So I was reading Thucquyehn’s blog today except I didn’t realize it was hers because when I read everyone’s blogs I open each of them up on an individual tab and then press on a random one to start reading. For a while I thought I was reading Y Vien’s blog. Then about halfway through the post I started thinking “Hey Y Vien doesn’t play Royale high I don’t think” and so I checked the name of the tab I was on and sure enough it was TQ’s so congratulations your writing is indistinguishable from a six year old’s or whatever y Vien’s age is.

This got me thinking: could TQ have a case of low intelligence? I decided to check out my old blogs to compare them except I don’t know how old TQ is I think she’s eight or nine now I don’t remember. I’m pretty sure she’s nine so I’ll go with that. I hope she’s nine. Because is she’s like ten or eleven then it would be really sad to have comparable writing skills to Y Vien. Anyhow I checked my blogs from January 2017 (since I didn’t write anything in 2016) and while my writing was not very good I can confidently say that my writing is at the very least six times better than TQ’s.

To be fair TQ’s blogs are different from Y Vien’s because she actually has blogs that make sense. Not by much though. And her blogs are longer and have more consistent spelling. I went and read Y vien’s blog again and if you removed the emojis, fixed up the spelling, and made it a little longer I would be tricked into thinking this written by TQ. So I guess you could say TQ’s blogs are like Y Vien’s blog: Extended Edition.

Also I know everyone has different tastes and enjoys different things but I find TQ’s choice in blog topics to be a little stinky. She only ever writes about Roblocks and other stuff and by other stuff I mean stinky stuff that Y vien would probably write about.

But what’s different about TQ’s writing and Y Vien’s writing is that I like Y Vien’s blogs better because TQ has the personality of a bratty eight year old kid and I hate bratty eight year old kids. Y Vien has the writing of a dumb little kid and I hate dumb little kids. However reading TQ’s blogs is like listening to your little sibling pester you in the car while Y Vien’s blogs are like entering a fourth dimension. I’ve never been on an acid trip but I would imagine reading Y vien’s blogs give off the same experience.

Like for example here is some text from Y vien’s blog: “I know I said my next place  I’m going to is China but  that is to far  away from my house so I am going to my cousins house 🏠.” And when I read that I leaned back in my rocking chair exhaled a puff of smoke from my cigar and said “Dang that’s the deepest thing I’ve heard in years.” Cause like now I wanna know: why is China so far away? Why can’t it be closer so I can go to it instead of my cousin’s house?

And that lead me to the conclusion that we should like move China closer to me so I can go to it. You’re only going to get this kind of genius by reading the fever dream that is Y Vien’s blogs.

In comparison TQ’s blogs are the big stinky. Her blog says, “I have one suspect who hacked me. Vanessa, yes I told her my password the last time I was hacked.” She also says, “My Roblox account has gotten hacked for the 4th or 3rd time.” And when I read this I leaned back in my rocking chair exhaled a puff of smoke from my cigar and said “Dang this is the dumbest thing I have ever read.” Cause like now I wanna know: You got hacked four times and you’re still giving your password out to people? Can you not think or something? You probably deserve to be robbed if you’re really going to do something like that. And that’s when I knew that TQ certainly had a case of low intelligence.

anyway, i hope dyou enjoyed my blog guys. Don’t bother responding because your opinion is wrong and you’re just a hater. sayonara!