
There is an ant.

I watch as it travels across the grassy field under the unbearable rays of the sun. The ant makes it halfway across the field, stops, shrivels up, and dies.

It’s June 27th.

I’m hot, sweaty, and no matter how many times I pull on it, my clothes keeps sticking to my skin. The sun is at its peak and the temperature is scorching.

I don’t know how long I’ve been here. I try to think about it. But the buzzing of the cicadas get louder. I can’t hear my thoughts.

I want them to stop.

The noise continues. Endlessly. As if there were nothing making the noise, as if the noise were there naturally. It is jarring and sharp and unpleasant. The buzzing reverberates through my skull.

It continues on and on and on.

I try to cover my ears. I press my hands against the side of my head until it hurts and my brain feels numb. And yet I can still hear it. The constant screeching of the cicadas.

It drives me insane.

With the little energy I have left I tilt my head to look at my surroundings. I want to find the cicadas. I want to kill them. I want to squeeze them until they burst, until they make not a single sound, so I can relish the silence.

But when I look, all I see is the dense, empty forest. Not a soul to be seen.

Defeated, I lie back down on the wooden porch, baking in the humid weather, a pool of sweat surrounding me.

I wonder if the cicadas are even there. I wonder if anyone else can hear them. I wonder if there even is anyone else.

I don’t think for very long. The noise only gets louder and louder until it feels as though the shrill was being channeled from inside my head.

At last I’ve had enough.

I stand up and I scream at them to stop. I scream at them over and over until my throat becomes hoarse and my mouth is dry. My mind has gone empty. It’s filled only with the desire of quiet tranquility. I’m at dying in the heat. I’m at my breaking point.

The screeching of the cicadas only gets louder.

I want to scream back harder. To silence the cicadas. But all I can do is lie back down on the wooden porch of this broken down house, listening to the cicadas.

Soon, daylight fades and the moon begins to rise. Nighttime is cooler. My clothes no longer sticks to my skin, my skin no longer sticks to the wooden porch. It’s dead silent. There are no more cicadas. Only the sound of my own breathing fills the air.

Then the moon slowly falls and sun begins to reach its peak again.

The temperature starts to soar.

The screeching of the cicadas returns.

It’s June 27th.

Say no to roblocks

In the grand scheme of things, nothing really matters. The universe is so infinitely wide when you think about it. There is an infinite black void. In the void are over a quadrillion masses of rocks and gas. On one of those rocks is us. In the grand scheme of things, wars and tragedies aren’t relevant at all. To us they are, and that is because this is our entire world, the Earth is the only place we can be. But to the rest of the universe, it would stay the same even if the wars and tragedies hadn’t happened. There’s other lifeforms out there. I find it hard to imagine that there aren’t with so many planets out there. And those lifeforms probably have or will form a civilization like ours and they’ll have their own history and wars and tragedies. Or maybe they won’t have those. Maybe they won’t have the concept of dying. Maybe there is no “life”, but something else. There is what we call life on Earth and so we wonder if there is life elsewhere. But maybe life is something exclusive to Earth and is a foreign concept everywhere else. All our rules, everything we’ve discovered, might not be universal. Laws of gravity, thermodynamics, don’t apply to other planets. Maybe it’s because the materials on those planets are things we can’t understand. Maybe it’s because there’s nothing on those planets those things can apply to. Basically what I’m trying to say is: anything is possible. Magic could exist on some foreign place. We don’t even know all the science behind Earth, so how can we know what lies beyond that? There could be things that are too abstract for our minds to comprehend because it would break what we call reality.

Even on Earth, everyone is in their own world. Some people dedicate their lives to athletics in sports. This is their world; it’s what their purpose revolves around, and they can only be somewhat aware of what it’s like in another world. They live their lives training, working, and playing. Their day to day routine is vastly different to say, a lumberjack living alone in the mountains. People are worrying about work, school, some are thinking about murder, some are thinking about an embarrassing moment in their life, some are thinking about their upcoming hiking trip, some are thinking about what they’re having for dinner. Some people dedicate their lives to science, writing, crime, whatever. You and I can’t imagine what it’s like to be those people’s worlds because we aren’t living them, and so we can’t really understand that world; we can only get a vague description of what it’s like.

I remember I was walking down the street in this one city which I forgot the name of. And I stopped by this bed of flowers. Observing them closely, I soon noticed in the dirt, tiny bugs crawling about their daily lives. Anybody just walking by wouldn’t have seen them. In fact, even someone stopping to admire the flowers might not have seen them, because they were so small you needed to put your face pretty close to the dirt in order to get a glimpse. I thought about this small bed of flowers the bugs were in. This small patch of flowers, you could probably fit a hundred, possibly even more, into just the sidewalk. And even more into the street, into the nearby buildings, into the entire city. The city itself is already pretty big but it doesn’t stop there. Imagine how many of those flower beds there could fit into the entire country, the entire continent, the entire planet. Think about how many people will never know about these bugs’ existence, because in order to see them you’d have to be in the US, you’d have to be in that particular city, you’d have to be on the particular street, you’d have to be by those flowers, and you’d have to peer closely at the dirt. These bugs were so insignificant. And yet, this small flower bed, it was the bug’s entire world. It was all it knew. Science, history, art, even things happening just a few feet away, they could not possibly know. They were born there, and they would die there. Not knowing about anything outside of that small bed of flowers. I found the prospect of that kind of life both tragic and appealing. This brings me to my main point.

For some people, their entire world is playing and socializing on Roblocks. Why you would want to pursue this type of world, I do not know. But that’s just how some people are. That’s their lifestyle, their day to day routine, their goals, their aspirations. I don’t really think that’s their fault. Because we live in a capitalist society, Roblocks is designed to make money. And what better way to make money than to exploit little kids? In this blog, I will be discussing why roblocks is god awful.

First: Robucks. If you’re an adult and cannot comprehend the world of Roblocks, let me explain what robucks is. Pretty much, it’s money. You pay money for Robucks, digital in-game currency, which you can use to buy things. Robucks is how Roblocks gets little kids to clean out their parent’s wallet. Using Robux you can either buy cosmetics like clothes or you can buy gamepasses, which are pretty much cheats that give you an enormous advantage when you’re playing. If you go into the clothes store you’ll see that the prices are actually absurd. Ten dollars translates into about eight hundred robucks. On the front page are a bunch of items that are priced ridiculously, like I’m talking about in the fifty thousand Robucks range. What entices little kids to buy Robucks is, if you don’t buy anything, your character looks like a lego. The amount of clothes you can get for free is pretty sad. And since kids care about bright colors and looking cool, they’re going to be asking mommy and daddy if they can empty out their college savings to buy the new Roblocks hat they saw. That’s just how it is: if you don’t want to look like a plastic lego piece, you have to buy robucks.

