why “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is not a word

There are 7.8 billion people on this planet, and I am the only smart one. This is scientifically proved because everyone I have ever met mistakenly believes that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (I’m not typing that every time so I will refer to it as the s-word) is a proper word in the English language. It is definitely not.

To begin, take a look at the word “anyways”. Anyways is considered a word, but it’s classified as slang and is only used in colloquial text. The reason anyways is not looked at as a proper word is because anyway is an adverb, and adverbs can’t be plural. Even so, anyways is a word in the dictionary and you would not be looked at twice if you said it in a conversation. I mention this because it proves how vague the requirements for a word can be. Is it a word because it is acceptably used and in a the dictionary, or is it not a word because it contradicts English rules? Anyway, that brings me back to the s-word. Yes, the s-word is in the dictionary, but does that really make it an accepted and proper word? People who say think that the s-word being in the dictionary proves that the s-word is a word are mistaken. The s-word appears in Oxford dictionary, but it does not appear in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, so I could just as easily say that the s-word is not a word because it does not appear there.

In fact, if we go by the logic that “the dictionary is always right, so if the s-word is in there, it’s a word”, then you would have to acknowledge that the Merriam-Webster dictionary states that the s-word is a nonsense word that was simply made up by Helen Herman.

Compound words are words fused together to add a new meaning to the word, such as “bookstore” and “ballpark”. The s-word is an would be an example of one, if it actually made any sense. If the s-word were open compound (ice cream) or hyphenated (forty-nine), then it could have more than two words. However, since it is closed compound, it does not make sense for it to have so many words together, as no other closed compound word has more than three words combined.

Lastly, the word is simply not even combined correctly. Super is a prefix, so that part is correct. Cali is a root, so that part is also fine. However, every other part of the “word” is not an actual root of suffix. It’s just a random series of letters, designed to give the illusion of a sophisticated word with many roots.