The Past, Present, and Future

I guess I haven’t gotten around to writing my blog. As my ELA teacher would say, I procrastinate. This is the same person who did not tell us how to write until 3rd quarter.

When I went to the doctor’s office last Wednesday, the checked my height. The good news is that I grew four inches from last year. I’m 4’11 now, so I guess that makes me tall. The doctor said that I’m taller than 6 out of 10 kids my age, but if she met the kids at my school, she’d lose her job.

The doctor said I had to get three shots. Teachers are always talking about how much we’ve evolved, and how thankful we should be to have this technology, but I bet people in 20 years will also be saying that. I mean, it’s quite barbaric to shove a needle in my arm and call it “medicine”. It’s kind of like bloodletting from back then. The theory was that when you were sick, you had to let out the “bad blood” out. People would go to barbers and let out their blood. I think. Not sure how accurate this is. You know those red blue and white spirals on barber shops? I think the red stands for the blood, the white for the bandages, and the blue the tears.

I think the people in the past had the best food. They cooked some chicken and got some corn. They were set. Nowadays, people eat fried potatoes and “chicken” nuggets. I guess the present isn’t so bad, though. People are always saying, “You don’t wanna know how hot dogs are made!”, but I watched a video and it doesn’t seem too bad. The future food will probably suck. There might be apple juice in burger form and burgers in juice form. This round clearly goes to the past.



Why You Should Book A Flight To Ohio

Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there! (Editor’s Note: Yes, he did.) My name is Nam, and I’m selling flights to Ohio! Why would anyone want to go to Ohio? Well, there’s lots of good reasons. First, Ohio is near a lake. What’s so good about a lake? Well, nothing. But it’s a lake! Most people don’t see that everyday! (Editor’s Note: Actually, they do.) If you buy a ticket now, you’ll get a premium plane!

Perks of a premium plane.

-Seats are made from authentic dumpsters.

-A free goat with every drink purchased.

-Movies include: Life of A Shoe, Why Do Zebras Fart?, Life of A Shoe 2: The Smelly Foot, and Five Hours of Family Fun.

Ohio’s attractions include Cedar Park! That’s it. Ohio is a cold place, so buy my novelty clothes, designed to keep you warm. Why should you buy this overpriced clothes instead of normal clothes? That’s a good question. I’m not going to answer it. If you don’t like Ohio, you can always swim to Canada, because I do not sell tickets to anywhere besides Ohio. Buy Nam Enterprise swimming gear! It looks cool, and most of all, are actually khakis! That’s the Nam difference. (Editor’s Note: No refunds.) Swimming goggles are easy to see through! Nam’s Clear Scam Swimming Goggles: It’s clearly a scam! For more information, email me your credit card info and I might text you back.

May 1, 2018

Does anyone even read this anymore? I have no comments, so I can’t tell. I think Dad reads it, but it’s pretty sad if the only person who reads your posts are your parents.

I also think my title needs work. I don’t think anyone needs to know the date of which I wrote this.

Also, note to TL. Can you stop typing in bright colors? It reallhurtmEYES.

Today, I ate breakfast. I got in a car. I got to a school. Today, I put on my beach hat since it was beach day, and they give out free tickets to whoever wears a beach outfit.

I had taped on a little sign on my hat. It said,” RAD BEACH DUDE.” Now, I realize, this was not a good idea.

I walk to my locker, and Nicole and Andrew are talking to each other. This was a typical sight. I’m pretty sure they like each other. Everyone knows that, and they pester Andrew and Nicole for it. Andrew’s face is the color of a sunburned pickle. (Editor’s Note: Nam is assuming that a sunburned pickle is red. He does not sunburn pickles in his front yard. He is not a lunatic. Sometimes.)

In ELA, the teacher rounds up the gifted kids and sends them to the gifted teacher. Actually, they didn’t really send us anywhere. They gifted place is our back table. Our school is too cheap to get a gifted room. Logan, a kid in my class, steals my super rad sunglasses. I thought Logan was a cool guy, so I think he should be arrested for this treason.