Again, for those unaware, Roblocks is pretty much a capitalist society. How it works is, the players make the games. They monetize the games so you can spend Robucks in them. Other players play the game and spend the Robucks. The developers get the Robux, which they can exchange for real money. And you might be thinking that this sound pretty cool. You can make money off of Roblocks. Except you can’t. First off, the developers are making hardly anything. I don’t know the exact percentage but Roblocks takes away a huge chunk of your earnings, around fifty percent maybe. (Actually I don’t think the developers know either. Roblocks is probably trying to keep it quiet how much they’re really taking away.) This already makes it difficult to make money. Then, the minimum exchange amount is 100,000 robucks, and you’re probably not going to make that much considering Roblocks is taking away all of your profits. Then, in order to actually exchange, you need to have premium, which is a monthly paid subscription. All of this, because Roblocks is greedy as hell.

Also, the games suck major doo doo. From a purely technical standpoint I can’t say much since I don’t know anything about coding. From a gameplay standpoint, yeah they suck. And if you want to argue there’s some deeper thoughtful gameplay within Roblocks that I’m too old to see, then go ahead. Just know that you are wrong. The games, like casino slot machines, are designed to be addictive, at least to younger kids. I wouldn’t call it gambling, but I do feel there’s something morally wrong and gross about the games. They’re all rehashes of the same five games. Simulators, Adopt Me, tycoon, anime fighting (grody), etc. These games are pretty low effort and easily get little kids’ attention. They’ll want to spend money in order to get whatever in the game, whether it be a new weapon or something completely useless and dumb like a radio. (You know you can open another tab and listen to music, right?) It’s very disappointing  that nobody has the passion or drive to create something special. There are a few decent games but I wouldn’t call them great or anything. Just alright. At least they had some inspiration behind them. I can’t say the same for the rest of the website.

Lastly, I hate little kids playing roblocks. I seriously do not know any child who doesn’t spend a good chunk of their day playing roblocks. There’s a problem when you can just sit down, say “this is my spot”, and then just not move for several hours (other than to eat of course, you pigs). I don’t want to act like I’m Mr. Righteous because really I spend a lot of time sitting down and messing around on my phone too. But believe or not, that is not how I dedicate all of my time. I’d say most of it is spent in school, and in second place is walking around in circles and listening to music, and after that is random internet videos from highly acclaimed youtube channels such as Dhar Mann. I know some of you (you know who you are) like to pretend I’m just the nerd in the family who sits on the couch all day and I wonder how you can imagine that when there are ipad children around. It’s also pretty irksome when you do that because you’re wrong and you’re being smug about it which really makes me want to

This blog got pretty off topic. I took a break and got bored of writing this so I’m stopping.

(P.S. Roblocks is a bunch of sellouts they’re always sponsoring something stupid and I do mean always.)

Spirited Away, ipads, Harvest Moon, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Skyward Sword, and The Tatami Galaxy

I just remembered about five minutes ago that I had watched Spirited Away. I sort of forgot it even existed and I’m not sure why my brain chose now to make me remember it. Now I think would be  good time to share my thoughts on it.

Spirited Away is a pretty good movie. I like the animation and the settings and the scenery. I like the part where the main character has to clean a giant green blob. I like the part where she goes on a train that’s half submerged in the water. For such a weird story, there’s really not much to say about it. A girl’s parents are transformed into pigs and all of them are taken to a world of spirits and ghosts. She has to save her parents and find a way back. Pretty simple. If you’ve ever watched Alice in Wonderland you probably have a pretty good idea of what this movie is like. I appreciate that even though it’s a kid’s movie, it doesn’t hold back on the wackiness factor and explains next to nothing. If you’re a kid watching then you can just enjoy the strange visuals and the bizarre plot and if you’re older you can try to make sense of everything, like a mystery that needs to be solved. The strongest aspect of the film is the setting. The main character is forced into child labor and has to work at what I’m pretty sure is a hotel for spirits. The type of spirits range from a talking frog to a black blob thing that starts talking and eating all the employees. There’s also a giant talking baby. Why is there a giant talking baby? That doesn’t really matter. There’s ghosts and dragons and sentient pieces of paper; a giant talking baby is not the strangest thing to exist. The why isn’t the focus of the story. You just have to accept what you’re seeing. My main criticism is that there was no build up to the ending. You’re just watching the plot thicken and suddenly you realize the the movie is about to end. It didn’t really feel deserved. There isn’t really a climax either. No big spectacle. The main character just answers a question correctly and then she’s allowed to leave the spirit world. I’ve already said this before but my favorite part is when she has to clean the giant blob. Visually it looks awesome. The room is flooding with water and the main character is struggling to get this little soap boxes into the bathtub. Such a cool and creative scene. Very epic. It’s a shame the movie didn’t end with something like that. All in all I’d give this movie a strong 9 out of 10. I think really anyone can watch this movie no matter how old you are. In fact I’d say this movie might lean a little more towards an older audience since younger kids would probably be afraid of some of the characters, namely the guy who works in the furnace and the black blob monster.

I’ve been reading tq’s blogs for a while now and I never thought much of them since the topics she wrote about are pretty lame. Now when I read them it’s like reading the journal of a psychopath, slowly snapping and breaking down. I think we’ve finally reached the breaking point. At this point I think she’s literally addicted. She probably gets a dopamine rush every time she turns on her ipad and sees that one of her online pals has said something to her. From what I’ve read it seems all her friends do is make fun of her but it’s possible tq is just being dramatic when she writes about their remarks. Anyway, my question is: how did this happen? When I was younger all I ever wanted to do was play on my mom’s ipad. I guess you could say I was addicted as well and I’d get upset every time I had to stop. But never have I tried to make friends online. All my friends were people from school. Most of the people I talked to on Roblocks were also dumb little kids and most of our conversations amounted to “Dude you suck at this game.” It seems like tq plays with a lot of older people or at least a bunch of little kids pretending that they’re old. Maybe the roblocks landscape has changed since I was eight and now the kids playing Roblocks are older. I don’t know. I’m just going to assume that those are just little kids because if you are actually sixteen and unironically playing roblocks and befriending ten year olds, that’s just tragic. I guess it’s only natural for people older than eight to be able to form an actual bond with each other and become friends online. The people I played with when I was eight could barely type a full sentence. What I find interesting is that tq doesn’t seem to really care about her school friends at all, only the ones she’s never met. This could be that the people at her school are just bad people but I really don’t think that’s the case. It’s just easier to be friends with people online. You can say that you’re fifteen and they’ll have no choice but to believe it. Nobody has to know who you are. You can feel accepted into the group in ways you can’t in a real life friend group. This is all speculation though because I haven’t yet reached a low where my only reason for waking up is so I can talk to my roblocks friends. My last theory for why things have come to this is tq’s mom. The only thing tq writes about besides her roblocks friends is her mom. And not in a positive manner. Actually some of the things she writes about her makes her seem borderline abusive. Whether or not tq is just being dramatic, I don’t know. I’d probably be overstepping my boundaries if I said anything else so I’ll leave it at that. Disclaimer: this section was not in any way intended to insult anybody. I’m writing this because I know at least one person is going to be very upset after reading this.

