start laughing at absolutely nothing and muttering to himself. Not that this has happened yet (but it probably will).

Anyway I have to join the marching band. Except I’m not even sure if I’m in the marching band. I registered for concert band. But the band teacher keeps giving out these marching band sheets and talking about how we’re going to be in marching band next year. So either concert band is the same thing as marching band or he’s just off his rocker. To be honest I don’t even think he knows half of our names. He just talks to the same five people in class. He even forgot what grade he was teaching one class. Anyhow. I don’t want to join the marching band very much. Because I quickly skimmed through the handbook and not only do you have to attend practices and parades during the summer (which is stupid because school is already out), you have to attend all the football games. Including the away games, meaning I have to ride the big cheese for who knows how long until probably nine at night when I ride it back. I don’t even like football. Name one person in this entire universe who likes football. You can’t. Also, I checked how much the uniforms cost and I was expecting the whole thing to cost fifty dollars tops, but no. If you want to buy just the jacket, not the hat or the trousers or anything else, it costs about three hundred dollars. I thought there was a typo or something but apparently not. For three hundred dollars it had better be made out of gold and imported from some snobby designer store in France. You don’t even want to see how much the rest of the getup costs. Also, there’s a parade I have to play in at the end of May which I won’t be here for. And the band teacher says the only things that can excuse you are the things on the same level as a relative dying in a tragic car accident. So he’ll probably pop a blood vessel when I tell him I’m skipping out on the parade just because. He’s very particular about people attending his practices and events. All of them are what make up your grade. Even the ones over the summer. That’s dumb. The school year is out and I’m still getting graded and still doing work when I just want to sit at home all day. This is truly the saddest tragedy of our time.

so guys, i hope dyou enjoued my blog. Don’t botehr responding because your opinion is worng and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

Malaria: My Story of Recovery

Last Friday when I was entering the school these guys with yard sticks were patrolling around the entrances poking peoples’ eyes out. They jabbed me a few times and pulled a gun to my head to check my temperature. Then they asked me if I was experiencing headaches or a runny nose and all of that. And then they let me in. Ever since that case of malaria broke out I think about fourteen or so kids have been sent home. I’d want to be sent home too but I had testing and I didn’t want to do make up work. The school has really been cracking down so far because once in a while someone will randomly pop in the classroom with a yard stick and make sure people are three feet apart and you automatically get quarantined if your seat is within three feet of someone who had been infected. I think they’re just going to these extreme measures because we’re sort of a laughingstock on social media and the school was totally caught with their pants down when the outbreak occurred, and they’re trying to rebound by being way too strict with the malaria policies. Not that it really matters because once the bell rings we all swarm in the hallways with no social distancing whatsoever. In ELA some random girl appeared. Last I saw her she was having a mental breakdown and ran out of the classroom. I guess she chose today to reappear. Apparently she got suspended because she was waving a knife around and threatening to stab people with it. She sounded very proud of herself when she was explaining that. Seems pretty cringe to me. I mean if she actually stabbed someone it would just be messed up but she obviously brought a knife along to look cool so yeah that’s pretty cringe. Anyhow we’re reading Shakespeare and no disrespect but it’s very boring. Shakespeare writes plays. Not books. To read a play in text form is mind-numbing. Imagine if a book was entirely dialogue and characters were constantly explaining what they’re doing to the audience. Science is boring I’m skipping that. In band we have to put covers over the bells of our trumpets which looks pretty cool. The teacher is expecting us to throw a concert soon but we suck. We missed half a year of school and about a third of our band classes were wasted because the teacher was out sick with malaria. He’s putting too much confidence. Also, he wants us to participate and play in parades during the summer, after school has ended. I’m pretty sure it’s required. This isn’t what I signed up for. Lunch is boring. Math is boring. Social studies is boring. In gym we’re playing softball which is just baseball but with a softball. Right now we’re just throwing and catching but I never have a partner. This happens every class so I have to pair up with the bottom of the barrel and play with the most unathletic kids to ever exist. During the badminton unit I had to pair up with this guy and literally he would just miss his serve every single time. And then when I served it to him he would miss. I didn’t get to play at all. Thankfully this time the guy I paired up with had a good arm and it was okay. Throwing and catching for half an hour isn’t exactly riveting. During the bus ride home as we were on the way to my stop we ran into a bunch of firetrucks blocking the street, about four or five of them. The bus driver honked at no one for about five minutes, and nobody came out to move the trucks. So then we had to slowly back out and take a detour. You could tell the bus driver was pretty annoyed because he started driving a lot faster and I thought I was going to die. Anyway I have to go watch that Demon Slayer movie soon. I watched a bit of the show but I thought it was boring. I’m not caught up on the story at all so I probably won’t like the movie. The other option was Mortal Kombat though, and video game movies are always bad. so guys, I hope dyou enojoued my blog. Don’t bother repsonidgng because your’ opinion is worng and you’re just a hatrer. sayonara!

