
Currently I’m on strike because I’m writing blogs but I don’t believe I’m getting enough money for the work I do since I make about 0.00 US dollars per blog and while that is above minimum wage in a sweatshop somewhere I don’t believe my pay reflects the quality of my work.

This opening sentence brings me to my point: does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?

I think this is sort of a dumb thing to ask because of course art imitates life and frankly if you disagree you are a hater and probably have a low intelligence quotient which shortened is called IQ. The more you know. I’m pretty sure I know more than you because I took the IQ test (IQ stands for intelligence quotient) and it says I got 112 so yeah I’d say I’m pretty knowledgeable. I’m not willing to change my viewpoint on anything because I am right as usual.

Which brings me to my next point: why do people like to ask stupid questions?

Is water wet? What came first, the chicken or the egg? What is the meaning of life? Whoever came up with these questions must have a lot of free time on their hands because I couldn’t fathom spending time thinking about things that don’t matter.

Which brings me to my next point: why do I have to learn about all these different school subjects? When am I going to need to know how physics works when I’m looking to land a job as a banker, or an athlete? Personally I believe that students should pick from a variety of subjects that cater to the career they are wishing to pursue.

Which brings me to my next point: why do people think they know better everyone else? What makes people think that their ideas for how the world should work is just outright better than what everyone else thinks?

Which brings me to my next point: why are people so deeply invested in politics? That’s all i’m going to say on that matter I don’t want to be cancelled.

Which brings me to my next point: why isn’t anyone accepting of other people’s opinions? There isn’t anything that really makes any person’s opinion more valid that another’s.

Which brings me to my next point: why do some people have some stupid opinions? This might sound rude but you might really have a screw loose if you think fairy Tail is not the greatest show, no, the greatest form of media ever created. I will defend Fairy Tail to the death if I have to.

Which brings me to my next point: why do people bother arguing? If someone is passionate enough about a belief that they’re willing to argue about it, I doubt one conversation is going to change their mind. I’m pretty sure arguing is just for self satisfaction and the prospect of totally owning your opponent with facts and logic.

Which brings me to my last point: why does everyone have to be so sensitive? my ideal world would be one where everyone is just chilling although I know that will never happen. Even if there was a fair way decide how humanity would survive if everyone was doing nothing all day it’d still be impossible because everyone is always at each other’s necks for some reason or the other.

so guys, I hope you enjoyed my blog. don’t Bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

teacher run over by big cheese???!! (not clickbait) (police called) (gone wrong)

So today I was sitting in the bus and heading home. I usually just play some games on my phone until it’s my turn to get off. That’s why I didn’t notice for a while but then I realized we were going back to the school for some reason. Nobody else seemed to have noticed until we went to a complete stop by the sidewalk and everyone starting looking around.

The bus driver opened up the door and Mr. Monopoly came up and talked to her. If you’re wondering his name isn’t actually Mr. Monopoly it’s just that he looks like that guy from the Monopoly board game so everyone calls him that. To be honest I don’t actually know what his last name is, I just know his first name, which is Larry.

Now that I think about it, Mr. Monopoly might be his actual name. I’ve never heard anyone call him anything else.

Anyway the bus driver who is this nice old lady opened up the door for Mr. Monopoly and they started talking for a bit. I was wondering what was up because our bus was the only one the stayed behind; the rest had left to drop off the other kids. The two chatted for a bit and I picked up some bits of their conversation. One word that caught my attention was “accident”. Another was “replacement driver”.

Immediately I stupidly assumed that our bus crashed into something or got a flat tire but I definitely would have felt it if that happened. Mr. Monopoly and the bus driver were sort of laughing and Mr. Monopoly told her that “accidents happen”, and was saying something about how she didn’t see her, so I then assumed she had left a student behind on accident.

This was my conclusion for a while until this squeaky voiced fifth grader in the front asked the bus driver why we were waiting so long. And the bus driver told us that apparently when she had been pulling out, one of the safety patrols ladies was bending over and got her foot run over by the bus. All of us were just staring at each other with this wide-eyed look and most people were half-laughing. I wasn’t sure if I should laugh too or if I should just stay quiet.