On a lighter note, let me talk about Harvest Moon. I’m going to be writing a lot about video games because I like them and I also want everyone else to like them and to not see them as a waste of time. In fact I’d go even further and say that video games are and should be considered an art form, though that’s a discussion for another time. I know none o f you are seriously interested in video games so I’ll try to explain anything you don’t know. Harvest Moon is a farming simulator series that inspired games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. (Both are popular farming games.) The first Harvest Moon game was released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment system back in 1996. In this post I’ll specifically be talking about the Harvest Moon game on the Nintendo DS. Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns. The game is about, you guessed it, two towns. You have to pick between the two. One focuses on growing crops and the other is focused more on livestock. Once you pick there’s a pretty long and boring tutorial before you’re let loose to start your farming life. Grow crops, harvest crops, sell crops, buy seeds, repeat. There’s more to it than that but at its core that’s all the game is. You can talk to the townspeople and even complete requests for them to earn rewards, though most of the things you’ll get from them are pretty useless. If you choose the livestock town like I did then you can  buy more animals to take care of to yield more products. You’ll have to properly take care of them too if you want the highest quality stuff. My main complaint is the lack of content. I know the game is eleven years old but the amount of things you can do is pathetic. There’s pretty much no progression system in the game at all. You can buy more animals and you can upgrade your storage unit. That’s pretty much it. Most of the items you get are just given to you. You can finish all your farming chores for the day and still have a few hours left before it gets dark. You don’t even unlock the ability to expand your farm until a month passes, which is equal to a few hours of play. I actually searched things up online because I thought I was doing things wrong and that I hadn’t yet unlocked most of the content. The game opens up more later but the first several hours are an absolute drag. All in all I give this game a seven out of ten. Really boring in the beginning. At least it gets better later. At any rate this is supposed to be a more casual game that you’re just supposed to relax with, so maybe I was taking the game too seriously.

Pokemon. Everyone knows pokemon. Even if the only pokemon you know is Pikachu. To be honest I’ve never been much of a fan of the franchise. The battle system is extremely basic. It hasn’t evolved at all since the nineties. For those who don’t know, the first Pokemon game was on the Gameboy. Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue. Essentially they’re the same game, it’s just that some pokemon are exclusive to each version. The goal of the game is to catch ’em all and become the very best. A special edition of Pokemon Red and Blue was released a few years later called Pokemon Yellow, which is loosely based off of the anime. It’s pretty much the same as Red and Blue except you can’t choose your starting Pokemon and instead you get this chubby little Pikachu who follows you around. Pokemon Yellow is the one I’ll mainly be focusing on. My first thoughts on Pokemon Yellow: it’s pretty fun. The visuals haven’t aged well and the battle system is as basic as ever, but still, it’s pretty fun. The first thing I noticed was that this game was pretty difficult compared to the newer entries. Let me explain: each pokemon has a different type, such as water or fire or grass. And types have advantages and disadvantages over each other. Fire beats grass, grass beats water, water beats fire. Pikachu is an electric type. Electric types are weak against rock types. The first boss in the game fights with only rock type Pokemon. As a result, the beginning of the game is pretty tough if you haven’t captured a pokemon that fares well against rock types. Aside from that, there’s not much to say about this game. It’s a Gameboy game so that’s to be expected.  I give it a seven out of ten. It’s pretty fun.

Ace Attorney is a visual novel. If you don’t know what a visual novel is it’s like a book but with moving pictures and sometimes you can interact with it. You play as rookie defense attorney Phoenix Wright and you’ll have to prove that your client is not guilty of murder. (Every case in this game is a murder case.) You’ll have to use your wits to poke holes in the witness’s testimony and ultimately reveal the true culprit. The best part of the game is the satisfying feeling of piecing together the answer to puzzle. Suddenly everything clicks and you realize the truth and you expose the killer’s lies. When this game is good, it’s really good. The most boring and tedious part of the game are the investigation sequences. There’s hardly any puzzle solving or really any thinking at all. It mainly consists of collecting evidence for the upcoming trial and interrogating witnesses. Pretty lame. But it’s all worth it for when you get to the fun part. That’s pretty much it. The game is very simple so really anyone can play it. Unless you’re bad at solving mysteries in which case you should probably stay away. I give this game an eight out of ten.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the eighth main entry in the series if you don’t count the handheld games. It released on the Nintendo Wii in 2011, to a mixed reception. The main criticism people had with the game were the motion controls. In the game you held the Wii Remote and swung it around which would make you swing a sword in the game. If you swung up the sword would swing up. A lot of people complained that the motion controls straight up didn’t work while others said that the controls worked perfectly and that they loved them. For a while this was the most hated Zelda game ever, but over time the game has been better received and now the general consensus is that it was a pretty good game. Recently the game has been ported to the Nintendo Switch with a vast array of improvements. 1080p, 60 fps, free camera controls, ability to skip cutscenes, faster text, the ability to play without motion controls, and an improved tutorial. It’s definitely the best way to play the game now. And now that I’ve played it, I think it’s my favorite Zelda game besides The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The dungeons are awesome, the bosses are awesome, the swordplay is awesome, and the world itself is awesome. It’s a lot of fun to wave around the controller and seeing your character matching your movement. The sword duels are really cool. In the beginning you can just get by waving the controller around and whacking away enemies, but soon you’ll have to calculate what kind of swing you’ll have to make in order to get past your opponent’s defenses. Something that’s annoying is recalibrating your controller. On the Wii there was a sensor bar that automatically recalibrated your controller so that it always knew where your controller was. There isn’t one on the Switch so you’ll have to constantly recalibrate it. Otherwise it starts drifting and then your swings will be registered wrong, like swinging your controller left might make the sword swing right. Ironically, the motion controls on the fourteen-year-old Wii are more precise too. Flying is annoying. You get a giant bird that you can freely fly around the skies which sounds cool and is at the beginning. But soon you’ll realized how big the world is and how slow your bird is. It takes forever to go from one place to the other. Still a good game though. Nine out of ten for sure. Not a game for everybody, but definitely one worth checking out.

