Why You Should Book A Flight To Ohio

Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there! (Editor’s Note: Yes, he did.) My name is Nam, and I’m selling flights to Ohio! Why would anyone want to go to Ohio? Well, there’s lots of good reasons. First, Ohio is near a lake. What’s so good about a lake? Well, nothing. But it’s a lake! Most people don’t see that everyday! (Editor’s Note: Actually, they do.) If you buy a ticket now, you’ll get a premium plane!

Perks of a premium plane.

-Seats are made from authentic dumpsters.

-A free goat with every drink purchased.

-Movies include: Life of A Shoe, Why Do Zebras Fart?, Life of A Shoe 2: The Smelly Foot, and Five Hours of Family Fun.

Ohio’s attractions include Cedar Park! That’s it. Ohio is a cold place, so buy my novelty clothes, designed to keep you warm. Why should you buy this overpriced clothes instead of normal clothes? That’s a good question. I’m not going to answer it. If you don’t like Ohio, you can always swim to Canada, because I do not sell tickets to anywhere besides Ohio. Buy Nam Enterprise swimming gear! It looks cool, and most of all, are actually khakis! That’s the Nam difference. (Editor’s Note: No refunds.) Swimming goggles are easy to see through! Nam’s Clear Scam Swimming Goggles: It’s clearly a scam! For more information, email me your credit card info and I might text you back.