The gifted teacher takes my sunglasses AS IF IT’S MY FAULT. She doesn’t give it back until she leaves. Good riddance.

Yesterday, the teacher made us write post-it notes and put them on at least one person’s locker. She said it had to be a person who had a locker next to ours. The person right of my locker is a new girl named Olivia, but I don’t know her well, so I ruled her out. The person on my left is Nick. I don’t know Nick well, but I think he likes rock n’ roll, judging by the pictures in his locker. So I wrote this:

If you believe it, you can be it.

Just like that guy you have taped in your locker.


We go to science class next. I look at my plant terrariums, and the grass is still growing rapidly. I think my beans died, though. Or maybe they died because they were competing with my grass for water. My beans are suckers if they were beaten by the grass. Then our teacher makes us write some notes about our assigned country. Our country was America. My team had me research clothing and home styles. Sounds easy right?

Nope. The internet is useless. Sure, if you want to figure out two plus one, they will give you a good answer. But if you want something specific? You are going to have to go through tons of research. After three hours, I still only had about a solid page. It was about the history, development, and origins of clothing. Here is an excerpt from my writing. Not sure if it’s exactly what I wrote.

As years passed, people started to question social standards and conformity. Women started refusing makeup and walked barefoot. Men wore long hair and had buttons bearing the peace sign. These people were called “hippies”.

I wonder if that’s insulting. Well, the science teacher liked it, so I don’t care.

During activity, this jerk named Jack steals my hat. I beat him up (Editor’s Note: Nam is too weak to actually beat someone up.) and took back the hat. The paper saying “RAD BEACH DUDE” fell off, so I threw it away.

After lunch, I go to math class. There, the teacher hands out talent show sheets. I wondered if I had and good talents. I would ask Khang, but he’d just say no.

During art class, I drew a cake. Then I sat and did nothing for half an hour because I didn’t know we were supposed to be customizing our cakes.

In gym, we have to play that Spud game again, but outside. I walk upstairs after gym. It should be criminal to make a child walk upstairs after gym. I walk to the sidewalk and wait for my car. But then the monitor is like, “Back up.”

So I back up.

She spreads out her arms and starts moving forward. “Back up,” she says.

I back up some more and trip over a girl. I guess that’s why girls hate me. Oh well.






My Neighbors

Today, your announcer, Mr. Nam, will be showcasing some neighbors. (Editor’s Note: No neighbors are for sale.)The first and only, Luca. Luca was referenced in my earlier posts. He is a jerk. He is a friend. Which is he? Only you can decide! (Unless he runs away.) One time, Luca kicked a ball and broke my fence! What a good friend he is! Another time, he threw a baseball at my face. Only a true friend could do such a thing! At last, he kicked my soccer ball into the woods and refused to get it! Luca is such a good friend! To return the favor, I tackled him and beat him up! (Editor’s Note: That last sentence is a work of fiction. No neighbors were harmed in the making of this event. What really happened may be too disturbing for younger readers.) Luca’s parents no longer want him to play with me.

Up next is Haiden. His dog poops on my yard. Haiden has such a nice dog! If you buy a Haiden, it comes with the dog! (Editor’s Note: Dog poop may be unsanitary. Treat with caution.) One time while playing football, I tried to tackle Haiden. He kept running, and I was dragged across the mud. Only a true friend would do that!

The last neighbor is one whose name I do not know. They also own a dog! And yes, this dog comes with the neighbor. (Editor’s Note: The shipping cost must be payed for this dog.) One time, the dog tried to eat Bien! We had so much fun!

To buy any of these neighbors, contact Nam. The phone number is- wait, no, Nam DOES NOT HAVE A PHONE BECAUSE HIS MOM WANTS TO BUY HIM AN OLD PHONE HE CANNOT USE. THANKS A LOT, MOM!