The Tatami Galaxy is the best anime. It’s my favorite anime. It probably will remain that way for a long time, if not forever. First. The show had a really unique art style. I feel like anime is a copy and paste job now and most shows look pretty much the same. Not The Tatami Galaxy. It has this bizarre art style that I really like. It’s proof that an art style can look both appealing and unique. If you’re wondering, no the show is not about space. It’s about a brand-spanking new college student who is looking for a rose-colored campus life. Let me give a recap of the first episode. The protagonist (we never learn his name) enters his college campus and joins the tennis club. But he sucks at tennis and also socializing with people and quickly he becomes a social outcast. Soon he meets Ozu who he quickly becomes friends with. Bitter over the fact that he’s lonely, Ozu and the protagonist become notorious pranksters who messes with everyone on campus. Two years pass, and his pitiful life of pranking remains the same. The protagonist, wandering the streets alone after his most recent prank, encounters a fortune teller who tells him that an opportunity is always dangling in front of his eyes and that he must reach out and grab it. When he gets back to his room, he stares up at the ceiling. Dangling above him is a small keychain which he attached to his light switch. It belongs to the girl he likes; she’d dropped it somewhere earlier and he had forgotten to return it until now. He reaches out, touches it, and chickens out, leaving it where it is. Later, he ends up on a bridge where he sees that a mob of angry campus students are tossing Ozu off a bridge and into the water for his crimes. They notice the protagonist, pick him up, and toss him off the bridge. And as he’s falling he thinks that if only he had chosen another club, he wouldn’t be a social outcast, he wouldn’t be hanging out with Ozu, and he wouldn’t be falling off a bridge. He would’ve had his rose-colored campus life. Time stops. Then it rewinds. End of episode. Each episode starts with the protagonist’s first day of college and explores what his life would have been had he chosen a different club. For example, one episode shows him joining the movie club, another shows him joining the cycling club. It’s not a time travel show. He doesn’t remember his past lives. It’s more like exploring parallel universes. What if he had joined something else? Some things do remain constant. He always ends up being friends with Ozu. He always ends finding the girl’s keychain. He’s always too afraid to return it to her. He always meets the fortune teller. He always ends up regretting his choices and wishing he had chosen a different club. It’s a cleverly told story about accepting your mistakes and about not chasing after something that doesn’t exist. The ending ties everything together very nicely. A warning though. In the beginning, the protagonist talks really fast, and I mean really fast. I could barely keep up with it. He slows down to normal talking speeds later, but you’re going to be pausing a lot in the beginning if you can’t read fast. And you can’t just switch the the English dub, because there is no English dub. Another thing is how the show looks. It moves very fast with many cuts and visuals that might be a little hard to understand. That on top of the speed at which the protagonist talks, can make things very very confusing, as in, you won’t understand anything at all. Still, like his talking speed, the animation becomes more normal over time. The show is only eleven episodes long, so you don’t have to commit that much time to it. I highly suggest you check it out. Ten out of ten, top tier anime. if you disagree your opinion is wrong and you probably like fairy tail.

It took me three hours to write this.

Also one last thing. The ending to The Tatami Galaxy. It’s really good. Really really good. It ties up all the loose ends and all the things you might have questioned in the show are answered in a way that’s extremely satisfying. Even why the show is called The Tatami Galaxy is explained. Like after you finish it’ll suddenly click and you’ll say, “So that’s why it’s called that!” You might find the episodes repetitive but trust me, the last two episodes are a masterpiece.


I’ve been thinking long and hard about my book for a while now because I don’t want to end up writing fifty pages and then deleting it all again. The genre and tone of the book has been shifting back and forth repeatedly and I’ve found that it mainly depends on my mood. If I’m in a bad mood I want to write about despair and blood and writing a detailed essay about how much force it would take for the protagonist to snap someone’s fingers into three pieces. If I’m in an empty mood then I want to write about apathy, boredom, and make the book primarily focus on inner conflict and how the protagonist quietly goes insane. If I’m in a good mood then I’ll want to write wholesome scenes where things are all happy and fine. And since my mood changes so quickly and so often if I try to write something over the span of a few months the differences in tone will stand out glaringly. If I try to write something neutral when I’m in a bad mood then subconsciously I’ll end up using bitter and hateful language and each bitter word might not affect much. But each word adds up and the tone changes from the protagonist lazily explaining his daily routine with little care to the protagonist complaining about the repetitive nature of his life and despising everyone around him. And so when I read over the chapter I notice the way the protagonist talks isn’t how I intended him to say it so I’ll have to write everything all over again and that just a burns me out so I delete everything and quit because my heart isn’t really into writing anything anymore. Then one day, as I go about my life ideas just click together and I think that I must write it down before I forget, and the cycle continues. Genre is another issue. At first I wanted to make a psychological horror novel about depression but I decided that it wasn’t very scary and I couldn’t really think of a good premise, just interesting scenarios that would happen in the book. After that failed I thought about writing a mystery book but gave up straight away because crafting a mystery is harder than you think. First, (let’s just assume the mystery is a murder case because that’s what they all are) you have to create a victim, a murderer, and their motive. Second, you create how the killer got away with it. Third you have to sprinkle around clues for the brilliant detective to piece together. But that’s hard because you have to explain why the clues exist (as in how those clues came to be) and then you have to make them cryptic enough so that the reader doesn’t figure out the mystery near the beginning, because you want them to figure things out as the detective does. There’s more things like the progression of the investigation and things like that which I won’t get into. Then I wanted to write a fantasy novel but the thing is you have to create and entire fictional world for that to happen. And so I spent a while envisioning a world that felt alive and lived in. Sort of. I completed a little bit of my world and then gave up because I’m not very creative. It was going to take place in an underground tower with twelve stories. At the very bottom the protagonist wakes up underneath a tree in an endless field of grass. Except the grass is glowing white like a light bulb and so are the leaves of the the tree. The base of the tree is pitch black, and so is the sky. The only light comes from the plants, and the stars in the sky. My idea for the setting was that it was going to resemble a beautiful ethereal black and white painting.  At “night” the plants would sleep and dim, so the cavern would go completely black like it was nighttime. The “stars” are actually holes shining down light from the story above the one the protagonist wakes up in. Anyway, I’ve dedicated too much space to talking about this. After I abandoned my fantasy novel I decided to innovate and make my own genre. The nothing genre, which is when the story has no plot. Then I quickly realized it is difficult to write an intriguing story with no plot. Next, I decided to try my hand at writing a romance novel. Unlike to previous few genres, it seemed like even a novice such as myself could write one.  At first I wasn’t very into this idea for a few reasons.
1. Romance novels are boring.

2. Nobody likes romance novels other than lonely people.

3. My first book should represent the things I’ll be writing, and in the future I’d like to write more thought provoking stories that are about inner turmoil, depression, sociopaths, and murder. I don’t think a romance novel would fit right with the other things I’m going to write.

