
I’m bored of this website. There’s nothing to do besides writing. You could read someone else’s blog, but everyone hardly every posts, not including Khoi. The problem with Khoi is that he chooses the most mundane things to write about. I write about boring stuff as well (like this post), but at least I try to make it entertaining. There was an attempt to make the website more appealing by adding the games section, but they don’t work. I’ve tried a countless amount of times, but they don’t work. The most pleasure I ever get from this website is when I mock the other bloggers. Another thing I do to keep myself from drowning in boredom is trolling in the chat box, although I don’t think anyone realizes it’s me. There’s no point if no one recognizes my comedic genius. Actually, my trolling is usually ignored by everyone except for Khoi, who usually says something obnoxious like, ” I think the water gang is THUCQUYEN OR THUCLAM OR NAM”. A real astute observation, Khoi.

Every once in a while, I try to read TQ’s blogs. I wouldn’t even call them bad. It’s not good. It’s not mediocre. It just fills me with an odd sense of anger and confusion. What I’m trying to say is, the blogs are bad. TL’s blog is probably the worst I’ve ever read. It’s “too negative” and “needs to be more positive”. All she does is complain, and it makes me feel bad. You should never write negatively, because you might make someone feel bad and hurt their feelings. Anyway, TL’s blogs are trash lol.