If I Were A Wizard…

  1. Steal a wand from the Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios.
  2. Turn Khang into a pig.
  3. Tape TL’s mouth shut forever.
  4. Punish all my classmates.
  5. Tame a dragon.
  6. Turn my stuff into gold.
  7. Run for president in 2020.
  8. Hold all other candidates hostage.
  9. Become president.
  10. Become a dictator.
  11. Make National Bacon Day.
  12. Make Khang the Pig be the main feast on the first ever National Bacon Day.
  13. Turn TL into an elf.
  14. Make everyone pay ten dollars to throw rotten tomatoes at TL.
  15. Make TL eat the rotten tomatoes.

April 29, 2018

I just looked at my recent post, and the title said May. Oops. It’s actually April. My bad.

Last Friday night I went to Ryan’s house. Dad wanted to go there to watch the game. It didn’t matter much anyway, since we lost. I heard we didn’t get a lead once the whole time.

Okay, Khang calls me a bandwagon, but I don’t watch many Cavs games. I mean, unless it’s like the Finals or something, I’m not going to watch. The regular season is boring because I already know the Cavs are going to the playoffs. Not that I have anyone to explain this to. Khang hates me and TL could not tell the difference between a basketball and a beach ball. Khoi says he is “learning to play basketball”, but I bet he still can’t walk across the street while dribbling a ball.

While everyone was watching the game, Bien and I were playing video games. I won’t type much about that. Unless you want a full description of me playing video games.

It was the humble knight, Nam, entering the dungeons.

He had a treacherous journey in front of him.

Nam pulled out his gun.

Out popped these weirdos that kind of look like a mix between goblins and cannibals.

They were no match for Nam, as he shot them.

A silvery mist appeared every time an enemy met an unfortunate fate.

The goblins would make horrible screeching sounds every time they died, resembling TL yelling after looking in a mirror for the first time.

Nam collected his prize of gold coins and left the chamber.

See how boring that would be?

Soon, WONDERFUL ETHAN (sarcasm) showed up and started playing ROBLOX with Bien.

I was once again in my crippling loneliness.

A few hours later, the Cavs failed and we went home.

On Saturday, Mom signed us up for some board games at the library. I like the library, but I go there to get books. Not to play board games. Mom dropped us off at some room with a couple strangers. I took a juice box. The juice spilled onto my lap. Some teens looked at me like I was some creep. Khang did not want to do anything. Eventually, we played Connect 4, and I beat him every time. As if the boring atmosphere was enough to cope with, the monitor there started playing Irish music. This was too much. I wanted to leave, but if I did, I would have nowhere to go. Khang wanted to play RISK. After Khang read the rules, he said it was too complicated, and we were about to play SORRY! when Mom came back. Then she left us alone for Dad to pick us up. She gave me her library card so I could check out some books. Well, when Dad came and I went to check out some books, I couldn’t since Mom didn’t give me the PIN.

That night, I was cruising through the app store when I saw this Harry Potter game. Me, being the nerd I was, got it. I must’ve spent hours on that game. Maybe one day I’ll be a wizard. I’m eleven, so hopefully I’ll get a letter this summer.

If I do, you better watch out. You’d probably be on fire if I ever met you.