But then I thought, why couldn’t I do both? A romantic story about a sociopath. I’m sure it’s been done a dozen times before but maybe I can add a few things to make it unique. And that’s when I thought of the absolute perfect genre. Psychological romance. Half the chapters are psychological dedicated to the protagonist’s indifferent outlook on the world. Neutral chapters. The other half is dedicated to romance and exploration of emotions. Happy chapters. And maybe I could even through an extremely morbid chapter I there somewhere, though it’ll be a little tricky to weave it in while still seeming natural and maintains a cohesive tone. Anyway, a romance story needs two protagonists. Three if you want a love triangle. That seems pretty cliched, so I’m not doing that. Also, I don’t want to go through the effort of writing that many people. I decided to first create the protagonist and then create the other one after based on how the protagonist turned out. Motives, goals, personality, aspirations. The protagonist ended up being pretty easy to make. Motive: none, goals: none, personality: nonexistent, aspirations: none. Of course, that’s not all there was to it. There was the matte of how the MC would narrate the story in a way that made sense with who they were. Word choice, tone, and sentence structure all created the narrator’s voice, which was very important because a bad narrator makes things boring to read.I wanted the protagonist to be a person that was uninterested with life in a way that could be relatable. I toyed with the idea of the protagonist killing stray cats in an effort to ward off the boredom but that disconnected the audience and the protagonist. You don’t have to relate to the characters in a romance novel and it would be pretty interesting to see someone who kills cats in their free time to fall in love. But I wanted the readers to still understand the character. Not too much, just enough to empathize and to root for them. And if the protagonist murdered a cat the audience would probably dislike them and if the characters in your romance novel aren’t likable then you’ve failed. Next I began crafting the other character. They had to flow well with the protagonist and their interactions together have to have the audience rooting for them to be together, which will inevitably tear their hearts apart when I make them both die. Just kidding, probably. I’m not sure about the ending yet. Lastly, I started thinking about the audience. Who would read this book? The answer is nobody. Without extensive marketing and advertisement this book will probably never be popular. If I was writing some Shakespeare level stuff then maybe, but I’m not. The genre isn’t very mainstream either. And it’ll probably drown in an endless sea of other books being published. What I’m hoping for is that it’ll gain a cult following with a small group of people. Start with maybe twenty people really liking it. And then they discuss it to know if anyone else has read it because they like the book enough to want to talk about it, and the book spreads slowly to more and more like minded people, eventually reaching cult classic status. Even something as small as that would be unlikely because I’ll probably have a lot of grammar errors and I don’t know how to properly format a book, and the book would have to be really good for people to overlook that. Probably the only people who are going to read it are my family members. Or maybe not even they will read it. Because all of my cousins combined have the reading ability of a rock with a broken pair of eyeglasses. Something is very wrong if you are 10 or 9 (I forgot how old you are again) and the longest book you’ve ever read is Flat Stanley. Or Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I don’t know what kind of books you guys read. Do you guys even read? I don’t think so. (Reading manga isn’t equivalent to reading a book. Not that I don’t like manga, it’s just not the same.) As for the adults the only books they seem to own are things like math textbooks and political books maybe? Or I at least I think they do. Actually I don’t think they own any books. It’s difficult to imagine them reading a literature book and impossible to imagine them enjoying it. I think my book would connect more with teenagers to young adults anyway. So not even my own family would read and enjoy my book. But I still want to write it. It’s more of a project for myself. I want to write it and revise my book until I can say that I’m satisfied with my work. If it turns out really bad then that’s okay because I still like it and I’m definitely not stopping at just one book. I haven’t yet reached the point where I can say that I like my work so until then I’ll have to keep grinding away hours tapping away on a keyboard, using ancient software to write everything.
Side note: writing is really time consuming because I spend more time at the table thinking than writing. Usually I write about two to three full pages and when I look at the clock forty minutes have passed. I don’t have any time to relax and play on my switch which is an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice. Once school starts I’ll probably feel burnt out once I get home and all I’ll want to do is look at my phone and sleep and I’ll also have homework to do. I probably just won’t write on weekdays which want be good for production. And then there’s band practice on the weekends. I’ve decided that even if I have to throw a temper tantrum like a baby and jump off a cliff and hold a gun to my head I’m not going to band because I despise it so much and I’m willing to fail the class and just so I can spend my free time writing. Last thing, there are probably a lot of errors in this blog, more than usual, because I’m writing on a phone with a tiny keyboard and it’s late and I’m tired. As you can probably tell I don’t proof check my blogs because they’re very long and I’ve spent all my energy writing it. And it’s not like any of you are reading this keenly anyway and I’m guess everybody just quickly speed reads my blogs so I don’t know why I go through the trouble of writing so much. Again, writing is to give me enjoyment, not to give others enjoyment by reading it, though if they do then that’s just an added bonus.

it took me two whole hours to write this. Writing is a long and tedious process.

Every book I’ve read over the summer so far

  1. The Shining

    This is the first one I read and I started it while I was in Florida and finished in while we were in Virginia. It’s a 447 page horror novel by Stephen King who you’ve probably heard of. It’s pretty long and it took a while to get through it. The first chapter was honestly pretty dull and I considered dropping it right then and there but then it starts to pick up later. The three main characters are Jack, his wife Wendy, and his five year old son Danny. Jack has just taken up a job as the caretaker of a hotel called the Overlook where he’ll be staying over the winter with his family. The previous caretaker had gone insane and murdered his family and then killed himself. The story revolves around Jack as an unseen evil force lingering inside the hotel slowly corrupts him and drives him mad. There’s a lot of plot points I’ve left out, the most important being the shining which is a sort of superpower Danny has, but I won’t get into much detail because that would spoil things. One thing that bothered me about the book is that it didn’t really scare me despite being a horror book. I scare pretty easily too. Granted, I did read a lot of it in broad daylight with a lot of people around me, so that could have been a factor. When I read it at night when everyone was sleeping, I found it very unnerving and creepy, although I could probably find anything scary when it’s dark with no people around. I also found the opening to be pretty tedious, as the first several chapters are dedicated to explaining who the characters are and their backstories. I assume it was done this way so by the time the protagonists reach the Overlook, you care about them. And I did. The beginning is still boring though. Once they reach the Overlook, things get interesting. What I think is unique about The Shining is, unlike most horror novels and movies, there isn’t a creature to be afraid of, a creature chasing them through the woods and tearing them into bloody pieces. The threat is more like an invisible evil, an unseen force that slowly creeps in and suffocates its victims. All the horrors that occur at the Overlook are never explained, and what exactly this evil is also remains a mystery. Imagine you live alone, far away from the rest of the world, and you are lying in bed. The room is pitch black. And you can’t see it, but something is watching you. You don’t know what it looks like or where in the room it is but it is watching you. You tell yourself that it’s not real and nothing is there but as the silence begins to suffocate you as darkness seems to shift and shake as you feel its eyes staring right back at you and as it becomes increasingly obvious that something is there, there is nothing you can do because your screams will reach nobody so the only thing you can do is lie there completely blind and defenseless knowing that something is there and you can only wait for it to finally do something to you. And finally, it does. The Shining is something like that. Its horror stems from fear of the unknown and suspense, like staring straight into the barrel of a gun and waiting for it to fire. In conclusion, I enjoyed reading this book. It’s not the most scary thing ever so even if you’re not a fan of horror it’s still a fun read. And if you’re brave you can put on your big boy pants and read this alone at night. Not that I recommend doing that.

