People say America is a free country, but that can be a big lie sometimes. Kids cannot vote. Kids cannot use certain things without adult supervision. Everyone says America is free, yet my dad has once forced me again to write. About a wedding. Somewhere. I’ll spare you the details. Just so you get the idea of where the wedding took place, it was somewhere on earth. So we all piled into the car. Dad, Mom, Khang, Bien, me, and our most prized possession, iPads. It was the start of a grand adventure. Kind of. After ten minutes, the excitement died off. It was a six hour drive. I think we should go on the plane, but it seems like Mom didn’t care to listen to my opinion. One hour later, nothing happened. Then, something happened. I saw a bird. Landmarks will be pointed out soon. Greentown: The pole is green, the fence is green, and the grass is green, the trees are green, and that bridge is green. Bluetown: The sky is blue, the water is translucent, and the fence is blue. Hyperspace: This tunnel that has these weird lamps. Khang: A fascinating creature, usually eats with his hands. When we got there, we played video games. Just so you know, I’m going to use the term “played video games” a lot, so watch out. Then Vinh, who is my uncle somehow came. I don’t know how he’s my uncle. He’s even younger than me. Later, my cousins came. You know their names. Thucdan, Thuclam, and Thucquien. Then Jayden and Trystan came. So many people came, and the event wasn’t even today. When we had to go to sleep, Dad, Khang, Bien, and me went to the basement. Khang and Bien shared a sleeping bag on the floor. Dad put a sleeping bag on the bed and went to sleep. I put my sleeping bag on the bed. I stared at the treadmill by the bed. I hated treadmills. They always made you fall over. The safety key barely helped. You still fall if the key was pulled off. Then I fell asleep. Next morning, Thucdan gave us news that the wedding would take place in a garden. We played some games after breakfast, which was a doughnut and some milk. Always drink your milk kids. It’s important. Then my mom told me to come upstairs. She made me change into my wedding clothes, which was hot and uncomfortable. My wedding clothes was black pants, a blue buttoned shirt, and a black coat. When it was time to leave, Mom slathered gel all over my hair. Then I got into Vinh’s car and we left. We traded riddles, but that got boring. Then we talked about random stuff. After that, we stopped at McDonalds. I got sprite and ice cream. Vinh got a sprite and fries. Yum. The ride lasted about two hours. The we got there. The sprite wasn’t doing good for me, and I had to urinate really badly. So did Vinh. So we rushed over the bathroom. Then we had to walk in the blazing sun in the garden. There were a bunch of pinwheels, and a sign next to it said something about pinwheel day or something. We got the the wedding area. It was a big house and big semi-tent. When we got in, we were greeted by a friendly “ DO NOT RUN OR TOUCH ANYTHING.” After an hour of just wandering about the house, we went outside and played Connect 4. I layed waste to the other players, and I lost only once. Then the wedding started. The priest gave a long speech. two minutes ago they weren’t husband and wife. Now they are. That night when we got home, me and Vinh brushed our teeth. He finished thirty seconds before me, and when I come down to see him, he has somehow already injured himself. He was sitting at the wall. Khang had turned the treadmill on at twelve miles per hour, and Vinh thought he was the Flash and ran on it. He fell over of course. But held on the bars, which left being dragged on his knees. The were two major burns on both of his knees. Bandages were put on him, and that was that. The next day, we drove home, and when I saw our house, it felt like that scene at the end of The Hobbit: The Five Armies when Bilbo comes home after that big journey. In a way, we had an adventure of our own.