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Field Trip

So today I was watching a basketball game with my dad, my older brother named Khang, my younger brother named Bien, and a flying cat with laser eyes. My dad told me to write, so here I am. But before I start, I want to point out that when I was logging in, it said “not secure” at the top. I hope someone fixes that. Never mind that though. Let’s start. Let me start with the field trip. We were going to City Hall on Friday, and the whole fourth grade was going. 3 people from each class would be in the council. In my class, it was Anthony as the mayor, Ian as the councilman, Grace and Salina as the councilwomen. There were other people in the other classes that got picked for clerk and stuff like that. Then there would be three issues to talk about. Each class would have an issue to study. For our class, it was if the city should keep chickens or not. Then everyone, including the jobless people, had to write an essay to explain why you’re against or with the issue. The jobless people’s essays would be checked by the teacher. Don’t ask me what I wrote on my essay, because I don’t have it with me right now. Then Thursday rolled around, and the teacher announced the 4 winners that got to read their essay at the field trip. The teacher started reading off of the winners list. “Mario,” she said. Mario stepped up, grabbed his essay, and sat down. Everyone clapped and cheered. If you were wondering, yes that is really his name. Then the teacher got everyone to quiet down and read the next name. “Nam,” she said. I got up, slightly annoyed because I didn’t want to read an essay I made in front of the whole fourth grade. Most people cheered, and some didn’t, because they knew this process would be repeated another two times. I grabbed my essay and sat down. The teacher read the next name. “Noah,” she announced. As expected, everyone cheered as he grabbed his essay. The last person the teacher announced was Courtney, and everyone became tired of cheering and clapping. Then we practiced and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. So the next day, I had on the reading shirt the teachers asked us to wear at the field trip. They give one to each kid every year. There’s always a cheesy reading phrase on the back that goes along with each year’s theme. Last year, it was a space theme. The shirt said “Reading is out of this world!”. This year, it’s a camping theme. The back of my shirt said “It’s time for s’more reading!”. Yes, all of them have to be cheesy. So yada yada woo woo. Let’s just get to the point. We had to choose a bus partner, and got paired up with a kid named Xander. On the bus ride, we talked, but not much. When we got to the City Hall, the kids got in their places. The first issue was debating if we should have a teen center or not. The council read their essays. The speeches were long, and they really kept you thinking which side to choose. Although their endings were bland. EVERY SINGLE ONE had the same conclusion sentence. Not the exact same, but pretty close. “And this is why I think we should keep a teen center.” “This is why I think we should not have a teen center.” It was killing me. At last, one person said “With no more debate from the council, the issue is open to public. Please state your name and limit your comments to 3 minutes.” So some kids got up with their essays. Of course, the conclusion sentence was killing me. Then the kid spoke again. “The issue is now open to vote. Charity?” Charity said nay. I think. I’m not sure. The kid spoke again. “Luca?” He said “Nay.” This went on until the nays won. “The resolution has failed,” the girl said. So I guess there will be no teen center. The next issue was “Should we wear uniforms to school?”. Again, good speeches mostly, besides the conclusion sentence. The council voted, and no uniforms. Then came the chicken thing. Before you call me an animal hater, let me just say I didn’t really have a choice pick sides with chickens or not. Blah blah, we’ll be keeping chickens, yah yah. Then we got to wander around and eat pizza with water and fruit snacks. After that, we had to get back on the bus and go to the city’s Justice Center. We had a play where a kid named Marko was accused of not doing his homework, and was now at court. His lawyer, another student, did a good job, but in the end, he was guilty. After listening to the witnesses, I pointed out why he was innocent. The other students agreed, but I’m not the lawyer, so I couldn’t do anything if I wanted to. So real police came in and arrested him with real handcuffs, and then threw him into a real holding cell. They let him out later. Then we got to peek inside the holding cell. It smelled really bad. It smelled like a bunch of farts, poop, and pee mixed together. I can’t emphasize enough on how bad it smelled. The was a tiny bench in there, with a tiny toilet mixed with a sink in the corner. We got to leave that holding cell. Then we got on the bus. So that, my friends, was the field trip. See ya.