Eventually someone came and started interrogating the bus driver. I think it was a police officer although I couldn’t tell since he never entered the bus. Whoever it was, he asked the bus driver a few questions like “Was it an accident?” and then took her away to who knows where. A replacement driver came and then we all went home.

anyway, I hoped you enjoyed, don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

why webtoon is now the big stinky

When I first started reading weebtoons I thought they were pretty cool but now I realize they are really bad and I was only reading them because I had run out of things to watch. I think the main problem is that weebtoons only appeal to a certain demographic of weebs and koreaboos.

Now you probably thought I would be ranting about how much i hate webtoon but it was actually a trap as I’ll be ranting about how much i hate romance webtoons. As any intellectual webtoonian knows there can be only two types of romance stories: a story where a girl meets a falls for a dashing and charming man who comes from a royal bloodline or a story about two gay dudes. If you want to get extra spicy then add a love triangle. Everybody knows that an original and creative idea like that is sure to up the drama.

The thing about all these stories is that they never seem to exist because the author had a wonderful romance to tell, it just seems to exist for some wish fulfillment. I don’t know how many times you can tell a story about a girl marrying a prince and becoming a queen before it gets old and tiresome.

Confession: I have not actually read many of the romance weebtoons. I have only read two and stopped reading after the second chapter because they were boring. So in order to properly criticize these stories I’m going to go read a few.

So I got a little sidetracked because I ended up reading a little longer than I thought I would. My conclusion has changed a bit. Not all romances on webtoon are generic cliched garbage. They’re all just mediocre stories that use a lot of cliches which include: the love triangle, the generic protagonist designed to relate to as many people as possible, the fact every character of the opposite gender is attracted to the protagonist, the love triangle, the love interest dying at the end, the love triangle… Did I mention that I think love triangles are stupid? Because I do.

you can have a wrong opinion

People are always spouting garbage about how their opinion is subjective and that they’re allowed to enjoy whatever they want and you can’t say that they’re wrong. These are the same kind of people who get extremely defensive about their interests and hobbies. Instead of defending why they think said thing is enjoyable, they use the tried and true, “It’s just my opinion,” and “Why are you getting so mad over my own opinion?”

There’s nothing wrong with preferring orange juice over apple juice (even if I disagree with that). That’s a justifiable and reasonable opinion. Although, sometimes people say the most idiotic things and I can’t help but stop and wonder if something in their head is wrong. Now, I can’t disprove their opinion, because it is an opinion. I just think it’s a really bad one.

Like, if some clown says that they think beastiality is okay and should be legal. I can’t provide evidence to disprove their opinion but I’m sure that most people would not agree with this opinion, to the point where it might even be considered wrong.

Do I think that people should be shamed for an opinion? Depending on the situation, yes. You’re probably thinking that I’m a terrible human being to think that people should be punished just for an opinion, but I’m not the one making the rules. If someone posted something like a white supremacy article then I’m sure they’d be attack by a community of angry people, and rightfully so. Because even if their claims can’t be disproved, it’s still regarded as “wrong”.

Of course there are less extreme examples and some people might have a different opinion on this matter but I think you can also have a wrong opinion on something that has less to do with morals and more about tastes in media. Like if someone says that Naruto is the best anime.It’s sentences like this that makes me scratch my head and think to myself. Is this person okay? Why do they think that? Do they truly believe that what they’re saying is true? Is Naruto the only show they’ve ever seen?

Again, I can’t disprove them.

But hearing them talk just makes me think that their opinion is very ill-informed.


fire emblem and why i hate it

so I was playing some Fire Emblem Fates today and I came across this one level that I found very difficult. Typically when this sort of thing happens I just do it over and over again until I’m able to beat it which is what I did today. But after four hours of trying I gave up because it was too difficult. The game is horrible; not my fault.

I’m sure nobody reading this will really understand what I’m talking about so I’ll make this quick. To complete the stage you have to reach the other side while taking out enemies that continuously respawn. You either escape or die.

