I’m Back!!

IM BACK KIDS IM THE COWBOY!! (Kids groan) UH OH! YOU GUYS HAVE A ROUGH DAY! I WILL FIX THAT WITH A SONG. (One Of The Kids) “How about leaving us alone?” OF COURSE NOT!!!! (All kids make this face–> ._.)  NOW  FOR THE SONG! (Hours later) YOU GOT A FRIEND IN ME! (One Of The Kids) “This may never end.”

I Am In A Horse Show

Hello I’m Cowboy from the last post!!! Let me tell you a joke. IM A COWBOY. Isn’t that funny? No? I thought it was. D:         So I made it in to the horse show yay!! I’m in last place! That’s a good place to start with! Lets do a sing-along! I’ve been working on the baaaaarnnnnn! For one second straight! My job is so dirty! I fell in the mud! (From The Tune Of “I’ve Been Working On The Railroad”) Great song right? Now lets do another sing-along!!!

(All kids cover their ears)

Maybe If….

If I could I would make the world a better place. First I would make everyone should be rich until they make a good job. Then  I would make all games for fun and everyone gets the same prize. You get a prize even if you don’t win. Also I would make some medicine that can cure broken bones. Last I would make medicine that keeps you alive forever and it would be free. Also the other medicine would be free. Also food is free if you don’t have any money.