  2. American Psycho

    I read this one because I had seen a few clips from the movie and thought it was cool. American Psycho was published in 1991 by Bret Easton Ellis and it follows Patrick Bateman, a yuppie in the late eighties. He has a nice apartment, designer clothes, and a beautiful girlfriend. He is also a serial killer. The book is 399 pages of social commentary on rich people’s arrogance and greed. I think. Either that or it’s just a goofy story about some dude chopping off prostitutes’ body parts and leaving them around his apartment. I find Patrick Bateman to be a very intriguing character because despite all his evil deeds, I don’t hate him. I don’t like him either. I just think it’s interesting to see his exploits and his strange view of the world. The book starts off extremely boring. Actually, a lot of the book is boring. And I think the author did it on purpose. You see, Patrick is a god awful narrator. The story is told in the first person perspective, so all of his thoughts are shown. And he thinks about very mundane things, as a psychopath would. Many pages are filled with him describing clothes. He can spend a whole page or two describing what outfits people were wearing and what brand they were, and he does the same for himself. This can be pretty dull to read, but it provides a lot of insight on Bateman’s character. He is a yuppie that is obsessed with appearances so of course he’d be thinking about clothes and judging people. He also spends an entire chapter discussing his morning routine and all the products he uses, because that is also probably important to him. Entire chapters are dedicated to describing music. Describing food. Describing murder. Patrick describes his mundane day to day routine with the same enthusiasm and tone when he’s describing how he reached down a woman’s throat and ripped out her vocal chords. So that’s my opinion on why there are so many dull monologues of Patrick describing things. But that begs the question: if something is purposely boring, that does make it good? Anyway, let me describe the tone of the book. Judging from the plot synopsis you might think this is a serious book looking deep into the mind of a serial killer. It’s not. It’s not a goofy fun book either. It’s semi-serious with some dark humor thrown in there if you’re into that kind of stuff. No jokes are made, you’re just supposed to laugh at how absurd Patrick’s mindset is. My favorite line and the one I personally think is the funniest is, “Maggots already writhe across the human sausage, the drool pouring from my lips dribbles over them, and still I can’t tell if I’m cooking any of this correctly, because I’m crying too hard and I’ve never really cooked anything before.” It’s such an absurd statement to make that it’s funny. (By the way, if you want context for this joke, Patrick has just mutilated a woman’s body and tries to cook it in several ways, including making her into meatloaf, boiling, and microwaving her severed head which burns it and makes it inedible. So he settles on trying to make her into a sausage of some sorts.) Despite how I’ve made this book sound, there’s a little more to the book than mindless gore. Actually you don’t get to read about Patrick killing anyone until about a third into the book. Many times in the book the characters mistake each other for someone else. I believe the author does this to commentate on how alike, shallow, and interchangeable the men are. I even found myself unable to imagine a character to attach to the names. This is because despite all the time Patrick spends describing their luxury outfits, he spends not a single paragraph describing the person wearing the suit. Because after all, they’re entirely surface level people with not much personality to discuss. Since there was no character to associate with the names I read, I eventually gave up trying to differentiate them just thought of them as names, not people, just as Bateman would. Because there was nothing that set them apart from each other. In most books characters all have distinct personalities to set them apart and stand out to the reader; entire pages are dedicated to giving the reader a good idea of who they are. This book does the exact opposite, and I think that’s pretty clever. If you’re queasy and easily disturbed you probably shouldn’t read this book because it doesn’t really pull any punches when it comes to showing Bateman’s disgusting acts. Also if you don’t have the patience to read a lot monologues than you should skip this one. If you do choose to read it, however, then hopefully like me you’ll be drawn into Bateman’s twisted world of murder and money.

  3. Of Mice and Men

    You’ve probably heard of this one. I was actually forced to read this for school and the enjoyment you get from reading a book greatly diminishes when you’re forced to read it. Thankfully this book is actually pretty good and pretty short too unlike the previous two books. It’s only a 107 pages long and I finished it in one afternoon. Written by John Steinbeck in 1937, Of Mice and Men follows George and Lennie on their way to work on a farm in California. George is smaller and the smarter of the duo. Lennie is the big dumb one.  Lennie gets into trouble. George has to get him out of it. George hates that Lennie keeps getting him in trouble but cares for him anyway. You’ve probably already seen this dynamic a million times before so I won’t spend too much time talking about it. George and Lennie head down to the farm and as you can guess Lennie gets in trouble and George gets him out of it. The two of them dream of saving up enough money to buy their own land, not working for anybody. It’s a pretty simple book that anyone can read. Short and sweet. I really don’t have any complaints about it. It’s really too short for me to write much about it. If I had to complain about one thing though. The book is tall and thin so when I read it I can’t open it all the way without feeling like I’m bending it. That’s about it. The ending might leave a lasting impression on you (no spoilers) but other than that there’s not much you can think about or interpret. Just an all around good book you should probably read sometime.

  4. Kafka on the Shore

    The most recent book I’ve read and also the longest at 480 pages. It was written by Haruki Murakami in 2002 and was translated to English in 2005. The book is about Kafka Tamura who runs away from home at the age of fifteen. And in the beginning it seems like it’s just going to be a coming-of-age story. It’s not. It’s an extremely strange story. Only every other chapter focuses on Kafka. The other chapters focus on Satoru Nakata who is an old man who can talk to cats. Nakata gets caught up in a bizarre situation involving a cat murderer and soon Kafka and Nakata’s journeys connect. I don’t want to spoil too much but let me just give you a good idea on how strange this book is. Fish and leeches rain from the sky, Colonel Sanders from KFC shows up except its actually a god pretending to be Colonel Sanders, Nakata is basically Jesus and gets a disciple and the two of them go on a journey to flip a rock to open a magical portal, etc. I found it entertaining. But later in the book, it starts to get confusing. No, it just doesn’t make sense. I don’t know if there’s something I couldn’t see or what but nothing made sense. I get the feeling the author didn’t actually have a hidden meaning for any of this stuff either. I like weird stories. I like stories that make you think What the hell is happening? Because those stories are unique. And I like them because as you’re reading, you start to piece together the nonsensical scenarios and figure out the story. At the end most of the things are tied up and you finally understand. Not everything is explained though and I like that because it leaves room for speculation. Kafka on the Shore sets up a mystery and strange occurrences and while you’re reading it you start to think that you’re getting it, but at the end, nope. Nothing is explained. It’s unsatisfying. Near the beginning a case where a large group of children suddenly pass out is brought up. And so you wonder when that case will be explained, why it happened. They never explain it and give you no clues to solve it on your own. Many things happen without any explanation at the end. Kafka’s journey while confusing still kind of felt like story, at least near the beginning. Nakata’s journey is just a mess. He wants to find a stone and open the entrance. Why? How does he know about the stone? What does opening it do? None of these are answered. And you can’t piece it together by yourself either. Why can he talk to cats? Why does he lose the power? Why did Johnnie Walker need a flute? Why did he need cats souls to get one? What happened to Nakata during the war? At the end there’s a climactic fight between Nakata’s disciple and some strange monster trying to get through the stone entrance. Except it’s not exciting at all. You don’t know what the monster is, why it wants to go through the entrance stone, and what will happen if it does. You don’t even know of the existence of the monster until a few pages before. There’s faint themes of self-identity sprinkled throughout the book but it’s muddled with things that just don’t seem relevant to the plot. Why did fish and leeches have to rain from the sky? It didn’t really affect anything. Who was the god masquerading as Colonel Sanders and why was he helping Nakata? Who even knows? I wonder if even the author knows. Despite all this I still found the book enjoyable. I was a bit frustrated during the second half of the book because I got no answers to anything, but it was still fun. I don’t recommend reading this book at all, but still feel free to check it out. I don’t have any desire to ever reread this, but who knows? Maybe I’m just dumb and can’t understand it yet. Maybe you’ll find some value in the cryptic mess of a story.