Which sounds like a fun premise. And it would be. however the problem is that I only had six units; the rest of my army had died in a few unfortunate accidents. The level, with my six units, were practically impossible. clearly it was intended for the player to have around ten to fourteen units still alive. You’d have to get extremely lucky to beat one of the most punishing levels in the game with only four mediocre units and two garbage ones.

Now, is this my fault for letting almost all of my thirty man army die or is it the developer’s fault for overlooking this?

It’s not my fault of course since I’m never wrong.


After four long frustrating hours I decided to be rid of all my dignity and play on casual mode, which is the mode where your units don’t permanently die. Many people including myself see it as the ultimate coward mode, the mode your four year old sister plays. I didn’t want things to come to this but it was either playing on the baby mode or restarting the game entirely, which, is not something I’d like to do if I wished to keep my sanity.

what really baffles me is that once you change to casual mode, there’s no going back. My original plan was to use casual mode for just this level but if you change your difficulty you’re stuck with it.

Anyway. After I switched to casual the level I had spent so long trying to complete was finished in five minutes.

Which begs the question as to which mode was more fun. The normal difficulty was tedious and painful to get through but casual mode seemed too easy. After I finished a level on the normal difficulty I would celebrate and pat myself on the back for thinking through a particularly hard level. On casual mode I just did whatever I felt like and didn’t care at all when I won.

THe thing is, casual mode is completely braindead. In the normal mode the game only ended when your character dies or if your favorite unit dies and you want to reset and save them. In casual mode the only way to lose is for all of your units to fall, which pretty much never happens. I started to think, “If I can’t die, then I’ll just do whatever I want.”

It’s a strategy game. I should actually have to think. But no, pushing my units forward recklessly worked for some reason. at that point, why even play a strategy game?

anyway, that was my perfectly unbiased review of the entire fire emblem series, I hope you enjoyed, don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater.sayonara!


fire emblem and why i like it

When I first heard about Fire Emblem I was like “Ew I don’t want to play chess” but then I heard that it is actually a dating simulator and then I knew I had to play it.

Fire Emblem is a tactical strategy RPG that also doubles as a dating simulator. You use your units on a grid to wipe out the opposing forces, and if your unit dies, they stay dead forever. This means whenever my favorite unit dies I have to reset the game.


Nobody actually plays this game for the chess.

They play it for the dating simulator.

You can increase the bond between your units to make them do more damage or something but I just use it to ship people.

Also you can get children and send them into the battlefield and kill them or whatever lol

In all seriousness Fire Emblem is like what chess would be if it wasn’t boring. All your units have different attacks, weapons, movement, and abilities, some units being better than others.

There’s this one poo poo head on my team named Lorenz and he does like three damage on a good day and on a bad day he misses the enemy and dies by a counterattack. I really hate him but I’m going for a no death run so I have to reset when he dies which is annoying.

There are three difficulty levels in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. If you’re a beginner you’ll want to start with Normal or Hard since both of those modes are a cakewalk. I thought the game was super easy and then I went on Maddening mode and I realized that I actually have to think now? Like actually plan out my moves? The way I had been playing was just using my best unit to kill everything but now I can’t do that anymore.

So yeah don’t pick Maddening if it’s your first time.

The two Fire Emblem games you should play first if you’re looking to get into the series is either Fire Emblem: Three Houses or Fire Emblem Awakening.

Awakening is only available on the 3DS though so I’m not sure how accessible it is.

Which means Three Houses is probably going to be the one that most people play.

In Three Houses you’re a teacher dude (or girl) who sends literal children into battle (like an actual fifteen year old).

Three Houses is a baby game because it is the first Fire Emblem game to include a rewind feature, which means if you make a bad move you can go back a few turns and undo it. However, you can only rewind so many times so it’s not a permanent safety net.

Oh, I should probably talk about the setting.

Despite having that weeaboo anime art style the setting of the game is a European medieval castle kind of place. Everyone is fighting with swords or bows and riding on horseback. All the types of weapons have advantages and weaknesses.

Swords lances and axes have a pretty good damage output but have a short range.

Bows can take on enemies from afar but do little damage and bow users typically have less health and defense.