Teacher In-Service Day

Okay, this should have been posted two seconds ago, but my draft didn’t save. Either I have no idea on how to use this blog, or I didn’t let it save long enough when I gave it to my older brother Khang. So let’s take this a step back. I was writing on this yesterday, when Khang took this from me. I don’t think I gave it time to save before I handed it over. Anyways, because it was Teacher In-Service Day, we had a day off. It should’ve been fun for me, but someone gave away my laptop. If you want to know who, lets just say what I call her starts with m and rhymes with Tom. This does give me a chance to get a new one for my birthday since that laptop was kind of slow. My birthday is only about a month away, so I don’t have to wait long. Enough about the laptop though, let’s get to the point. Once again, dad told me to write about my day off. So after I woke up and brushed my teeth, I read Khang’s book. It must’ve been an hour until I came to my senses and got breakfast. I had a blueberry waffle with a cup of milk. Just to tell you, this post isn’t going to be long. So after a while, when Khang and my younger brother Bien, came downstairs, they had breakfast. After a long time, we played games and did stuff like talk about how many days Bien can go without whining or crying. Around nighttime, a friend named Ryan came over. We played on my Xbox 360. I had a Kinect which just sensors your movements and makes your character do whatever you’re doing. Almost like a VR. We played football with each other on the Kinect. Just if you wanted to know, me and Ryan won. After that, we had some milk. I had chocolate milk, and Ryan had normal milk. Then Bien started crying because he wanted chocolate milk too, but there was no way I was going to get out all the things I needed to make more chocolate milk. Sadly, dad came in and went on Bien’s side, so I had to do all the work. After that mess, me and and Ryan played a baseball game. It was rigged though, because half the time it didn’t swing when you did, and if did swing, it would be three seconds too late. Once again, I needed another snack, so I chose a small bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. The baseball game had been a tie, each of us having two points. We played Skylanders Trap Team. We were on the final boss, but all of our Skylanders died. We tried waiting for our Skylanders to revive, but we were taking too long. So we restarted the boss battle. Right when we were about to win, Ryan’s dad made him go home. So that was the end of Skylanders. We played ourselves.

The Life of Me

Today at night, my dad told me to write in here so…here I am. I shall write this eating grapes. Grapes are the perfect mix of solids that fill your stomach and juice that ends your thirst. Enough about grapes though. Dad told me to write about what happened today. So the first thing I did this morning was wake up, obviously. I got up and brushed my teeth. Then I went downstairs, got myself cereal, got my little brother Bien cereal, yadha yadha yadha. I need to note that nothing interesting happened today. I’m not living in a fantasy where I end up fighting dragons and wizards and evil people. Anyways, I changed, got my backpack, and left. I got on my magical floating train and took off. Ha ha. I used a car that my dad was driving to get to school. Let’s fast forward a bit so you don’t have to hear boring details about driving to school. So blah blah. I unloaded at my locker. I put on my gymshirt. I don’t know why we wear an extra shirt at gym. They say that any shirt with your name on it counts as a gymshirt. So every day at gym, we wear an extra layer of clothing. My theory is that the teachers want us to sweat more with the shirts, so when the parents see us, they think we have good physical education from here. Then more people will pay for this school. I’m not sure if this is true, but it could be. So when I got to gym, we did some stretching, some push ups, and jump roping. Then we spent the rest of the time playing floor hockey. When gym was over, I took off my shirt and sniffed it. It smelled horrible. What a waste of a good shirt. We walked back to homeroom, and did some boring math. Then I had a brain cramp. It took me about six tries to figure out what ninety plus twenty-one was. We learned some mind-numbing algebra. Then we did some reading . I wouldn’t call it boring because reading is my favorite subject. I’m gifted in reading. I’m also really close to being gifted in math, but not enough. I wouldn’t like math, even if were gifted in it. So we read this old book called So You Want To Be President?. Then we had to fill in this sheet. I kind of zoned our for about ten seconds. Then it was time for lunch. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an icecream sandwich, chocolate milk, and some fruit. Then I played Connect 4 with a kid named Ethan. The first few matches were a tie. He was pretty good. Then I started winning. I won most of them. The rest were a tie. He didn’t win a single one. Then we went back to class. Some boring language arts writing. Then super boring social studies. Boooooooooorrrriiiiinnnnggg. So then I quickly did my homework while they called dismal. I finished and left. I got picked up by mom in her hovercraft. Just kidding. She picked me up in her hoverbike. Also kidding. She picked me up in something that starts with v and rhymes with can. When I got home, I took out the trash, shot some hoops before going back inside, took a shower, watched TV, ate dinner, and now here I am. So goodnight everybody. And goodbye.