A Tale of Two Groups Part 2

Remember, I changed the names of everyone in this story. So as I was walking around the school to get in line, I noticed an orange Post-It Note on the floor. It was Captain Pizza’s badge. I considered my options. I could not give it to him, and I could forget this. I could give it to him if he promised to end the war. But he was a friend, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. “I think you dropped this,” I said as I walked up to him. He thanked me and celebrated. The pizzas were growing stronger, and so were the tacos. Even the teachers were in on this nonsense. Our teacher was a taco, the teacher across from our classroom was a taco, and so on. I really wanted this to stop, but I couldn’t help myself. I ended up making an Asian Club, but that went nowhere. The Pizza People had many members leaving to become neutral,and some left for the Talking Tacos. It was outdoor recess, and I think mother nature was mad at us for making such nonsense, because it was really windy. Not normal windy day. Super windy. Someone almost had to go to the clinic because the wind pushed them into a pole. A few kids were hiding behind a building. I don’t know why they let it be outdoor recess, because it was like a hurricane out there. Soon I found a good hiding spot and sat there until recess was over. The war didn’t go on for the rest of school, but I know it will come up again soon. To be continued… also, this is all true.

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