Magic people are like the same as bows but do more damage which kinda makes bows useless but my favorite character uses a bow so I still use them.

Cavaliers (horse people) have high movement and damage but die easily to magic.

And flying types (wyverns and pegasuses or maybe pegasi) have even higher movement than the cavaliers but do less damage and can be easily taken out by bows.

So yeah that’s pretty much Fire Emblem and why I like it. Don’t bother responding because you’re opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!


Omg guys you won’t believe what just happened! My roblocks girlfriends cheated on me!!! that makes me so madd!

So like I was playing Adopt Me!, and if you don’t know what that is it’s like a gacha game where you collect cute little Pokemon my favorite one is the ultra secret rare rainbow unicorn which has a 0.0002% drop rate which makes me mad because I want it! Of course you can pay 40000 robucks for it but I poor 🙁

As I was saying, I got a roblocks girlfriend her name is Krystal|Depressed|Gets Angry When You Touch Tail|14 years old|Tsundere|Cute|Very Smart|Can Fly|Most Powerful|

Krystal|Depressed|Gets Angry When You Touch Tail|14 years old|Tsundere|Cute|Very Smart|Can Fly|Most Powerful| is my uwu girlfriend and we are so uwu together i took like six pictures of us together and we went on some very romantic dates like the time we went to Royal High together and visited each others apartments and it caught on fire that was an uwu romantic moment.

But then I wanted to make money I mean I wanted to make good content so I made a youtube channel and made a video to see if my girlfriend would cheat on me and she did!!!

I made a fake avatar and his name is Chad|Very Cool|Secretly Depressed|Vampire|Tries To Keep Evil Powers in Check|Easily Embarrased|Fifteen Years Old|

So I had my girlfriend and my fake character meet up and I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said no!!! That lying ———!!!

oh crap I said a no no word now I won’t get monetization for this

Anyway, I asked her if she wanted to date and she said yes!! She’s a cheater!!

So like chris hanson I busted into the room with the illumina sword i bought for 600 robucks and killed her! That cheating poo poo head got what she deserved! Then I hacked her account and deleted her forever! Haha, that’s what you get! And then, I revealed her real name and contact info and her address. Karma!

so the moral of the story is, a women are cheaters. am I right fellas, or am i right?

Anyhow, that concludes my epic prank, I hope you guys enjoyed, don’t bother calling me out for doxxing a kid who is probably eight, your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!

animal crossing is a game for stupid little children

About two months ago I got this game called Animal Crossing New Horizons because everyone said it was a fun game but guess what? They were wrong, and I would know because I’m never wrong.

So let me talk about why Animal Crossing is a poo poo game for dumb little kids.

First of all, there is no crossing animals nor is there a new horizon which is already false advertising and Nintendo should be sued for claiming their game is something that it is not.

Secondly, there are no good hair styles.

Third, are the animals have the personality of a cardboard box. It’s like somebody made the same “nice” character over and over again and added one quirk about each of them to make it seem like they have different personalities. Like “animal that likes working out and is nice” and “animal that likes bugs and is nice” and “animal that likes singing and is nice”. Very lame. The major appeal of the game is interacting with the animals but every time I talk to them I don’t feel like I’m talking to a real villager I just feel like I’m talking to an NPC recycling the same dialogue over and over.

Fourth, your tools break every five seconds. Each game that has a weapon durability system has it placed there for a reason, like Minecraft, but Animal Crossing has a durability system just because other games have a durability system. There’s literally no reason for it to exist but it does anyway. This wouldn’t bother me much if the fifth reason why this game sucks didn’t exist.

Fifth, every single quest in the game is a fetch quest, and by fetch quest I mean this poo poo head Tom Nook says “hey, uh durr i too stooopid to git my own supplies to make thing so u go cut down fifty million trees so i can make wooden hut.” You have to hit rocks and trees a million times over and over until you get the right materials because sometimes you can cut and entire tree down and not get the right type of wood. On top of this your things are breaking too so every third three you hit you have to go gather some sticks to make a new axe.