The poo man show!!! XD omegalul pogchamp 😂😂😂

Donnie Darko stinks major doo doo because I have just found an even better film. I was bored and watching youtube when I saw that The Truman Show was free with ads. And I’ve always thought that free with ads movies were movies nobody wanted to watch like Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. So I guess Youtube is upping their game. Either that or they think The Truman Show is on the same level of quality as Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.

The Truman Show is a movie about The Truman Show. More specifically it’s about Truman Burbank, played by actor Jim Carrey, best known for his role as the Grinch in the 2000 film, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Truman is a normal person living in a seemingly normal world. Unbeknownst to him, his life is actually a TV show that has been running since he was a fetus and everyone he knows is really an actor. (I don’t think this is a spoiler because it’s mentioned in all the descriptions of the movie.) The story revolves around Truman as he slowly starts to notice that things seem off. Everyone and everything seems fake. Little details sprinkled around the movie make it very interesting. If you pay attention you can catch some of the actors glancing at Truman as he goes about his daily business. Sometimes you can catch actors glancing at the hidden cameras. You can even spot the hidden cameras if you really wanted to.

A lot of the time Truman will stray off course from where the director of the show wants him to go so they’ll try to artificially create scenarios that prevent him from going without seeming to suspicious. To name an example: when Truman is trying to leave town, all the tickets are sold out, so when he tries to leave on a bus, the bus breaks down, so when he gets in his car, five cars appear out of nowhere, and when he escapes the traffic, a fire just bursts out of nowhere, and when he drives straight through it, there’s a leak at a power plant. There’s also this part where instead of going to work like Truman usually does, he heads to the hospital to see his wife do a surgery and to stop him, a whole parade of people in wheelchairs roll down the hallway and try to block him, which I thought was amusing. This also leads into another amusing scene when Truman gets to the operation room and the actors have to pretend they’re actual surgeons which leads to them cutting an actor’s leg causing her to break character and scream.

This makes the entire film sound light-hearted and cheery. For the most part it is. But there are a few moments that are really depressing if you think about Truman’s position. At some points it even feels like a psychological horror film. As he starts to lose his sense of reality he also starts to lose his mind and in true Jim Carrey fashion he beings to act like a lunatic.

Do I think you should watch this movie? Yeah. I guess the first hour or so might be a little confusing because they don’t explicitly reveal Truman’s life is a show until then. But I’ve already spoiled the reveal so it doesn’t matter. It’s not too difficult to understand. Maybe TQ and Bien and Khoi and Vien should sit this one out though. I mean there’s I think three no no words (four if you count “hell” as one) and as we all know children are not allowed to hear such terrible words. As if they didn’t know them already or don’t watch youtubers who curse all the time. The movie is rated PG so it should be fine unless you’re just that allergic to no no words.

There’s a scant amount of detail in this blog and that’s because if I wanted to talk about how great The Truman Show is I’d have to go into more detail and that’d ruin the movie. I already think I’ve said enough by going over some major scenes  in the third paragraph. so guyes, i hope dyou enjoued by blog. Don’t bother responding because you’re just a hater and you’re opinion is wrong. sayonara!

The story of how I caught malaria and died (sad) (true story) 😭😭😭

Yesterday I was chilling in band class when these two people came in carrying a yard stick and poking peoples’ eyes out with it. Everyone was screaming and they probably would have been crying too if they still had their eyes. Anyhow they singled out this one girl who sat in front of me and poked both of her eyes out. Then they poked my eyes out as well as the people next to me, muttering something about how we could all be infected. Apparently that girl had contracted a terrible case of COVID-19, better known as malaria, which is a fatal genetic disease that is spread by people coming into contact with each other. To prevent this they dragged the girl away into the school dungeon where it’s rumored that they will cut off your toes and make a stew with it. She was begging for mercy but to no avail. With one swift movement they snapped her neck and dragged her lifeless body down into the dungeons. She was never seen again.