dumb stupid poopy idiot dumb

The entire summer I’ve been dreading band camp which is a dumb stupid program you have to do if you’re in band. I was under the impression that marching band and concert band are two different things but I guess not. Or maybe it is. I’m not even sure if I have to be in marching band or not. Is marching band an extracurricular or is it a required part of the standard band class???? Either way forcing people to give up a month of summer break is just cruel. Yes, an entire month’s worth of band class. What I’m worried about are the uniforms. I think you were supposed to get them during July but I kind of blew it off and now I don’t have one. I’m unsure whether or not I can still pick one up during band camp. Also, I have no idea what band camp is, or where I’m supposed to go, or what I’m supposed to do. An optimistic part of me thinks there will be some helpful person at the front entrance telling me where to go and what to do. That’s probably not the case. I wonder if there will be lunch or if I will have to bring my own because band camp lasts a whopping six hours a day. There’s also a bunch of forms I need to fill out that I’ve been putting off. I think I need to bring money for uniform fees. Maybe I don’t. I know it has to be a check at least. Do I need to bring money for fall uniforms? Am I supposed to have those yet? When you order summer uniforms I think they deliver it to the school so how am I supposed to get it??? There’s a chat room where all the band member’s parents and the adults who run the show post info about the band program but so far they’ve explained next to nothing about how any of these things will work. I could ask a question but everyone there is a parent or staff member and I’d just feel dumb. Then I wondered, why the hell do I have to deal with all of this? Every other person has their parent doing these things for them and here I am worrying about paying for uniforms. If I asked my dad to do anything he’d just tell me to figure it out myself which is real helpful and even if he wanted to actually help he couldn’t because he’s absolutely clueless about everything and will just ask me questions about it when I don’t know either. If my mom were here she would deal with it and I would never even know about half this stuff but she wants to go retire at the age of fifty in Florida and live in her parents’ house. Also my trumpet is pretty dirty and I need to clean it. School starts soon. I have to go to Florida and live with some other family for a while. Then I’ll get back only a few days before school starts with no time to prepare. I have to bike to school now. Cross the street. I need to complete a summer book report. I wish I had never signed up for band back in fourth grade. I should have joined orchestra. They don’t force you to do out of school activities. They just practice during school and have an occasional concert. Even during the school year I have to attend band camps. And play in parades. Then they’ll make me play during football games. I guess there’s no point in me joining a club because band will just eat up all of my time. Not that I would ever join a club anyway. I wonder if I quit band it will look bad when I apply for college. I don’t really want to go to college anyway. I signed up for honors in all my class but I get the feeling I’m not going to get into some of them. What happens then? Do they assign me the normal class? I applied for team sports for one of my classes and I get the feeling it’ll just be a bunch of older kids. Did I sign up for enough classes? Did I sign up for too many classes? Is there a limit? If you exceed the limit what happens? Did I exceed the limit? I need to clean my trumpet. Do I need to buy shoes and gloves for band? Am I going to fail band for skipping out on the Fourth of July parade? When I show up for band class will I be behind for skipping the earlier mini band camps? I think I was supposed to get my uniform then. Am I supposed to arrive to band camp wearing a uniform? Everyday I just want to stop thinking about everything so I sit on the couch all day and watch videos on my phone. And when I’m lying in bed trying to sleep I realize I’ve wasted another day and I’m getting closer and closer to the things I’m worrying about every day. And then the cycle repeats. I’m sick of worrying about everything and if I could just abandon society or something or just press a button and end the world that would be nice but that won’t ever happen. There’s only ten hours left until band camp starts. I tell myself to not think too much about it. Don’t worry about it. Whatever happens happens. I wish I could be entirely indifferent and have no feelings and to just stop caring. And I can pretend that’s the way I am but it’s not. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t worry. I miss when all I thought about was playing on my mom’s ipad. I want someone to be there to tell me what I’m supposed to do, how things are going to go. Sometimes I think about going back to Florida. Then i wouldn’t have to deal with any of these things. I had a good friend there too. He was reliable and was there when i had questions or needed someone to sit with at lunch. My mom would let me do whatever I want and I could just sit around all day. If I went back to Florida I’d eat a bunch of snacks. And I’d ask my mom to buy me whatever and she probably would, or maybe my aunt would. And I’d ask for a writing program that wasn’t ancient and I could work on my book and drink a Capri Sun and eat ice cream and watch anime and just not care about anything. Maybe I’d ask for a Wii U and maybe I’d make some good friends and we’d hang out together. And we’d go fishing and I’d catch a fish the size of my arm and when we got back I could relax and fall asleep on my bed in the living room and maybe I’d get a halfway decent gaming computer and play all the things I wished I could play back when I was seven and learning about video games from youtube. all of this would be better than sitting alone at home thinking and worrying and not enjoying myself at all, whittling away the days until I had to go to school again and be miserable. These days my enjoyment comes from video games. And the enjoyment ends as soon as I turn the console off. The only other thing I can enjoy is dreaming. About becoming a famous writer. Making my own show. Getting on TV. Even something as tame as sitting on a large comfy bed eating a snack and binging a really good show without a single care. I wish I could at least have that last life. I have to go to bed now. I have to wake up early for band camp tomorrow.


I’ve become increasingly irritable and I don’t know why. I’m starting to really abhor my relatives and though I could give you a few vague reasons as to why they’re so insufferable I don’t think I can really pinpoint where all this hate stems from. In fact in the beginning I was planning to write why everybody is so awful but now that I think about it it’s only because of petty things. I don’t think it’s only me who has come to dislike people because everyone else has begun to dislike me too. This wasn’t the case last year so I think something must have changed within me. I don’t feel like a different person than yesterday or last week or last month but I will admit I’m a lot different than from three years ago. Actually now that I think about it I do feel ever so slightly different every day, depending on how good or bad my day is. Or it could just be teenage mood swings. Seventh grade me was an idiot who thought he had finally figured things out. This is because sixth grade me was an edgelord who pitied himself. Seventh grade me thought that he had finally turned over a new leaf and thought foolishly that he could be anyone. Looks can’t be altered, but personality can, he thought. And so if I can choose who I want to be I want to be someone people like being around, an all around nice person. Seventh grade me had watched too much anime and as an impressionable child thought that being a good person would reward you with a fun adventure and many friends. Seventh grade me was wrong. Because looks can be altered, only it is unnatural, fake, and very uncomfortable to do so. The same goes with personality. Seventh grade me thought being mature was putting up with people you didn’t like and he thought being mature was always smiling. Some people can always smile. Even when they hate everyone around them. I’m not that person. But I tried to mold myself into that person and I guess I eventually cracked, which ended up with eighth grade me. I’m content with eight grade me, who I am now. I was content with who I was when I was in seventh grade too. But ninth grade me is going to think I’m an idiot.

Anyway. What I’m trying to say is people who, when in a conflict with another, only consider their own feelings, are the worst.

poo pee

I now have a pretty good idea of what my book is going to be about though I haven’t really figured out the finer details and I’ll probably end up deleting everything to start over like my previous forty attempts. My next step is finding out what to write with. I’ve been writing with Microsoft Word Excel 2007 which isn’t ideal. There’s nothing wrong with it but I’d prefer not to write with an ancient piece of technology that is almost qualified to be displayed in a museum. I don’t really want to buy anything. Google Docs is free but I don’t have a Google account other than my school one and I really don’t need my teachers reading my things. So I’ve ultimately decided to bite the bullet and buy the new and improved, Microsoft Word Excel 2008.