Sixth, everything in this game moves sooooo slow, and I know the point of the game is that it’s a slower paced casual game but this really is too much. If you got to a crafting table and interact instead of opening up the crafting menu it will say “Do I want to craft something?” and there will be a yes and no prompt. Of course I want to craft something you stupid game why else would I touch the crafting table??? Everytime you want to enter a builidng or house you have to watch an animation of your character putting away their equipped item and then watch them knock on the door to the house and then watch them open it and then watch them close it and then watch them enter the house. Every time you buy an item from the ATM it kicks you out of the menu so you have to interact with the ATM and go back to the store if you want to buy another item which makes me very mad.

Seventh, sometimes there’s absolutely nothing to do and you have to wait real life days for something to happen. Of course you can just change the date on your Switch to trick the game into thinking a day has passed but I don’t care enough about this game to go through the hassle of changing the date and then changing it back.

Eighth, sometimes I stop playing the game and when I come back like a week later some new weirdo has showed up in town and starts acting all buddy buddy with me like we’ve known each other for years with no introduction at all and it’s very jarring. Like I came back to the game one day and suddenly Isabelle was on my island for some reason announcing the news like she’d been there forever. I tried to kick her out but you can’t do that so I’m stuck with her.

Ninth, some animals are just copy and pastes of other animal. I opened up a plot of land to sell and when I came back somebody bought it. The person who bought it looks just like some of my other villagers just with a different color.

Tenth, there is no reason to play multiplayer because you can’t really do anything with the people that visit your island, just walk around and give them a tour or something which is lame.

Eleventh, one time I gave this villager a present I think it was a t shirt or something and in return he gave me a dress like ew wtf I’m not a girl.

Twelfth, sometimes I see the villagers just hanging around my house like some creepy stalker or something and I try to hit them with my shovel to make them go away but apparently they are very durable and the shovel just bounces right off.

Yeah so that’s why animal crossing is a poopy stinky game for losers don’t bother responding because my opinion is right and you’re just hater. sayonara!!!

Why fairy tail is a masterpiece of cinema and nobody can convince me otherwise

I used to really hate Fairy Tail but after giving it a rewatch I realized that I was oh so wrong. Fairy Tail is this generation’s bible, no other show movie or book being able to scratch that Fairy Tail itch I had after watching. Of course you have the protagonist natsu who is super cool because he like eats and shoots out fire because he was raised by a dragon or something, or maybe he is a dragon? I don’t know. What matter is that natsu is super cool.

Then you have the ditzy companion lucy who is cute and uwu.

Then you have grey or maybe gray who is my favorite character for reasons i will disclose soon.

Then you have ezra or something i forgot and shes my second favorite

So why do I love this show so much? Because of this one joke. This joke was so funny to me because it’s hilarious. No other joke he made me even smirk before but this joke is so funny. Okay, so the joke begins with Grey or maybe Gray and he’s walking, right? And then, and you won’t believe this, he…

Oh my gosh I’m laughing so much from thinking about ir right now ic ant type properly. Ok so he walks and guess what? He strips off his clothes! Bwahalh its so funny because like, you’re not supposed to do that! Silly Gray! The comedic timing is perfect because it’s so unexpected and when he does it for the hundredth time I’ms till caught by surprise because like, what? Why is he stripping? That’s so amusing and funny.

Ezra or something is my second favorite character because she also strips into her battle armor. She takes off her clothing to get more defense. This is also very funny because, umm.

anyway. I haven’t even talked about the best part and that’s morgona i mean happi or maybe happy the blue flying talking cat. he’s so funny not because he actually does anything funny but because he looks so weird! Like, cats aren’t supposed to be talking! Silly happY!

I also like when nasty i mean natsu power boosts with the power of friendship because this is a very powerful message about how youre never alone. I’ll show all those bullies at school they were wrong when I unleash my power on them. One day I’ll get back at those meanies, I’ll prove them wrong…

what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, Lucy. She is cute and uwu and her personality is… um… nice. Her personality is nice.

naruto i mean Natsu is like the reckless one who will do anything for his friends because he is so heroic and the red haired girl is like the stoic leader and she is also a tsundere which is a japanese word for a girl who is cold but warms up to people.