Of course this started quite a buzz in the room and my fellow trumpet players were saying that we might have to quarantine as well since we were sitting so close to her. Which isn’t good because I have testing coming up. The two ladies came back still holding that yard stick and she poked us and made us move our chairs farther away from each other. I guess she must have poked a little too hard because one kid starting gushing out blood from his mouth and his guts started spilling out so they took him away as well.

The next day during French class the two ladies returned still holding the yard stick as if she had went to sleep with that thing still in hand. The infected girl had been sitting about two columns away from me and the ladies were suggesting that everyone that had been sitting around the girl should be quarantined. They poked out a few more eyes with the yard stick and left. Fun fact, did you know if your eyes get gouged out you can just pop them right back in? It’ll probably hurt a lot and you’ll be screeching in pain and someone else would probably have to hold you down while another shoves it back in. There’s even a special bed that doctors use called the restrainer which makes sure you don’t shake around too much. They use a special tool that I don’t know the name of. But it operates like a push pop. And they use it to shove it back in.

This is all very true and accurate you can search it up.

So yeah that’s the story of how I died from malaria. Each like on this blog equals one prayer for me in heaven. Let’s see if we can reach ten likes on this video. so guys, I hope dyou enjoued my blog. don’t bother repsonging because you’re opinin is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

why everyone is cringe except for me

Bien: Bien is known as the cringelord because he is cringe. He plays roblocks everyday like it’s his religion. Also he is a coconut head. I really don’t understand his obsession with Roblocks because at least for the other people on this list they don’t have a console to play on but Bien has a Switch and he still chooses to play Roblocks. That is very mind-boggling to me. I guess I would also have to be an eight year old kid to understand that thought process. On a scale of 1 to 10, Bien is a seven on the cringe chart.

Khoi: No comment.

Vien: I don’t think it’s fair to judge someone who still can’t properly write a full sentence.

TQ: TQ is an easy ten out of ten on the cringe scale and is probably the second most cringe person I’ve ever met, the first being this kid at my school but I won’t talk about him. First off, like Bien, she practices the religion of Roblocks. Secondly, she wastes money on virtual items in order to impress people she’s never met. Third, she talks a lot with strangers on Roblocks, which in my opinion is probably a fifty year old dude masquerading as a thirteen year old boy. Idk getting kidnapped is kinda cringe to me. (TQ is the kind of person to fall for the candy in the van trick. Or maybe the free robucks in the van trick.) Also she likes anime so she is infinitely cringe.

TL: TL is ten out of ten cringe because she likes anime and has anime posters. I watch anime sometimes but you wouldn’t catch me dead owning anime merchandise like some loser. Unless you count that little MHA figurine which I don’t. Oh and also all of those light novels but that also does not count. TL would be less cringe if she actually watched good anime but she does not. It’s like someone saying “Yeah I like drinking” and then proceeding to down all the grease left in the fryer at mCdonalds. In this case it’s saying “I like anime” and then watching fairy fail. #roasted omegalul poggers this is so pogchamp dude haha I use twitch emotes irl because i’m mentally challenged

uh anyway

TD and Khang: Uh oh controversial takes incoming!!!!! Khang is cringe first off because he’s got the curly fries hairdo which seems to be very popular among the boys at school. I walk into class and bam there’s a million dudes who look like they’re styling their hair after tiktok influencers. Why do you all look the same?????? Actually, more importantly, why do you all act the same???? Both Khang and TD have the basic teen personality starter pack which includes: making fun of basic teens despite also being a basic teen, pretending to have a personality outside of bubbly fun person, making fun of people embarrassing themselves on tiktok, embarrassing themselves on tiktok, making fun of basic white girls constantly getting starbucks, constantly getting starbucks, etc. But what do I know. I don’t actually talk to either of them much so maybe I’ve missed the mark on this one.

so guys, i hope dyou enjoued my blog. Don’t bother respoinding because you’re just a ahter. sayonara!