July thirteenth

In about two minutes the date will change from July thirteenth to July fourteenth making this title wrong so you might wonder why I don’t just make the title June fourteenth and the obvious answer is that this blog post is about June thirteenth. I would have written this earlier but someone was hogging the computer and I knew if I asked them to scram they’d whine and cry about it so I kept my mouth shut.
This morning I woke up to the sound of a teacher talking and that irritated me. Half sleeping I couldn’t understand a word they were saying and this also irritated me. Then after playing on my phone I went to brush my teeth. Some human piece of garbage has been shoving their toothbrush into the same slot as the tongue cleaner thing and to be honest I’d like to heave them out the window but I don’t because then they’d cry and that pisses me off.
Once my tooth brushing is done I take a shower and part to god it doesn’t leak. Then I go downstairs where I find my relatives all sitting on the couch because their iPads are not in their possession so they’re not sure what to do with their miserable existences. They makes jokes I think and I can’t help but smile even though they aren’t funny.
My grandma calls us for dinner and so we all head to the dinner table where some thing is being served. She says tl and I have to eat off this plate of assorted meats and vegetables and says that if we don’t eat it ourselves she’ll force us to. Then she repeats herself. My grandma likes to repeat herself. My grandma likes to repeat herself.
A minute into lunch she yells at me for not yet taking anything so I grab nearly everything on the plate in protest. I want to argue with her but I know that if I do my dad will murder me and then hide the body. So again I keep quiet.
Y Vien that little brat waddles over to the dinner table and immediately I want to scream and tell her to shut up but I don’t say anything and instead stare at my food which looks repulsive. Squid and chicken. An inspired combination.
Y Vien keeps talking or maybe she didn’t, I don’t remember. Either way I want to blast my brains out. Each pointless comment only existing to make noise pushes me further and further over in the edge and in my head I’m screaming Shut up or I’ll rip your tongue out but in reality I’m just staring at my food. Was I laughing and talking with the rest of the table or was I just sitting there? I forget.
Once lunch is over I read my book, American Psycho, which is a very good book. It’s about this yuppie in the late eighties who is also a serial killer and it’s very funny.
After my reading session I planned to finish Fire Emblem and then play some Stardew Valley and if I have time after and if no stupid little idiot is using the laptop I can write a blog and get to work on my novel.
Just as I’m about to get started on Fire Emblem my dad comes home and makes me play catch.
And then when I go back in and start some Fire Emblem my grandma informs me we are going out to eat which really put a wrench in my plans. I don’t protest because my dad is there and I know he’ll have a mental breakdown if I say anything.
I have to get in the car with those annoying little brats and things start off fine but eventually I must have said something though I don’t really remember what it was and she starts being a brat and tells me to be quiet and so I tell her to be quiet even though I want to yell something something more along the lines of “shut the hell up” and she keeps being a disrespectful diaper toting baby masquerading as a seven year old and at that moment I wanted to reach over the backseat and punch her in the face and break all of her fingers but I don’t because then the adults would be mad even though beating kids is a favorite past time of theirs. That was a joke. Please don’t bother me about respecting people.
Does anybody read these anyway? Does anybody care?
After visiting the cemetery I talk to Khoi about why menus don’t put pictures on their menus which is as uninteresting as it sounds but I just wanted to distract myself. Of course I am quickly reminded Khoi is a little kid and eventually the conversation stops after his did scolds him for insulting one of the little kids in the back. Then he and Angel start whacking each other. It was boring. I stared out the window for the rest of the trip.
For dinner we go to this restaurant with a very small menu. The place gave off the impression of a place that tries to be trendy and makes bank off of young people who also wanted to be trendy.
I order or rather tl orders a sandwich that bleeds onto my hands when I try to eat it which bothers me because I hate getting my hands dirty but it doesn’t bother me too much because the sandwich was very tasty.
It rains so we have to wait inside for the adults to pull up the two cars next to us. The little kids are running around and hitting each other and being loud and being a nuisance. It’s embarrassing to be around my family. So I tell Khoi to shut up or I’ll slit his eyes until he has the vision of a housefly’s and of course he doesn’t take me seriously and all the little brats just laugh. I wanted to slam his head into the table but I don’t. Everyone else seems to be  in a good mood and they probably think I am too. Maybe I was in a good mood during dinner and that just changed right afterward. Maybe I’m bipolar. Maybe I was faking the entire time. I don’t remember.
We go back to the house and I use the bathroom and as always, some troglodyte, some degenerate, some no-mannered barbaric hooligan has to, get this, knock on the door while I’m in there. Are they dumb? Can they just not think? The lights are on and the door is locked. For the love of god leave me alone I’d like to use the bathroom please and thank you very much. This has been bothering me a lot especially at the frequency at which it happens. But I know you don’t care so I’ll stop.
I finish Fire Emblem and I look up to see all of the stupid little kids play Roblocks. Roblocks. Roblocks! I head downstairs to watch Bien and Khoi play on the switch and a little while later I wonder why the hell im watching two idiots play on a projector despite the fact a perfectly usable tv is just upstairs.
I was bored. I was bored out of my mind, and then I went to sleep. I hoped you enjoyed my blog. sayonara!

I am writing on a phone which is very uncomfortable. I would be typing on the laptop but I can’t write if it’s noisy and there are a lot of stupid little children around who won’t ever shut the hell up. Sometimes I wish I could just grab them and bash their head into a wall but that’s assault, probably. Then the adults would probably punish me too by beating me, which is also assault, probably, the difference being that they can get away with it.
I don’t really hang out with any of my relatives. I’m too old for the little kids and too young for the older kids, and I don’t share any interests with any of them. Khang and TD are doing whatever it is that they do, usually something I find pretty boring. The little kids play Roblock all day which is something I find pretty boring.
I’ve also realized that nobody can hold a conversation. The dinner table is completely quiet other than the occasional remark Khoi has about Y Vien.
Bien is boring to talk to because he has no brain and cannot think and add to a conversation, other than small comments about whatever.
Khoi is boring to talk to because he’s a boring person who only has one hobby.
Y Vien is boring to talk to because she talks a lot about nothing and is very annoying.
TQ is boring to talk to because she has no life outside of roblock. That’s the only thing she can talk about because it’s the only thing she knows.
TL is boring to talk to because she is bland. By that I mean her personality is like the default personality for every 13 year old girl or how we old she is.
I don’t talk to Khang or TD but I can’t imagine I’d have much fun with them for two reasons. One, they both have a default personality. And two, I’ve overheard the two talk to each other before and I can say it’s not very entertaining.
Summary: the little kids are iPad children and thus very boring and the older kids are Khang and TD and thus very boring.
Everyone else is having fun though. So I guess that makes me the boring one.
My dad is moaning very loudly in his sleep and it is hard to write. He sounds like a Minecraft zombie. There is a strange tapping noise that hasn’t stopped for hours that is coming from the ceiling which I find very annoying. Typing on a phone is slow.
For these reasons I am going to cut this blog short. Part two coming when I want to complain again.

so guys, I hoped you enjoyed my blog. Don’t bother respond because your opining is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!