What’s that you’re saying? Just because i watch anime doesn’t mean i can speak japanese? Blasphemy, I know so many words like nani and watashi. watashi means “I” in japanese, did you know that?

Anyway, watashi really like the other characters and watashi am shipping natsu and lucy because they are so uwu together.

Well guys, that concludes boku no Fairy Tail review, don’t bother responding to this because your opinion is wrong if you disagree and you’re just a hater. sayonara!!!

Anime is a medium that thrives not because it’s quality but because it appeals to mainstream audiences in the most basic way possible. And before you interject and try to say anime isn’t mainstream, I’d like to say that you’re wrong. People think that it’s cool to like anime because in the past you were called a weeb and now there’s an entire community watching anime.

Weebs like this think they’re underdogs for watching anime but actually a lot of people do watch it and you’re not going to be seriously made fun of for watching Japanese cartoons. It’s the same way how “nerd” used to be used as an insult and now it’s the way you describe yourself in order to appear more interesting than you actually are.

Now, I’m not saying all anime is bad and that everyone who watches it is a weeb because that’d be pretty hypocritical of me and also because it’s not true and just a chimp brain way of thinking in an attempt to make fun of people who watch anime.

So first of all, what’s the big appeal of anime?

To put it simply, it’s because of the medium used to tell a story. In the Western part of the world animation is viewed as a little kid thing for little kids to watch. Of course you have the unfunny “adult” animations too but nobody cares about those. So, what if you’re looking for a serious animation but not something that’s supposed to be an adult comedy? Well, you hop onto your anime stash and start watching that.

My first time watching anime was pretty magical, though I am  exaggerating a bit. I had never before seen an animation that aimed to tell a serious story before, and it wowed me and made me want to see more things like that.

But here’s the thing.

That show that I watched is bad and poorly written. After coming back to rewatch it I find myself bamboozled on how exactly I was entertained by that brainless garbage. Like seeing that kids show you used to watch again after a few years.

What happened was I just wasn’t used to anime and didn’t catch on to all the tropes and cliches I would catch now since I’ve seen many more.

So basically every show ranging from bad to mediocre is seen as a masterpiece to anyone who hasn’t watched anime before.

But there’s also another reason why anime is so popular, and it’s because the characters look appealing. Which if fine. There’s nothing wrong with trying to make the characters in your story look nice. However, if those character appearances are the only thing that’s being offered, the only thing people come to see, then as a story it completely fails.

Just think about it, if all the characters in your favorite anime looked ugly would you like it as much as you do? If so, you’re probably or actually there for a well-thought our story.

And to my next topic, the actual content of the show.

Like every other medium there will always be a pile of generic garbage covering the actual good content. Crappy horrors movies are being crapped out everyday, bad romances novels are being churned out, and anime is no different.

Not to say that’s there isn’t any good stuff. Movies like Pulp Fiction and The Shining are revered as masterpieces, yet if you ask somebody in the street what their thoughts on the movies are then they probably won’t know what you’re talking about. Movies like these, while well written, don’t exactly appeal to the larger audiences, the people who don’t watch movies for some new breathtaking experience and just want to relax for two hours and see some cool stuff happen. Nothing wrong with this mindset; everyone has their own preferences.

So back to anime.

The same is true here. There are many great shows that are seen as masterpieces, yet generic garbage is always what turns everyone’s head. Except, replace people who just want to relax and watch some cool stuff happen with some sad people who want to see anime girls.

And because people are watching it the same formula keeps getting put out, like a never ending cycle.

Also, overhype.

Once in a while some show comes along and every weeaboo within a thirty mile radius starts screaming to every passerby about how they just have to watch this cool new anime coming  out.

Shows in this category are AoT, MHA, OPM, and Demon Slayer. All good shows no doubt, but not the masterpieces everyone hypes them up to be.

And finally, public image. Why do you get made fun of for watching anime?

For a perfectly good reason. Anime is soft core,  you know.

Its one thing if I could say that anime isn’t actually what they think it is, but I’d be lying. All the garbage on the front page is exactly what those people make fun of.

The end