If you flipped a coin what are the chances of it landing on heads or tails? The answer is that there is a fifty fifty chance, but that doesn’t mean that if you flip a coin ten times you’ll get heads five times and tails the rest. But what’s the chance of the coin landing on its side? The answer can’t be that it’s a one in three chance even though there’s only three ways the coin can land. So how are you supposed to calculate the chance of a coin landing on its side? You could flip a coin one hundred times and it would never land on its side, but that doesn’t mean the chances of the coin landing on its side is zero. And if get it to land on its side on the millionth try that doesn’t mean it’s a one in a million chance that it’ll land on its side. Also, can the chance of the coin landing on heads or tails really be fifty fifty of it could land on its side as well?